CMiC - Sub Prequalification
Vendor Prequalification Flowchart
Subcontractor Self Service Prequalification Application (Directions for Sub)
Subcontractor Self Service Prequalification Application (Directions for Sub) STEP 1: From, scroll to the bottom and select Subcontractors: STEP 2: Click on Subcontractor Prequalification STEP 3: Review and Gather required documents. If you are a new business, and have less than 12 months of financial data, contact with this information. We will work with you and our project team to determine the best course of action. STEP 4: Follow the directions as noted depending if you are a Current or New Subcontractor: The following STEPS are for once you are logged into the system: STEP 5: A Federal Tax ID can only exist ONCE in the system. Duplicates are not allowed. Enter the desired information into the Please Enter your Federal Tax ID: field and click OK. NOTE: The Tax ID should be entered WITHOUT the hyphen. STEP 6: Choose a password and enter it into the Password field. STEP 7: Enter the same password into the Confirm field and click OK. STEP 8: Enter the Year Company Founded. STEP 9: Enter the Company Name in ALL CAPS. STEP 10: Enter the Legal Name and Parent Corp. if applicable. STEP 11: Enter company Payment Address into the Address, Suite, City, State, Zip, and Country fields in ALL CAPS. STEP 12: Enter Contact information for the company’s main prequalification contact. This should be the Name, Phone, Fax, and E-mail of the person Swinerton will speak with regarding prequalification. STEP 13: Select the regions in which the company does business, or choose Select All Regions. STEP 14: Click Next. STEP 15: Input information for the company’s license. Choose a state from the Authority list. Input the Class, License Number, and Date Expire. STEP 16: Click the Add Row button and repeat the above step to add additional licenses issued to this company. STEP 17: In the Trade Information area, use the triangle button to pull up a list of trades. Select any and all trades associated with the company and click Accept. STEP 18: Select all Certifications that apply to the business. If none apply, Select 00-N/A. STEP 19: In the Certifying Agency Names area, enter a certifying agency associated with one of the previously chosen Certifications. The system will either accept this agency or a pop-up box will appear asking if you wish to add it. Answer Yes to this question. If you are MBE STEP 20: Use Add Row and continue to follow the above step until all needed certifying agencies are added. STEP 21: Answer Yes or No to “Is your firm signatory to any unions?” STEP 22: If Yes is selected for the above item, click Add Row under the Union Affiliations section. Enter the name of the company’s union. The system will either accept this union or a pop-up box will appear asking if you wish to add it. Answer Yes to this question. STEP 23: Use Add Row and continue to input unions until all have been added. STEP 24: Click Next. STEP 25: Add the company’s Insurance Broker Name and General Liability insurance expiration date. STEP 26: Answer Yes or No to We have reviewed…. STEP 27: If No, check the reason in one of the boxes below. STEP 28: Answer the questions about the company’s Safety Information. STEP 29: Input all remaining Safety metrics. STEP 30: Click Next. STEP 31: Answer Yes or No to Is your Company Bondable? STEP 32: If the answer is Yes, fill out the Surety information below. STEP 33: Fill in all required Financial Information. STEP 34: Enter Subsidiary Names and Parent Organization, if applicable. STEP 35: Always select No for the D&B Paydex No field. Swinerton does not use this, but it is a required item. STEP 36: Fill in at least one Company Officer. Use the Add Row feature to provide information for additional officers. STEP 37: Click Next. STEP 38: Add information for the company’s financial contact. STEP 39: Add information for the company’s Bank Reference fields. STEP 40: Answer Yes or No to the Litigation Information questions. STEP 41: If answering Yes to any of the Litigation Information questions, a description is required. STEP 42: References are not required by the corporate subcontractor prequalification program; however some Swinerton divisions may ask for them. If References are needed, utilize the available fields. STEP 43: Click Next. STEP 44: Provide the required documents. Enter a Description. STEP 45: Click Browse… to search for and select that document on your computer. STEP 46: Click Add Row to provide additional documents until all are attached. STEP 47: After all documents are uploaded, click Next. STEP 48: Scroll through the summary page to verify that all information is correct. This is the opportunity to change data that may be incorrect. Use the Previous Link to go back and make corrections on prior pages. STEP 49: Click the Print button to print a copy of the application. STEP 50: Click the Submit button to officially submit your application. Once this button is pressed, the application can no longer be edited and the password is now void. STEP 51: An e-mail will be automatically sent to the recipient provided in STEP 9. Please allow up to 30 days for processing of this request. You may also email at any time for an update.
