Autodesk Field Management - Web
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Adding Documents to a Checklist
WHAT IS IT: Guide to walk through how to add documents to an issue that you created or have been assigned to. HOW TO for CHECKLISTS: STEP 1: Open the Autodesk website and find the correct project STEP 2: Select Document Management STEP 3: Under Project Files a:Find the folder where the document needs to go b: Select Upload Files or drag and drop the file into the correct folder NEXT: STEP 2: Select Field Management STEP 3: Select the Checklists tab STEP 4: Select the checklist you need to add an attachment/document to *You can upload a document to a specific item within the checklist or you can add a document to the overall checklist. STEP 5: To add a document to a specific item, find the item and select Document STEP 6: Select the document you uploaded into BIM 360 STEP 7: Hit Select *You will notice the attachment within the specific item STEP 8: To upload to the overall checklist, select Add Documents under the Checklist Instance Details on the right (select the blue i in the right corner of the checklist if you don’t see Checklist Instance Details) STEP 9: Find the document in the folder you uploaded it to. Note – you DO NOT have the option to upload from your desktop here, all files need to be in BIM 360 if adding to the overall checklist STEP 10: Hit Select *You will notice the attachment on the right. Continue to follow the steps above to add more documents to your checklist
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Bulk Actions (Group Editing)
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in: STEP 2: Click the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the checklists you want to bulk edit. -Selecting In Progress and Not Started – you will only be able to Edit Attributes Selecting multiple Completed checklists will allow you to Archive Checklists or *Reopen checklists. *Reopening checklists can only be done by the Project Admin for the project. Archiving checklists will not snyc on mobile devices but can be reopened by the Project Admin on the project. *Archiving checklists should be done when you want to VOID a checklist. Do not delete any checklist even if it was created by accident!! To view Archived checklists, select FILTER by the search bar and filter by Active, Archived or both. To unarchive a checklist, select the checklist(s) you need to unarchive and select Bulk Actions. From there, select restore checklists or reopen checklists.
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Creating From Template
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in: STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select Create checklist in the right hand corner STEP 5: Select a checklist template and hit create STEP 6: Edit Checklist title Leave _FWI, _PMI, _MEPF, etc. in the beginning of the checklist name to pull correctly to the Quality Tracker! Add the scope being reviewed if it’s not evident You are unable to change the checklist numbering sequence STEP 7: Fill out the Checklist Instance Details on the right-hand side with the appropriate information. STEP 8: Fill out the checklist STEP 9: When you are complete with a section, you can select Done OR you can select next section. By selecting Done, that Closes the section. You can reopen the section by clicking on an item in that section. All Required fields (not labeled “optional”) need to be completed for you to select Done. STEP 10: If you selected Done, you will notice the section is marked Done in the upper right and you can move onto the next section. *You can reopen the section by clicking on an item in that section. *If you selected the next section without hitting done, the section will show as “in progress”. STEP 11: As you complete your checklist, if an item is nonconforming and marked as No, Fail, False or -, the item will auto-create an issue for you! You can click and edit the information from this screen, or you can edit the issue from the Issues tab! STEP 12: When all sections are marked as Done and the checklist requires signatures, you can select Show Signatures. *If you need additional signatures, they need to be added within the template ahead of creating your checklist, reference Adding Signatures to a Checklist how to guide. STEP 13: Make sure to fill in the name and company for the person signing the checklist. STEP 14: After all signatures are filled in, you can complete the checklist. Note: If you are missing a required field, you are unable to mark a checklist as complete. STEP 15: If signatures are not required in the checklist, you have the option to select Complete Checklist at the top or when you click into a checklist that has all the sections complete, a pop up will ask if you would like to complete the checklist.
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Creating New Checklist Template
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Templates in the upper left STEP 4: Select Create New Template in the right hand corner STEP 5: Fill out the required information: a) Title b) Description (optional) c) Type d) Issue Settings – do you want anything that “fails” to auto-create an issue? e) Allow adding section assignee – do you want the ability to assign sections to someone or a company? f) Require signatures on checklist completion – do you need signatures for your checklist? STEP 6: Click Next in the bottom right after the Checklist information has been filled in STEP 7: Fill in the template information. a) Add sections to your template b) Edit each section title and sub section items c) Change the answer type from the dropdown d) Add additional items within a section Select the dots to add a description, make an item optional, edit issue settings, or delete. e) Add a new section to your template here as well f) Edit the template details Update issue settings, section assignee’s and signatures STEP 8: Once you have the checklist template created, select Publish in the bottom right. Your checklist will show in the Templates section of checklists and you can edit, export or delete the template. You can also select the template, click the pencil in the upper right and edit the information.
