CMiC - Commitments and Exception Request
Explanation of Contract Types
Explanation of Contract Types OVERVIEW: What Contract Type Should I Choose in CMiC Subcontract Module? For more information visit the Legal-Contracts page on SwinNet Contract Labor Agreement – is used for craft labor broker services / temporary labor. Contact the Legal Department for the Contract Labor Agreement Terms and Conditions template. Use Category Code: 71115 Design-Build Agreement – is used for design/build agreements with Architects and Engineers. It is not to be used for Subcontractors who will actually design and perform a portion of the work for design-build type projects. Subcontractors should issue a Work Order with a Scope of Work attachment for Design-Build Services or Design-Assist Services and their trade specific Scope of Work attachment. Contact the Legal Department for the Design Build Agreement Terms and Conditions template. Use Category Code: 71145 Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA) – is the default standard agreement defining general terms and conditions for work with subcontractors. The MSA includes attachments setting forth company-wide standards for insurance, safety, billing, quality, etc. The MSA has a 5-year term and applies to all work for a Subcontractor. When an MSA is in place, a Work Order is issued for each individual project which will include project specific requirements. MSAs are issued from and stored in the CMiC Subcontractor Prequalification module. MSA attachments are found on SwinNet / Legal pages. MSAs and MSA attachments may not be altered without approval from Swinerton's Legal and Risk Department. Professional Service Agreement (PSA) – used for services such as surveying, testing and inspections. Typically these agreements have non-standard insurance requirements that is included in the body of the agreement. PSAs may not to be used for design services by design professionals (i.e. architects, engineers) except in very limited circumstances after discussion with the Legal and Risk Management Departments. Be sure to obtain a copy of the professional company’s license for the work to be performed. Contact the Legal Department about Master Professional Service Agreements (MPSA), Master Peer Review Professional Service Agreement and related Specific Project Pursuant (SPP) agreement. These agreements are not issued from CMiC. When entering a SPP commitment into CMiC, select Contract Type as "Professional Service Agreement". Click HERE to find out if a vendor has an MPSA. Use Category Code: 71145 Purchase Agreement – is used only for purchasing specified materials for a project. We have two Puchase Order Agreements: (1) standard, basic agreement and (2) for large quantities of material purchase where the material is a significant part of our prime contract called Large/Solar Purchase Agreement. Rental Ageements will now bypass the MSA/WO workflow and be approved by Risk Management prior to being approved by project team. Purchase Agreement may not to be used for scope involving any jobsite labor except delivery of material. Should be written to document unit prices, payment terms and delivery date, and to protect pricing for an agreed upon period of time. Large/Solar Purchase Agreement is used for very large purchases (such as modules, inverters on solar projects), not necessarily limited to solar projects. This agreement has more extensive terms which gives us more control and remedies. Use Category Code: 71130 Rental Agreement – should be used for equipment leased or rented for use on the project the is operated by Swinerton personnel. Does not include labor except that which is directly related to the rental agreement (i.e. weekly cleaning of portable toilets; delivery and set up of temp fencing). PSAs will now bypass the MSA/WO workflow and be approved by Risk Management prior to being approved by project team. Should document commitment to scheduled delivery, price, terms and rental duration or operated equipment. If the rental equipment is acquired via a National Purchasing Agreement, the Terms and Conditions should make reference to the National Agreement date posted on SwinNet. Not to be used for tower cranes. For tower cranes, utilize an Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA) and Work Order (WO) commitments. Alternatively, if it is not possible to utilize an MSA/WO, the Swinerton tower crane rental agreement (with and without operator) may be used. Use Category Code: 71120 Short Form Subcontract Agreement (SFA) – is intended to be used only when we do work with a Subcontractor on a one-time basis (i.e. not a Subcontractor we do repeat work with) and the work fits the criteria below. An SFA may be used for: Short term work where Subcontractor is on site 1-2 days. Cost of work does not exceed $20,000 including change orders. The scope of work is low risk. SFA should not be for work involving mechanical, electrical, plumbing, demolition, fire sprinklers, waterproofing, high voltage work, work involving cranes or water remediation. Please contact Legal and/or Risk Management Departments if you have questions. Subcontractor shall bill through Textura. Retention is optional. The standard SFA terms may not be altered in any way without approval from the Legal and/or Risk Management Departments. Operations Manager must approve use of this agreement. Make sure to check on Subcontractor's license for work to be performed. Use Category Code: 71140 Work Order to the Master Subcontract Agreement (WO) - Once an MSA is in place, a Work Order is used for each individual project. The Work Order defines any project specific requirements including scope of work, price and schedule. All project specific Work Order attachments should be included. Make sure to check on Subcontractor's license for the work to be performed. Use Category Code: 71140 NO OTHER FORMS OF AGREEMENT ARE ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL OF CORPORATE COUNSEL. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD A VENDOR PROPOSAL BE SIGNED IN LIEU OF ISSUING A STANDARD COMPANY AGREEMENT FORM.
