CMiC - Project Set Up
Project Maintenance Set Up - GENERAL TAB
Project Maintenance Set Up - General, Notes & Attachments OVERVIEW This document is a guide to execute the Project Maintenance Defaults setup process. This is for ALL Projects. Theses are Required Fields for WORD Outputs such, PCIs, OCOs and Subcontract Agreements to Populate Properly. NOTE: Add your Project Team and the Architect to the Project Partner Directory first and identify the Primary Contact for each. STEP 1: Click on the Project Name. The Project screen appears and defaults to the General Tab. STEP 2: Click the Edit button in the upper right corner STEP 3: Review and update content in the main section to match the executed contract. Start Date and End Date: These will come over from the Job Start process, double check that these are still the correct original contract dates. Bid Date: Enter data if known. Get from estimating team as needed. Allow manual Entry of RFI answer by & answer date: Default is Yes. Change to "NO" on collaborative projects where the Architect will be logging in CMiC to Answer RFIs. Prime Contract #: Input your Owners Contract number*.This is Very Important because this will populate a field in the subcontract that legally ties them to the Prime. If you do not have an actual number associated with your Prime Contract. Leave this field blank Prime Contract Date: Input your Owners Contract date. Days for COR Approval: Review contract. How long does the owner have to reply to a COR once submitted. This will populate on your PCIs/CORs. General Conditions Cost/Day: Enter $ value here. If this is a fixed rate per contract be sure to use the negotiated amount. WSST %: Washington State Sales Tax percentage. This will calculate the Sales Tax on your PCI/COR letters (Washington State only). Utilize PCIs Markups if you have City taxes that need to be added to your PCIs. Quantity Tasks in P6 Schedule: Yes / No (should be Yes if a P6 schedule has been created) Method Used to Determine Final Completion: Review contract to check for definition. If not there, then clarify with Owner EARLY in the project. Exterior Skin Consultant: Enter name on contract documents if Owner/Architect has retained a consultant. Otherwise, reach out your DQM to get a 3rd Party Consultant onboard if there is ANY work associated with the Exterior Skin of the building. NOTE: Items highlighted in Blue in the screenshot should be updated as the project progresses, and they become relevant. STEP 4: Review and update content in the Project Address section as needed. Contact Name: Enter in Project Manager’s name (DO NOT use the magnifying glass, just type the name). This will pull to your PCIs & OCOs Street: Enter Street Address of your Project or Office Suite: Enter Suite on your Project or Office (if applicable) City: Enter City for your address State/Province: Enter State for your address (use the magnifying glass to change) Postal/Zip Code: Enter zip code of your address Country: Enter USA Phone: Enter phone of your address Fax: Enter Fax of your address (if applicable) Corresp. Address: Click the magnifying glass and choose your main office address. STEP 5: Review and update content in the Project Description section as needed. This should pull from Cosential. Update to add detail or clarify Project's Scope of Work. Enter any Keywords for the project's SOW in the Keywords section. STEP 6: Click Save in the upper right hand corner to complete the updated to the General Tab. NEXT STEPS: Complete the Project Maintenance Set Up - KEY PLAYERS tab. NOTE: If this is a Sub-To-Self Project, after the completion of this process, click HERE for additional information on setting the Project Defaults. OTHER TABS: Notes Tab: The Notes tab is an optional tab used to add “internal” notes applicable to the screen or module (object) you are working in. Click Add Note in the upper right to add applicable notes. Attachments Tab: The Attachments tab is used to attach documents, drawings, pictures etc. applicable to the screen or module (object) you are working in. For Project Maintenance, you may consider attaching the job start order, recap of contract highlights, Executed Prime Contract, etc for the project in this tab. Click on Upload Multiple to add documents to this tab.
