CMiC - AP Invoices and Imaging
Overview of CMiC Image Manager
Overview of CMiC Image Manager Image Manager allows users to Code and process invoices & Request for Payments (RFP). 1. UI Config - Allows the PDF image to be viewed in a separate window (2 Monitors) 2. File Structure - Pending Subcontractor RFP's and Vendor Invoices to be processed and approved. Click on the desired PDF to load the Flysheet and image. 3. PDF Image - Image of Invoice or RFP being processed 4. Vendor Invoice Header - The Invoice header section is completed by Corporate AP. The majority of items in the header cannot be changed by the Coder, Approver, or Accountant. a. If there is an error in the header section, i.e. incorrect vendor, click Reject to reject the invoice to AP. When Rejecting, a Comment is required. Type a detailed reason as to what needs to be edited in the header. b. If the invoice was sent to the incorrect job number, and you know the correct job number the invoice should go to, you can reroute it to the correct job. To do this, click the up arrow next to Routing Job, and enter the correct job. Then click Reject and write "Routing from job# to job#." Any existing coding will be removed, and the invoice will automatically reroute to the selected job number. 5. Cost Coding Detail - Assigning the cost to specific Phase & Category for the job in question. On a regular invoice it can only be costed to One Job, but can include multiple phase codes. 6. AP Workflow Control - Used for processing Overhead Invoices or Invoices that will be spread over multiple job numbers (AD HOC). 7. User Comments - Comments can be added anytime, but are REQUIRED if an invoice is REJECTED. 8. Tracking Information - Reflects who currently holds the responsibility of the invoice or RFP. This section changes until final approval is received. 9. Upload Button - The Upload button is used to add additional images to an Invoice or RFP. This is mainly used for Invoices to be spread over multiple jobs or divisions. 10. Save Button - Save will save the work in place but will NOT send it out for approval. 12. Update Button - Update means certain tasks are complete and it is ready for Approval.
General Navigation of Image Manager
General Navigation of Image Manager This document demonstrates basic navigation in Image Manager. STEP 1: Click the Image Manager link. STEP 2: For each folder, a number in a brackets (XX], represents a new document that needs to be addressed. Click the (+) Vendor Invoices button to expand the folder.. STEP 3: Click a PDF and note the lower-left box. STEP 4: Navigation buttons in the lower left box are as follows: Prev = View the Previous document in the folder. Next = View Next document in the folder. Upload = Upload a new document. Query Mode = Allows a user to query on specific fields to find the documents/data desired. Move = Move a document from one folder to another. (Available to Corporate AP only) Delete = Delete Document. (Available to Corporate AP only) Save = Used as a "Save Draft" mode. A user is not ready to "Route the document for approval." Submit = Submit document for further processing/approval. Upload Multiple Documents = Allows new documents to be uploaded into the system, not related to the current document on the screen. STEP 5: Click the 1. UI Config button. STEP 6: Two (2) options are available for viewing. Option 2a. - (Embedded) Default view will show the PDF and the data sheet in the same window. Option 2b. - (Separate Window) will break the PDF document out into a separate window. Great tool for a dual monitor set up. STEP 7: Click the UI Configuration Window radio button for your screen preference STEP 8: Click the Apply button. In the upper-left box, Status list can be used to filter certain document status. STEP 9 Click the Status list STEP 10: Select *All - Show All documents no matter the status. Not Submitted = Corporate AP has yet to complete processing Pending = Within the Approval Process Rejected = Rejected Submitted = Submitted to Corporate AP for Posting/Payment STEP 11: Click Posted Not Posted = Not yet processed for payment Posted = In the queue for Payment STEP 12: Click the Types list.
