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RFI Process Using Collaboration

Modified on: Thu, Dec 7 2023 9:51 AM

How To Manage the RFI Process Using Collaboration in CMiC


Using collaboration on a project means Subcontractors, Architects, Owners, Consultants and other Project Business Partners can access CMiC to facilitate efficient flow of information through the system to one another. By using collaboration on projects, more information can be captured, referenced, and utilized both during construction and post job completion. While there are various ways collaboration may be used, Swinerton has identified the workflow below as a successful path to process RFI’s on a collaborative project.

The collaborative RFI process has been broken down into 4 parts:

1. Subcontractor creates a RFI in CMiC
(Click above link or see CollabCenter – How Tos)

2. General Contractor receives RFI, Edits & Forwards to Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for Review

3. Architect/Owner/Owner Rep receives & responds to the RFI
(Click above link or see CollabCenter – How Tos)

4. General Contractor Receives Returned RFI & Forwards to Subcontractor:

PART 2: General Contractor receives RFI, edits and forwards to Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for review:

STEP 1: General Contractor (GC) logs on to CMiC.

STEP 2: Click the Arrow (>) sign to the left of Communication Management on the tree view.

STEP 3: Click the RFIs link on the tree view.

STEP 4: Click the “Bold” RFI that has been submitted by the Subcontractor. Subcontractor’s RFI is identified by a unique numbering system which consists of their Partner Code – followed by the sequential number of RFIs submitted by that Subcontractor (i.e. 00000030-00002).

NOTE: When you have new RFIs requiring attention, the number of new RFIs will show up in parenthesis in the tree view.

NOTE: Review the Subcontractors RFI. If you determine that this Subcontractor RFI needs to be submitted to the Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for review and answer, skip to Step 6. If you determine that this Subcontractor RFI can be answered by Swinerton or is being rejected due to lack of clarity, lack of complete information or information is already in contract documents, please proceed to the next Step.

STEP 5: Click Edit button to edit the Subcontractor RFI.

a. Change Status to Returned or Rejected.

b. Answered By: Enter your name.

c. Date Answered: Select today’s date or the date you are answering the RFI.

d. Answer: Enter your answer to the question or the reason for rejecting the Subcontractor RFI.

e. Possible Cost Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a PCI Number if needed.

i. Potentially
ii. Yes
iii. No

f. Cost Amount: Enter ROM amount, if applicable.

g. Possible Time Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a PCI Number if needed.

ii. Yes
iii. No
h. Days: Enter ROM of potential time impact, if applicable.

i. Click Submit button at the top right side of screen. Submit will send the Subcontractor RFI back to the Subcontractor.

j. Click Close RFI button.

NOTE: This concludes the process for sending the Subcontractor RFI back to the Subcontractor without submitting to the Architect/Owner/Owner Rep.

NOTE: Step 6 starts the process for submitting a Subcontractor RFI to the Architect/Owner/Owner Rep for review and answer.

STEP 6: Click Forward button and a new pop-up will appear.

a. Click on Copy Notes checkbox to check.

b. Click on Copy Attachments checkbox to check.

c. Click the OK button.

NOTE: You will have a chance to edit the RFI before actually forwarding to the Architect. Be aware that when you click the Forward button a new RFI number will be generated. At this stage in the process, it is critical to only use the Forward button when sending the RFI from a Subcontractor to the Architect. When you press the Forward button, the system will assign the next GC RFI number in sequence and you will be able to copy all RFI information, including Notes and Attachments. The Co-Author and Co-Author RFI number will also auto-fill based on the Subcontractors RFI submission. The Subcontractor may have already filled out the majority of the information noted in the fields below.

6. RFI No: Number will auto-fill. Do not modify the number.

7. Status: The default is Pending. No other option exists, so leave as Pending.

8. From: This will default to your name after you clicked Forward.

9. Co-Author: This will default the Subcontractor’s name automatically.

10. Co-Author RFI No.: This will default the Subcontractor’s RFI number automatically.

11. Forwarded From: This will automatically show what RFI this new one was created from.

12. To: Use the blue up arrow to select the name of the Architect contact you are submitting the RFI to.

13. Received: Leave checkbox blank.

14. CC: Click the CC button to select who else you would like to copy on this RFI.

a. Click the blue + sign to add CC line.

b. Click the blue up arrow on the new row. Check all names you want to copy on this RFI. This should include any GC personnel that should be reviewing the RFI. Click the Accept button at the top of the box.

c. Click red to delete any of the CC’s created by the Subcontractor that do not need to be included in the Forwarded RFI.

d. Click the OK button to save CC list.