Project Maintenance Set Up - KEY PLAYERS TAB
Project Maintenance Set Up - KEY PLAYERS TAB OVERVIEW This document is a guide to execute the Project Maintenance Key Players setup process. STEP 1: Click on the Project Name. The Project screen appears and defaults to the General Tab. STEP 2: Click on the Key Players tab then the Edit button in the upper right corner *If you have already setup contacts up in the Project Partner Directory or via the Job Start Form, then they will appear here. Make sure to check back to this tab every once in a while to check that no subcontractor has been given PM access. Subs should have Subcontractor or Subcontractor RFI access.* STEP 3: Review and complete additional fields in Key Players tab for known project team members including Owner, Architect and Key Swinerton Team members (DM, PM & Field Admin) Select the Role you want to add/update Click the magnifying glass on the Company field to open a menu. You can select Assigned, Unassigned, or All. Review and select the appropriate company. Click the magnifying glass on the Contact field and select appropriate contact. If your contact isn't listed you will need to go to the Project Partner Directory and add a new contact. NOTE: Print Order, CC and Action fields are not used. Leave These Fields Blank! STEP 4: Click Save and go to the Defaults Tab How-To
Project Maintenance Set Up - DEFAULTS TAB
Project Maintenance Set Up - DEFAULTS TAB OVERVIEW This document is a guide to execute the Project Maintenance Defaults setup process. STEP 1: Click on the Project Name. The Project screen appears and defaults to the General Tab. STEP 2: Click on the Defaults tab then the Edit button in the upper right corner STEP 3: Skip the Purchasing section. This is not currently used. STEP 4: Review and Update the Other section: RFI Contact (RFI to Field): Click the magnifying glass on the 1st Contact field and select the Architect. Next Click the magnifying glass on the 2nd RFI Contact field and select appropriate contact for that Architect. If your contact isn't listed you will need to go to the Project Partner Directory and add a new contact. Default RFQ Review Period: Input number of days the Subs have to provide a quote to you. This will auto-populate on the RFQ letters. Default Issue Review Period & Default Notice Review Period: Leave blank as default. Punchlist Completion Period: Input the number of days for the responsible party to complete the punch list item. If working days leave checkbox checked. If calendar days clear check box. Default RFI Review Period: Input the number of days the Architect has to answer your RFI's (reference Contract). If working days leave checkbox checked. If calendar days clear check box. Use Working Days for OCO Date: Refer to contract. If working days leave checkbox checked. If calendar days clear check box. Submittal Coordinator (Internal Reviewer): Click the magnifying glass on the 1st Submittal Coordinator field and select the appropriate Swinerton Company. Next Click the magnifying glass on the 2nd Submittal Coordinator field and select appropriate contact. Submittal Approver: Click the magnifying glass on the 1st Submittal Approver field and select the appropriate company (usually the architect). Next Click the magnifying glass on the 2nd Submittal Approver field and select appropriate contact. Auto Populate Transmittal From Submittal: Click the checkbox Schedule: Leave blank. Schedule is not being used. Ball in Court Report & Access to BID Object From Report: Click the checkbox to make Ball in Court Report available on this project. Meeting Footnote: Standard language provided by Legal and it is recommended that this language be left as-is unless the contract stipulates something else. Default Meeting ID Mask & Default Agenda Item ID Mask: Standard meeting numbering is auto-generated. Do NOT modify this field. Project End Date Updateable: Accept default of checkbox (project end date will be updated as OCOs are posted). Limit CSI code usage by group: This setting is updated by others, accept default of ALL. Track “In Scope” and “Out of Scope” Amounts & Synchronize SCO and PCI Amounts: Leave unchecked, not being used. Auto Calculate Markups: Check box if you are going to allow CMiC to calculate your mark ups for you via the PCI Rules (Default & Best Practice). Leave unchecked if you are going to calculate your mark ups outside the system and then input them separately. Activity Start Date of Submittal is Required: Leave checked to ensure activity start date is added to EVERY submittal PCI Revenue Category: Leave blank, not being used. STEP 5: Review and Update the Submittal Lead Time in Days section NOTE: All Lead Time defaults set up here can be overridden in an individual Submittal Entry. Delivery: How many days lead time you would like to default in for deliveries of materials, equipment and other submittal items. **Having a submittal with delivery days needed will be the exception not the rule so it would be suggested to input a "0" here so that you are only changing it if necessary** Fabrication: How many days lead time you would like to default in for Fabrication of materials, equipment and other submittal items. **Having a submittal with fabrication days needed will be the exception not the rule so it would be suggested to input a "0" here so that you are only changing it if necessary** Float: How many days lead time you would like to default in for Float of materials, equipment and other submittal items. **Suggested that this be the same amount of days as given to the Architect for approval** Approval (architect): How many days does the architect have to review and approve your submittals per the contract. Review (GC): How many days are you going to give yourself / your team to review submittals Use Working Days: Check box if tracking by working days. Uncheck box if tracking by calendar days. (Refer to General Tab / Contract to match) STEP 6: Skip the PCI Detail Classifiers, Copy from Previous Daily Journal Defaults, and Project Areas sections. These are setup by others. DO NOT MODIFY. STEP 7: Click Save in upper right corner. Project Maintenance Masks & Modifying Masks Masks are default numbering and date formats for various Form/Document modules (objects) throughout the system. Standards are set up at the creation of your project in the system. While it is not recommended that you change these defaults, should you desire to modify defaults or to shut off auto numbering for specific modules (objects) such as Submittals please see the CMiC How To: Changing the Numbering Masks on a Project.
