Create a New RFI or Modify an Existing RFI
How To Create a New RFI or Modify an Existing RFI OVERVIEW This document is a guide for how to both Add New RFI’s and Modify RFI’s for your project. RFI’s can only be created from Project Contacts therefore, Project Contacts MUST be set up first prior to associating them with RFI’s. Go to the Daily Documentation page on SwinNet for more information and best practices related to RFIs REQUEST FOR INFORMATION STEP 1: Log in to CMiC a. Click the Arrowhead () to the left of Communication Management. b. Click the RFIs link. c. Click the Add RFI button in the upper right of the screen to add a new RFI STEP 2: RFI Detail Tab a. RFI No: The RFI No. is pulling next number on your Project NOTE: This field CAN be modified at any time to accommodate any owner required custom numbering or numbering mistakes For RFIs that need to be Revised and Resubmitted, go to THIS HOW-TO GUIDE b. Subject: Enter the RFI short description in the Subject field. c. Status: Accept default Status of Pending. d. Created (date): Enter date of RFI, accept default current date. e. Required (date): Enter date Answer is required by. f. From (Submitted): The From (Submitted) field defaults in current user/self. g. Co-Author: (optional) Co-Author can be another entity (subcontractor, tier-sub, etc.) that generated the RFI. If applicable, click on the Magnifying Glass in the Co-Author field to select the Co-Author from the Project Partner List of Values (LOV) h. Co-Author RFI: (optional) If Co-Author is used and Co-Author has their own RFI No., enter it here. i. To: The To field defaults in from the Project Maintenance Screen, if you need to modify, you can do so by clicking on the Magnifying Glass to display/select from the Project Partner List of Values (LOV) j. Click the Edit button in the CC: field to add CC’s to your RFI. NOTE: Be sure to setup your RFI Distribution List to quickly add all necessary contacts. j.1 In the CC field, click the Magnifying Glass to display the List of Values (LOV) to select from. Click Distribution Lists if applicable. Go to this how-to guide to setup your RFI Distribution List. j.2 Click the checkbox beside the person(s) name you would like to CC on this Communication. j.3 Click the Accept button to save your CC selection. j.4 Click the OK button to save your CC selection. k. RFI Type: Click on the Magnifying Glass to display the RFI Type List of Values (LOV) Click on the Code or Description applicable to RFI Type. l. RFI Priority: Click on the Magnifying Glass to display the RFI Priority List of Values (LOV) Click on the Code or Description applicable to RFI Priority. m. Schedule/Activity ID: Enter Schedule/Activity ID associated with this RFI scope of work. n. Document Reference: Sheet Number, Prod. Data etc. can be referenced in Document Reference. o. Spec Section: Enter Specification Section related to this RFI. p. Posted: Posted is left blank until answer is received. Depending on answer, Was change posted to Drawings? Yes or No. q. Other RFI Type: Enter Other RFI Type. (sub-set of RFI Type) r. Area: Enter Area this RFI impacts. (i.e., room #, floor, direction) s. Question: Enter the Detailed Question you are asking on this Request for Information. t. Suggestion: If we would like a Suggestion considered for the answer. Enter it in the Suggestion Field. u. Schedule Impact: Click the down arrow button for the Possible Time Impact as a result of this RFI. /Potentially, /Yes, /No v. Days: If there is a potential time impact enter the estimated amount of time in the Days field. w. Cost Impact: Click the down arrow button next to Possible Cost Impact as a result of this RFI. /Potentially, /Yes, /No x. Cost Amount: If there is a potential cost impact enter the actual or estimated amount in the Cost Amount field. STEP 3: Click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen to save the RFI Details. STEP 4: If Attachments should be added to this RFI. a. Use the drag and drop method b. Attach Existing Files button, for files previously attached in CMIC b.1 Click Attach Existing Files button b.2 Check all the boxes that apply b.3 Click Accept c. Using Upload Multiple in the Attachments Tab (The Bluebeam Review button does not work. Click HERE for more info.) c.1 Click Attachments Tab c.2 Click Upload Multiple Button c.3 Drag and drop files c.4 Click on the check box next to Filename c.5 Click on Upload c.6 Click on Proceed STEP 5: If Relating Objects (Internal CMiC Forms) are to be assigned this RFI. a. Click the Related Objects b. Click Assign Objects c. Click on Down Arrow, select the required process, check the appropriate check box(es) and click on Accept STEP 6: Click the RFI Detail tab. STEP 7: Click the Submit button located in the upper right hand corner of the screen. STEP 8: You may either: a. Send using I/O Email. See RFI-Using I/O Email How To Instructions. b. Or, Click on the Print Report button located in the upper right hand side of the screen 1. In the Print Report window accept default and click the Print button. 2. In the Report Config(uration) window accept default and click the Run Report button to process report. 3. MS Word displays the RFI form, click the Print button in word to print the RFI.
