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Using I/O Email to Send/Receive RFIs with Architect

Modified on: Mon, Apr 18 2022 12:46 PM

Using I/O Email to Send/Receive RFIs with Architect


This document is a guide for how to send/receive RFI questions/responses with attachments using I/O Email. 

STEP 1: Create the RFI (click HERE for the how-to guide) OR Navigate to the RFI you want to send via I/O email

STEP 2: Click the Send I/O Email button at the top of the screen

STEP 3: In the Send I/O Email window review and update the following:

  • From field will be you (the person currently sending the I/O email)
  • To field: Pulls from the Receiver section of the RFI. Use the Magnifying glass to change the name as needed. Also, use the checkboxes to CC additional people on the email.
  • Attachments: Select all attachments you want included in the outgoing I/O email
  • Review the Message Section. The "This RFI From..." field is generated from the sender field in the RFI. None of the text in the Message section can be edited on this screen. To make changes, return to the RFI, edit and save. Then go back to step 3.

STEP 4: Click Send (at bottom or top of the screen)

STEP 5: Click on the History tab of the RFI to view the record of the Outgoing/Sent I/O Email lists each recipient it was transmitted to both To and CC’s.

STEP 6: Recipient (usually the architect) receives email. See example:

The outgoing I/O Email is received by the “TO” party. In this example that would be Architect Dave. The subject line is formatted with Project Number (22020301) followed by the recipient’s initials (AD) RFI Number (RFI 00002) and RFI Short Description

STEP 7: Recipient(s) submits their response by replying to the email.

  • Add any attachments, enter the RFI response text and send the email.


  • NEVER modify the Subject Line with replying to an I/O Email. This is the only way the system knows which RFI the response or reply belongs to. 
  • Replies from the “To” contact will populate in the answer field of the RFI
  • Replies from a cc'd contact will be added to the “Notes” section at the bottom of the screen. 

STEP 8: The receipt of a response from the To Recipient within CMiC bolds the RFI in the grid to identify it as having activity/response and updates the Answer Date field (if from the "To" recipient).

STEP 9: Click into the RFI to view the response or note (if from a CC'd recipient). You will also see the Answered By field has auto-populated and any attachments were attached to the documents section.

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