Project Maintenance Set Up for Sub-To-Self Projects
Project Maintenance Set Up for Sub-To-Self Projects: Assigning a Prime Contract Owner to the Project When Working as a Sub on a Swinerton Project This solution only specifies the additional steps required to set up a Sub-To-Self project. Click HERE for the solution to complete the project maintenance default set up. When working for another General Contractor it is important to leave that contractor assigned as the Project Owner on the commitment. This process should not be used in that situation. When working as a (self-performing) Subcontractor with your own job number on Swinerton projects (where the main job has a different job numbers), you have the ability to assign the Prime Contract Owner (ie. Kaiser or Stanford) on any commitments you write. In the Job Start Form, you need to list Swinerton Builders as the client Business Partner as this is who you are doing the work for (and directly contracted with). This client Business Partner then becomes the Customer when the project becomes a JIP (Job in Progress). It is important for accounting reasons that the Customer remains Swinerton Builders. However, if you need to write a commitment (i.e. Work Order, Purchase Order) to your vendors, it is important that the commitment lists the Prime Contract Project Owner on it and NOT Swinerton. STEP 1: Click on the Project Name. The Project screen appears and defaults to the General Tab. STEP 2: Click the Edit button in the upper right corner STEP 3: In the General tab, make sure that SWINERTON BUIDLERS (vendor 00000496) is assigned as the Customer. STEP 4: Click on the magnifying glass in the Project Owner (For Sub to Self-Jobs Only) field to search and assign the the Prime Contract Owner STEP 5: Click Save and exit out of the screen. What This Does: When printing the WO, click Work Order to MSA - Self Perform to Sub Tier - SB. The Prime Contract Owner's name will be listed on the coverpage. STEP 6: When printing the WO, click Work Order to MSA - Self Perform to Sub Tier - SB. NOTE: The Project Owner is now assigned to the Project and will print correctly on all project commitments.
Changing the Numbering Masks on a Project in CMiC
Changing the Numbering Masks on a Project in CMiC OVERVIEW Masks are the default numbering and date formats for various Documents and Reports throughout the CMiC system. Standards are set up at the creation of your project in the system. It is NOT Recommended that you change these defaults, should you desire to modify defaults or to shut off auto numbering for specific modules (objects) such as Submittals, this can be performed here (refer to the bottom of this how-to). This document first describes each mask’s default set up section followed by instructions to modify and save changes section. STEP 1: From the main Project Maintenance screen, click the Masks button located in the upper right corner. The Masks window will appear. STEP 2: Masks Window - Default Settings: The Legend for each field is shown at the bottom of the window as you click into each field Allow Override Column: if box is checked this opens the numbering field up and allows users to modify/override in entry screen for the noted Mask Sequence Within Project: Boxes are all checked by default. This pulls the next number from within your project within that specific module (RFIs, PCIs, OCOs etc). NOTE: Alphabetical masks must always be entered as lowercase. Otherwise the system thinks you want to print the series of uppercase letters next to the numbering value so uppercase will be assigned to and print out on your forms and documents. Bid Package No: Leave Defaults as-is. Bid Package No. is not being used Contract No.: Leave as is. This is the default for how Subcontracts / Purchase Agreements / PSA etc will be numbered. Submittal No: Default allows up to 8 digit specification section – followed by 3 digit next number next numbers start at 001 and go up to 999 for each different spec section. (Ex: 00150000-001 system will assign preceding zeros.) Submittal Package No: Default disables auto-numbering and is assigned by user. Communication No: Default set up as 5 digit next number and system assigns a value beginning at 00001 going up to 99999. Journal No: Default is a date default followed by a single digit numeric value. The reason it starts with year is for sorting purposes. If date begins with month, then 01-01-10 will fall between 01-01-09 and 01-01-11. (Example: 2011.05.18-1, 2011.05.19-1 2011.05.20-1; in this example May 18, 2011 is followed by May 19, 2011 then May 20, 2011. The actual Journal date is in standard mm/dd/yy format, file name (Journal No. is the default).) FWD No: Default set up as 5 digit next number and pertains to the forward function, if a form is forwarded in the system, it assigns a new next number and references the prior form number. (Example: If I