CMiC - Submittals
Format/Import Submittals into CMiC
Format / Import Submittals into CMiC Importing your submittal list is the most efficient way to get your submittal list into CMiC. 1. The Excel spreadsheet is easier to deal with in regards to copying and pasting and dragging information down. The spreadsheet template can be found on the CMIC Homepage on SwinNet; Templates. 2. If you keep up your Excel spreadsheet with any changes, you can continue to import the same sheet into CMiC, and CMiC will pick up only the new information. This will work well if your schedule changes, a few tweaks to your Excel spreadsheet and you can reimport and not touch each submittal separately in CMiC. NOTE: Setting up the submittal register should be one of the first things you do when starting a project. When working collaboratively, the subs cannot add their submittals unless the register has been set up. NOTE: Only the column headers that are highlighted in yellow across the top need to be filled in. NOTE: If the column header is highlighted in red, then there is a formula set up for you. NOTE: Make sure to include things like Attic Stock, O&M's, Trainings and other general closeout items in your submittal register as well. Setting up your Excel Spreadsheet STEP 1: Choose your Company Code from the drop down STEP 2: Input your Job Number Column D (Submittal Name) – Yes, start with the description first so that you can fill in the first cell in Column C and then drag it down for as many submittals that you have in a single group. Column C At the beginning cell of each change in spec section, input the spec section-001 and then drag it down and the Excel spreadsheet will number the rest of them for you. NOTE: You MUST add an alpha-Abbreviation to each of your Business Partners in the Project Partner Directory, the import template will not accept the default BP number. Column F (Received From Partner Abbreviation) – This is the subcontractor ABBREV that will be turning in the submittal. Column G (Received From Contact Code) – This is the Code for the person that you are expecting to get the submittals from Column H (Returned By Partner Abbreviation) – This is the architect or company that is going to approve your submittals ABBREV Column I (Returned By Contact Code) – This is the Code for the person that is going to approve your submittals. NOTE: If you have an architect that has several people that all want to work under one contact code, there is a Hold Harmless letter that must be signed. Column J – This column is set up with a formula to copy from Column H. When you click the "Save My Spreadsheet," it will infill. Column K – This column is set up with a formula to copy from Column I. When you click the "Save My Spreadsheet," it will infill. Column L – This column is set up with a formula to copy from Column F. When you click the "Save My Spreadsheet," it will infill. Column M – This column is set up with a formula to copy from Column G. When you click the "Save My Spreadsheet," it will infill. Column V – All submittals should start as Anticipated, so when you click the "Save My Spreadsheet, it will infill. Column W – The Activity Start Date comes from your schedule. This is the date the sub will step onto the project to start work. Column Y – Use this if you are going to have to send multiple copies, usually this will just be 1 because we are going to do everything electronically. Column AA – Delivery Lead Time. This will be 0 unless there is a certain item that has a long lead delivery time and then you can put the number of days for delivery. Column AB – Fabrication Lead Time. This will be 0 unless there is a certain item that has a long lead fabrication time and then you can put the number of days for fabrication. NOTE: If there is no delivery or fabrication time, make sure to put in "0" DO NOT LEAVE BLANK. Column AC – Float Lead Time. If a submittal is returned by the architect as Revise and Resubmit, how many days do you want to give for Cycle 2. Take the amount of days the architect has to approve the submittal + number of days for the SB project team to review a new submittal from the sub. Column AD – Approval Lead Time. How many days does the architect have to review/approve your submittals. Check your contract. You can add it in once and copy and paste it down to cover all submittals on the list. Column AE – Review Lead Time. How many days are you going to give your PE to review the submittal from the subcontractor. Column AF – Preparation Lead Time. How many days are you going to give your sub to turn in their submittals. Column AG – This column is set up with a formula that picks up the first 6 digits from column C. Column AJ – What type of submittal is it. (Data, Drawing, Sample, etc.) Column AK – What is the Spec Subsection Code Once your Excel spreadsheet is set up: STEP 1: Click Save My Spreadsheet STEP 2: Click Finish & Create Submittal Items (this will save it to your desktop as a .csv file) STEP 3: Log into CMiC STEP 4: Click the (4) sign next to Document Management STEP 5: Click Submittals STEP 6: Click the Import button STEP 7: Click Browse STEP 8: Click on your .CSV File STEP 9: Click Open STEP 10: Click Upload STEP 11: Click Proceed STEP 12: Click Accept It is now time to set up your Submittal Packages. Refer to the Submittal Packages Solution for instructions.
