CMiC - Change Management
Change Order Dos and Don'ts
Change Order Dos and Don'ts Our Philosophy: To make every effort, beginning at the earliest possible stages of a project, to minimize the exposure and risk of change orders to our clients, our subcontractors, and to Swinerton Builders. Our Project Team will thoroughly understand all contractual provisions regarding changes and change orders. When changes do occur, we will comply with these provisions and, at all times, protect and defend the rights of Swinerton Builders as provided by our contract. We will always strive to advise and inform our client of impending changes with related costs and schedule impact in a timely manner. This is our obligation. We will then make every effort to address and close these issues in an expedited manner. We will always conduct ourselves in an ethical "fair and equitable" manner, both with our clients and subcontractors, when addressing change orders. We will consider our relationships with clients and subcontractors, now and in the future, when managing change order issues. The DO's and DONT's of Change Management: DO DON'T Obtain written authorization from an authorized agent of the owner, prior to initiating a scope change or committing cost that is not in the current contract. Accept or proceed with scope changes from the design team without the authorization of the owner. Set up a PCI for any issue that MAY have a potential impact to Cost OR Schedule. Delay setting up a PCI to determine if an issue does or doesn't have a potential impact to Cost OR Schedule Inform your Owner in writing that there MAY be a potential impact to Cost OR Schedule for every issue. Assume that your Owner knows there is a potential change just because someone issued us a change document – they come in from many different avenues. Establish a protocol for communicating with your Owner, and Designer if applicable, for how and when you will regularly discuss resolving Change Order requests. Discuss change Orders only as an item on your weekly Owner meeting. Too often by the time you get to that point, no one has the energy to discuss or resolve Change Orders and it gets put off. Schedule an OCO issuance, a minimum of once a month, to capture all possible PCI's in process and get them into the next billing. Prepare the OCO to expedite the process if necessary. Wait for the Owner to issue the OCO when they can get around to it. Put a Rough-Order-of-Magnitude (ROM) on ALL PCI's when they are first set up. Open PCI's with $0 or TBD in the Estimate Column Provide alternate or optional pricing in a timely enough manner to allow your Owner to make appropriate GO-NO GO decisions on options with his/her management Surprise Owners with "late" pricing and an "I need a decision today" COR presentation that pins your Owner into a corner. You may get that answer, but you may not get the next ones you need. Always ask for time on COR's to reserve your rights to a time extension and additional costs. Submit COR's with schedule impact equal to zero, unless there is no impact to the schedule of any kind with the change. Reserve your rights for costs for time extensions at a later date in your COR cover letters and Owner Change Orders. Ignore cost impact for time extensions in your COR's and OCOs then hope to file a "claim" later for schedule impact of cumulative changes. Reconcile your contract allowances with a COR, even if it is a no cost change to document the Contractual resolution to every allowance. Reconcile your allowances timely so the material required will show up when needed on the job and won't have contributed to a schedule delay. Spend any allowance money without Owner approval. Even if final $ aren't reconciled, get interim/partial releases. NEVER exceed spending for an allowance without Owner approval. This is a sure way to mess up an Owner's budget and confidence in us at the same time, and we may have a hard time getting paid. Bill for in-process changes to the full extent provided for in your contract. Wait to bill for changes after they have been finally approved Provide Field Superintendents PCI #'s for all T&M work authorized by the owner. Superintendents should sign tags only with PCI #'s clearly stated and note, "for verification of time only" on the tag. Sign Subcontractor tags without proper owner authorization. This is especially important with overtime as we must have a clear understanding of who is to pay premium cost for each O.T. hour before it is expended.
