With Outlook on your PC, Mac or mobile device, you can:
Organize your email to focus on the messages that matter most.
Manage your calendar to schedule meetings and appointments.
Share files from the cloud so everyone always has the latest version.
Stay connected and productive wherever you are.
Outlook Best Practices
• Minimize the amount of subfolders to around 100 or less. • Keep your deleted items folder empty often, roughly once a month. Just right click the Deleted Items Folder, and select Empty Folder. • Use rules to sort e-mails either by job, priority, or user. You can create rules by right clicking on a specific e-mail or by going to the top right and selecting “Rules” • If you need to remember a specific e-mail you can flag it, using the flag option you can create a customized alert that will remind you on a specific date or time. You can right click on the flag to customize the reminder or when it’s due. • You can group e-mails by using the category option, this is useful for keeping e-mails pertaining to each other in order even if they’re in different folders. Just right click on the e-mail, and then select “Categorize” • You can create search folders that allow you to quickly search all folders by user or subject line. You can do this by right clicking on the “Search Folders” on the left hand side of your Outlook. • Mark certain sub-folders as favorites so you can quickly access them without searching. Just right click the folder and select “Show in Favorites” • If you’re focused on work and can’t reply to all e-mails even urgent ones, use an automatic reply to let users know that you’ll get back to them as soon as possible. You can do this by clicking “File” in the top left and then select “Automatic Replies” from there you can customize if only internal users receive the reply or everyone. • If you’re bothered by e-mail notifications popping up and disrupting work, you can easily turn them off. Select “File” in the top left, and then select “Options” In the new window that opens, select “Mail” on the left hand side, and then go to the “Message Arrival” section. • Keep a message as unread if you still need to reply to it. You can do this from within the e-mail or from the Inbox by right clicking and selecting “Mark as Unread”
Outlook Add-In: Cofense Report Phishing Feature For Computers, Smartphones, Tablets, and Browsers
Cofense is an anti-phishing reporting tool add-in available in Outlook local client (desktop and laptop) Outlook mobile app (Apple and Android) Office 365 Outlook (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox browser) to be used in instances when an email is suspected to be malicious. After reporting a suspicious email, a confirmation displays. If an email is found to not be malicious, you will be notified. If an email is found to be malicious, staff take protective actions. NOTE: This anti-phishing add-in is available for mobile devices through Outlook mobile app, not in the email app native to iPhone or Android. If you do not have the Outlook mobile app installed on your mobile device: a. Go to Apps Store to load Outlook mobile app to iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. b. Go to Google Play to load Outlook mobile app to Android devices. You will be prompted to input your full Swinerton email address and Swinerton passcode for Outlook mobile app to begin populating your content. Outlook local client (on your computer): Find the Cofense Report Phishing button in your Outlook toolbar options. Click to report and a confirmation displays. Outlook mobile app (on your smartphone or tablet): Find the Cofense Report Phishing button in your Outlook mobile app tool bar. Please note there are two sets of ellipses (three dots). 1. Click the ellipses set under the time stamp. 2. That set of ellipses triggers Outlook add-in options including "Report Phishing". Click the button and a confirmation displays. Office 365 Outlook (through Chrome, Internet Explorer, or other Internet browsers): Find the Cofense Report Phishing button in any email through the ellipses (three dots). 1. Click the ellipses either in the email as it sits in the Outlook pane view or with the email open in its own pop-up window. 2. Click the ellipses for more actions including report phishing. 3. Scroll to the Cofense "Report Phishing" option, click, and a confirmation displays. If you have both an native email application and the Outlook mobile application actively loading your Swinerton email, you may want to turn-off your device's native email application.
Outlook Mobile - Recover Exchange Contacts
Recover Contact Information __________ Introduction Step-by-step instructions for recovering contact information that was removed from your iOS or Android device when deleting your Swinerton Exchange account. The information has not been lost and is still stored on the server. These instructions will copy the information back into the local Contacts app to re-associate with text messages, call history, etc. __________ Steps 1. Open the Outlook mobile app 2. Tap on the mailbox icon in the top, left-hand corner 4. Tap on the Settings icon in the lower, left-hand corner 5. In Settings look for Office 365 - Swinerton under Mail Accounts, tap on it 6. Under the Account Settings section turn on the Save Contacts (iOS) or Sync Contacts (Android) option This will begin the process of copying all of your added contacts from Exchange back into your local Contacts app. Depending on the number of contacts you added, this process may take some time.
