CMiC - Collaboration and External User Request
External User Invitation from Project Team for CMiC
External User Invitation from Project Team for CMiC and Collaboration Intro Guide See attached Collaboration Intro Guide Copy and Paste into an email Dear (Project Name) Team, Welcome to the (Project Name) team, we are glad that you will be working with us. We will be using CMiC as our Project Management software on this Project. CMiC is a free collaborative software that allows you full access to: Project Contact Directory Meeting Minutes (If you are an attendee in a meeting) RFI’s: Subs - You will be able to input your RFI’s directly into CMiC, which will cut down on trying to keep all the emails organized. Architects - You will be able to answer RFI's within CMiC, attach documents, and track all status'. Consultants - You will be able to add notes or attachments to any RFI as you work with your architect, all within CMiC. Submittals: Subs: You will be able to attach your .pdfs directly into CMiC. Once Swinerton has created the Submittal log, you will be able to see exactly what is needed from you on this project. We request that you break up your submittal .pdfs into smaller pieces and attach them to each submittal item. This makes it easier to work collaboratively with the rest of the Project Team and will keep submittals from being held up if the architect requests that we revise and resubmit something. Architects: You will be able to view all submittals and the system will keep track of the ones in your queue to review. Once reviewed, CMiC will date/time stamp the day you "Return" them to Swinerton. Consultants: You will also be able to view all submittals and can review any submittals you need to and add notes and attach documents that you have reviewed and stamped. We will be requesting your login/password in a couple of days, so please keep an eye out for that email. You can also take a look at the Printable How To’s or watch our short Training Videos by Clicking HERE. If you have any questions or need additional training, please feel free to contact me and we will arrange something. Thank you, (Project Team Member Signature Block)
External User Contact (Collaborator) Set-up
External User Contact (Collaborator) Set-up on a Project in CMiC and Submitting an External User Request OVERVIEW For our business partners to be able to log into CMiC and Collaborate on a project, they must first be set up as an External User. Click URL to go to the Adding Contacts to a Business Partner in CMiC. Once your Contact (or Partner) profiles are set up as External Users in CMiC, follow the instructions below for Applications Support to provide them access. STEP 1: Add your contact person the same way you have been taught (via the Project Partner Directory - NOT the Contact Directory) How To Enter Project Partners and Project Contacts in CMiC STEP 2: Assign your contact ONE PM Role (i.e. SUBRFI (subcontractor with RFI access), SUB (subcontractor with read only access to RFI's), ARCH (Architect), OWNER, OWNERREP & CONSULT) - DO NOT assign them the role of Project Manager, Project Engineer, Superintendent etc. These are for Swinerton employees ONLY. STEP 3: Make sure you check-off the Collab User box when setting up non-Swinerton contacts. If they already have a login account, checking this off allows them access to the project. Best Practice: send them an email so they know they have access to a new project (link to template) STEP 4: Click Save NOTE: If you are not sure if your contact has a login account, go to the "Job Specific External Users" folder to check for a Username. If populated, they already have a login account. STEP 5: Go to the External User Request folder and if they don't already have a User ID and password (meaning if they are not already set up as External Users in CMiC) then you should see them here. STEP 6: Click Export > Export to MIP Template STEP 7: Click the External User Request.xlsm template STEP 8: Edit or confirm spreadsheet data is correct: a. Delete rows for any names you DO NOT want to request access for b. Make sure ALL columns are populated for each user (except Middle Name, it is not required) c. Remove characters from names such as; O'Connor = OConner or Teri Klatt-Buren = Teri KlattBuren STEP 9: Save this to your Z drive and name it only the job number of the project. Don't put anything else in the title other than the job number. STEP 10: Email the saved .xlsm spreadsheet to: The Subject Line MUST include what it is and the 8-digit job number Example: External User Request - 17054003 or EUR - 17054003 A ticket will be created for the Applications Support Team to create the new CMiC External Login account(s). As you add new Subcontractors, Consultants, etc to your job, you will need to submit additional tickets as needed in order to add new External Users to your project.
External User Password Reset for CMiC
External User Password Reset for CMiC 1. External Users need to go to 2. They need to click "HERE" to open a new tab as shown. Then follow the instructions as listed on the website.
