Content Owner and Contributor Training Guides
SwinNet News: How to Create a News Post (Article)
SwinNet News: How to Create a News Post (Article) STEP 1: Upload a 450 x 226px or a 275 x 400px image into the Image Library. For further instructions, see Part 1 of the Image Web Part guide. STEP 2: Go to the News area on your site or page and click on Add under the subhead. STEP 3: Click on News Post. STEP 4: Click on the Saved On The Site tab and select either the News Article or the News Article Type 2 template. Then click the Create Page button in the right bottom corner. Please do not select any other template besides the News Article templates for a news post. STEP 5: At the top of the page where it says Add a Title, enter the page title. This page title will be used for two things: 1) a headline in News area and news digest; 2) to create the URL. Please put spaces between words and capitalize every word (no all caps). Filling in the "Name or Email Address" field is optional if you want a byline. It will look like this: STEP 6: Enter the rest of the text (intro paragraph and body text). Then click the pencil icon in the Image web part, and click the Change button in the right panel. You can link your image to a larger version or another place (optional) by entering a URL. Vertical images are allowed in the image space if they are 275 x 400. If you add a vertical image, you should also upload and select a horizontal thumbnail image (450 x 226) in Page Details. STEP 7: Select the image you uploaded to the Image Library. As you roll over the images, you will see a circle appear n the top corner. Click the circle in the upper right corner to select your image and then click the Open button. It will replace the placeholder image with your new image. STEP 8: While still in Edit mode, click on Page Details and fill out the metadata (Content Owner, Content Tags, etc.) in the right panel. STEP 9: In the Dept/Region/Market field, target where you want your news article to go. You can either click on the Tags icon to select or enter a word. Be sure to save your changes by clicking in the box. Select your department, region, market, division, or BRG to display on your page. (You can find divisions and BRGs in the Division field.) Make multiple selections if you would like to post to another department, SwinNet Home, or global (all news areas). Requests to post in another location must be approved first before your article can be displayed there. STEP 10: Also be sure to check the Description field under Page Details in the right panel. It will automatically pull in text that you may want to edit. Make sure you are still in Edit mode to edit the description. This is the text that will appear under the headline in the News area and also in the news digest. STEP 11: When you are done filling in the metadata, click the blue Submit for Approval button in the upper right corner to start the approval workflow.
Approval Workflow: Documents
Approval Workflow: Documents This guide outlines the roles of the Contributor, Content Owner, and Quality Reviewer for Documents. PART 1: Contributor submits document for approval. STEP 1: Contributor completes the metadata for the document by going into the document properties. With the document selected, click on the information icon. Note: You can also access the metadata for a document by going to its Properties. STEP 2: A sidebar will open on the right of your screen. Complete the required information--Name, Content Tag, Dept/Region/Market, Domain, and Expiry Date. STEP 3: Contributor changes Content Status to Submitted. STEP 4: Document is in Submitted status. STEP 5: Approval/Reject email is generated to Content Owner and Quality Reviewer at the same time. Either can approve to publish. STEP 6: You can check to see if the document published by going back to the Document Library and checking the Approval Status column (far right). It should have changed from Draft to Approved. If it says Approved, then the document was published. If you do not see the Approval Status column, please open a ticket with Swinerton Services to have it turned on. PART 2: Content Owner approves, rejects, or takes no action. The Content Owner may take one of the following steps: Option 1, Content Owner Approves: STEP 1: Content Owner reviews document and approves via Power Automate email. Content Owner clicks Approve button. Contributor receives Approved Email Notification. STEP 1 (Power Automate Alternative): Content Owner approves via Power Automate dashboard. Content Owner clicks on 9 dots in upper left corner and selects Power Automate. Content Owner selects Approvals in Power Automate menu. Content Owner approves in the Power Automate dashboard by clicking on check mark. Right panel opens where Content Owner adds comments and clicks Confirm. Contributor receives Approved Email Notification. Option 2, Content Owner Rejects: STEP 2: Content Owner reviews and rejects via Power Automate email. Content Owner clicks Reject button. Contributor receives Rejected Email Notification. STEP 2 (Power Automate Alternative): Content Owner rejects in the Power Automate dashboard