Manually add a Submittal in CMiC
Manually Add a Submittal in CMiC OVERVIEW: HOW TO CREATE ANTICIPATED SUBMITTALS MANUALLY THROUGH THE SUBMITTAL MODULE This document is a guide for how to create anticipated submittals using the Submittals object in CMiC. There are three ways to create anticipated submittals within CMiC. They are: 1. Using Excel to enter all information and then import it into the system. See the Submittal Import solution for more information. 2. Using the Submittal Package object to create individual anticipated submittals contained within a package number. See the Submittal Package solution for more information. 3. Using the Submittal object to create individual anticipated submittals. This How-To will teach you how to use the Submittals object to create your anticipated submittals. SUBMITTALS: STEP 1: Login to CMiC. STEP 2: Select your project. STEP 3: Click the Arrow (4) sign to the left of Document Management. STEP 4: Click the Submittals link. STEP 5: Click the Add Submittal button on the top right of the screen (this will bring you into the Edit mode). a. Submittal No.: Auto-fills b. Name: Type a short description of your anticipated submittal. c. Type: Use the drop-down arrow and select from list, i.e., Data, Shop Drawings, Calculations, etc. d. Status: Auto-fills with Open; Use the drop-down arrow and select “Anticipated” or tab into the field and press the letter “A” to populate the “Anticipated” Status. You can use the arrow buttons on your keyboard to scroll through the other statuses alphabetically if you desire. e. Critical Procurement Item: If you wish to flag a submittal as a critical procurement item, check this box. f. Create Link Button: If this submittal is associated with a Change and a PCI needs to be created for tracking purposes, click on button and fill in the required information. See separate link to complete the needed information. g. Link to Change Button: If this submittal is associated with a Change and a PCI has been created, click on button and link for tracking purposes. h. Description: If the description of the anticipated submittal was not sufficient, use this box to type a detailed description of the anticipated submittal. i. Spec Section: Type the spec section OR use the Magnifying Glass to select the spec section from a list of values. This information MUST be entered to maintain the integrity of the submittal numbering system. j. Package No.: Leave blank. Refer to SwinNet / CMiC / Document Management / Submittal Packages – Create Anticipated “How to create anticipated submittals manually through the package module” document for more information on what this field. k. Spec Sub-Section: Type the spec sub-section OR use the Magnifying Glass to select the spec sub-section from a list of values. User Defined: l. Other Submittal Type: Leave blank unless you select type “other” in step 5.c, then type in description. m. Quality Submittal Type: Use the magnifying Glass and select from list, i.e., Project Kick-off, Bldg Env. Review, Pre-install Mtg., etc. n. Area: Type a short description for the area that this submittal is specific to. o. QM Reviewer: Use the magnifying Glass and select from list of Swinerton/HMH Quality Managers. If the anticipated submittal is highly technical, it may require a Swinerton/HMH employee with special knowledge to review the actual submittal. Use this button to select the Swinerton/HMH employee that will review your submittal for Quality Management purposes. An example might be your exterior waterproofing or structural steel shop drawings. p. Water+Min5: Use the magnifying Glass and select from list, i.e., Yes, No, etc. Sender: q. Prepared By: (Subcontractor) Use the Magnifying Glass to select the Subcontractor company name from a list of values. r. Contact: (Subcontractor) Use the Magnifying Glass to select the Subcontractor contact name from a list of values. s. Transmitted For: Use the drop-down arrow and select from list, i.e., Approval, Information Only, Selection, Clarification, etc. t. Required Finish: The required date that the submittal is to be returned to the subcontractor. Receiver: u. Approval By: (Architect) Auto-fills if set up in Project Maintenance / Default tab or use the Magnifying Glass to select the Architect company name from a list of values. v. Contact: (Architect) Auto-fills if set up in Project Maintenance / Default tab or use the Magnifying Glass to select the Architect contact name from a list of values. w. cc: Click on the Edit button, click on the Magnifying Glass to select the contact name or Distribution List from a list of values and click OK. Repeat as needed. NOTE: Be sure to setup your Submittal Distribution List to quickly add all necessary contacts. Schedule: y. Activity ID: (this feature is not being used at this time) z. Due Onsite: Click on the calendar ICON and select the date that this material is due onsite. aa. Variance: Auto-fills based on the number of days input for Float (resubmittal). bb. Current Cycle: Auto-fills based on the cycle of review, 1= original, 2 = resubmittal, etc. cc. Ball-in-court: Who has the current responsibility