Enter an Accepted Answer and Close an RFI
Enter an Accepted Answer and Close an RFI OVERVIEW: An existing RFI has been answered. You would like to change the status of the RFI to show it has been accepted. However, you do not want to drop it from the active log this week. Once you are ready to remove the RFI from the active log, you will Close the RFI in the CMiC system. If the answer needs clarification or is unacceptable, go to one of these related how-to guides: Revise & Resubmit an RFI - Adding a Revision Suffix Rejecting an RFI Answer STEP 1: Navigate to the RFI you want to update STEP 2: Click the Edit button at the top of the RFI Detail screen. STEP 3: Use the drop down menu for the Status field and select Accepted. NOTE: DO NOT use the Closed status. We will review how to properly close RFIs in CMiC at the end of this guide (see step 7). STEP 4: Complete the Response Section: Enter the Answer, Answered Date, and Answered By fielda per the RFI response you received. Note that for collab and I/O email projects this should already be populated. Also, the Answered By field will auto-populate with your name. Use the magnifying glass to then search for the correct contact who provided the answer. Update Schedule / Cost Impact fields Enter Estimated Days and Cost Amount STEP 5: Attached the response email and documents (if not using collaboration or I/O email) STEP 6: Click Submit to update the record Status throughout CMiC STEP 7: When you are complete with the record, click the Close RFI button at the top of the RFI Detail screen Note: Until the Close RFI button is clicked, the RFI will print on the RFI log and be listed as Open in Box 8 of the PSR To view a complete list of RFIs with an Open Record Status: Go to the RFIs - Excel Report Log Set the filter to exclude Record Status of Closed Review the Record Status column. This is what is pulling to Box 8 of the PSR.
Revise & Resubmit an RFI
Revise & Resubmit an RFI - Adding a Revision Suffix to an RFI OVERVIEW: An existing RFI has been answered but you would like further clarification to the original answer. This guide walks through the steps to keep the RFI number the same and add a suffix to identify it as a revision. If the answer is unacceptable, go to this how-to guide: Rejecting an RFI Answer STEP 1: Navigate to the RFI you want to forward STEP 2: Click Forward in the upper right corner STEP 3: Update the fields in the Forward RFI Option Dialog box Change the RFI No. to match the current RFI # plus the suffix such as ".1" or "R1" Enter the To field if not auto populated Click the checkbox(es) if you want to Copy Notes and/or Attachments from existing RFI Click OK to create a new RFI using same/selected information from the previous record STEP 4: The new record will open STEP 5: Modify/Update any information. Click HERE for the how-to guide on Modifying an RFI. Key items to update: Required by Date Question and Suggestion to clarify why initial response was insufficient Add additional documents as needed STEP 6: Click Submit STEP 7: The top of the new RFI will now reference the one it was forwarded from Optional Step: Go to the original RFI, change the status to received, and close the RFI to ensure it doesn't stay open in the system.