Adding a PCI Part 1: PCI Header
Adding a PCI Part 1: PCI Header Go to the Change Management page on SwinNet to view Best Practices for PCIs. STEP 1: Click the arrow 4 next to for Budget & Cost Management. STEP 2: Click Potential Change Items STEP 3: Click the Add Change Item button in the upper right to create a NEW PCI STEP 4: TYPE : There are 6 different Types of PCI's listed, select the one for this PCI. Click here for more information on PCI Types EXTERNAL: Both Cost Budget & Revenue Budget Can be Affected Change to Owner (CTO) Allowance (ALLO) Contingency (CONT) Transfer (TR) (Must Balance to Zero) INTERNAL Only affects the Cost Budget No Change to Owner (NCTO) Back Charge (BC) STEP 5: Once the PCI Type is selected, the PCI number will auto populate. NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE IT. IF you do change it, maintain a 4 digit code to ensure proper sequencing. Example: use PCI 0054R1 in lieu of PCI 54R1. STEP 6: Select the Status of the PCI from the 10 options: Approved = Owner has approved change for External Types. For internal, change to approve just before posting. Cancelled = Issue is closed, no longer applicable. This will remove it from the forecasting. Do Not change any of the information in the PCI Details SOV. Denied - Not Proceeding = Owner Denied. Swinerton is not pursuing the issue. Denied - Proceeding = Owner Denied. Swinerton continues to pursue the issue. Pending - Not Proceeding = Cost has not been submitted to the Owner. Not Proceeding with work in the field Pending - Proceeding = Cost has not been submitted to the Owner. Proceeding with the work in the field Revise & Resubmit - Not Proceeding = Cost submitted and Owner required revisions, in Swinerton's court. Not Proceeding with work in the field Revise & Resubmit - Proceeding = Cost submitted and Owner required revisions, in Swinerton's court. Proceeding with the work in the field Submitted - Not Proceeding = Cost has been submitted to the Owner. Not Proceeding with work in the field Submitted - Proceeding = Cost has been submitted to the Owner. Proceeding with the work in the field NOTEs: For EXTERNAL PCIs it is critical this is updated. Box 3 of the PSR pulls information from this status. Click HERE to see PSR information. If you have issued an advanced SCO, you have proceeded with the PCI since we are now at risk. STEP 7: Once the status is entered the Proceed & Forecast boxes will populate accordingly. You cannot change these. If the PCI should not be including in the forecasting, utilize PCI Projections. STEP 8: The Date field will auto populate with the day it was created. STEP 9: DESCRIPTION: This field is used for a Short Description of the issue. STEP 10: SCOPE: This is the Long Description Field used to enter the Scope of Work for the PCI. (Double click in this field to open a larger dialog box.) STEP 11: OCO No.: When a PCI is assigned to an OCO, this field will populate. STEP 12: ESTIMATED DAYS IMPACT: This is Number of Days impact to the project schedule due to this PCI including compensable and non-compensable delays. Review if your contract is working or calendar days to ensure the correct quantity is entered. This field will show in the OCO screen. Note that the days impact from this PCI should be for the subsequent activity. You will address critical path impact on the OCO. Visit the Delay Analysis page on SwinNet for more information on determining days impacted. STEP 13: Complete the User Defined section: ORIGINATOR: Select the Appropriate Originator (Architect, Owner, Inspector, Existing Condition, Sub etc.) OWNER DIRECTION: Select the Appropriate Owner Direction. Box 3 of the PSR pulls information from this status. Click HERE to see PSR information. Default is "Notice Required" = The Owner has not yet been notified. Review your contract for notification requirements Notified Awaiting Direction = Owner has been notified, but has not given direction. Proceed while Pricing = Owner has given direction to proceed. Proceed Under Protest = The Owner has directed Swinerton to Proceed but we have not agreed with the terms. Do Not Proceed / Price = Owner has given direction to Not Proceed. Do Not Proceed / Cancelled = Owner has decided not to proceed with the work. Proceed at Risk / Internal = For Internal Types (NCTO / BC), always use this direction. No Notice Required: Owner does not need to be notified of this PCI. This is rare but might be used for Contractor Controlled Contingencies. Proceed on T&M: Owner has given direction to proceed on a T&M Basis RESUBMIT NUMBER: Use this field if you are resubmitting a change to the owner. CHANGE ORDER REQUEST NUMBER: Use this field if you are using additional change order request numbers. This is only a text field and will print on your COR letters. CATEGORY: Use this field if you are tracking issues by Category. This in only a text field. STEP 14: Complete the Key Dates section: Start Date: Utilize the Start Date field to show When Field Work has started. PCI should be updated to one of the Proceeding Statuses. End Date: Utilize the End Date field to show When Field Work has ended Proposal Issued: Date Owner notified of a potential impact. For example, notification could be sent via an email with a Potential Impact Letter printed from CMIC, or via an email with a quote/proposal/estimate. Proposal Signed: Date that the Owner received your notification of potential impact. So, this should be the same as your Proposal Issued date. Please note that the Date entered into the Proposal Signed field will auto-populate as the header date on your Potential Impact Letter when you print it from CMIC. Change Issued: Date the PCI was issued. This is the "Submit Date" that shows up on the PCI Logs, as well as the printed Date at the top of each COR letter that you can print directly from your PCI. NOTE: PCIs are NOT official. To officially change the contract amount or schedule duration, an OCO must be executed. Change Signed: Date the PCI (COR letter) was executed. STEP 15: Click the Save button to save your work. NEXT STEPS: Click HERE to view PCIs Part 2: Enter the PCI Details & SOV.