forwarded RFI number 00009, the system would create a duplicate of RFI 00009 and assign it RFI 00010) Notice No: Default set up as 5 digit next number and system assigns a value beginning at 00001 going up to 99999. RFI No: Default set up as 5 digit next number and system assigns a value beginning at 00001 going up to 99999. Transmittal No: Default set up as 5 digit next number and system assigns a value beginning at 00001 going up to 99999. Issue No: Leave Defaults as-is. Punch List No: Not using. Punch List Item No.: Not using QC Inspection & Testing Item No.: Not using Units Complete No.: Not using Media ID: Not using Include Partner Abbreviation in External RFI ID: It is recommended that this checkbox be “CHECKED”, this affects COLLABORATION users and assigns a unique RFI number consisting of FROM: Business Partner number and a next sequential number as a unique RFI Number. It is helpful to use this function so Swinerton has the opportunity to modify or cancel the RFI prior to pulling the next Swinerton Number. If left unchecked, collaboration users will get the next Swinerton RFI number, however the system will not track any changes Swinerton makes to that RFI prior to sending it to the Architect/Consultant. Include Partner Abbreviation in External Transmittal ID: It is recommended that this checkbox be “CHECKED”, affects COLLABORATION users and assigns a Transmittal number consisting of FROM: Business Partner number and a next sequential number as a unique Transmittal Number. STEP 3: Click the Close button to exit Default Masks and return to Defaults tab in the main Project Maintenance module (object). OR STEP 4: MODIFYING MASKS This section takes you through modifying and removing Auto-Numbering Masks. It is not recommended that Masks be modified but in the event you must modify to be unique to your specific project the following two examples will show you how. EXAMPLE 1: I want to change the default 8 Digit Submittal Section to 6 digits following by a 3 digit next number Submittal No Mask: Delete existing mask and type ssssss-*** Click out of the mask to see the sample update EXAMPLE 2: I want to assign my own transmittal numbers Transmittal No Mask: Delete existing mask and leave blank Click out of the mask to see the sample update (it will be blank) STEP 5: Click the Save button to save the updates to the project masks and return to the main Project Maintenance Defaults tab.
PCI Markup Rules Set Up
PCI Markup Rules Set Up OVERVIEW PCI Markup rules are used to create "Below the line" markups to automatically calculate based on the PCI values. This setup takes place at the start of the project, but can be changed at anytime. Reference your contract for allowable markups and how they need to be calculated. If undefined, work with your PX/Owner to clarify these before your first PCI/COR. Reach out to your CMiC Local Champion or Submit a Ticket if you need help setting up markup rules. MORE INFORMATION: See these how-to guides for handling less common markup rules PCI Markup Rules Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % PCI Markup Rules by PCI Type STEP 1: From the tree view, click on Budget & Cost Management STEP 2: Click on PCI Markup Rules STEP 3: Click the New button to create new markup rule. If you want to copy the markups from another project, reference this How-To Guide. STEP 4: Order determines how the markups will print on the PCI letter templates. STEP 5: Description is the description that will print on the PCI letter templates. (e.g. Subguard, PL&PD, FEE, etc.) STEP 6: Rounding Rule is how you want the markup to calculate. Best practice is to use Round to the nearest dollar unless something else is required per contract. STEP 7: Rounding Method, assuming you use the standard Rounding Rule. Standard rounding is $0.51 round up and $0.49 round down. Best practice is to use Standard unless something else is required per contract. STEP 8: Level determines how the markup will calculate: Level 1 – Designated Phases & Categories in the PCI (aka Direct Cost of Work) Level 2 – Direct Cost of Work + Level 1 Markups Level 3 – Direct Cost of Work + Level 1 Markups + Level 2 Markups (i.e. FEE) You may go up to 7 markup levels and there can be multiple markups per level. STEP 9: Click Save. Make sure to Save before editing the details section. STEP 10: Go to the Details section and click the Blue Plus (+) to add a new row. These rows become the formula for the markup. NOTE: The % entered on your first Details line item for a given PCI mark-up rule is what will automatically appear in the percentage column when you print your PCI from CMIC. For this reason, it is highly recommended that the first Detail line item for a rule be your default/ALL item. STEP 11: Job field Should be left BLANK. It will populate based on the job showing at the top of the screen. STEP 12: Calculate On Phase field (aka CSI