of the submittal. dd. Fabricated: For tracking purposes, if field is Yellow, the submittal has not been approved, once approved the field will turn white, click on the calendar and input the fabricated date. ee. Delivered: For tracking purposes, once the Fabricated date is input the Delivered field will open (turn from yellow to white) and click on the calendar and input the anticipated delivery date. ff. Arrived: For tracking purposes, once the Delivered date is input the Arrived Onsite field will open (turn from yellow to white) and click on the calendar and input the actual date material arrived onsite. NOTE: The dates below will auto-fill based on the above Due Onsite Date if the Project page / Default tab / "Submittal Lead Time in Days" section has been completed. The default dates and lead times can be overridden here. Also, in the "Submittal Lead Time in Days" section there is a checkbox for “Use Working Days”. If box is checked then the following dates are calculated based on a 5-day work week. If box is unchecked, then the following dates are calculated on calendar days. NOTE: All fields listed below are tied together. In order for dates to populate, you must enter Lead Times for each item, even if the Lead Time is zero. Also, adjusting one Lead Time duration will automatically adjust the other dates accordingly. gg. Submitted by Contractor: Auto-fills, the date the Subcontractor is to submit the submittal to Swinerton/HMH. hh. Internal Review – enter number of days for internal review. ii. Sent for Review: The date Swinerton/HMH to submit to the Architect, jj. External Review – enter number of days for Architect review. This duration may be defined in the project’s prime contract, or as agreed to with the Architect. kk. Returned from Review: The date the Architect is to return the submittal. ll. Final Review - amount of time Swinerton/HMH has to review the approval submittal before issuing to subcontractor. mm. Forwarded to Contractor - The amount of float you have in your schedule for a given submittal. It may include time for resubmitting part or all of this submittal. nn. Float (resubmittal) - amount of time you want to allow for float of subcontractor to resubmit part or all of the submittal. oo. Fabrication: The date fabrication is to begin time after approval of the submittal. pp. Lead Time - enter number of days for fabrication of materials. qq. Delivery: This is when the submitted material is scheduled to ship to the jobsite. rr. Lead Time – Enter zero or delivery time needed to the jobsite once fabrication is complete. ss. Onsite: This is when the submitted material is scheduled to arrive onsite for installation. Reviewer: (Note: Items can be changed by clicking on the Pencil Icon to the left of the respective row and making the necessary adjustments below in Reviewer Details and clicking Save Reviewer Details. This can also be done by clicking on the Edit History (Step 7, see below) action button at the top.) tt. Step 1: The Subcontractor is to submit the submittal to Swinerton/HMH. 1. Reviewer - (Subcontractor) Auto-fills from Company information entered in step 5.q, and Contact information entered in step 5. r. 2. Role - this information auto-fills, Submitter 3. Due Date – this information auto-fill from the above Schedule section. Enter the date the submittal needs to be received from the Subcontractor if it did not auto-fill. 4. Status - current status of submittal, click on drop down arrow and select appropriate Review Response. 5. Action Date - date when respective activities took place. uu. Step 2: Swinerton/HMH to submit the submittal to the Architect. 1. Reviewer - this information auto-fills, contact at Swinerton/HMH to review submittal 2. Role - this information auto-fills, Manager 3. Due Date – this information will auto-fill from the above Schedule section. If you didn’t use Schedule section above, you will enter this information when you process the actual submittal. 2. Status - current status of submittal, click on drop down arrow and select appropriate Review Response. 3. Action Date - date when respective activities took place. vv. Step 3: The date the Architect is to return the submittal to Swinerton/HMH . 1. Reviewer - (Architect) Auto-fills if set up in Project Maintenance / Default tab or if Magnifying Glass is used to select Architect in step 5.u and Architect contact in 5.v. 2. Role - this information auto-fills, Approver 3. Due Date – this information will auto-fill from the above Schedule section. If you didn’t use Schedule section above, you will enter this information when you process the actual submittal. 4. Status - current status of submittal, click on drop down arrow and select appropriate Review Response. 5. Action Date - date when respective activities took place. ww. Step 4: The date Swinerton/HMH to return the submittal to the subcontractor. It may require resubmitting part or all of this submittal. 1. Reviewer - this information auto-fills, contact at Swinerton/HMH to review submittal 2. Role - this information auto-fills, manager 3. Due Date - the calculated date Swinerton/HMH is to return the submittal to the subcontractor. 