Check the Status of a Subcontractor's Prequalification
Check the Status of a Subcontractor's Prequalification STEP 1: From the CMiC Treeview, click the 4 next to Subcontractor Prequalification then click Subcontractors Note: Subcontractors is a generic term used for all Vendors including suppliers, rental companies, design companies & testing agencies. STEP 2: Type part or all of the subcontractor's company name into the Search box and hit Enter on your keyboard STEP 3: If the subcontractor does not show up, go to Applicants on the Tree view and search there. STEP 4: Once the subcontractor or applicant is found, click on the Name or Partner Code to view their Subcontractor Prequalification record. STEP 5: Examine the following fields for prequalification data: PREQUALIFICATION STATUS: The options are: • Pending: The subcontractor is not prequalified but is set to Swinerton’s default $100,000 Single Project Limit. • Submitted: N/A. Swinerton does not use this status. • Received: The subcontractor has filled out the prequalification questionnaire but has not yet been reviewed. • Sent For Review: The subcontractor has been reviewed and sent out for Approval. View the Approvals tab for additional information. • Review Complete: The subcontractor has been prequalified or rejected. • On Hold Missing Data: The subcontractor has been reviewed and is missing one or more required items. View the Call Log tab for additional information. • Non-Responsive: Swinerton has attempted to contact the subcontractor more than once with no answer. • Update Prequal: The subcontractor has been sent a link and password, either automatically by CMiC or manually by the prequalification coordinator, and is in the process of updating their information. • Workflow Rejected: This is a CMiC error message. Further research will be needed. APPROVAL STATUS: The options are: • Approved: The subcontractor is prequalified or is set to Swinerton’s default $100,000 Single Project Limit. • Rejected: The subcontractor’s prequalification has been rejected by the Division approver. View the Approvals tab and/or contact the Division approver for further information. • Expired: The subcontractor’s prequalification is expired. View the Renewal Date to see when this happened. View the Prequalification Status to find out where in the process their renewal is. SINGLE PROJECT LIMIT: This is the maximum amount for which a contract can be written to this subcontractor. If the Single Project Limit is $100,000, then the subcontractor is not prequalified. If the Single Project Limit is a negative number, then the subcontractor has questionable financials. Contact the prequalification financial reviewer for further information. STEP 6: Other key information to review Renewal Date: Shows how long this information is valid Company 010 MSA box is checked: this is REQUIRED for all subcontractors performing work onsite and in required in order to issue a Work Order. Modified MSAs will be saved in the Attachments Tab (typical for elevator vendors) Safety Tab: review if current EMR is >1.24, this will trigger an Exception Request Project History Tab: All work the subcontractor has done with Swinerton, including currently active projects, is listed here with Current Contract and Remaining to be Billed amounts.