by clicking on X. Right panel opens where Content Owner adds comments and clicks Confirm. Contributor receives Rejected Email Notification. If the document is rejected, the Contributor should edit the document and resubmit per the Content Owner's comments or delete the document. Option 3, Content Owner Takes No Action: STEP 3: Content Owner takes no action and receives reminder email after 3 days. STEP 4: Content Owner takes no action and receives email reminder after 7 days. No further reminders will be generated, and there will be no auto-approval. PART 3: Quality Reviewer approves, rejects, or takes no action. Document will not be visible to all employees until either the Content Owner or Quality Reviewer approves. The Quality Reviewer may take one of the following steps: Option 1, Quality Reviewer Approves: STEP 1: Quality Reviewer approves via Power Automate email. Quality Reviewer clicks Approve button. Contributor receives Approved Email Notification. STEP 1 (Power Automate Alternative): Quality Reviewer can also approve in the Power Automate dashboard. Right panel opens where Quality Reviewer adds comments and clicks Confirm. Contributor receives Approved Email Notification. Option 2, Quality Reviewer Rejects: STEP 2: Quality Reviewer rejects. Contributor receives Rejected Email Notification. Quality Reviewer reviews and rejects via Power Automate email. Quality Reviewer clicks Reject button. Contributor receives Rejected Email Notification. STEP 2 (Power Automate Alternative): Quality Reviewer can also reject in the Power Automate dashboard. Contributor receives Rejected Email Notification. If the document is rejected, the Contributor should edit the document and resubmit per the Quality Reviewer's comments or delete the document. Option 3, Quality Reviewer Takes No Action: STEP 3: Quality Reviewer takes no action and receives reminder email after 3 days. STEP 4: Quality Reviewer takes no action and receives email reminder after 7 days. No further reminders will be generated, and there will be no auto-approval. If Content Owner approves, Quality Reviewer does not need to take action.
SwinNet Quick Reference Guide
SwinNet Quick Reference Guide This SwinNet Quick Reference Guide has been developed to provide you with the details, specs, and general guidelines for posting on SwinNet, including: Approval workflows Writing Guide usage Templates and image sizes Resources and help Reference the one-page, double-sided Quick Reference guide.
Important Documents (Upload Document, Get Document URL, and Mark as Important)
Important Documents (Upload Document, Get Document URL, Mark as Important) PART 1: Upload a Document Ensure that you name and format the documents per the SwinNet Style Guide prior to uploading to your new SwinNet page. If you are trying to upload a new version of an existing document, be sure to name the document the same exact name. That way it will overwrite the old one and keep a version history. STEP 1: Click on Gear Icon (Settings). Go to Site Contents. STEP 2: In Site Contents, click on Documents. STEP 3: This is the master document library. DO NOT create folders to house your documents or multiple document libraries. Everyone should upload directly to the one master document library (Documents) and tag each document. STEP 4: Click Upload in the toolbar and then select the document from your computer. STEP 5: Select file and click the Open button. If you are replacing an existing document, and you named the file exactly the same as the one you are replacing, it will ask if you want replace the existing one. Say Yes. STEP 6: Uploaded document will be displayed in the Documents list. Fill out the required fields and submit for approval to publish. See this solution for instructions on how to submit the document for approval: Approval Workflow: Documents. PART 2: Get Document Web Address (URL) When you copy a document web address (URL) from Documents, DO NOT use Copy Link or Share in the toolbar or document menu. Instead follow the steps below. STEP 1: Click on the document name in the Documents list and open it. STEP 2: The long URL will appear in the browser window. Click on Open in Browser for the shorter URL. STEP 3: Copy the short URL. You can paste this into any selected text on the page you would like the document to hyperlink to. Make sure you check "Open link in new tab." PART 3: Mark a Document as Important You only need to do this process below if you want the document to display under the Important Documents area of your Department, Region, or Market main page. STEP 1: Click on Gear Icon (Settings). Go to Site Contents. STEP 2: On Site Contents, click on Documents. STEP 3: List of documents will be displayed. STEP 4: Check the circle next to the document you want to make important. STEP 5: Click on the "i" icon to open the right metadata panel. STEP 6: In the metadata panel, check the checkboxes next to Important and Yes. STEP 7: Submit your document for publishing by selecting Submitted in the Content Status field. STEP 8: Once the Content Owner approves the document, you will see the document in the Important Documents area.