RFIs and Submittals in CMiC with Multiple Architects on the Project
RFIs and Submittals in CMiC with Multiple Architects on the Project OVERVIEW: WORKING ON A PROJECT WITH MULTIPLE EMPLOYEES THAT ALL NEED ACCESS TO ANSWER RFI’S, REVIEW SUBMITTALS On most projects there will be one architect that will handle the RFI’s and Submittal Review. However, on some projects there may be a group of people working on your project and they will all need access to “answer” RFI’s and review/update the submittals. If this is the case on your projects please follow the steps below. STEP 1: Have the AOR of sign the Hold Harmless letter (attached to this article). It must be signed by a person with adequate signing authority from the firm. STEP 2: Add this person as a contact to your directory (the person that signs the Hold Harmless letter). STEP 3: Complete the External User Request giving that person a login/password. Setting up External Users STEP 4: That person can now give out their login/password to their employees. When an RFI or submittal is answered it will show the signer as the answering person, so there are three protocols that need to be set in place by the architect: STEP 1: Decide on a single person to be the main contact and the person to go to first for unanswered/late RFI’s and late/unviewed submittals STEP 2: When the architect answers an RFI, please put that architect's name as the first item in the answer field, so that the Swinerton Team knows who to go if there is a question. STEP 3: When the architect names the .pdf prior to uploading the reviewed/stamped submittal, please put that architect's initials as the first 2 digits of the name of the saved .pdf a. Example of arch submittal naming convention: KK-Arch reviewed-095200-001-Appv as noted
Collaboration and External User Request - CMiC Upgrade - Email to Collaborators / External Users
CMiC Upgrade - Email to Collaborators / External Users OVERVIEW The CMiC Upgrade will occur from Wednesday April 27, 2022 at 4:30pm PST to Monday, May 2nd at 5am PST4/27-5/2/2022. During this time CMiC will NOT be accessible to ALL users. Project Teams will need to send the following letter to their collaborators on their projects. Please note the times in the email template are intentionally slightly adjusted from the above. COPY and PASTE the following information and edit the highlighted fields to make it project specific. Dear (Project Name) Team, Swinerton's CMiC System will be taken offline from Wednesday, April 27th at 4pm PST to Monday, May 2nd at 6am in order for us to implement a major update. What this means for you: You will NOT have access to Swinerton's CMiC portal during this time. Any actions normally completed via collaboration in CMiC will need to be done in another method. RFIs: email to ____ Submittals: email to_____ Invoices submitted to will be delayed in processing. Processing will resume on Monday 5/2. What you need to do on Monday, May 2nd: Visit the CMiC CollabCenter on to get the new Log In Site for Swinerton's CMiC Starting 5/2, you will need to login using your current user id (lastname.firstname) + (example: If you have trouble logging in, try Changing Your Password before reaching out to your project team. Note, the how-to guides found on the CollabCenter website do not yet reflect the updated version of CMiC. However, the system functions very similarly. Reach out to me if you have additional questions, to receive additional training, if you are having issues logging in or any other technical issue. Thank you, Project Team Member sending the email
Adding Project Contacts - Collaborators
Adding Project Contacts - Collaborators Expand the Communication Management folder Select the Project Partner Directory (PPD) a. Click on the People icon located in the Action column of the Business Partner. b. In the Project Contacts window, click Add to create the list of project specific contacts. c. ALWAYS!!! ALWAYS!! Start with Contact Code. Click the up arrow to choose from those that have already been entered into CMiC. If the person you want is not on the list, THEN you can start typing their first and last name. d. Double check the spelling of their name and email if you pulled in an existing profile. Otherwise, go ahead and enter the First and Last Names e. Title: Mr./Mrs./Ms. Etc. This will pull onto letters so they will read: Dear Mr. Last Name f. Give them a PM Role i. Subcontractor – SUBRFI ii. Architect – ARCH iii. Consultant – CONSULT iv. Owner – OWNER v. Owner Representative – OWNERREP g. Position: what is their position for their company. Project Manager/Structural Consultant etc. h. Primary Contact: The person you make the Primary Contact is the person that will show on your subcontract and default for RFQ's/COR's/Letters. There can only be ONE Primary Contact per company. i. Collab User: FOR NON-SWINERTON USERS ONLY If you want the contact to work in CMiC collaboratively, you must click the Collab User box. If they are not already in CMiC as a Collab User, this will drop their names into the External User Request folder. If the Collab User box was already checked off when you added their profile, they likely have an external user login account already. Send them an email letting them know they have access to the job. NOTE: Go to the "Job Specific External Users" folder (under External User Request folder) to see who has an external user account already j. If the address shown is not the one you want, click the up arrow and choose from ones that have been added via the Business Partner Request (above) k. Input Phone and Fax numbers. l. Click Save m. Click the Email Notifications tab; determine which, if any, E-mail Notifications your contact should receive. Object Description is the module (object) selection for notification. To notifies if that Object Description is TO that specific the Project Contact. CC notifies if that Project Contact is CC’d on a specific Object Description. All notifies the Project Contact on ALL regardless if that Project Contact is TO or CC. New notifies anytime a new Object Description is created. Mod notifies each and every time an Object Description is modified. Note notifies anytime a Note is added to the Object Description. Att notifies anytime an Attachment is added or modified to the Object Description. *Ans notifies when the RFI is answered by the Primary Responder. n. Click Save in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen to save Email Notifications. You can also access the profiles in the Project Contact Directory (PCD). To open and edit a profile, just click on their name and click Edit