Adding a PCI Part 2: PCI Details / SOV
Adding a PCI Part 2: PCI Details / SOV Click HERE for Part 1 Click HERE for PCIs where Labor Productivity information needs to be entered STEP 1: Click Edit button at the top of the screen and scroll down to the PCI Details section STEP 2: AUTO CALCULATE MARKUPS: If checked, all markups will be automatically added to the PCI. Make sure to uncheck if issuing "Internal" types of PCIs. Click HERE to learn more about PCI Markup Rules Set Up STEP 3: Click the (+) button in the Action column to create a new line STEP 4: Click on the Magnifying glass in the Phase column to open a pop-up window. STEP 5: In the pop-up window select ALL impacted phases then click Accept. NOTE: Do Not check any phases that are part of your markups. These will auto-populate once you add you line items and click save. If the phase you need is not currently assigned, follow this guide to Add a New Phase / Category via PCI STEP 6: Markup Check Box: uncheck any boxes that are not allowed markup per your contract (not typical) STEP 7: Vendor Field: If the line item is being performed by a vendor, Click the magnifying glass to select the vendor for the SOW. NOTE: If a SCO is not required and are only looking to adjust budget, leave the Vendor & Subcontract fields BLANK. *****Assigned Vendors***** Subcontractors with Commitments on the Project. *****Self Performed Vendors***** Will provide distinction of work performed by Swinerton. This is not required. *****Unassigned Vendors***** = DO NOT USE – ALL VENDORS must already have a contract in place in order to assign them in a PCI. Leave Blank - If Vendor is unknown STEP 8: SUBCONTRACT: Click in the magnifying glass to select the contract. Once the Vendor is selected, the Contract Number and associated Phase/Category Codes should all populate. NOTE: Populating the Vendor and Subcontract fields is what makes the PCI available for a Subcontract Change Order (SCO). Enter amount in the Sub Quoted Amount, THIS is where the dollar amount the SCO comes from. STEP 9: CATEGORY: Category may not populate if your Subcontract or phase contains more than one (1) category. Click the magnifying glass to select the correct category for the line item. STEP 9: DAYS IMPACT: The Days Impact field applies to the specific line item, optional, and is not reported on. Review with the sub if they are going to provide additional crew for the SOW or if this will extend their time onsite. STEP 10: Phase Qty (Output): The Phase Qty field is utilized for labor productivity. Refer to the Labor Productivity Training Material. STEP 11: WEIGHT MEASURE (WM) Automatically Populates based on the Category chosen. Typically this will be HR or LS Click HERE for PCIs where Specific Rates or Labor Productivity information needs to be entered STEP 12: Enter Cost Budget Information NOTE: Only the farthest right of the following 3 will populate on the forecasting screen. Leave ROM as is once Sub Quote is entered to see complete history. ROM Amount = Rough Order of Magnitude Cost is entered prior to receiving Subcontractor Quotes and finalizing pricing. Sub Quoted Amount = Subcontractor Quoted Cost is appears after receiving Subcontractor Quote. This field is populated in two (2) ways: 1. Populated from the RFQ Tab. For details on how to work in the RFQ tab, refer to the RFQ Training Document. 2. Direct Input into the field. Cost Budget Amount = Final Cost Budget Amount for this Change. (Click HERE if you are trying to Use a NCTO to Issue SCO without affecting Cost Budget.) STEP 13: Enter Revenue Budget Amount = Final Cost to Owner (if external type PCI). NOTEs: This field can not be edited on Internal PCI types. Otherwise, this field will auto-populate with the farthest right cost budget field with a value and can be overridden. STEP 14: Subcontract Change: This field will populate once the PCI is added to a Subcontract Change Order and is Read Only STEP 15: Task ID: Enter in the Task ID from the P6 schedule that is related to this PCI STEP 16: Sub Quote ID: Sub Quote ID is used to cross-reference a subcontractors quote ID number with the PCI. When a quoted is entered on this tab or the RFQ Tab it will print on the SCO and the Commitment Change Order Status Report. STEP 17: Click Save. NEXT STEP For External PCIs: Print and Submit the PCI Impact Letter to notify the Owner of the potential issue.