How to clear Microsoft Outlook's Cached Contacts
Microsoft Outlook's AutoComplete feature, is used to learn, and save, emails for you. This results in users not needing to retype, or remember, emails. If issues arise with AutoComplete not populating (AutoComplete may be full) or there are emails that are no longer needed, you can proactively remove AutoComplete list entries you no longer need. To clear AutoComplete, see Clear Current Cache, below. In an instance where you would like to delete contacts individually, see Remove Outlook Contacts Individually, below. Remove Outlook Contacts Individually 1. Open a new email by clicking New Email from the top-left portion of the ribbon. 2. Begin typing the name and Outlook will show the saved contact. 3. Click the X to the right to delete it. Clear Current Cache 1. Select File 2. Select Options 3. Select Mail from the left pane 4. Scroll down to Send messages and click Empty Auto-Complete List Select OK to Exit
Outlook Online Archive Mailbox
Overview Exchange Online Archiving offers users advanced archiving capabilities with the archive mailbox feature. An archive mailbox is a specialized mailbox that appears alongside the users' primary mailbox folders in Outlook or Outlook on the web. Users can access the archive in the same way that they access their primary mailboxes. In addition, they can search both their archives and primary mailboxes. There is a default 100GB limit on O365 mailboxes – once this size is reached the mailbox cannot send or receive until space is cleared. Many times, old emails must be retained and cannot be deleted. This is where the online archive mailbox comes into play. Viewing the Archive Folder The archive mailbox can be viewed from within Outlook or the Web version of Outlook by using the steps below. To view in Outlook: Open Outlook In the left pane of Outlook, scroll down past your folders until you see Online Archive - Username@swinerton.com To view in Outlook on the Web: 1. Open any Web browser and navigate to office.com 2. Sign into office.com using your work email, and password. 3. Select the Outlook icon from the left pane to open Outlook on the Web. 4. Look for your Online Archive mailbox here. It will be named >Personal Archive - Your name Folder Structure The folder structure contained in the archive mailbox is an exact replica of your normal mailbox by default. The same folder structure will be observed once the emails are archived to the mailbox. Default Retention Policy Email that is older than 2 years will be moved automatically without user intervention, by default.
The Global Address Book is missing new employees in Outlook
Outlook stores a copy of the Global Address Book on your computer. Sometimes, this file does not get properly updated when you try to look for new employees. 1) Close Microsoft Outlook and Skype 2) Click on the Start Menu. 3) In the Search programs and files box, type %localappdata% and hit Enter. 4) This will open Windows Explorer with a lot of folders visible. 5) Navigate into Microsoft then Outlook. You should see just a few files. 6) Delete the Offline Address Books folder. Don't worry, a new one will be downloaded the next time you open Outlook.
Set up Microsoft Outlook email signature (on my computer)
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Documentation Information Signature Template Name Title SWINERTON Division/Team Address City, State, Zip Desk 555.867.5309 Mobile 555.867.5309 Email noreply@swinerton.com swinerton.com INTEGRITY ¦ LEADERSHIP ¦ PASSION ¦ EXCELLENCE ¦ OWNERSHIP For Outlook Web App For STEP 1: Click on the Gear Icon at the top right For STEP 2: Click on Account, then Signatures, and then New Signature For Outlook Desktop App For STEP 1: Click on File and then Options in the bottom left (see screenshot below). STEP 2: Select Mail, click on Signatures (see screenshot below). STEP 3: Below the Select Signature to Edit box, click New (see screenshot below). Enter a name for your new signature. If you want to edit an existing signature, just highlight the name of the signature you would like to edit and it will appear in the Edit Signature box below.
How do I manage e-mail lists (distribution groups) through Outlook?
Certain employees have the ability to add or remove employees from groups such as email distribution lists. 1) Within Outlook open the Address Book. 2) Find the group you wish to edit. 3) Double click the group name. From the next screen, click Modify Members... 4) From the Contact Group Membership window, click Add or Remove depending on your needs. 5) Once added, their name should appear (disappear) from the list. 6) Click OK when finished. 7) Click OK again.
Sharing a Calendar with another user
You may need to share your calendar with one or more employees. You can also control the level of permissions they have. 1) Go to your Outlook Calendar section. 2) In the ribbon bar up top, click the Share Calendar button. 3) Select the Calendar you wish to share. 4) From the Calendar's properties, click the Add... button. 5) Find the user in the Global Address Book find the user you wish to add. Make sure they appear in the button section next to Add -> then click OK. 6) Now with their name highlighted, set their Permission Level. The checkboxes will change according to which permission level you choose. Generally speaking Author is a safe level to choose. Permission Levels: Owner: Allows full rights to the mailbox's Calendar or Folder, including assigning permissions Publishing Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items; create subfolders Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items Publishing Author: Create and read items; create subfolders; edit and delete items created by the user Author: Create and read items; edit and delete items they've created Nonediting Author: Create and read items; delete items created by the user Reviewer: Read items Contributor: Create items
Sending a fax through Outlook
Swinerton currently uses the Stratafax system to enable fax via email. To request a Stratafax number through our account, please submit a general request for it from the Swinerton Support page.