AP and AR Queries and Logs
AP and AR Queries and Logs Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Logs and Queries are on the Project Management Treeview. Please see below for details on each of the Logs/Queries Where to find the logs/Location: Project Management/Budget & Cost Management/AP & AR Queries & Logs Accounts Payable Logs and Queries: Job Cost Transaction Detail Report STEP 1: Choose Job Cost Transaction Detail STEP 2: Enter the Company STEP 3: Enter the Job # STEP 4: Enter the Phase Code if you are looking for costs on a single Phase STEP 5: Choose the Post Date dates that you want to see costs for NOTE: The Post Date is not defaulted as showing. You can click on Add Value "Post Date" and then choose "Between". Once you have added any other values you think might be helpful, choose the Save Profile As and name it and make it the default. STEP 6: Click Apply Filter STEP 7: Click Export if you would like to export to excel. (Just click the word Export and not the down arrow. Also note that this is raw data and not in a formatted spreadsheet) AP Invoice Query - All STEP 1: Choose AP Invoice Query - All STEP 2: Enter the Company STEP 3: Enter the From Date - To Date STEP 4: Enter the vendor # (use the magnifying glass to search by name) STEP 5: Enter the specific invoice Number if you have it (it needs to be exact) STEP 6: Click Query Data STEP 7: Filter by a specific project by clicking the Filter button and entering the project you are looking for STEP 8: Once you have found the invoice in question, click on the line and click Payments and it will show you the check number and check date which can be helpful if a vendor is asking when they will get paid. AP Imaged Invoice Log Log View of ALL invoices in imaging workflow on the job. Column Information: a. Type - Type of invoice, corresponds with the types in imaging. b. Vendor # c. Vendor Name d. Invoice # e. Invoice Date - Sorted from Oldest on top, to newest on bottom f. Amount g. Responsible Person(s)/Role(s) - Person and role who the workflow resides with at this time. h. Coded? - Yes = the Coder has entered Phase/Category information. No = the coder has not coded yet. i. Status - Status of the invoice in imaging – Pending is still in workflow, Submitted has been submitted to corporate accounting j. Ad Hoc - Y = “Ad Hoc” invoice. The routing job is the department & the invoice is distributed (Home Depot, UPS etc) N = Not “Ad Hoc” k. Posted - Posted or Not Posted to Job Cost l. Check Date - Date of check sent to Vendor. Default filter on log is to show all invoices WITHOUT a check date (all unpaid invoices) Filter - To Remove the filter on check date and view ALL invoices, do the following: a. Click Show Filter b. Click Clear Button c. Click Apply Filter Button d. Click Save as Default Button if you always want it to show everything (this only changes your filter) AP Request For Payment Log: Log view of all Requests For Payment on the job. Default view just shows unpaid RFPs. RFPs are AP invoices paid through a commitment but outside of Textura STEP 1: Column information: a. Vendor Code b. Contract Code c. Vendor Name d. Invoice No. e. Invoice Date f. Invoice Amount g. Retainage Amount h. Voucher Status - Status of the RFP. Open is not paid, Closed is paid. Default filder on log is to show all invoices NOT PAID. i. Record Status - Posted or Not Posted to Job Cost j. Attachments STEP 2: Filter - To Remove the Filter on Voucher Status and view ALL RFPs, do the following: a. Click Show Filter b. Click Clear Button c. Click Apply Filter Button d. Click Save as Default Button if you always want it to show everything (this only changes your filter) AR Invoice Query: Query any Owner Billing STEP 1: Choose AR Invoice Query STEP 2: Enter as much information as you need into the Selection Criteria (at least the job #) STEP 3: Click Query Data STEP 4: Review the results AR Payment Query: Query any Owner Payment NOTE: You might also run the Owner Payment Notification report (Reports > Budget & Cost Reports > AR > Owner Payment Notification. This is actually an easier report to get Owner payment information. STEP 1: Choose AR Payment Query STEP 2: Click Query Data STEP 3: Click Filter STEP 4: Enter the job # you are referencing STEP 5: Review Data
AP Workflow Outline
AP Workflow Outline
Using the Query function in Image Manager