2. Status - current status of submittal, click on drop down arrow and select appropriate Review Response. 3. Action Date - date when respective activities took place. xx. Documents: Drag and drop documents/attachments from folders, can also be tracked in the Attachments tab. yy. Notes: Type notes and memos as needed, toggle between Public (all to see) and Private (internal notes only), and click save. STEP 6: Click the Save button on the top right of the screen. NOTE: Once you have saved, the History section of the Anticipated submittal will become visible. To edit information in this section, you must click the Edit History button. STEP 7: Click the Edit History button. First Row – Received: a. Received Due Date: This information auto-fill from the above Schedule section. Enter the date the submittal needs to be received from the Subcontractor if it did not auto-fill. b. Received Action Date: Leave blank, you will enter date when you process the actual submittal. c. Days Diff: Auto-fills. d. Received From: Auto-fills Subcontractor company name or use the Magnifying Glass to select. e. Contact: Auto-fills Subcontractor contact name or use the Magnifying Glass to select. f. To: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH company name or use the Magnifying Glass to select. g. Contact: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH contact name or use the Magnifying Glass to select. h. Status: Use the Magnifying Glass to select the status of “Anticipated”. You may change this to “Received” once the submittal is received from the Subcontractor. i. Comment: Leave blank. This does not update or change the Comment that can be entered on the Submittal Detail. Second Row – Sent: j. Sent Due Date: This information will auto-fill from the above Schedule section. If you didn’t use Schedule section above, you will enter this information when you process the actual submittal. k. Sent Action Date: Leave blank, you will enter date when you process the actual submittal. l. Days Diff: Auto-fills once Action date has been filled out. m. Sent From: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH company name. n. Contact: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH contact name. o. To: Auto-fills Architect company name or use the Magnifying Glass to select. p. Contact: Auto-fills Architect contact name or use the Magnifying Glass to select. q. Status: Leave blank. r. Comment: Leave blank. Third Row – Returned: s. Returned Due Date: This information will auto-fill from the above Schedule section. If you didn’t use Schedule section above, you will enter this information when you process the actual submittal. t. Returned Action Date: Leave blank, you will enter date when you process the actual submittal. u. Days Diff: Auto-fills once Action date has been filled out. v. Returned From: Auto-fills Architect company name. w. Contact: Auto-fills Architect contact name. x. Returned To: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH company name. y. Contact: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH contact name. z. Status: Leave blank. aa. Comment: Leave blank. Fourth Row – Forwarded: bb. Forwarded Due Date – This information will auto-fill from the above Schedule section. If you didn’t use Schedule section above, you will enter this information when you process the actual submittal. cc. Forwarded Action Date: Leave blank, you will enter date when you process the actual submittal. dd. Days Diff: Auto-fills once Action date has been filled out. ee. Forwarded From: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH company name. ff. Contact: Auto-fills Swinerton/HMH contact name. gg. Forwarded To: Auto-fills Subcontractor company name. hh. Contact: Auto-fills Subcontractor contact name. ii. Status: Leave blank. jj. Comment: Leave blank. kk. Click the Save button on the top right of the screen. ll. Click the Close button to close the Edit History screen. NOTE: At this point you have successfully created one anticipated submittal. In order to create the rest of your anticipated submittals, proceed using the steps listed below. You have three options to add the rest of your anticipated submittals: 1. Add – If you choose to use the Add button, your screen will refresh and you will complete steps 1-7 as noted above for the new anticipated submittal. This is effective, but is not the fastest method. 2. Import – If you choose to use the Import button, you will need to follow instructions on the Importing your Submittals Solution. 