Key Contacts (Add Contact, Change Order, and Delete)
Key Contacts is now using the People web part. PART 1: Add New Key Contact STEP 1: Click Edit next to the pencil icon on the top right to get into Edit mode. STEP 2: Go to the bottom of the Key Contacts list and look for the blank icon. In the field next to the icon, type in the name of the person you want to add. STEP 3: Select the person you want to add from the directory list. Then they will be added. PART 2: Change Contact Order STEP 1: Rollover the contact name that you want to move. Click on the four arrows icon and then drag the name where you want it on the Key Contacts list. STEP 2: You will see that the order has changed. PART 3: Delete Key Contact STEP 1: Look for the X icon to the right of the name. Click on it, and the name will be removed from the list. STEP 2: Like so.
Upload or Replace Contact Photo in Key Contacts
You are only able to upload your own contact photo. You cannot do this on behalf of another person. STEP 1: Click the face icon next to your name under Key Contacts. STEP 2: Click on Update Your Profile in the pop-up window. STEP 3: Click on the camera icon next to your old photo or blank face icon. STEP 4: Click on Upload a New Photo. Select a photo from your computer, Please select a professional-looking headshot of you. No pets, cartoons, or avatars. STEP 5: Your photo will update on your Delve profile and on Key Contacts. There will be a delay between the time you update your photo on your profile and when it shows up under Key Contacts.
Image Web Part (Upload Image, Get Image URL, and Edit Web Part)
Image Web Part (Upload Image, Get Image URL, Edit Web Part) PART 1: Upload an Image STEP 1: Size and cut your images according to the image specs in the SwinNet Style Guide. Check the image dimensions for the content page template you want to use. STEP 2: Click on Gear icon (Settings) and click on Site Contents. STEP 3: Click on Image Library. STEP 4: In the Image Library, create a new folder for each one of your content pages. You can also have sub-folders to keep organized. STEP 5: Open the appropriate folder and click Upload in the toolbar. Then select image and click the Open button. STEP 6: Image was uploaded successfully. PART 2: Get Image Web Address (URL) STEP 1: Open the image by clicking on it in the Image Library. DO NOT use Copy Link. STEP 2: The long URL will appear in the browser window. Click on View Original for the shorter URL. STEP 3: Copy the short URL. You may use it in an Image web part (see Part 3, Step 4, Link Alternative). PART 3: Edit Image STEP 1: Click Edit on right hand side. STEP 2: Click on Image and then click on Edit Web Part (pencil icon) on left hand side of image. STEP 3: Click on Change Image button on right pane. STEP 4: You are dropped into the Recent Images view where you can select an image that was recently uploaded. Check the image in the upper right corner to select and then click the Open button. STEP 4 (SITE ALTERNATIVE): If you do not see your image, you can go to the Site view and navigate to your image through the Image Library folders. Select Image and click the Open button. STEP 4 (LINK ALTERNATIVE): You can also select an image by pasting in the image web address (URL). Enter the URL and click the Open button. STEP 5: Image web part is updated with the selected image. STEP 6: To link an image, enter valid URL in Link field in the right pane. STEP 7: Leave the toggle on Off for Add Text Over Image. DO NOT put text over an image when using an Image web part. STEP 8: Enter a short text description in Alternative Text. Alternative text displays when the image does not load and is used for screen readers. STEP 9: Close the image panel. Click on the Submit for Approval button. STEP 10: Once approved, you will see the updated image. It will link to the web address (URL) you entered.