Modifying the PCI Type in CMiC
Modifying the PCI Type in CMiC OVERVIEW: As long as a PCI is NOT POSTED, you can Modify the type. STEP 1: Navigate to the PCI you want to update and click Modify next to the PCI Type STEP 2: When the Popup Appears, click on the drop down menu to select the PCI Type you want Click here for more information on PCI Types STEP 3: Click Process NOTE: The PCI number will remain the same and cannot be changed.
Add a New Phase / Category via PCI
Add a New Phase / Category via PCI OVERVIEW After your budget has been locked by your Financial Manager, new phase and category codes (and any associated budget values) can only be added via a PCI. If your budget has not yet been locked, new phases and categories can be added via bid items (Click HERE to go to the how-to guide). The example below shows how to do this is a dedicated PCI but it can be done in ANY unposted PCI. Click HERE to view Adding a PCI Part 1: PCI Header, then complete the following steps. Click HERE to view Labor Productivity - Add a New Phase / Category via PCI Setup Notes: The PCI Type will be No Change To Owner You can enter it as PCI #0000 and call it Adding Phase Codes. Then just leave the PCI as Unposted so if you need to add other Phase/Category codes later you can use the same PCI #. You will need to change the numbering BEFORE you save it for the first time Status should be Approved Description: Added phase codes Click Save STEP 1: Click Edit button at the top of the screen and scroll down to the PCI Details section STEP 2: Uncheck the "Auto calculate markups" box STEP 3: Click (+) button to add a new row STEP 4: Click the magnifying glass in the Phase field STEP 5: In the pop-up window, click Add New STEP 6: Click the magnifying glass in the Phase field STEP 7: In the popup, type part or all of the Phase Name or Code in the Find field and click enter or Go (Ex. %Millwork%, or 062%) STEP 8: Review the options and click the Phase Name you want. the popup window will close STEP 9: Optional - you can change the Name of the phase code if needed. Use best practices per the Assign Phase Codes function. Note that this can also be done later. STEP 10: Click the magnifying glass in the WM field and choose LS (unless using Labor Productivity) STEP 11: Click the magnifying glass in the Phase Type field to select the appropriate phase type. For subcontract codes this field will be blank. Click HERE to learn more about phase types. STEP 12: Click the magnifying glass in the Category field and find the appropriate category code. Click HERE to learn more about available category codes. STEP 13: If you have more than one category for your Phase Code, just click the (+) button to Insert a new section. STEP 14: Click Save in the pop up window. STEP 15: The new line item will now show on the PCI Details section and has been added to the job cost reports. Repeat steps 3-14 as many times as needed throughout the duration of your project. When you are ready to close your project, change the status of the PCI to Cancelled since it is no longer needed. STEP 16: Click Save in the PCI window to complete the update. NOTE: Leave the PCI open until the end of the project in case you need to add additional line items.
Labor Productivity - Add a New Phase / Category via PCI
Labor Productivity - Add a New Phase / Category via PCI OVERVIEW After your budget has been locked by your Financial Manager, new phase and category codes (and any associated budget values) can only be added via a PCI. If your budget has not yet been locked, new phases and categories can be added via bid items (Click HERE to go to the how-to guide). The example below shows how to do this is a dedicated PCI but it can be done in ANY unposted PCI. Click HERE to view Adding a PCI Part 1: PCI Header, then complete the following steps. Click HERE to view Add a New Phase / Category code - non labor productivity Setup Notes: The PCI Type will be No Change To Owner You can enter it as PCI #0000 and call it Adding Phase Codes. Then just leave the PCI as Unposted so if you need to add other Phase/Category codes later you can use the same PCI #. You will need to change the numbering BEFORE you save it for the first time Status should be Approved Description: Added phase codes Click Save STEP 1: Click Edit button at the top of the screen and scroll down to the PCI Details section STEP 2: Check the Show Rates box and Uncheck the "Auto calculate markups" box STEP 3: Click (+) button to add a new row STEP 4: Click the magnifying glass in the Phase field STEP 5: In the pop-up window, click Add New STEP 6: In the new phase popup click the magnifying glass in the Phase field to trigger a search popup STEP 7: In the Find field of the pop up, input the 6 digit Phase Code that matches what you put in your budget Excel spreadsheet OR search for the Labor Productivity Code you want to use. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT CHOOSE A CODE THAT HAS (SUMMARY) NEXT TO IT. Reference the Budget Templates found on SwinNet - CMiC Site if needed. Then click Go. STEP 8: Review the options and click the Phase Name you want. the popup window will close STEP 9: Type in the Name of the Phase Code you would like to use. (Only if you are creating a Custom code between 703001 through 704999), Otherwise the Phase code name will appear. This name can also be changed later using the Assign Phase Codes function. STEP 10: Click the magnifying glass in the WM field to choose the Output WM. This will auto-populate if there is already a standard in place for the phase code. STEP 11: Click the magnifying glass in the Phase Type field to select the appropriate phase type. Click HERE to learn more about phase types. STEP 12: Click the magnifying glass in the Category field and find the appropriate category code. Click HERE to learn more about available category codes. NOTE: when 71111 is entered as a category (used for LP), leave the WM as HR. STEP 13: Click the (+) button to Insert a new section. STEP 14: Add material, equipment or other categories as needed. On these, change the WM to LS STEP 15: Click Save then Close in the pop up window. STEP 16: The new line items will now show on the PCI Details section and have been added to the job cost reports. Repeat steps 3-15 as many times as needed throughout the duration of your project. When you are ready to close your project, change the status of the PCI to Cancelled since it is no longer needed. STEP 17: Click Save in the PCI window to complete the update. NOTE: Leave the PCI open until the end of the project in case you need to add additional line items.
Labor Productivity - Adding Scope (Time & Quantities) via a CTO PCI
Labor Productivity - Adding Scope (Time & Quantities) via a CTO PCI Click HERE for Adding a PCI Part 1: PCI Header Part 1 is for ALL PCIs. The following steps are specific for the PCI Details/SOV section when Labor Productivity items need to be added. STEP 1: Click Edit button at the top of the screen and scroll down to the PCI Details section STEP 2: Check the Show Rates box STEP 3: AUTO CALCULATE MARKUPS: If checked, all markups will be automatically added to the PCI. Make sure to uncheck if issuing "Internal" types of PCIs. Click HERE to learn more about PCI Markup Rules Set Up STEP 4: Click the (+) button in the Action column to create a new line STEP 5: Click on the Magnifying glass in the Phase column to open a popup window. STEP 6: Use the Find field to search or select the desired phase that you need to add Time & Quantities to. If the phase code you need isn't here go to the Labor Productivity - Add a New Phase / Category via PCI how-to guide. Then click Accept. STEP 7: Enter 71111 in the Category field (to show your input is hours). Note that the WM will then auto populate to HR. STEP 8: Enter the Days Impact (if any) STEP 9: Enter your additional units into the Phase Qty (Output) field. This is your Output. How many more units will you be completing. STEP 10: Enter your additional time(hrs) into the Quantity (Input) field. This is how many more hours it is going to take you to completed the additional units. STEP 11: Enter the average crew rate for the above hours into the Estimated Rate field. The ROM Amount field will then auto-populate with the Quantity (Input) x Estimated Rate STEP 17: Continue to Click the Blue + to add as many row as you need. NOTE: Make sure to add rows for the related materials and equipment needed to complete the additional work. Complete the rate section for these as well if applicable. STEP 18: Click Save NEXT STEPS: Once the PCI is ready to be submitted, follow these steps to generate a Self Perform COR Letter.