codes). Enter which Phase to locate within the PCI to apply the markup on. In this example, Subguard is to be calculated on ALL Phase Codes. NOTE: You can either do ALL or just 1 phase code. Use ALL if applied to ALL Phase Codes. STEP 13: Calculate On Category field. Enter the Category to locate within the PCI to apply the markup on. In this example, Subguard is to be calculated on Category Code 71140 (subcontracts only). NOTE: You can either do ALL or just 1 category code. Use ALL if applied to ALL Category Codes. STEP 14: Allocate To Job field should be left BLANK. It will populate based on the job showing at the top of the screen. STEP 15: Allocate To Phase field (aka CSI codes). Enter which Phase where the money from the markup should be placed. In this example, it is allocated to Subguard Insurance phase code 007480. NOTE: You need to select just 1 phase code to apply this $. STEP 16: Allocate to Category field. Enter which category where the money from the markup should be placed (within the phase code). In this example, it is allocated to Subguard Insurance category code 71160. STEP 17: Calculate on Billing Amount checkbox should remain Unchecked. STEP 18: Cost Budget % is the percentage to apply to the Cost Budget. Example shows 1.1% NOTE: When calculating FEE, this field MUST be ZERO (0). STEP 19: Revenue Budget % is the percentage to apply to Revenue Budget (what the Owner will see). Example shows 1.1% Click Save Repeat as needed until all markups have been added. Examples of different markup rules containing 7 levels EXAMPLE 1: Subguard (Set as Level 1, markup on direct cost only for only 71140 category codes) EXAMPLE 2: Insurance (Set as Level 2, markup on direct cost + level 1) EXAMPLE 3: Fee (Set as Level 3, markup on direct cost + level 1 + level 2) EXAMPLE 4: Fee (Set as Level 1, markup on direct cost on all work except Admin code 71151)
PCI Markup Rules Use Flexible Rates Rather Than Fixed %
PCI Markup Rules Use Flexible Rates Rather Than Fixed % OVERVIEW PCI Markup rules are used to create "Below the line" markups to automatically calculate based on the PCI values. This how-to guide is a continuation to the PCI Markup Rules Set Up guide, and specifically shows how to apply the Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % feature on a job, if desired. This assigns specified mark-up rule rates according to minimum and maximum dollar ranges for specific mark-up rule detail line items. This setup takes place at the start of the project, but can be changed at anytime. Reference your contract for allowable markups and how they need to be calculated. If undefined, work with your PX/Owner to clarify these before your first PCI/COR. Reach out to your CMiC Local Champion or Submit a Ticket if you need help setting up markup rules. MORE INFORMATION: See the PCI Markup Rules by PCI Type how-to guide for handling this other less common markup rule STEP 1: From the tree view, click on Budget & Cost Management STEP 2: Click on PCI Markup Rules. STEP 3: Check the Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % box. STEP 4: Click OK button on the following prompt. STEP 6: The Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % box should now be checked. Select the specific PCI Type (if applicable), Rule, and Detail line item that you would like to edit by clicking anywhere on desired row. STEP 7: Click on the Markup Rates link to open up the Markup Rates Maintenance window. STEP 8: In the Markup Rates Maintenance window, click the Plus Sign (+) button to insert your first row. STEP 9: Enter in desired range of PCI dollar amounts for the selected Detail line item, along with corresponding Cost Budget and Revenue Budget percentages. Click the Plus Sign button again to insert more rows if desired. The first row should start with a Min. of $0, and the Max. field in the last row should be left BLANK. After filling out all rows in this window, click the SAVE button. NOTE: The Markup Rates Maintenance window will close upon clicking Save, and you'll be back in the PCI Markup Rules screen. Nothing will change on the Detail line item itself, but you should notice the rules being applied accordingly to mark-ups on PCIs (as specified). NOTE: If you have any flexible rates assigned at all to your job, the Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % box will always remain checked (regardless of which PCI Type or Rule or Detail you are looking in). (See screenshot below) STEP 10: How to Edit Flexible Rates or Restore Fixed Rates on Specific Line Items - Repeat Steps 6-9 above using the Markup Rates link. STEP 11: How to Restore Fixed Rates Project-Wide: If you want to return to fixed rates across the whole job, all you have to do is uncheck the Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % box, and click OK in the following prompt. This will turn off all Flexible Rates assigned on the project.