3. Copy – This is the most efficient method for creating new anticipated submittals once the first anticipated submittal has been created. Follow the instructions below for using the Copy button. STEP 8: Click the Copy button. The screen will refresh into “edit” mode and you will be working on a new anticipated submittal number as referenced by the Submittal No field. Change any information that requires updating from the previous anticipated submittal. Often times, fields that will change from submittal to submittal are: a. Name: change the name/description to match the new anticipated submittal b. Type: change the type to match the new anticipated submittal c. Status: Change to anticipated. d. Critical Procurement Item: If you wish to flag a submittal as a critical procurement item, check this box. e. Create Link Button: If this submittal is associated with a Change and a PCI needs to be created for tracking purposes, click on button and fill in the required information. See separate link to complete the needed information. f. Link to Change Button: If this submittal is associated with a Change and a PCI has been created, click on button and link for tracking purposes. g. Description: change the description to match the new anticipated submittal. h. Spec-Sub-Section: change the spec sub-section to match the new anticipated submittal i. Other Submittal Type: (if applicable) j. Quality Submittal Type: (if applicable) k. QM Reviewer: (if applicable) l. Water+Min5: (if applicable) m. Required Finish: change the required finish date to match the new anticipated submittal (don’t forget this field auto-fills based on information filled out in the “Schedule” section, but it can always be manually entered here. n. Due onsite: change the required due onsite date to match the new anticipated submittal (don’t forget this field auto-fills based on information filled out in the Schedule section, but it can always be manually entered here. o. Schedule (ALL FIELDS): change ALL lead times as needed for this section to auto-populate the date fields for the new anticipated submittal. NOTE: Each time you begin creating anticipated submittals for a new spec section, you will also want to change the following fields: p. Spec Section: change the spec section if you are entering a new anticipated submittal for a new spec section q. Prepared By: change the Subcontractor company name to match the spec section you are working in. r. Contact: change the Subcontractor contact name to match the Prepared By company name. NOTE: At this point, you have created anticipated submittals using the Submittals object. Once all anticipated submittals have been created, it is possible to group certain submittals into a submittal package, which will allow you to submit multiple items at one time. Refer to the Creating Submittal Packages Solution for instructions on how to create packages.
Create a Submittal Package in CMiC
Create a Submittal Package in CMiC OVERVIEW Once you have imported your submittal register, you can Create your submittal packages. If you have not already imported your Submittal register, please refer to the Importing Submittals Solution. Even though you are going to attach the submittal .pdf's to the separate line items, the Package allows for more efficient managing of the submittal register back and forth between the architect and the subcontractors. STEP 1: Open up the Excel spreadsheet and move it over to your second monitor if you have one. STEP 2: Click the arrow (4) sign next to Document Management STEP 3: Click Submittal Packages STEP 4: Click Add Submittal Package STEP 5: Enter the first spec section from your Excel spreadsheet STEP 6: Make the Status "Open" (You can either click the up arrow and choose Open or Type O and it will autofill) STEP 7: The Spec Section is the same number as your Package No. STEP 8: Name the package STEP 9: Click Add Submittal button STEP 10: Click the radio button next to all the submittals that have to do with that Spec Section STEP 11: Click Accept and the balance of the Submittal Package header will fill in automatically. STEP 12: Click Add, to add the next Submittal Package STEP 13: Continue until all items have been associated with a Submittal Package. NOTE: as you create your submittal packages you will notice that the submittal items that are now part of a package will no longer show up in the selection window to choose from.
Using Packages to Manage the Submittal Process
Using Packages to Manage the Submittal Process (No Collaboration) OVERVIEW: Once your submittal packages are set up, you are ready to manage the process of "Receiving " them from the Subcontractor, "Submitting" them to the Architect, having them "Returned" from the Architect and "Forwarding" the final answer back to the Subcontractor. Receiving Submittals from the Subcontractor: STEP 1: Click on [4] to the left of Document Management STEP 2: Click on the Submittal Packages STEP 3: Choose the package you want to work in. STEP 4: Click Update Package STEP 5: Leave the Action at Received STEP 6: Click the Submittals that the subcontractor has turned in. STEP 7: Click the down arrow [6] and change the Status to Received STEP 8: Click Update STEP 9: Click Close "Submitting/Sending" Submittals to the Architect: STEP 1: Click on the Submittal Packages STEP 2: Choose the package you want to work in. STEP 3: Click Update Package STEP 4: Change your Action to Sent STEP 5: Click the Submittals that you want to send to the Architect STEP 6: Click the down arrow and change the Status to Submitted STEP 7: Click Update STEP 8: System will send the Architect an Email Alert (make sure their email notification box is checked for submittals) STEP 9: Click