Using the RFQ (Request For Quotation) tab in a PCI
Using the RFQ (Request For Quotation) Tab in a PCI OVERVIEW The RFQ (Request for Quotation) tab is used to track requests to subs for quotes on specific PCIs. Any Vendors selected in the PCI Detail section of the General Tab will populate here in the RFQ Tab. This guide will review the following: Part I – Entering RFQ Information Part II – Printing RFQ Letters Part I – Entering RFQ Information STEP 1: Navigate to the PCI you want to work on, then click on the RFQ tab STEP 2: Click the Edit button STEP 3: ALL Vendors selected in the PCI Detail section will populate here in the RFQ tab. If you missed anyone, click the (+) symbol to add a new line, then click on the magnifying glass in the Vendor column to add the missing vendor(s). STEP 4: Confirm there is a Contact listed for each vendor. The Contact field will Auto-Populate with the "Primary Contact" if one has been selected, otherwise it will need to be selected. This will print on the RFQ Letter. Click HERE to learn how to add contacts and identify a Primary Contact STEP 5: Quoted Quantity & Quoted Rate can be used if Rates & Quantities are part of the quote. Not a Required Field. STEP 6: Enter the Quoted Amount once received from the Sub. STEP 7: Enter the Date Sent to the Sub. This date field will also print on the RFQ Letter. STEP 8: The Date Due will automatically populate based on the "Default RFQ Review Period" setting, otherwise any date can be entered here. This will print on the RFQ letter. Click HERE to learn about setting up the project's Defaults tab. STEP 9: Enter the Date Received once the quote is returned. STEP 10: The Comment field can be used to expand on the scope description in the PCI header. Double Click in this box to open a larger dialog box. This will print on the RFQ letter. This field can also be used to list inclusions or exclusions of scope. Double Click in this box to open a larger dialog box. STEP 11: Leave the status field blank. It is not being used at this time. STEP 12: Click Save Part II – Printing RFQ Letters STEP 1: Verify information has been entered in the following fields: Vendor Contact Date Sent Date Due Comment (optional) STEP 2: Check the box in the "Print" column for the RFQ you want to print. (These are available once you click save). NOTE: If you check multiple boxes then you can create 1 letter with all vendors listed. Otherwise, check one box at a time to generate separate letters. STEP 3: Click Print PCI STEP 4: In the popup window, check the box, Group By Report Type STEP 5: The Report Type field will populate in the window STEP 6: In the Report Type field, click the arrow and select Request for Quotation STEP 7: In the Template field, click the arrow and select the letter you want to print STEP 8: Select if you want to add attachments or leave as none. Note that if you do add attachments, the letter will print as a PDF. Click HERE to learn more. STEP 9: Click Print STEP 10: Click Run Report. The word doc RFQ will then be downloaded to your computer.
Create a COR (Change Order Request) Letter
Create a COR (Change Order Request) Letter OVERVIEW: There are Two formats for the COR letter: COR Type 1 has the cost detail information within the body of the letter COR Type 2 has the PCI Total in the body of the letter and the cost detail information on a 2nd page Cost Sheet There are Two actions for each format: We HAVE NOT Proceeded with this revised work We HAVE Proceeded with this revised work For COR Type 2 there is also the option to show rates and quantities. Confirm the project has been Set Up: Click HERE for the how-to guide if you have not completed the Project Maintenance set-up The Change Order Request (COR) letters are addressed to the Customer company defined on the Project Maintenance / General tab - Customer field. “Days for COR approval” field on the General tab must also be populated or else it will be blank on the COR. The Primary Owner Contact must be identified in the Project Partner Directory or else the "To" section will be blank. Click HERE for the how-to guide. STEP 1: Change the Status to "Submitted - Not Proceeding" or "Submitted - Proceeding" STEP 2: Enter the Change Issued date from blank to today's date. STEP 3: Review and update all other fields as needed. NOTE: The following information pulls onto the COR Letters: PCI # Description (only on COR Type 2 letters at bottom for Enclosures) Scope Estimated Days Impact (either blank which means TBD or enter number of calendar days) Date Change Submitted to Owner Change Order Request Number (optional) Change Issued date field Total Revenue Budget Amount PCI Details - Description PCI Details - Vendor Name PCI Details - Phase and Category Codes PCI Details - Revenue Quantity and Revenue Rate (if COR Type 2 w/ Rates Quantities is selected) PCI Details - Revenue Amount STEP 4: Click Save on the PCI to update all information STEP 5: Click Print PCI STEP 6: In the popup window, click on the drop down menu next to Template to select the COR Type you want to use FOR WASHTINGTON ONLY Click Print PCI and from the Report Name drop down menu select “WORD: PCI Letters & Reports – SB WA only” for Report Name, and select a Template (see options in previous step) STEP 7: Click Run Report and the word document will be created and downloaded to your computer.
Self Perform COR Letter
Self Perform COR Letter OVERVIEW A separate Change Order Request (COR) letter has been created for Swinerton Self Perform teams to turn in to the main GC project. The templates look completely different than the GC job PCI templates. This helps our Owner to easily decipher change order backup that contains Swinerton Self Perform costs, resulting in fewer questions. To ensure that all of the proper data populates in our new templates, click HERE to review the Project Maintenance Set Up for Sub-To-Self Projects how-to guide and ensure all items have been completed. When you click Print PCI, select the appropriate COR letter.