Crop and Resize Images Using Paint 3D (for Image Web Parts)
Crop and Resize Images Using Paint 3D (For News and Image Web Parts) STEP 1: Open Paint 3D from your Start Menu in left hand corner of screen. STEP 2: Click Open. STEP 3: Click Browse Files. STEP 4: Select image you want to resize. Click Open. Note: Alternatively, you can navigate to Paint 3D from your File Explorer. Simply right-click on the desired image within your File Explorer, hover your mouse over "Open with" and select Paint 3D. STEP 5: Click Canvas in top navigation bar. STEP 6: Enter Image Width (from image specifications in Style Guide). Ensure the Lock Aspect Ratio and Resize Image With Canvas boxes are checked. STEP 7: The image may appear very small now. Enter 100 in the top right corner so you can view the image at 100% size. STEP 8: The image now appears full size. Click Crop button at top left. STEP 9: Click on the image. Drag the height bar until the Height aspect ratio meets the image specifications as designated in the Style Guide. You can crop the image from the top and/or bottom of the image. Ensure the Lock Aspect Ratio button is Unchecked. Click Done. STEP 10: Click Menu in top left corner. STEP 11: Click Save As. STEP 12: Click Image. STEP 13: Enter the File Name for the image. As a best practice, save the image with the dimension, specs so you can easily locate the image for uploading to SwinNet. Click Save. STEP 14: You can now upload the resized image to the Image Library on SwinNet. Do this by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen, and clicking on "Site Contents." Make sure the photo is uploaded to the News folder for easy access.
Overview of Approval Workflows
Overview Of Approval Workflows PART 1: Three Roles - Contributor, Content Owner, and Quality Reviewer There are two approval workflows on SwinNet, based on what type of information you are creating and publishing. The first is the News and Page approval workflow. The second is the Documents approval workflow. Both workflows involve three roles: Contributor, Content Owner, and Quality Reviewer. The Contributor creates or modifies the content (page, news item, or document) and submits it for approval to publish. The Content Owner (CO) reviews for accuracy and approves/rejects the content. The Quality Reviewer (QR) reviews for style consistency and approves/rejects the content. Content must be approved before all Swinerton employees can view it. PART 2: News and Page Approval Workflow This is a linear workflow with three steps. Contributor Role: The Contributor submits a news article or page for approval by clicking the Submit for Approval blue button. This action generates a notification email. Content Owner Role: The Content Owner has 7 days to approve or reject after receiving the notification email. If the Content Owner does not respond, they receives a reminder email after 3 days and another reminder after 7 days. If the Content Owner has still not responded, the page or article is auto-approved. It then moves to the Quality Reviewer. Quality Reviewer Role: The Quality Reviewer has 7 days to approve or reject after receiving the notification email. If the Quality Reviewer does not respond, they receives a reminder email after 3 days and another reminder after 7 days. The page or news article is not published until the Quality Reviewer approves the content. Once the QR approves, the news article or page is published, and others can view it. Rejections: If the page or news article is rejected by either the Content Owner or the Quality Reviewer, the Contributor will receive a notification. They should modify the content based on the comments and resubmit for approval. Timing: The maximum time for a news article or page to be approved in one cycle is 14 calendar days, so plan accordingly. Turnaround time is dependent on several factors and may happen sooner. PART 3: Documents Approval Workflow This is a parallel workflow with two steps. Contributor Role: The Contributor submits a document for approval by selecting Submitted in Content Status metadata field to start this workflow. Content Owner and Quality Reviewer Roles: The Content Owner and Quality Reviewer both receive an email to approve or reject at the same time. Either role can approve for publishing; although we prefer to have the Content Owner approve. The Quality Reviewer is an emergency back-up. The Content Owner has 7 days to approve/reject. If the Content Owner or Quality Reviewer does not respond, they receive a reminder email after 3 days, and then after 7 days. The page or article is not published until either the Content Owner or Quality Reviewer approves the content. Rejections: If the page or article is rejected by either the Content Owner or the Quality Reviewer, the Contributor will receive a notification. They should modify the document based on the comments and resubmit for approval. Timing: The maximum time for a document to be approved in one cycle is 7 calendar days so plan accordingly. Turnaround time is dependent on several factors and may happen sooner. PART 4: Content Owner and Quality Reviewer - Two Ways to Approve If you are a Content Owner or Quality Reviewer, there are two ways you can approve or reject content after you review it: You can click the Approve or Reject button in the first notification email. You can go to the Microsoft Power Automate dashboard and click the Approve or Reject icons. The dashboard is a good way to see multiple requests in your queue. Reminder emails link you directly to the Power Automate dashboard. Please go to the Approval Workflow: News and Pages guide and the Approval Workflow: Documents guide to learn more about email notifications and the Power Automate dashboard.
