CMiC - Workflow
Vacation and Leave Workflow Reassignment Process
CMiC Vacation and Leave Workflow Reassignment Process Going on Vacation, Extended Leave or Changing Projects and want to make sure your CMiC workflow is covered? Please submit a CMiC Workflow Vacation Reassignment ticket. NOTE: For Field Admin you can just change your PM Role from "Field Admin" to Field Admin - no workflow" (no ticket needed) 1. Go to the Swinerton Support Page: 2. Click Service Catalog 3. Click CMiC Workflow Vacation Change Request ticket type 4. Select First Day of Vacation/Leave and Time 5. Select First Day Back FROM Vacation/Leave and Time 6. Provide details of the changes you would like made in your absence 7. Click Place Request A ticket will be auto generated and you will be notified once it is complete.
Navigating CMiC Workflow Notifications - NEW
__________ Introduction Explanation of actions for navigating and using the new Workflow Notifications page in CMiC. Note: Workflow Notifications in this list are based on the logged-in user account, not the specific project that you're on in CMiC Project Management. __________ Collapsed View 1. Bulk Actions - Multifunctional. Can be used to select all items, all items of a particular type, or to immediately apply an action - such as Approve or View - to selected items from the list. Note: Performing one of the Action options (Approve/Close, Reassign, View, View/Reassign) from this menu will immediately apply that action to the selected items and Submit, WITHOUT the need to click the Submit button. 2. Notification List - List of all the items in your WF, clicking on one will show the details in the right-hand pane. 3. Show Filter - Expanding the filter pane will allow sorting, filtering, and searches based on terms or key values. Further details on filtering WF items can be found here. 4. Refresh List - Refresh WF list to pull in new items. __________ Expanded View 1. Notification Details 2. Approve - Action to Approve the item. Clicking this will set the item status as Approved, but this status will not be locked in until the Submit button has been clicked. 3. Reject - Action to Reject the item. Clicking this will set the item status as Rejected (requiring a comment be entered), but this status will not be locked in until the Submit button has been clicked. 4. View - View action will take you into Image Manager to code and approve the invoice. 5. Reassign - Action to Reassign the item to another user for Approval/Rejection. 6. Comments - Section to enter comments, when necessary. Comments are required when Rejecting or Reassigning WF items. 7. Submit - Clicking Submit will apply all Approve, Reject, Close, or Reassign actions that have been performed on WF list items. !! Note: After applying actions (like Approve, Reject, Close, or Reassign) to individual WF items they WILL NOT be committed to those items until the Submit button is pressed. After you click Submit the page will refresh and those items will go away. However, if you click Refresh before Submit, you will have to re-assign actions to each of your WF items again. !!
Filter CMiC Workflow Notifications - NEW
__________ Introduction Explanation of actions to filter items in the new Workflow Notifications page in CMiC. Note: Workflow Notifications in this list are based on the logged-in user account, not the specific project that you're on in CMiC Project Management. __________ Actions 1. Show Filter - Button to expand filtering options for WF items. 2. From Date / To Date - Selectors for date range to filter your WF items. 3. Workflow Type - Menu to select WF item types (i.e. Vendor Invoices, Vendor Prequalification, Job Folder Setup, etc.). 4. Notification Type - Selection between Approvals, FYIs, or both. 5. Key 1 (Department) - Search among Departments from the selected WF items in the list. 6. Key 2 (Invoice Series) - Search among Invoice Series from the selected WF items in the list. 7. Key 3 (Job Number) - Search among Job Numbers from the selected WF items in the list. 8. Key 4 (Registration Group) - Search among Registration Groups from the selected WF items in the list. 9. Key 5 (Vendor) - Search among Vendor IDs from the selected WF items in the list. 10. Sort By - Choose a parameter to sort the WF items by, then select Ascending or Descending. Once you have applied the parameters of your filter, click Apply Filter.