Commitments Roles and Responsibilities
Create a Commitment (Part 1 of 3): Completing the Subcontract Detail Tab
Create a Commitment (Part 1 of 3): Completing the Subcontract Detail Tab Overview Project Managers enter key information into CMiC and initiate Workflow. The workflow will facilitate the initiation, production and review of commitments. It is the Project Manager’s responsibility to manage the commitment process from start to final execution. Click HERE to see the Commitments Roles and Responsibilities. NOTE: The following items MUST be completed / reviewed PRIOR to creating the first commitment. Project Setup: The Project Maintenance defaults tab MUST be complete prior to starting a commitment workflow. Click HERE for the How-To document for setting up project defaults that relate to Commitments. Self Perform Projects - An additional step is required when setting up the Project Maintenance for a Self Perform project. Click HERE for the How-To document for setting up project defaults. Regarding Vendors: All Subcontractors must have a executed Master Subcontract Agreement on file in order to issue a Project Specific Work Order. If you do not know which type of commitment to issue, please see the explanation of the different types HERE. All Subcontractors must be prequalified prior to starting the commitment entry process. The commitment will not save if the Subcontractor is not prequalified or the prequal has expired. Review the Vendor Prequalification Flowchart and how to Check the Status of a Subcontractor's Prequal for more information. Encourage the Subcontractor to go to the Self-Service Prequalification site located in the SubCenter section of Link: STEP 1: From the tree view, go to Budget & Cost Management 4 Subcontract STEP 2: Click the Add Subcontract button on the top right of the screen. This will open a new Commitment in the Edit mode. STEP 3: Click the magnifying glass to the right of Vendor The pop-up Find box will default to search the Assigned Vendors. If your vendor isn't showing go back and add them to the project directory. Once assigned to the project then you will find them here. (NOTE: You can all search for vendors under Not Assigned or All.) Click on the Name of vendor you are selecting for this commitment. The pop up window will close and the Vendor box will be populated with the vendor you selected (it will show the vendor code). STEP 4: Select Contract Type from drop down menu. If the subcontractor has onsite labor, a Work Order must be issued. Click HERE to see an explanation of available contract types. Click HERE to learn more about Rental and Purchase agreements. STEP 5: The Contract No. field is auto populated with the next available contract number. This field cannot be edited. Contracts are numbered with the Job Number and the next available sequential number STEP 6: Enter Description field. This field appears in the CMiC log view and does not print on the agreement. (Example: "Drywall") STEP 7: The Status field changes based on posting status. You do not need to change this field manually as workflow will change it Pending = Not Posted In Process = Posted Closed = Commitment completed and closed Void = Commitment voided STEP 8: Click into Contact field. This Contact will be the name on the Commitment and any subcontractor change orders assigned to this Vendor. If a person has been added as a primary contact in the Project Partner Directory, then the Contact Code will automatically fill into this box. If a contact does NOT auto-fill or you want to change the Contact, click the magnifying glass in the Contact field. A list of available contacts will appear. Select one name by clicking on the blue words under Contact Name. If the Contact you need is not listed, click the Add New button. In the pop-up window, select Add New Contact and follow the directions per the Add Project Contacts how-to guide. REMEMBER: when adding someone for the first time this will become the CMiC System Wide default information. STEP 9: DO NOT CHANGE the Date