Rejecting an RFI Answer
Rejecting an RFI Answer OVERVIEW: An existing RFI has been answered but the answer is unacceptable and needs to be rejected. If the answer needs clarification, go to one of this how-to guide: Revise & Resubmit an RFI - Adding a Revision Suffix STEP 1: Navigate to the RFI you want to reject STEP 2: Click the Reject Answer button located at the top of the RFI Detail screen. CMiC clears the Answer By, Date Answered and Answer fields and Stamps a note that the original Answer was Rejected. Status remains Open and RFI can be resent to Architect/Consultant for additional response. Also, the Date Answered has been removed from the Log View. BEST PRACTICE: Add the rejected response to the Documents and make a note at the bottom explaining why it was rejected. This is helpful when pulling up history on an RFI.
RFI Process Using Collaboration
How To Manage the RFI Process Using Collaboration in CMiC OVERVIEW Using collaboration on a project means Subcontractors, Architects, Owners, Consultants and other Project Business Partners can access CMiC to facilitate efficient flow of information through the system to one another. By using collaboration on projects, more information can be captured, referenced, and utilized both during construction and post job completion. While there are various ways collaboration may be used, Swinerton has identified the workflow below as a successful path to process RFI’s on a collaborative project. The collaborative RFI process has been broken down into 4 parts: 1. Subcontractor creates a RFI in CMiC (Click above link or see CollabCenter – How Tos) 2. General Contractor receives RFI, Edits & Forwards to Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for Review 3. Architect/Owner/Owner Rep receives & responds to the RFI (Click above link or see CollabCenter – How Tos) 4. General Contractor Receives Returned RFI & Forwards to Subcontractor: PART 2: General Contractor receives RFI, edits and forwards to Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for review: STEP 1: General Contractor (GC) logs on to CMiC. STEP 2: Click the Arrow (>) sign to the left of Communication Management on the tree view. STEP 3: Click the RFIs link on the tree view. STEP 4: Click the “Bold” RFI that has been submitted by the Subcontractor. Subcontractor’s RFI is identified by a unique numbering system which consists of their Partner Code – followed by the sequential number of RFIs submitted by that Subcontractor (i.e. 00000030-00002). NOTE: When you have new RFIs requiring attention, the number of new RFIs will show up in parenthesis in the tree view. NOTE: Review the Subcontractors RFI. If you determine that this Subcontractor RFI needs to be submitted to the Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for review and answer, skip to Step 6. If you determine that this Subcontractor RFI can be answered by Swinerton or is being rejected due to lack of clarity, lack of complete information or information is already in contract documents, please proceed to the next Step. STEP 5: Click Edit button to edit the Subcontractor RFI. a. Change Status to Returned or Rejected. b. Answered By: Enter your name. c. Date Answered: Select today’s date or the date you are answering the RFI. d. Answer: Enter your answer to the question or the reason for rejecting the Subcontractor RFI. e. Possible Cost Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a PCI Number if needed. i. Potentially ii. Yes iii. No f. Cost Amount: Enter ROM amount, if applicable. g. Possible Time Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a PCI Number if needed. ii. Yes iii. No h. Days: Enter ROM of potential time impact, if applicable. i. Click Submit button at the top right side of screen. Submit will send the Subcontractor RFI back to the Subcontractor. j. Click Close RFI button. NOTE: This concludes the process for sending the Subcontractor RFI back to the Subcontractor without submitting to the Architect/Owner/Owner Rep. NOTE: Step 6 starts the process for submitting a Subcontractor RFI to the Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for review and answer. STEP 6: Click Forward button and a new pop-up will appear. a. Click on Copy Notes checkbox to check. b. Click on Copy Attachments checkbox to check. c. Click the OK button. NOTE: You will have a chance to edit the RFI before actually forwarding to the Architect. Be aware that when you click the Forward button a new RFI number will be generated. At this stage in the process, it is critical to only use the Forward button when sending the RFI from a Subcontractor to the Architect. When you press the Forward button, the system will assign the next GC RFI number in sequence and you will be able to copy all RFI information, including Notes and Attachments. The Co-Author and Co-Author RFI number will also auto-fill based on the Subcontractors RFI submission. The Subcontractor may have already filled out the majority of the information noted in the fields below. 6. RFI No: Number will auto-fill. Do not modify the number. 