Revise & Resubmit an RFI
Modified on: Sat, Apr 16 2022 5:31 PMRevise & Resubmit an RFI - Adding a Revision Suffix to an RFI
An existing RFI has been answered but you would like further clarification to the original answer.
This guide walks through the steps to keep the RFI number the same and add a suffix to identify it as a revision.
If the answer is unacceptable, go to this how-to guide: Rejecting an RFI Answer
STEP 1: Navigate to the RFI you want to forward
STEP 2: Click Forward in the upper right corner
STEP 3: Update the fields in the Forward RFI Option Dialog box
- Change the RFI No. to match the current RFI # plus the suffix such as ".1" or "R1"
- Enter the To field if not auto populated
- Click the checkbox(es) if you want to Copy Notes and/or Attachments from existing RFI
- Click OK to create a new RFI using same/selected information from the previous record
STEP 4: The new record will open
STEP 5: Modify/Update any information. Click HERE for the how-to guide on Modifying an RFI.
Key items to update:
- Required by Date
- Question and Suggestion to clarify why initial response was insufficient
- Add additional documents as needed
STEP 6: Click Submit
STEP 7: The top of the new RFI will now reference the one it was forwarded from
Optional Step:
Go to the original RFI, change the status to received, and close the RFI to ensure it doesn't stay open in the system.