Quick Links (Add, Edit, Delete, and Add Note)
Quick Links (Add, Edit, and Delete) PART 1: Add Quick Link STEP 1: Click Edit on right side above hero image. STEP 2: Scroll to Quick Links web part on bottom left side. Click + Add Links. STEP 3: Click From a Link and paste valid URL within the box. You may see a yellow error message. Please ignore this message. Open a ticket with Swinerton Support if you cannot complete this task. STEP 4: Click Open in the bottom right corner of the page. STEP 5: A panel will open on the right side of the page. Enter Title for your link. This is the Title that displays under Quick Links. STEP 6: Select Custom Image radio button. Click Change. STEP 7: A pop-up window will open. Select Site, then click on Image Library folder. STEP 8: Click on Icons folder. STEP 9: Select the Icon Image (QuickLinks.png). Click Open in bottom right corner. STEP 10: The orange custom link icon now displays. STEP 11: Click Save As Draft. Note that the new Quick Link now displays. STEP 12: Once all edits have been made, click Submit for Approval button. PART 2: Edit Quick Link STEP 1: Click Edit on right side above hero image. STEP 2: Hover over the link you want to update. Click Edit pencil icon. STEP 3: A panel will open on the right side of the page. Edit Title field as desired. STEP 4: If you also wish to change the link itself, click Change button to update the URL. STEP 5: Click From a Link and enter new URL. You may see a yellow error message. Please ignore this message. Open a ticket with Swinerton Support if you cannot complete this task. STEP 6: Click Open in the bottom right corner of the page. STEP 7: Click Save As Draft. Note that the renamed link is displayed. You can also reorder the Quick Links if desired. Simply hover over the Quick Link title within the Quick Links web part box, and drag up or down to reorder. STEP 8: Once all edits have been completed, click Submit for Approval button. PART 3: Delete Quick Link STEP 1: Click Edit icon on right side above hero image. STEP 2: Hover over link you want to delete and click Remove. A Delete Confirmation box pops up. Click Yes. STEP 3: Click Save As Draft. Note that the removed link no longer displays under Quick Links. STEP 4: Once all edits have been completed, click Submit for Approval button. PART 4: Add Note to Quick Link Sometimes you will want to add a note to a Quick Link to indicate that the site has limited access (e.g. a private SharePoint site). This is how you do it. STEP 1: Click Edit icon on right side above hero image. STEP 2: Click on the Quick Link web part and the pencil icon. STEP 3: In the right panel, click the Show Descriptions toggle to Yes. STEP 4: Close the right panel and then click on the link where you want to add the note. Click on the pencil icon next to the link to open the right panel. STEP 5: Enter your note in the Description field in the right panel. STEP 6: You will see the note under your link in the Quick Links area. STEP 7: Click Save As Draft. Once all edits have been completed, click Submit for Approval button to publish your change.