field as it is intended to be the date the record was created. Use the “Issued Date” in the Key Dates Section to specify the actual document date to be printed on the commitment. STEP 10: Enter the Bid Amount (Optional) STEP 11: Review and update the Accounting Section if needed Invoiced field should default to Via – Subcontract. DO NOT CHANGE. Currency field should default to US Dollars and should not be changed. Default Retainage is 10%. Change only if special terms are agreed upon (typical with rental & purchase agreements) or owner contract is different. Deposit Amount: enter if applicable to contract Down Payment Percentage: enter if applicable to contract. NOTE: this is diiferent than a mobilization fee which would be part of the standard SOV. SOV Level Retainage Release option is not used. Bank Account & Bank Department fields are not used. Term Code: use the magnifying glass to open a pop-up window with available options. NOTE: For Work Order contracts, term code will typically be SUB - Subcontractor, Pay When Paid. For all other contracts, select the agreed upon term. Address field defaults to the Remit address managed by Corporate Accounting. DO NOT CHANGE. Corresp. Address is an alternate address to be used for all correspondence including this agreement. To add a new correspondence address, please click HERE for the how-to guide. Default Taxes option is not used. STEP 12: Review and update the User Defined section if needed Enter Committed Delivery Date field when issuing a Purchase Order Agreement as it will print as the Delivery Date. Do not use for other agreements. Confirm the Subcontractor’s Single Project Limit will fall within the requirements of the contract value. (i.e. will not exceed the maximums of the “Limits Remaining”). This information populates from the Prequalification information for the vendor. If the contract value exceeds the maximum, complete the Exception Request tab defined later in this document. The Financial Exception Request and Safety Exception Request fields will auto-populate once you add the SOV and click Save Draft. STEP 13: Skip the Schedule of Values Section for now. This will be cover in the following how-to Create a Commitment (Part 2 of 3): Completing the SOV STEP 14: Update the Scope section Enter Scope of Work. This field will print on the agreement as the Scope of Work. Bid Package Description is an optional information text box. This field will not print on the agreements. Accounting Description is not used at this time STEP 15: Update the Key Dates Section Enter a Start Date for this agreement. Enter an End Date for this agreement. Enter the Issued Date of this agreement. It will print as the “Contract Date” on the agreement cover sheet. The Received Date is entered by the Field Admin only after the agreement is received back signed by the Subcontractor but not yet fully executed by Swinerton. The Executed Date is entered by the Field Admin only after the agreement is fully executed by both parties. This date affects progress payments to the Subcontractor. STEP 16: Review and update the Payments section if needed Pay when Paid field is defaulted to be checked. DO NOT CHANGE. This is managed by Corporate Accounting. Hold Payment for X Days are not used. DO NOT CHANGE. This is managed by Corporate Accounting. Check Hdl. DO NOT CHANGE. This is managed by Corporate Accounting. CDI (Subguard) is a view only field and is checked by default. CDI stands for “Contractor’s Default Insurance” (aka Subguard). If a Subcontractor is not a part of CDI, then complete the Subguard waiver process. (Unless the sub is a Sub To Self Business Partner - CLICK HERE for more detail) Compliant is a view only field and will be checked when the vendor is compliant. This field becomes active upon saving the agreement. STEP 17: Click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen. You have completed the major information of this commitment on the Subcontract Detail tab. Click HERE to view the next step - completing the SOV for this commitment.