7. Status: The default is Pending. No other option exists, so leave as Pending. 8. From: This will default to your name after you clicked Forward. 9. Co-Author: This will default the Subcontractor’s name automatically. 10. Co-Author RFI No.: This will default the Subcontractor’s RFI number automatically. 11. Forwarded From: This will automatically show what RFI this new one was created from. 12. To: Use the blue up arrow to select the name of the Architect contact you are submitting the RFI to. 13. Received: Leave checkbox blank. 14. CC: Click the CC button to select who else you would like to copy on this RFI. a. Click the blue + sign to add CC line. b. Click the blue up arrow on the new row. Check all names you want to copy on this RFI. This should include any GC personnel that should be reviewing the RFI. Click the Accept button at the top of the box. c. Click red X to delete any of the CC’s created by the Subcontractor that do not need to be included in the Forwarded RFI. d. Click the OK button to save CC list. NOTE: Be sure to CC the Subcontractor who submitted the RFI on forwarded Swinerton RFI’s. 15. Subject: Confirm the subject line is intelligently phrased and accurate. Revise if needed. 16. Date Created: This defaults to today’s date. 17. Date Required: This is the date you require a response to the RFI. This duration defaults from the Project Maintenance set up. You may change this date if needed. 18. RFI Type: Verify the RFI Type is correct. Revise if needed. 19. RFI Priority: Evaluate the RFI and set the priority accordingly. 20. Schedule/Activity ID: Type the primary schedule or activity ID effected by this RFI. 21. Document Reference: Enter the details and plan sheets related to this RFI. This is one of the important fields to fill out when submitting an RFI to the Architect. 22. Spec Section: Enter Specification Section and paragraph detail related to this RFI. 23. Posted: This field will be filled out once the RFI response is received. 24. Other RFI Type: Use for additional clarification for RFI Type or leave blank. 25. Area: Use the Area field to designate what area, floor and/or building the RFI pertains to. If you have multiple buildings, you could type “Building A, 4th floor, Room 163” or “Room 456” depending on the project designations. Be as precise as possible. 26. Reference #: Type the Reference Number that this RFI pertains to, if applicable. 27. Question: Review the question by the Subcontractor and revise appropriately. If asking multiple questions, break each item into its own line and number it. 28. Suggestion: Enter suggestion(s) to resolve the problem or question. This field is highly encouraged and will give the Architect a great starting point for answering the RFI. 29. Possible Cost Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a Reference Number if needed. a. Potentially b. Yes c. No 30. Cost Amount: Enter ROM amount. 31. Possible Time Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a Reference Number if needed. a. Potentially b. Yes c. No 32. Days: Enter ROM of potential time impact. 33. Click the Save button. 34. Click the Attachments tab and upload all attachments. For instructions on how to upload attachments, please see “How to Add Attachments in CMiC Modules” on SwinNet or Ctrl + Click underlined words to follow link. 35. Click the Submit button to send to Architect. NOTE: Once you click Submit, you will see a note at the bottom of the screen, showing the RFI was forwarded to the Architect as RFI xxxxx. NOTE: Also, at this time, there will be two open RFIs: 1) The original RFI submitted by the Subcontractor. 2) The RFI forwarded (submitted) by the GC to the Architect. Both will remain open until the Architect responds to the forwarded RFI. PART 4: GC receives returned RFI and forwards to Subcontractor: 1. GC Logs on to CMiC. 2. Click the Plus (+) sign to the left of Communication Management on the tree view. 3. Click the RFIs link on the tree view. 4. Click the “Bold” RFI that has been returned by the Architect. NOTE: Review Architect/Owner/Owner Rep answer for clarity and completeness. 5. Click Add CC button, if needed to add Trades affected by the RFI response. a. Click the blue Plus (+) sign. b. Click the Blue Up Arrow on the new row. c. Check each box next to ALL trades affected by the RFI response. d. Click the Accept button. 6. Click the Save button in the CC field 7. Click the Update Ref. RFI button to sync the Subcontractor RFI with the GC RFI. a. In the Update Reference RFI Options window, click the checkbox next to Copy Notes, Copy Attachments, and Update Question. b. In the Update Reference RFI Options window, click the OK button to activate the update. 8. Subcontractor RFI will open. a. Click Submit button. b. Click the Close RFI button on the Subcontractor RFI . c. Subcontractor RFI will close. d. The Subcontractor will now see this RFI bold in their queue with a status of Closed. 9. GC RFI will be on the screen. Click Close RFI button on the GC RFI. NOTE: The process is now complete.