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Editing Templates
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select Templates STEP 5: Find the checklist you need to edit and select the three dots to the far right. *You can also select the checklist then click the pencil in the upper right to edit the checklist STEP 6: You can edit and make adjustments specific to your project. To add required signatures, you can toggle the switch on and add additional signatures. STEP 7: Once you make your changes in your checklist, make sure to hit save!
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Export Report
Exporting reports is different than scheduling or running a report – go to Insight for Reports! STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select Export Report in the right hand corner STEP 5: Update the Report title and message, then select Create Report. Exporting the checklists will create a PDF report. STEP 6: Once you receive the email, you can download the report and save for your project.
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Filtering
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select the filter next to the search box STEP 5: Apply the filter for your specific needs. The filter does not carry over when you toggle away from the checklist screen.
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - How to Add or Remove Signatures from Overall Checklist
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select Templates STEP 5: Find the checklist you need to add or remove the required signature to and select the three dots to the far right. *You can also select the checklist then click the pencil in the upper right to edit the checklist STEP 6: On the right hand side, you can add or remove required signatures, you can toggle the switch on or off and add additional signatures. STEP 7: Select Required signatures on the left and fill out who needs to sign the checklist. You can add additional checklists by choosing Add Signature STEP 8: Once you make your adjustments for each signature required, select Save in the upper right. Checklists that require signatures: Quality First Work Inspections - _FWI – Inspection Request Record Material Verification Inspection - _MV – Mock-Up (Scope(s) being inspected) Test Report Concrete (SAK) Pre-Pour Field Check Concrete Pre-Pour Field Check In Wall [General] Field Check Safety Restrooms Checklist Safety Contacts and Observations Safety Meeting & Training Roster Orientation Checklist Sub Minimum Performance Standard Checklist Weekly Safety Documentation
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - How to Add or Remove Required Signatures to Checklist Sections
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4: Select Templates STEP 5: Find the checklist you need to add or remove the required signature to and select the three dots to the far right. *You can also select the checklist then click the pencil in the upper right to edit the checklist STEP 6: To add required signatures to a specific section, select Add New Item at the bottom of the specific section. STEP 7: Select the drop down option (Pass / Fail / NA) and scroll until you see signature STEP 8: Once you make your adjustments for each signature required, select Save in the upper right. Once the checklist template has been saved, you will see the signatures in each section you applied it to. To Remove the signature from the section STEP 1: Follow steps 1-5 from above. STEP 2: Scroll to the section where the signature has been applied STEP 3: Select the three dots STEP 4: Select Delete STEP 5: Click Save in the Upper Right Checklists that require signatures: Quality First Work Inspections - _FWI – Inspection Request Record Material Verification Inspection - _MV – Mock-Up (Scope(s) being inspected) Test Report Concrete (SAK) Pre-Pour Field Check Concrete Pre-Pour Field Check In Wall [General] Field Check Safety Restrooms Checklist Safety Contacts and Observations Safety Meeting & Training Roster Orientation Checklist Sub Minimum Performance Standard Checklist Weekly Safety Documentation
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Instance Details
When creating a checklist, you want to make sure the checklist details are filled in. This guide will walk you through the importance of filling out the Checklist Instance Details on the right-hand side within any checklist. Assign to: Select a User, Role, or Company For checklists, you will most likely apply the checklist to a Company. Location: Select from the dropdown to apply the checklist to the appropriate location for your project Scheduled: Date of when the inspection is scheduled for your project Date Started: Date of when you started the inspection Completed on: Date of when the all the checklist required fields have been filled in, signatures signed, and checklist marked as complete. Type: Can only be changed in the template Linked Documents: Add any drawings from your plans or project files Signatures: View and show signatures for that checklist If you close out of the checklist instance details, you can click on the information toggle to pop out the checklist details! Icon Definitions within a Checklist: Export your checklist to a PDF Delete checklist – can only be done with checklists created by you or Project Admin Access Archive – can only be done with checklists created by you or Project Admin Access