Create a Commitment (Part 2 of 3): Completing the SOV
Create a Commitment (Part 2 of 3): Completing the SOV Section For Part 1 click here. For Part 3 click here. NOTE: There are two methods to input information into the SOV tab: (1) Add Bid Items to SOV and (2) Add Manual SOV METHOD 1: Add Bid Items to SOV The menu option to "Select Bid Items" will not come up until the vendor section has been completed and Save has been clicked. Once a Bid Item Line has been added to a Commitment, it is no longer available in the List of Values, even if it is not entirely bought out. If you need to enter this cost code again for another sub it will need to done manually (see Method 2 below). STEP 1: Click the Select Bid Items button in the upper right corner. STEP 2: In the pop-up window, use the Find function or scroll the list of available phase codes on this project. STEP 3: Check the box for the desired Bid Item(s) to be added to the SOV STEP 4: Click the Accept button. The pop-up window will disappear and the Bid Items added to the SOV section. STEP 5: The contract is now in Edit mode. Review the Schedule of Values section and make adjustments to the Amount field to reflect any buyout savings. STEP 6: The Retainage % field is populated from the header Default Retainage field. DO NOT CHANGE. STEP 7: Click Save. METHOD 2: Add Manual SOV STEP 1: Click the Edit button at the top of the screen STEP 2: In the Action column of the Schedule of Values (SOV) section, click the blue + symbol STEP 3: Start with the Phase section. Manually enter it or use the magnifying glass to open a pop-up window and search within the phase codes assigned to the project. The Job and Category sections will auto-populate. NOTE: if there is more than 1 category assigned to the phase code you will need to enter it. STEP 4: Task Code field should be the same value as the Phase code field STEP 5: Task Name - Enter a short description. This usually aligns with the Phase code name. STEP 6: W/M - enter the Weight Measure for this line item in the SOV. Typically this will be LS (lump Sum). click here for a definition of ALL Weight Measures available. STEP 7: Rate is not used with W/M LS and will default to 0 STEP 8: Amount - enter the amount of this commitment line item into this field STEP 9: Retainage % field will default to the % noted in the Accounting section. The Accounting section defaults to 10% unless something else is manually entered. STEP 10: The remaining fields are not used and should be left blank STEP 11: Click Save STEP 12: Repeat as needed to create multiple lines in the SOV. Click HERE for Part 3 to complete the multiple tabs at the top of this screen and to workflow the commitment.
Create a Commitment (Part 3 of 3): Remaining Tabs and Workflow
Create a Commitment (Part 3 of 3): Remaining Tabs and Workflow Click here for Part 2 TEXT CODES TAB STEP 1: Click the Text Codes tab. STEP 2: Click Add STEP 3: In the pop-up window select ALL of the attachments that will be included in the commitment STEP 4: Click Accept. These will then populate on the Commitment Cover Sheet. STEP 5: Click SAVE before leaving the tab ATTACHMENTS TAB STEP 1: Click the Attachments tab. Upload any contract specific documents that you identified in te Text Codes tab here (i.e. Scope of Work, Schedule of Values). Click here for the complete list of SOW Templates on SwinNet. NOTE: The Bluebeam Review button in the Attachments Tab does not work. Click HERE for more info. STEP 2: Click the Upload Multiple button STEP 3: Follow standard upload procedures EXCEPTION REQUEST TAB NOTE: The Exception Request tab will need to be completed on any commitment that exceeds the Subcontractor’s Single Project Limit Remaining and/or Aggregate Project Limit Remaining or their EMR is greater than 1.24. Refer to this How-To Guide for more information. In the Subcontractor Detail Tab, User Defined section, if YES is populated in the Financial and/or Safety Exception Request fields, go to the Exception Request tab and complete the relevant fields. STEP 1: Click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the screen. STEP 2: Complete the appropriate fields Financial ER Reason: State why you want to use this Subcontractor for this project (e.g. low bidder, Owner-preferred vendor) Change Order ER Reason: This will need to be completed if ER is triggered by a Change Order Financial ER Mitigation Plan: REQUIRED when either the Financial or Change Order ER sections are filled. State what you will be doing to mitigate the risk (i.e. Indemnification by Owner, Allowance Item in Contract, Joint Check all sub-tier vendors, closely monitor Subcontractor’s progress payment percentage complete). NOTE: Best practice is to work with your PX, OM, or DM on a mitigation plan prior to Work flowing the contract. Safety ER Reason: State why you want to use this Subcontractor for this project (e.g. low bidder, Owner-preferred vendor). Safety ER Mitigation Plan: REQUIRED when the Safety ER section is filled. State what you will be doing to mitigate the risk (i.e. sub will have a full time safety manager onsite at all time). NOTE: Best