Using I/O Email to Send/Receive RFIs with Architect
Using I/O Email to Send/Receive RFIs with Architect OVERVIEW This document is a guide for how to send/receive RFI questions/responses with attachments using I/O Email. STEP 1: Create the RFI (click HERE for the how-to guide) OR Navigate to the RFI you want to send via I/O email STEP 2: Click the Send I/O Email button at the top of the screen STEP 3: In the Send I/O Email window review and update the following: From field will be you (the person currently sending the I/O email) To field: Pulls from the Receiver section of the RFI. Use the Magnifying glass to change the name as needed. Also, use the checkboxes to CC additional people on the email. Attachments: Select all attachments you want included in the outgoing I/O email Review the Message Section. The "This RFI From..." field is generated from the sender field in the RFI. None of the text in the Message section can be edited on this screen. To make changes, return to the RFI, edit and save. Then go back to step 3. STEP 4: Click Send (at bottom or top of the screen) STEP 5: Click on the History tab of the RFI to view the record of the Outgoing/Sent I/O Email lists each recipient it was transmitted to both To and CC’s. STEP 6: Recipient (usually the architect) receives email. See example: The outgoing I/O Email is received by the “TO” party. In this example that would be Architect Dave. The subject line is formatted with Project Number (22020301) followed by the recipient’s initials (AD) RFI Number (RFI 00002) and RFI Short Description STEP 7: Recipient(s) submits their response by replying to the email. Add any attachments, enter the RFI response text and send the email. NOTES: NEVER modify the Subject Line with replying to an I/O Email. This is the only way the system knows which RFI the response or reply belongs to. Replies from the “To” contact will populate in the answer field of the RFI Replies from a cc'd contact will be added to the “Notes” section at the bottom of the screen. STEP 8: The receipt of a response from the To Recipient within CMiC bolds the RFI in the grid to identify it as having activity/response and updates the Answer Date field (if from the "To" recipient). STEP 9: Click into the RFI to view the response or note (if from a CC'd recipient). You will also see the Answered By field has auto-populated and any attachments were attached to the documents section. NEXT STEP: Update the RFI's Status
RFIs Collaboration - Using the Forward / Copy Button
How the Forward Button can help you with RFIs (aka Copy) I. Collaboration If you are using the Collaboration functionality of CMiC, you would FORWARD a Sub RFI to create a trackable Swinerton RFI to send to the Architect STEP 1: Click Forward STEP 2: Choose the person that is going to answer the RFI Note: Only the "TO" person will have the answer button on their end STEP 3: Click Copy Notes if you want all notes to carry over STEP 4: Click Copy Attachments if you want all attachments to carry over STEP 5: Click OK Note: You now have a trackable Swinerton RFI that is linked to the originating Sub RFI II. RFI Numbering Mistake Although best practice is to allow the system to number the RFIs (00001, 00002, 00003) and not do Custom numbering, we know this sometimes needs to happen depending on what the Owner and/or Architect requires. STEP 1: Choose the original RFI (with the incorrect number) that you want to copy and create a new number from STEP 2: Click Forward STEP 3: RFI No. - edit the RFI# to what you need it to be STEP 4: To - Choose the person that is going to answer the RFI (add yourself here) Note: Only the "TO" person will have the answer button on their end STEP 5: Click Copy Notes if you want all notes to carry over (not required) STEP 6: Click Copy Attachments if you want all attachments to carry over (not required) STEP 7: Click Copy Related Objects (not required) STEP 8: Click OK Note: This creates a new RFI and brings over all the information (including notes/attachments) and you can now just tweak it for the changes you need to make STEP 9: Change the status of the incorrect RFI to VOIDED
Sub RFI Submission via Email (non-Collaborative)