Close Now your Submittal Package shows which ones were submitted. Submittals being "Returned" from the Architect: For CMiC Collaboration click HERE. Follow the following steps for non-collaboration. If the architect is non-collaborative and submittals are be transmitted via sources other than CMIC; you will need to update the status in the Review History Tab. STEP 1: Click on [4] to the left of Document Management STEP 2: Click on the Submittal Packages STEP 3: Choose the package you want to work in. STEP 4: Click Update Package STEP 5: Change the Action to Returned STEP 6: Check the boxes next to the submittals that were returned. STEP 7: Change the Status a. If the status' from the Architect are all the same you can choose the Status that matches the verbiage your Architect is using. b. If the status is different, then change each one separately by clicking the down arrow under the New Status column. STEP 8: Click Update and close. "Forwarding" the Architect Reviewed Submittal back to the Subcontractor: STEP 1: Click on [4] to the left of Document Management STEP 2: Click on the Submittal Packages STEP 3: Choose the package you want to work in. STEP 4: Click Update Package STEP 5: Change the Action to Forwarded STEP 6: Check the box next to the submittal items you are forwarding back to the subcontractor. a. If you have a submittal item that is Revise and Resubmit, you will need to update that one separately first, so check the box next to the one with the Revise and Resubmit Status. b. Check the box that says Create Review Cycle c. Uncheck the box that says Create Transmittals d. Click Update STEP 7: Change your Action back to Forwarded STEP 8: Check the boxes next to the submittal items you want to Forward to the subcontractor STEP 9: Leave the Status as No Change STEP 10: Click Update System will automatically create a transmittal to the Subcontractor (If your Auto Populate Transmittal from Submittal box is checked on the Defaults tab under View Current Project) STEP 11: Open the Transmittal by clicking on the Transmittal #. STEP 12: Click Edit to make any changes, such as adding CC or making any Remarks . STEP 13: Click Save STEP 14: Click Submit STEP 15: Click Close for the Transmittal STEP 16: Click Close for the Transmittal Window. STEP 17: Click Close for the Submittal Window. STEP 18: Click Close for the Review Cycle Window
Remove a Submittal from a Submittal Package in CMiC
Remove a Submittal from a Submittal Package in CMiC OVERVIEW: HOW TO REMOVE SUBMITTALS FROM AN EXISTING SUBMITTAL PACKAGE Once you have submittals contained within a submittal package, you can remove them from the package if needed. Removing a submittal from a package will not delete the submittal itself, but only remove it from the package. NOTE: It is not possible to delete a submittal from a from a project entirely. If you no longer want a Submittal, you will change the status of said submittal to “Void." There is a default filter in place that removes it from the job. STEP 1: Click the plus (4) sign next to the Document Management. a. Click the Submittal Packages link. STEP 2: Click on the link of the submittal package containing the submittals you wish to remove. STEP 3: Click the Edit button at the top right of the package. STEP 4: Click the minus (–) sign on the far left or right of the screen to delete respective lines. STEP 5: A pop-up will appear. Click OK, repeat as need for each line and click Save STEP 5a: To remove the submittal from the submittal package click Delete, a pop-up will appear. Click OK and Save STEP 6: The submittal will no longer be visible within the submittal package However, the submittal will still exist under the main list of Submittals
Process a Submittal from a Sub to the Architect
Process a Submittal from a Sub to the Architect OVERVIEW: Once you have all of your anticipated submittals created, the next step is collecting the submittals, reviewing them, and submitting them to the Architect (if of sufficient quality and document compliance). For more information & Best Practices, go to the Daily Documentation page on SwinNet. This guide will walk through the steps to update the status of the individual submittal, printing a cover page and save a complete submittal packet within the Submittal record. Note that this guide is for project NOT using collaboration. Click HERE for the how-to guide for Using Packages to Manage the Submittal Process STEP 1: Navigate to the Submittal that has been Received from the Subcontractor. STEP 2: Click on Edit History STEP 3: In the pop-up screen: Row 1: Enter the Action Date (date the project team received the submittal from the vendor), click Cancel on the pop-up to keep the system generated dates, and change the Status to Received Row 2: Enter the Action Date (date you are submitting this submittal to the architect) and change the Status to Submitted (assuming the submittal has been reviewed by the team and is sufficient) STEP 4: Click Save then Close STEP 5: To create the Submittal Cover Page, click Print Report from the Submittal Detail tab STEP 6: In the pop-up window Report Name should be "WORD:Submittal