practice is to work with your Division Safety Manager on a mitigation plan prior to Work flowing the contract. Non-WO Reason & On-site Labor? Required for Purchase and Rental Agreements if your Sub has a Master Subcontract Agreement with Swinerton. State the reason why a work order is not being issued. STEP 3: Click Save COMPLETING & WORKFLOWING THE COMMITMENT/SUBCONTRACT Click here to View Flowchart PART 1: WORKFLOW COMMITMENT (PROJECT MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITY) STEP 1: Click back to the Subcontract Detail tab. This allows all the required buttons to appear in the upper right corner of the screen. STEP 2: Click the Save button if still in edit mode. STEP 3: Click the Workflow button. STEP 4: Click Close This Window button in the pop up window that appears. STEP 5: There is now a bar across the top of the commitment that states it is “In Workflow”. STEP 6: The Workflow Status has changed from “Unsubmitted” to “Pending”. STEP 7: Click on the Review/Approval tab. This tab reflects the current status of the workflow process. It will also tell you the reason the workflow may have been rejected. STEP 8: The standard workflow will send a notification to the designated Field Administrator for drafting and approval. Once approved by the F.A., it will route back to the PM for the final approval. Once the PM approves, it will Post. NOTE: Posted commitments/subcontracts CANNOT be unposted, click HERE for how to cancel a posted agreement PART 2: DRAFT COMMITMENT (FIELD ADMINISTRATOR’S RESPONSIBILITY) STEP 1: Field Administrator receives Workflow Notification to complete commitment. STEP 2: Review Subcontract Detail tab, Text Code Tab and Attachments tab to ensure required fields were completed by the Project Manager. STEP 3: Print Commitment Cover page and Terms & Conditions from CMiC. STEP 4: Prepare Commitment Attachments (some from Attachments tab and others from the Legal Page on SwinNet). STEP 5: Compile and attach Commitment Agreement in CMiC / Subcontract / Attachment Tab. STEP 6: Approve the Workflow Notification. PART 3: FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACT (PROJECT MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITY) STEP 1: Project Manager receives Workflow Notification to review the final version of the Commitment. If an Exception Request was required, the PM cannot approve until the Exception Request has been approved. STEP 2: Project Manager reviews the Commitment and works with Field Administrator for any adjustments to the final document. STEP 3: Project Manager approves the Workflow in Workflow Notification. This will post the commitment, change the Workflow Status to “Approved” and Status to “In Process”. PART 4: DISTRIBUTE COMMITMENT (FIELD ADMINISTRATOR’S RESPONSIBILITY) STEP 1: Field Administrator receives Workflow Notification that the Commitment has been approved. STEP 2: Distributes Commitment via DocuSign STEP 3: Save the “out the door” document in the CMiC / Subcontract / Attachment Tab. STEP 4: Once the Commitment Agreement is signed by all parties, attach in CMiC and save in the project shared drive. STEP 5: Enter Executed Date in the Subcontract Detail Key Dates section. The process is now COMPLETE!
Exception Request Process - Cases/Scenarios
Commitments - Exception Request Process - Cases/Scenarios Case 1 – No ER Required at all… Financial & Safety are in good standing PM Clicks Workflow button • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approved • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved • Commitment Posts • Notification of posting Field Admin & Project Manager If the Workflow is rejected by Field Admin, it will go back to PM. If PM Rejects the Workflow, the workflow will END (as if it was never started) Case 2 – DM Workflow – Financial Only and Safety is in Good Standing: Contract value exceeds the Single Project Limit by LESS than $200,000. Review stays within the Division for Approval PM clicks Workflow • FYI Notification of ER in Process Project Manager, Field Admin, Financial Manager & Operations Manager • Approval Notification - Division Manager, Regional Operations Manager & Chief Estimator • Approved - Division Manager, Regional Operations Manager & Chief Estimator NOTE: If rejected by any of the approvers, WF ends and it is up to the PM Submitter to make any changes and click Workflow button again. Back to Case 1 (Normal Workflow) • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approved • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved • Commitment Posts • Notification of posting Field Admin & Project Manager Case 3 – Financial Only and Safety is in good standing. Contract value exceeds the Single Project Limit by MORE than $200,000. Review goes all the way to the top (COO) PM Clicks Workflow • FYI Notification of ER in Process: Project Manager, Field Admin, Financial Manager, PreQual Reviewer • Approval Notification: Operations Manager, Regional Operations Controller, Chief Estimator • Approved By: Operations Manager, Regional Operations Controller, Chief Estimator MUST BE APPROVED BY ALL TO GO TO NEXT LEVEL • Approval Notification: Division Manager • Approved By: Division Manager MUST BE APPROVED BY DM TO GO TO NEXT LEVEL • Approval Notification: Regional Manager • Approved By: Regional Manager MUST BE APPROVED BY RM TO GO TO NEXT LEVEL • Approval Notification: SI Risk, President • Approved By: SI Risk, President NOTE: If rejected by any of the approvers, WF ends and it is up to the PM Submitter to make any changes and click Workflow button again. Back to Case 1 (Normal Workflow) • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approved • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved • Commitment Posts • Notification of posting Field Admin & Project Manager Case 4 – Financial is Good and Safety EMR is higher than 1.25. Contract value is within the Single Project Limit. Review goes all the way to the top (COO & SI Risk). PM Clicks Workflow • FYI Notification of ER in Process Project Manager & Field Admin • Approval Notification - Division Safety Manager • Approved Division -Safety Manager • Approval Notification - Division Manager • Approved - Division Manager • Approval Notification - Corporate Safety Director • Approved - Corporate Safety Director • Approval Notification - Regional Manager • Approved - Regional Manager • Approval Notification - COO • Approval Notification - SI Risk • Approved - COO • Approved - SI Risk Back to Case 1 (Normal Workflow) • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approved • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved • Commitment Posts • Notification of posting Field Admin & Project Manager Case 2/4 – DM Financial & Safety – Financial and Safety have issues: Contract value exceeds the Single Project Limit by LESS than $200,000 and EMR is Greater than 1.25. Review stays within the Division for Approval for Financial, but Safety requires full approval PM Clicks Workflow • FYI Notification of ER in Process Project Manager & Field Admin • Approval Notification - Division Safety Manager • Approved - Division Safety Manager • Approval Notification - Division Manager • Approved - Division Manager • Approval Notification - Corporate Safety Director • Approved - Corporate Safety Director • Approval Notification - Regional Manager • Approved - Regional Manager • Approval Notification - COO • Approval Notification - SI Risk • Approved - COO • Approved - SI Risk Back to Case 1 (Normal Workflow) • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approved • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved • Commitment Posts • Notification of posting Field Admin & Project Manager Case 3/4 –Financial and Safety have issues: Contract value exceeds the Single Project Limit by MORE than $200,000 and EMR is Greater than 1.25. Review goes all the way to the top for both. PM Clicks Workflow • FYI Notification of ER in Process Project Manager & Field Admin • Approval Notification - Division Safety Manager • Approved - Division Safety Manager • Approval Notification - Division Manager • Approved - Division Manager • Approval Notification - Corporate Safety Director • Approved - Corporate Safety Director • Approval Notification - Regional Manager • Approved - Regional Manager • Approval Notification - COO • Approval Notification - SI Risk • Approved - COO • Approved - SI Risk Back to Case 1 (Normal Workflow) • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approved • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved • Commitment Posts • Notification of posting Field Admin & Project Manager Case 5 – Purchase Agreement and Rental Agreement – Non WO ER required: Risk Management requires full approval PM Clicks Workflow • FYI Notification of ER in Process Project Manager & Field Admin • Approval Notification - Risk Management • Approved - Risk Management • Approval Notification - Field Admin • Approval Notification - Project Manager • Approved - Field Admin & Project Manager
Exception Request Process - Workflow How To
Exception Request Process - Workflow How To Workflow Notifications are based off of the USER logged in, not the specific project showing in your Project Management Tree View. You will see anything associated with you, no matter the Job Number. NAVIGATING THE WORKFLOW a. Date: Date Workflow Notification was received. b. Type: Type of Workflow and Action Needed (Approval or FYI) a. SWISCOAP = Subcontract Change Order/Approval (Action Needed to continue process) b. SWISCAP2/FYI = Subcontract Change Agreement/FYI (no action needed) c. Subject: Subject of the workflow (Bold Blue Font) - click to view more information (go to item g below) d. Approve/Close Check Box: Check the box to either Approve or Close out particular Workflows. a. FYI notifications have to be manually "Closed", by checking this box and clicking the large Approve/Reject/Close button. b. Approval Notifications can be Approved directly from this screen if other no tasks are required (like Invoice Coding) e. Reject Check Box: Only Approve Workflows can be Rejected. f. Approve/Reject/Close Button: Click this button the clear out any items checked below. By clicking on the Subject of the Workflow (Bold Blue