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Adding a PCI Part 2: PCI Details / SOV

Modified on: Thu, Apr 7 2022 11:58 AM

Adding a PCI Part 2: PCI Details / SOV

Click HERE for Part 1

Click HERE for PCIs where Labor Productivity information needs to be entered

STEP 1: Click Edit button at the top of the screen and scroll down to the PCI Details section

STEP 2: AUTO CALCULATE MARKUPS: If checked, all markups will be automatically added to the PCI. Make sure to uncheck if issuing "Internal" types of PCIs.

Click HERE to learn more about PCI Markup Rules Set Up

STEP 3: Click the (+) button in the Action column to create a new line

STEP 4: Click on the Magnifying glass in the Phase column to open a pop-up window.

STEP 5: In the pop-up window select ALL impacted phases then click Accept. 

NOTE: Do Not check any phases that are part of your markups. These will auto-populate once you add you line items and click save.

If the phase you need is not currently assigned, follow this guide to Add a New Phase / Category via PCI

STEP 6: Markup Check Box: uncheck any boxes that are not allowed markup per your contract (not typical)

STEP 7: Vendor Field: If the line item is being performed by a vendor, Click the magnifying glass to select the vendor for the SOW.

NOTE: If a SCO is not required and are only looking to adjust budget, leave the Vendor & Subcontract fields BLANK.

*****Assigned Vendors*****
 Subcontractors with Commitments on the Project.

*****Self Performed Vendors*****
Will provide distinction of work performed by Swinerton.
This is not required.

*****Unassigned Vendors***** =
DO NOT USE – ALL VENDORS must already have a
contract in place in order to assign them in a PCI.

Leave Blank - If Vendor is unknown

STEP 8: SUBCONTRACT: Click in the magnifying glass to select the contract. Once the Vendor is selected, the Contract Number and associated Phase/Category Codes should all populate.

NOTE: Populating the Vendor and Subcontract fields is what makes the PCI available for a Subcontract Change Order (SCO). Enter amount in the Sub Quoted Amount, THIS is where the dollar amount the SCO comes from.

STEP 9: CATEGORY: Category may not populate if your Subcontract or phase contains more than one (1) category. Click the magnifying glass to select the correct category for the line item.

STEP 9: DAYS IMPACT: The Days Impact field applies to the specific line item, optional, and is not reported on. Review with the sub if they are going to provide additional crew for the SOW or if this will extend their time onsite.  

STEP 10: Phase Qty (Output): The Phase Qty field is utilized for labor productivity. Refer to the Labor Productivity Training Material. 
STEP 11: WEIGHT MEASURE (WM) Automatically Populates based on the Category chosen. Typically this will be HR or LS

Click HERE for PCIs where Specific Rates or Labor Productivity information needs to be entered

STEP 12: Enter Cost Budget Information

NOTE: Only the farthest right of the following 3 will populate on the forecasting screen. Leave ROM as is once Sub Quote is entered to see complete history.

  • ROM Amount = Rough Order of Magnitude Cost is entered prior to receiving Subcontractor Quotes and finalizing pricing.
  • Sub Quoted Amount = Subcontractor Quoted Cost is appears after receiving Subcontractor Quote.
    This field is populated in two (2) ways:

1. Populated from the RFQ Tab. For details on how to work in the RFQ tab, refer to the RFQ Training Document.

2. Direct Input into the field.

  • Cost Budget Amount = Final Cost Budget Amount for this Change. (Click HERE if you are trying to Use a NCTO to Issue SCO without affecting Cost Budget.)

STEP 13: Enter Revenue Budget Amount = Final Cost to Owner (if external type PCI). 

NOTEs: This field can not be edited on Internal PCI types. Otherwise, this field will auto-populate with the farthest right cost budget field with a value and can be overridden. 

STEP 14: Subcontract Change: This field will populate once the PCI is added to a Subcontract Change Order and is Read Only

STEP 15: Task ID: Enter in the Task ID from the P6 schedule that is related to this PCI

STEP 16: Sub Quote ID: Sub Quote ID is used to cross-reference a subcontractors quote ID number with the PCI. When a quoted is entered on this tab or the RFQ Tab it will print on the SCO and the Commitment Change Order Status Report.

STEP 17: Click Save.

NEXT STEP For External PCIs: Print and Submit the PCI Impact Letter to notify the Owner of the potential issue.

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