Using the Query Function in Image Manager NOTE: If you are searching for invoices on your project, your AP Imaged Invoice Log is a better log to search How to Look Up an Invoice You Just Approved in Image Manager Problem: You just approved an invoice in Image Manager, and you want to double check something (i.e., coding, invoice itself, etc.). You are not sure how to find the invoice you just approved, and you cannot remember the invoice number. Solution: You can always just go to the person who is the next level up in AP Workflow (i.e., if you are a Coder, talk to the Approver, if you are an Approver, talk to the Accountant) and ask them to check on the invoice. Or, if you want a way to look up the invoice yourself, follow the steps below. STEP 1: Click on Image Manager (Not workflow notifications) STEP 2: Choose your type STEP 3: Choose your Status. *All will give you the most opportunity to find your invoice, but any status can be chosen STEP 4: Click Query Mode SEARCHING FOR VENDOR/JOB SPECIFIC STEP 5: Choose your Company STEP 6: Add in any further information you have about what you are looking for EXAMPLES to narrow down the search: Vendor Code (Use the Magnifying glass to search) Group Code (Ex. SBSD (for San Diego Builders) Invoice Number (Does need to be exact) Routing Job = Job # (11054008) STEP 7: Click Execute Query – Will list all images associated with your search. SEARCHING BY USER RESPONSIBILITY In addition to searching for project or vendor specific objects, a query can be performed based on the "Current Responsibility": To perform this search, enter the person's full name (Not username). If only the Person's name is entered, that will return any invoice they are responsible for, no matter the Role. When typing the Responsible Role, enter the following: Primary coder = Coder (lvl1) Backup Coder = Coder backup (lvl1) Primary Approver = Invoice Approver (lvl2) Backup Approver = Invoice Approver Backup(lvl2) Accountant = Accountant (lvl3) Backup Accountant = Accountant backup (lvl3) Use the % signs on either side of the role in lieu of typing the enter value. For example, %(lvl2)% will return all Level 2 Approval & Approval backup In the example below, we only want to see the records where Shawna is the primary Coder (Lvl1) If there is more than one invoice, it will give you a list of invoices to choose from Once the Vendor Invoice is found, the flysheet can show you the Audit History and where the invoice currently sits. If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the flysheet it will also give you the check # and check date if paid.
Coding an AP Invoice in Image Manager
Coding an AP invoice in Image Manager Overview: This document demonstrates the Coder role (Level 1 in AP Workflow). The Coder is the person who codes and distributes the cost of the invoice. STEP 1: Click the Workflow Notifications Link Note: To filter your list of tasks, you can click Show/Hide Filters. Since this How To deals with approving Vendor invoices, I changed Workflow Type to: Vendor Invoice Approval, Notification Type to: Approval and clicked Apply Filter. Tip: You can filter by dates Tip: If you wanted to view and then get rid of all the FYI Types, then try changing your notification type to FYI. Once you have reviewed you can click Select All and Approve/Reject/Close and all your FYI types will be gone all at once STEP 2: Choose the invoices you want to code or click Select all to code them one at a time STEP 3: Click View STEP 4: Click on the first invoice STEP 5: Click to open Cost Coding Detail section STEP 6: Double check the company is correct STEP 7: Double check the project is correct Note: If this invoice is for another project, CLICK HERE to view the rerouting How To STEP 8: Choose the Phase code to charge to STEP 9: Choose the category to charge to STEP 10: Enter the Amount being charged to that phase code/category combination Note: If you are splitting the costs between different phase code/category combinations, click the + sign to the right to open another section STEP 11: Click Update STEP 12: Click Approve Note: By clicking Approve, this moves the invoice onto the next Approver in Line (Invoice Approver - Level 2) STEP 13: Click Next if you have more than one invoice to approve
Approving an AP Invoice in Image Manager