How To Issue a Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA)
How to Issue a Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA) Once a Subcontractor has been Approved in Prequal then they can be issued an MSA. STEP 1: From the CMiC Treeview, click the 4 next to Subcontractor Prequalification then click Approved Subcontractors STEP 2: Type part or all of the subcontractor's company name into the Search box and hit Enter on your keyboard STEP 3: Click on the Name or Partner Code to Open the Subcontractor Prequalification record STEP 4: Click on User-Defined Fields tab STEP 5: Review “MSA Issue Status” field to see if someone else is already working on an MSA for this Subcontractor. If a MSA has been fully executed, then the other four MSA fields will be filled in The Executed MSA can be found on the Attachments Tab STEP 6: If you need to issue a MSA to this Subcontractor, click Print Report button STEP 7: Confirm Box next to "Group by Report Type" is check and Template is “Master Subcontract Agreement”. STEP 8: Click the Print button STEP 9: Click the Run Report Button. STEP 10: Click the Open button in the View Download pop up window NOTE: This is a company-wide agreement, Swinerton Builders address is defaulted to our headquarters office of 2001 Clayton Road, 7th Fl., Concord, CA 94520. For Subcontractors, we are using their primary Accounts Payable address. When Work Orders are issue for a specific job, the project team will be able to customize address just like they do for the current Subcontract Agreements. 11. STEP 11: Type in Date of Agreement and Attachments. Download all of the most current attachments from the SwinNet Master Subcontract Agreement and Work Order Legal Page 12. STEP 12: Create pdf document with all listed attachments in the same manner as other commitment types. 13. STEP 13: Send to Subcontractor for signature via Docusign. You need to track the return of the signed MSA. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Subcontractor requests to change any of the terms and conditions of this Master Subcontract Agreement, you must have it review by Swinerton’s Legal Department before signing it. 14. STEP 14: Once the MSA has been returned from the Subcontractor and countersigned by Swinerton, submit the MSA to the Risk/Legal Department to update the Subcontractor Prequalification. Click HERE to see this process.
How to Submit an MSA/MPSA
How to Submit an MSA/MPSA Once an Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA) or Master Professional Services Agreement (MPSA) have been returned from the Subcontractor, it needs to be entered into the Prequal module in CMiC. STEP 1: Click on the 4 next to Subcontractor Prequalification then click on Submit MSA/MPSA. STEP 2: Complete the MSA/MPSA form, attach the fully executed MSA and click Save at the bottom of the page. NOTE: If submitting an MPSA, enter YES in the MPSA field. Otherwise, leave it blank. STEP 3: You will then be taken to the SwinNet Legal Page to confirm your submission.
Process a new MSA into CMiC
Process a new MSA into CMiC An email comes into the Risk Department to alert them a new MSA needs to be added into CMiC. STEP 1: Click the URL to get to the SwinNet SharePoint page that has the MSA(.PDF) STEP 2: Open the MSA and save it to Z Drive/SI/MSA/2017/Executed MSAs Go To CMIC FIELD (Project Management) NOTE: These next steps are only available to the Risk Management Department STEP 1: Go to the email and find the Vendor # (aka Partner Code) STEP 2: In CMiC click on the 4 next to Subcontractor Prequalification STEP 3: Click on Subcontractors STEP 4: Search for Vendor # (Partner Code) by entering it into the Search Box and clicking enter STEP 5: Click on the name of the Subcontractor or their Partner Code to open their record STEP 6: Go to the User Defined Fields Tab and update the following fields: Swinerton Company Issuing MSA (Find from drop down list. It will usually be Swinerton Builders) MSA Issued Date MSA Expiration Date (typically 5 years later) Has the MSA been modified (Yes/No) reference email STEP 7: Click Save at the top right hand corner STEP 8: Click on the Attachments Tab on the far right to attach actual MSA STEP 9: Click on “Upload Multiple" STEP 10: Click "Choose File" or Drag and Drop the Fully Executed MSA / MPSA into the box that says "or drop files here" and click Upload STEP 11: Click Enter Additional Fields STEP 12: Update the Document Information a. Review and update the Received Date if needed (default will be today's date) b. Change the description to say "Master Subcontract Agreement" STEP 13: Click Save. The MSA should now show up on the Attachments tab STEP 14: Go back to email (see above) STEP 15: Click on the URL. A Sharepoint file should come up – Answer the question “Yes” to Logged? STEP 16: Click SAVE STEP 17: Delete email to complete this process