Record-SB" Template should be: "Submittal Record-SB" STEP 7: Click Print, then Run Report STEP 8: Review the Downloaded word document to make sure everything is correct. STEP 9: Click Create PDF from the Bluebeam Tab in word save to your desktop, but leave it open in BlueBeam. Note: if this doesn't work, then print to PDF STEP 10: Combine this Cover Page with the subcontractor's PDF submittal, your review markups, and your Electronic Stamp in BlueBeam (click HERE for the BlueBeam how-to guide) STEP 11: Save the new combined file to the Project's Submittal folder on the Z Drive NOTE: At this point the submittal packet can be emailed to the architect and other team members as needed. If mailing or hand delivering a submittal (such as samples) be sure to include a Transmittal (click HERE for transmittal how-to guide). STEP 12: Navigate back to the Submittal in CMiC and stay on the Submittal Detail page STEP 13: Scroll down to the Documents section to drag and drop the file into the upload field. Once uploaded here it is also added to the Attachments tab - NOTE: The Bluebeam Review button does not work in the Attachments Tab. Click HERE for more info. NEXT STEP: Process a Returned Submittal (Returned from Arch Forward to Sub)
Process a Returned Submittal (Returned from Arch Forward to Sub)
Process a Returned Submittal (Returned from Arch Forward to Sub) OVERVIEW: Once you receive the Submittal response from the architect, this response must be recorded and forwarded to the subcontractor. For more information & Best Practices, go to the Daily Documentation page on SwinNet. Also, work with your superintendent on Critical Procurement items to ensure the submittal status has been updated in the P6 schedule. Click HERE for the how-to guide for Using Packages to Manage the Submittal Process Using Collaboration STEP 1: Go to the Submittals log view STEP 2: Filter or Search by the Status "Reviewed by Architect" STEP 3: Click on the first submittal that has been "Reviewed by Architect" STEP 4: Review the Notes Tab or the Description on the Attachments tab, depending on how the Architects wanted to let you know the status (their response) STOP: Click HERE for the how-to guide if the Submittal is returned "Revise and Resubmit". Otherwise proceed to step 5. Not Using Collaboration STEP 1a: Navigate to the Submittal that has been Returned by the Architect. Go to Step 5. BOTH Processes STEP 5: Click on Edit History STEP 6: In the pop-up screen: Row 3 (Returned): Date will already be populated for projects using collaboration. Otherwise, enter the Action Date (date the architect returned the submittal), click Cancel on the pop-up to keep the system generated dates, and change the Status to match the Architect's response. Row 4 (Forwarded): Enter the Action Date (date you are forwarding the architect's response to the sub) and change the Status to match the Architect's response. STEP 7: Check the box next to Forwarded in the Tmsm (transmittal) column STEP 8: Click Create Transmittal STEP 9: Click Process STEP 10: Open the Transmittal by clicking on the Transmittal No. link in blue STEP 12: Click Edit in the Transmittal window STEP 13: Complete the Transmittal (For more detail on creating a transmittal, click HERE) a. Add any CC's b. In the Content Section, click the Submittal(s) box (and any other relevant box) c. In the Actions Section, click the For your use box d. Make any Remarks you might need to e. Click Submit STEP 14: If Not Using Collaboration or Returning a Submittal via Mail, click Print Report to generate a transmittal that can be included in an email or package with the submittal response from the architect. Otherwise, go to step 15. STEP 15: Close out of all windows till you are back at the submittal detail record. STEP 16: Attach any additional documents such as emails, transmittals, shipping information etc to complete this submittal record.
Create a New Submittal Cycle for Revise & Resubmit Items
Create a New Submittal Cycle when Submittal is Revise and Resubmit from Architect OVERVIEW If a submittal is returned from the architect "Revise and Resubmit" you do not need to create a new submittal. This guide walks you through the steps to update the submittal and create a new Review Cycle. This is for a single submittal. For submittal packages, click HERE. STEP 1: Click on the Submittal with the status of Reviewed by Architect OR navigate the submittal that needs to be updated. STEP 2: Click Edit History STEP 3: Update Rows 3 & 4: - Enter the Date you received the retuned Submittal from the Architect and the date you sent (or intend to send) this info to the sub - Change the Status to Revise and Resubmit STEP 4: Click Save (Upon Save, the system will automatically create the next Cycle) STEP 5: Upon Save, the system will automatically create the next Cycle (see cycle column) STEP 6: Update the NEW Due Date for the sub STEP 7: Change the Status for Row One to Revised and Resubmit STEP 8: Click Save STEP 9: Click Close NOTE: This is now back in the subcontractor's "Submittals in my Court" Log. Send them an email notification that it is back in their court.