Approving an AP Invoice in Image Manager NOTE: RFP = Request for Payment. This is for a commitment that is being paid for outside of Textura NOTE: The workflow for an RFP does not go to the coder, it goes straight to the approver on the project STEP 1: Click the Workflow Notifications link. STEP 2: Click the View checkbox for the Invoice requiring approval. If multiple invoices require attention, the View checkbox can be checked for all items and viewed at the same time. STEP 3: Click the View button. NOTE: If you are the coder and the approver, then you can code and approve all at once. NOTE: If you are only the approver, then review what the coder entered (change if necessary) STEP 4: Click Update STEP 5: Click Approve
Rejecting/Rerouting an AP Invoice, PO or RFP in Image Manager
Rejecting an AP Invoice, PO or RFP in Image Manager When a Voucher is rejected, depending on the level of rejection, the following will happen: Level 3 approver (Project Accountant) Rejects = Voucher is moved down one level to Level 2 (PM or Cost Approver) for review. Level 2 approver (PM or Cost Approver) Rejects = Voucher is Rejected and sent back to the AP Processor for review and correction. Level 1 approver (Coder) Rejects = Voucher is Rejected and sent back to the AP Processor for review and correction. If a Purchase Order or Request for Payment is Rejected at ANY level, it will be returned to the AP Processor for review and correction. If a Voucher or PO/RFP is rejected back to the AP Processor, the AP Processor will review the reason(s) for rejection. The AP Processor will then either correct the header information and resubmit, re-route to a different project number, or delete the Voucher/PO/RFP from CMiC. STEP 1: Click the View Checkbox option. STEP 2: Click the View button. STEP 3: Click the Reject button. STEP 4: Enter the desired information into the Comment field. Specify whether an item needs to be corrected in the header information (i.e., date, invoice amount), if the invoice is incorrect and should be deleted. STEP 5: Click the Proceed button. Rerouting an Invoice to a different project NOTE: If the job number on an AP Invoice is incorrect, and you know what job number the invoice should go to, you have the ability to reroute it to a different job. To do this, click the up arrow next to Routing Job, and enter the new job number. STEP 1: Search for the correct project NOTE: If you just know it is not your projects invoice, but you don't know what job # is goes to, then go straight to STEP 3 and reject it. Any information you might know would be helpful. STEP 2: Click on the correct project number STEP 3: Click Reject STEP 4: Enter a comment STEP 5: Click Proceed This will then reroute back to your workflow notifications under the new project #.
PDF Viewer is Adobe in Workflow and Bluebeam for Everything Else
.PDF Viewer is Adobe in Workflow and Bluebeam for Everything Else Bluebeam 20 installed Open Software Center Go to Acrobat DC Pro 2020 > Install (can take up to 30 mins to install) - Once installed, open Windows Start menu and launch Adobe - Complete setup steps which includes agreeing to make Adobe the default .PDF viewer (all .pdf doc’s will change to the Adobe icon) Internet Explorer > clear cache > File > New Session Internet Explorer > Internet Options > Programs > Add on’s > all Add on’s > Adobe = ENABLED Open Workflow > check off a couple of invoices > view - Invoice should open in Adobe with the Flysheet in CMiC Windows Start menu > click Settings Select Apps Click Default apps Scroll down and click “Set defaults by app” .PDF Document > click on
Tax Usage in CMiC
In regards to AP and invoices being processed in CMiC, we do not utilize the tax lines because those lines are only available as a drop down selection, they aren’t available as free form entry. Therefore the tax team (or AP) would have to maintain the selection list. These rates are constantly changing. And with over 10,000 district rates in the US, we do not feel confident that we could accurately and consistently stay on top of those changes, and thus resulting in erroneous calculations in the system. Add to this that the taxes need to be addressed at each project level based on job types, owner, vendor, location, etc. It is too hard to standardize. This constant and manual maintenance would negatively outweigh any benefits it would provide us. Therefore we opted out of using it at CMiC inception. The above information was provided by Paula Mortenson when asked why we do not add tax information into the SOV area of a Commitment/Subcontract.