Text), it will roll out the details of the item g. Notification section: Description of Who, role and Task required by this workflow. h. Invoice/Subcontract header: Basic Information entered about workflow… for example an Exception Request Type along with the ER Reason and Mitigation Plan. i. Distributions section: Proposed contract amount j. User Comments section: ok if blank k. Link To Editor: Allows access directly to the record (typically a commitment or change order) in question. Use this link to open the commitment and view the Exception Request Tab and any attachments required to get the ER approved. You can also view the vendor's current prequal information (financial & safety) on the Subcontractor Detail tab. l. Audit History: Shows when commitment was submitted into WF, all approvals, rejections, and notes related to the record. NOTE: This can also be viewed in the commitment itself by viewing the Review/Approval tab
Commitments Flowchart
Subcontract/SCO Workflow: Error Message - "The Submitter is not the PM"
Subcontract/SCO Workflow: Error Message - "The Submitter is not the PM" Problem I submitted a subcontract/SCO to workflow, but am seeing an error message "The Submitter is not the PM." The subcontract was automatically rejected and would not proceed with workflow. How can I get this subcontract/SCO to go into workflow? Solution STEP 1: Add yourself to the project with a PM role by following these steps: How to Add yourself to a Project in CMiC STEP 2: Click the Workflow button again to submit the subcontract/SCO. CMiC now recognizes you as the PM. The workflow should go through correctly now, and should not be automatically rejected. NOTE: If you are NOT a PM, you may still get this error message. That is because Project Managers should be the ones to finalize and workflow all commitments. Submit a ticket if your permissions need to be changed due to a recent promotion.
Print a Commitment from CMiC
Print a Commitment from CMiC The following commitment agreements should be printed from CMiC: Professional Services Agreement Purchase Order Agreement Short Form Agreement Work Order to MSA - SB Work Order to MSA - Self Perform to Sub Tier - SB The following commitment agreements are entered as a commitment in CMiC but DO NOT print from CMiC. You will need to go to the Legal Page on SwinNet. Contract Labor Agreement Design Build Agreement Peer Review Services Rental Agreement Teaming Agreements NOTES: Click HERE for the How-To document for setting up project defaults. Pay specific attention to Prime Contract # and Prime Contract Date on the Project Maintenance/General tab as this information prints on the Commitments. Click HERE to make sure you have assigned only one Business Partner to the “Owner” group and only one Business Partner to the “Architect” group. The Group is assigned by clicking on the Pencil icon. These Business Partners print on the Commitment Agreements and will not auto fill if more than one is selected. Click HERE for the How-To document for setting up Sub-To-Self project defaults. Pay specific attention to the Customer and the Project Owner fields as this information will modify what prints on the Commitments. STEP 1: Click on the Specific Commitment you are working on. STEP 2: Confirm the following information: Status: If you are printing a draft, the Status is “Pending”. If you are printing to send to Vendor for signature, then the Status must be “In Process” (which means the commitment is posted). Workflow Status: If you are printing a draft, the Workflow Status is “Pending”. If you are printing to send to Vendor for signature, then the Workflow Status must be “Approved”. SOV Section: The Amount, Phase and Category field must be completed STEP 3: Check that the Text Code tab should have listed: All the appropriate attachments to be included with this commitment should be listed. If any appear to be missing, reach out to the project's PM. STEP 4: Once you have confirmed this information is all listed, click the Print button. STEP 5: Report Name should remain “WORD: Subcontract Agreement-SB”. STEP 6: Select the Template for the agreement type you need to print STEP 7: Click Print STEP 8: on the Report Config Screen, ensure the Format is set to DOCX STEP 9: Click Run Report STEP 10: Open or Save the new Downloaded commitment As a reminder, commitment documents that are printed out of CMiC are locked for editing. There are small sections on some of the commitments that can be modified, based on project specifics (see Work Order exceptions below as an example). It is important for Projects to be set up correctly in the system in order for the commitments to print correctly. STEP 11: For a Work Order. Complete the highlighted fields: Enter the MSA date for the Subcontractor (the MSA Issued Date can be found HERE). Enter date for each Attachment that is checked. (Reminder: the “X” in the box for Attachments comes from the Text Code tab on each commitment). When using the Public Works and Prevailing Wage attachment, update whether they are Public or Private Requirements. NEXT STEP: Distribute a Commitment via Docusign