NOTE: Be sure to CC the Subcontractor who submitted the RFI on forwarded Swinerton RFI’s.

15. Subject: Confirm the subject line is intelligently phrased and accurate. Revise if needed.

16. Date Created: This defaults to today’s date.

17. Date Required: This is the date you require a response to the RFI. This duration defaults from the Project Maintenance set up. You may change this date if needed.

18. RFI Type: Verify the RFI Type is correct. Revise if needed.

19. RFI Priority: Evaluate the RFI and set the priority accordingly.

20. Schedule/Activity ID: Type the primary schedule or activity ID effected by this RFI.

21. Document Reference: Enter the details and plan sheets related to this RFI. This is one of the important fields to fill out when submitting an RFI to the Architect.

22. Spec Section: Enter Specification Section and paragraph detail related to this RFI.

23. Posted: This field will be filled out once the RFI response is received.

24. Other RFI Type: Use for additional clarification for RFI Type or leave blank.

25. Area: Use the Area field to designate what area, floor and/or building the RFI pertains to. If you have multiple buildings, you could type “Building A, 4th floor, Room 163” or “Room 456” depending on the project designations. Be as precise as possible.

26. Reference #: Type the Reference Number that this RFI pertains to, if applicable.

27. Question: Review the question by the Subcontractor and revise appropriately. If asking multiple questions, break each item into its own line and number it.

28. Suggestion: Enter suggestion(s) to resolve the problem or question. This field is highly encouraged and will give the Architect a great starting point for answering the RFI.

29. Possible Cost Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a Reference Number if needed.

a. Potentially

b. Yes

c. No

30. Cost Amount: Enter ROM amount.

31. Possible Time Impact: Fill out the fields below appropriately. Create a Reference Number if needed.

a. Potentially

b. Yes

c. No

32. Days: Enter ROM of potential time impact.

33. Click the Save button.

34. Click the Attachments tab and upload all attachments. For instructions on how to upload attachments, please see “How to Add Attachments in CMiC Modules” on SwinNet or Ctrl + Click underlined words to follow link.

35. Click the Submit button to send to Architect.

NOTE: Once you click Submit, you will see a note at the bottom of the screen, showing the RFI was forwarded to the Architect as RFI xxxxx.

NOTE: Also, at this time, there will be two open RFIs: 1) The original RFI submitted by the Subcontractor. 2) The RFI forwarded (submitted) by the GC to the Architect. Both will remain open until the Architect responds to the forwarded RFI.

PART 4: GC receives returned RFI and forwards to Subcontractor:

1. GC Logs on to CMiC.

2. Click the Plus (+) sign to the left of Communication Management on the tree view.

3. Click the RFIs link on the tree view.

4. Click the “Bold” RFI that has been returned by the Architect.

NOTE: Review Architect/Owner/Owner Rep answer for clarity and completeness.

5. Click Add CC button, if needed to add Trades affected by the RFI response.

a. Click the blue Plus (+) sign.

b. Click the Blue Up Arrow on the new row.

c. Check each box next to ALL trades affected by the RFI response.

d. Click the Accept button.

6. Click the Save button in the CC field

7. Click the Update Ref. RFI button to sync the Subcontractor RFI with the GC RFI.

a. In the Update Reference RFI Options window, click the checkbox next to Copy Notes, Copy Attachments, and Update Question.

b. In the Update Reference RFI Options window, click the OK button to activate the update.

8. Subcontractor RFI will open.

a. Click Submit button.

b. Click the Close RFI button on the Subcontractor RFI .

c. Subcontractor RFI will close.

d. The Subcontractor will now see this RFI bold in their queue with a status of Closed.

9. GC RFI will be on the screen. Click Close RFI button on the GC RFI.

NOTE: The process is now complete.

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