PCI Markup Rules by PCI Type
(NEW Functionality) PCI Markup Rules Set Up by PCI Type OVERVIEW PCI Markup rules are used to create "Below the line" markups to automatically calculate based on the PCI values. This how-to guide is a continuation to the PCI Markup Rules Set Up guide, and specifically shows how to use the PCI Type feature to assign unique mark-up rules according to type of PCI. This setup takes place at the start of the project, but can be changed at anytime. Reference your contract for allowable markups and how they need to be calculated. If undefined, work with your PX/Owner to clarify these before your first PCI/COR. Reach out to your CMiC Local Champion or Submit a Ticket if you need help setting up markup rules. MORE INFORMATION: See the PCI Markup Rules Use Flexible Rates rather than Fixed % how-to guide for handling this other less common markup rule STEP 1: From the tree view, click on Budget & Cost Management STEP 2: Click on PCI Markup Rules STEP 3: Click downward arrow button next to PCI Type to reveal PCI type options. Refer to the how-to guide for STEP 4: PCI TYPE - There are 6 specific PCI Types listed in the drop-down. Click here for more information on PCI Types Select the specific PCI Type for which you would like to set up mark-up rules. NOTE: Select the default/blank option (topmost in drop-down) if you want to set up "general" PCI mark-up rules that get applied to all PCI's on your job (regardless of Type, and regardless of whether or not other Type-specific mark-up rules have been set up). For example, if you set up mark-up rules for the CTO PCI Type AND you set up "general" mark-up rules, you will see both sets of mark-up rules appear on your CTO PCI's. ALL PCI TYPES (First default option): The topmost (blank) option is the default option, which you should select if you want to create a general mark-up rule. The general mark-up rule gets applied on all PCI Types. EXTERNAL: Both Cost Budget & Revenue Budget Can be Affected Change to Owner (CTO) Allowance (ALLO) Contingency (CONT) Transfer (TR) (Must Balance to Zero) INTERNAL Only affects the Cost Budget No Change to Owner (NCTO) Back Charge (BC) STEP 5: Once you've selected a PCI Type, you can then proceed with adding your rules and rule details for that PCI Type. Start by clicking on one of the following buttons: 5a (Option 1) New: If you don't want to copy mark-up rules from a job or another PCI Type on your current job, click on the New button and refer to the PCI Markup Rules Set Up how-to guide for next steps. 5b (Option 2) Copy from Job: If you want to copy all mark-up rules for PCIs from another project, click on the Copy from Job button, and reference this How-To Guide. NOTE: This feature will pull in all of the mark-up rules from that job. If the source job assigned mark-up rules by PCI Type, these will all copy into the target project by PCI Type. 5c (Option 3) Copy from PCI Type: Click this button if you want to copy mark-up rules/details from another PCI Type on your current job. Select desired Source PCI Type from drop-down that you want to copy from, and click Proceed button to populate the rules/details sections. NOTE: Rules and Details will copy over from Source PCI Type. However, Cost Budget and Revenue Budget % will NOT. These have to be entered in accordingly in the Target PCI Type mark-up rule window.
Copy PCI Markups from Another Project in CMiC
Copy PCI Markups from Another Project in CMiC Overview: Many Clients have the same markup rules for all their projects. Follow the steps below to copy markups from another project (closed or open) and save time. STEP 1: From the tree view, click on Budget & Cost Management STEP 2: Click on PCI Markup Rules STEP 3: Click the Copy From Job button to copy the markups from another project. STEP 4: Enter the job number OR click the magnifying glass to search for the project you want to copy from. STEP 5: In the popup window search either by job number or name in the find box to locate the project you want to copy for markup rules and click Go, click Close then click Proceed. STEP 6: Review and change levels, Cost and Revenue % or anything else as needed and click Save. NOTE: If the Source Job has multiple mark-up rules set up by PCI Type, this feature will pull in all of mark-up rules from the Source for each PCI Type.
How can I get Z drive folders set up for my new Job In Progress (JIP)?
How can I get Z drive folders set up for my new Job In Progress (JIP)? Problem: My job was just approved as a Job In Progress (JIP). However, I am not seeing the Z drive folders for the job yet. What do I need to do to get the Z drive folders set up for the job? Solution: The Z drive folder setup is an automated process. Once the job is a JIP, a support ticket (like the example below) is automatically submitted to Tech Support. You do not need to reach out to anyone to set up the folders. Folder setup can take Tech Support several days to complete. If it has been a week, and you are still not seeing the job folders on the Z drive, please submit a support ticket to inquire as to the status of job folder setup.