Understanding the Labor Productivity Report
Understanding the Labor Productivity Report
The Labor Productivity Report is a Customized report that will track all Phase/Category codes in a summary format.
Running the Report
STEP 1: Choose the Department
NOTE: If you want to run this report for all open projects in the Department, leave the Job field blank, and change STEP 3 to only show "In Process"
STEP 2: Choose the Job
STEP 3: Choose the Job Status Code
NOTE: If you want to run this report for all open projects in the Department, leave the Job field blank, and change Job Status Code to only show "In Process"
STEP 4: Choose True to have the Report Display all Cost Information (Avg. Crew Rate and Unit Cost) Choose False to exclude Avg. Crew Rate and Unit Cost.
NOTE: The Idea was that if you are going to give it to someone in the field, choose False
STEP 5: Period From
NOTE: Although you can run this report for more than a single week, it was created to be looked at weekly. The Period From will default the the prior week's Monday.
STEP 6: Period Through
NOTE: Although you can run this report for more than a single week, it was created to be looked at weekly. The Period Through will default to the prior week's Sunday so that the report always runs Monday through Sunday.
STEP 7: Defaults to 71111. This is the category code for Labor Productivity.
STEP 8: Phase (blank for all) You can choose to view all Labor Productivity Phase Codes or only certain ones. Separate specific Phase Codes, with a comma
STEP 9: You can now choose some formatting options (Best choice would be to always check the Quantity Output = 100%, Current budget & Spent to Date = 0 and Current Complete Quantity & Current Hours = 0 as your default. This will give you the cleanest, most compact report.)
(Select All) - Ignore this one, you will never want to select all on this report or the options will counteract each other. We can't get rid of it though because it is an issue with the report writer we use.
(Quantity Output = 100% - Hide partial and highlight) - This option will find all phase codes where the Quantity Output is 100% (you are done with this scope) and hide the following rows: Avg. Crew Rate, Unit Cost, Productivity, Yield and highlight in green the Quantity row so that it is easy to see that you are 100% complete.
(Current Budget & Spent to Date = 0 - Hide Whole Group) - This option will hide an entire phase code if the Current Budget and Spent to Date = 0.00. Maybe you decided not to use this phase code and transferred the money/hours/quantities to a different phase code, you would not want to have to look at this phase code each time.
(Current complete Quantity & Current Hours = 0 - Hide partial and highlight) - This option will find all phase codes where you have not yet started the work and will hide the following rows: Avg. Crew Rate, Unit Cost, Productivity, Yield and highlight in green the Hours cell in column D and the Quantity cell in column D (Complete - Spent to date)
(No Formatting) - This option can only be run by itself and gives you all rows/all phase codes with no highlighting or hiding.
Understanding the Report Columns
Column A: Original Budget = Amount input via the Bid Items
Column B: Current Budget = Original Budget + Posted PCIs
Column C: Unposted PCIs - No matter the date parameters, this will show all Unposted PCIs.
Column D: Complete (Spent To Date) - Shows everything through the "Through Date" (STEP 6)
NOTE: Unposted Costs for time entered for the week prior will also calculate into this number. As long as there is Unposted Payroll, this number will not match your Cost Status Query
Column E: Spent Current Period - Shows all Costs incurred within the Period From and Period Through Dates
NOTE: Unposted Hours for time entered for the week prior will also calculate into this number. As long as there is Unposted Payroll, this number will not match your Cost Status Query Drill down
Column F: % Complete = Complete (Spend to Date) / Projected Budget
Column G: Remaining = Projected Budgett - Complete (Spent to Date)
Column H: Projected Budget - Row Calculations are as follows:
Cost (Input) = (Remaining Quantity x Unit Cost (Output Rate)) + Completed (Spent to Date) Cost UNLESS that calculation = 0.00 THEN Current Budget + Unposted PCI
Hours (Input) = (Remaining Quantity x Yield) + Complete (Spent to Date) UNLESS that calculation = 0.00 THEN Current Budget + Unposted PCI
Quantity (Output) = the higher of these two (Current Budget + Unposted PCI) AND Complete (Spent to date)
Avg. Crew Rate (Input Rate) = This will always = your Avg. Crew Rate (Input Rate) under the Complete (Spent to Date)
Unit Cost (Output Rate) = Projected Cost / Projected Quantity
Productivity (Output/Input) = Projected Quantity / Projected Hours
Yield (Input/Output) = Projected Hours / Projected Quantity
Column I: Variance = Current Budget +/- Unposted PCIs - Projected From Forecast (In the example, the project is missing 1 or more PCIs because they are forecasting that they are going to spent/be paid for more.)
Column J: Earned to date = (Quantity % Complete x Current Budget Cost) - Complete (Spent to date)