Sub RFI Submission via Email OVERVIEW Subcontractor Contacts do not need to have a login / PW in order to submit RFIs directly into the project in CMiC. Sub RFI Submission via Email OVERVIEW Contacts do not need to have a login/pw in order to use this option What Swinerton Needs to do: STEP 1: Make sure a Swinerton project team person is entered into the Default RFI Contact (RFI To Field) NOTE: All Subcontractor RFIs will come "To" this one person and then they can either manage the RFI process or redirect to someone else on the team STEP 2: Set up your Business Partner Contacts (make sure they have an email) STEP 3: Open up one contact from the Project Contact Directory (The Send I/O Instructions is not available if you go through Project Partner Directory) STEP 4: Click Send I/O Instructions STEP 5: Change the Object Type to Request For Information STEP 6: Choose all other contacts you want to have the ability to CREATE RFIs STEP 7: Click Send NOTE: Best Practice would be to communicate ahead of time with your subs so that they know this email is coming. You can copy and paste the "What the Subcontractor Needs to Do" instructions below into an email and tweak for your project. What the Subcontractor needs to do: NOTE: This is the process that subcontractors will use to set up the ability to email in their RFIs directly to CMiC rather than having to log in STEP 1: Locate "New" email in your inbox from "CMICIO Email Production" STEP 2: Select "Reply" STEP 3: Delete the "RE:" from the subject line STEP 4: Delete the entire space shown in the image inclluding the gray line. The first thing that should be shown is "Subject" STEP 5: Save the email to your drafts by either clicking the Save Disk or click File/Save. The image above should be exactly how your email looks NOTE: The number sequence in the Subject of the email is what ties you to CMiC and CANNOT BE CHANGED STEP 6: Select drafts in your email account STEP 7: Select the new saved draft email (this is your most recently saved RFI submission STEP 8: Click the "FORWARD" action. NOTE: Selecting reply will cancel the RFI email. Do NOT double click and open the draft email. Doing this will cause you to lose your draft! STEP 9:Above is a screenshot of what you should see after clicking the forward button When filling out the message body, all information must be entered AFTER the header colon STEP 10:Type the Subject of your RFI (check with your project to see if their is a specific naming convention being used) STEP 11: Type the Date Required if necessary, or leave blank and it will pull in the project default. (If you enter a specific date, make sure to follow the date format) STEP 12: Type the Cost Amount if needed, otherwise leave it blank STEP 13: Type the Question you have in its entirety STEP 14: Type a Suggestion if you have one, otherwise leave blank STEP 15: Attach a drawing/picture/sketch or any other file as you would in any other email and it will automatically attach in CMiC STEP 16: Click Send STEP 17: This is what your email confirmation should look like NOTE: The screenshot also shows what is being populated into CMiC including your RFI # specific to your company, Subject, and Question. The system will then email Swinerton an alert of the new RFI for review and distribute accordingly.
Deleted Attachments in RFI
Deleted Attachments in RFI STEP 1: Navigate to the RFI you need to fix STEP 2: In the RFI Detail tab, scroll down to the Documents Section STEP 3: Click the Delete button on the attachment you want to remove STEP 4: Click ok in the pop-up window to complete the process.
Print Report with Embed Attachments - RFIs
Print Report with Embed Attachments - RFIs NOTE: This feature can only be used on the CMiC System Generated Forms. Swinerton's custom reports/forms can not be used. To email one document with the system generated RFI form and all attachments: STEP 1: Navigate to the RFI you want to print STEP 2: When in the RFI, click Print Report in the upper corner STEP 3: In the pop-up window: Group By Report Type box MUST be checked. Report Name: Request for Information Record Click Print STEP 4: In the new pop-up, change the Destination field to Email STEP 5: The email window will pop up. Enter the Email Parameters: Enter Email Recipient, including CC, BCC and Message Update Subject & Message Fields as needed Add Attachments by checking the Attachments box. Click Send