Teams - Meetings
Schedule a Teams meeting using Outlook
Schedule a Teams meeting using Outlook You can use Outlook to schedule a Microsoft Teams meeting--the same way you schedule meetings normally but with one or two extra clicks. The Teams meeting request will automatically include call-in information (phone number and conference ID). You can send this info to anyone inside or outside the organization, and they do not need a Teams account, as they can join using the Teams web application. Should they not be able to download the application, instruct them to use Chrome browser. Camera and microphone options do not work in Safari or Firefox. 1. Open Outlook and go to your Calendar. 2. On the Home tab ribbon, under New Items select Teams Meeting. 3. Set up the meeting as you typically would: •In the To box, type the email address of each person you’re inviting, separated by semicolons. •In the Subject box, type a name for the meeting. •If you’ll have in-person attendees, either click Room Finder in the Options section of the Meeting tab and then find a room or, in the Location box, type a meeting location, such as a conference room. •Select a start time and end time. Notes: To look for a time that works for everyone, click Scheduling Assistant, in the Show section of the Meeting tab ribbon. 4. In the meeting info area, type an agenda. Be careful not to change any of the Teams meeting information. Important: Scheduling a meeting with the default options, like we just did, is suitable for small, internal meetings, such as casual meetings with a few coworkers. If you have a meeting with people outside your company, or you’re scheduling a large event, change the meeting options to better fit your meeting requirements. In the meeting info click Meeting Options, and then select the appropriate options (best done after creating meeting). 5. You're almost done. Just double-check the information and click Send. Teams Meeting Option Missing Please see the article linked here if you are not able to see the Teams meeting option
Schedule a Teams meeting using Teams
Schedule a Teams meeting using Teams You can use these instructions to schedule a meeting directly from Teams. 1. Open Teams and go to the Calendar tab. 2. Click the New meeting button. The New meeting window will open. 3. Set up the meeting to your preferences: • In the Title field enter the name of the meeting • In the Invite people field enter the names of the people or groups you’d like to invite. If an invitee is an external, enter their full email address. Multiple invitees should be separated by semicolons. • If you’ll have in-person attendees, click the arrow under Location to find a meeting location. • (Optional) Select a channel to host the meeting in, anyone in that channel can join the meeting. • Select a start time and end time. Notes: To look for a time that works for everyone, click Scheduling assistant. 4. In the details area, type an agenda. 5. Press Schedule 6. On the next page you can click the Meeting options button to set meeting access settings. Important: Scheduling a meeting with the default options, like we just did, is suitable for small, internal meetings, such as casual meetings with a few coworkers. If you have a meeting with people outside your company, or you’re scheduling a large event, change the meeting options to better fit your meeting requirements. After scheduling the meeting, click Meeting options, and then select the appropriate options. Should invitees not be able to download the Teams web application, instruct them to use Chrome browser. Camera and microphone options do not work in Safari or FireFox. 7. You can then close the meeting window.
Start an impromptu meeting from Teams
Start an impromptu meeting from Teams You can use these instructions to set up a meeting directly from Teams. 1. Open Teams and go to the Calendar tab. 2. Click the Meet Now button. The meeting window will open. 3. (Optional) Set a meeting name and enable/disable presenting audio and video. 4. Click Join Now. You may then invite employees from the search box. 5. Clicking the icon with the chain links copies the meeting info, which can be sent to anyone inside or outside the organization via email, IM, etc. 6. You can also click the ellipses then select Show meeting details, which will show meeting info and allow you to call invitees. In both methods above, when an external user clicks the link to join it should ask them to join as a guest and to enter their name. After doing so it will add them to the meeting as an attendee. If they do not have the Teams client, it will install and open the meeting via the Teams web app.
Schedule a Teams Meeting With an External
Schedule a Teams Meeting With an External Use these instructions to schedule a meeting directly from Teams. Please not 1. Open Teams and go to the Calendar tab. 2. Click the New meeting button. The New meeting window will open. 3. Set up the meeting to your preferences: • In the Title field enter the name of the meeting • In the Invite people field enter the names of the people or groups you’d like to invite. • If you’ll have in-person attendees, click the arrow under Location to find a meeting location. • (Optional) Select a channel to host the meeting in, anyone in that channel can join the meeting. • Select a start time and end time. Notes: To look for a time that works for everyone, click Scheduling assistant. 4. In the details area, type an agenda. 5. Press Schedule 6. On the next page you can click the Meeting options button to set meeting access settings. Important: Scheduling a meeting with the default options, like we just did, is suitable for small, internal meetings, such as casual meetings with a few coworkers. If you have a meeting with people outside your company, or you’re scheduling a large event, change the meeting options to better fit your meeting requirements. After scheduling the meeting, click Meeting options, and then select the appropriate options. 7. You can then close the meeting window.
Change a Meeting to a Teams Meeting
When revising your invite, you should have a Teams Meeting button at the top of the meeting invite (if not, verify that you have Teams installed): Clicking that will add the Teams info to your meeting invite:
Starting or Joining a Teams Meeting
Join a Meeting from Outlook 1. From your calendar invite, click the “Join…” link. 2. When prompted by your web browser, click “Open Microsoft Teams”. OR… from your calendar invite, click the “Join Teams Meeting” button in your ribbon. Select your Audio and Camera devices and Join the Meeting 3. Click on the gear icon to open the Device Settings screen. Select your Audio device and Camera. 4. Turn on (or off) your Camera and Audio Devices and click “Join now”. 5. Ending a Call Simply click the red phone icon to end your call.
Teams Meeting Controls
Meeting Controls Once you’ve joined the meeting, your meeting controls bar will appear at the bottom of the Teams screen. To change your devices or record a meeting, click on the ellipsis. (See this article for more info on Teams recordings) Sharing Content To share your screen or a document, click on the share icon and select the desktop or document you wish to present When presenting, move your mouse to the top of the screen or document being presented to reveal the presentation control bar. When done presenting, click “Stop presenting” to return to the full Teams screen. If you wish to return to the full Teams screen while presenting, click on the small floating Teams screen. You also have access to a mini controls bar here.
Teams for Online Meetings - A Beginners Guide
Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool that can meet a wide variety of your communications and collaboration needs. One of the most powerful is the online meeting. The following is a series of short articles to get you setup and running effective online meetings: Step 1: Determining if you have Teams Step 2: Installing Teams (if needed) Step 3: Scheduling a Meeting (if you are the organizer) Scheduling a New Meeting Changing an Existing Meeting Step 4: Starting or Joining a Meeting Step 5: Controlling Your Meeting Experience (including Sharing your Screen) For more information on using Teams, see our Collection of Teams Solutions or visit the Microsoft Teams support site. For best practices on video conference best practices, see Forbes' article on Four Techniques to Improve Your Videoconferences with Remote Employees. The video below is a brief introduction to managing meetings in Teams:
Joining a Teams Meeting Externally
You can send meeting info for a Teams meeting to anyone inside or outside the organization, and they do not need a Teams account, as they can join using the Teams web application if they don’t have it installed locally. Should they not be able to download the application, they are advised to use the Chrome browser, or possibly Edge. Camera and microphone options are not fully supported in Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox. See this article for more information on supported browsers for Teams. Joining the meeting When sending a Teams meeting invite the invitees will receive a link such as the one below, they can click on it to join the meeting. When an external user clicks the link to join it will give them different options depending on the browser, but they will most-likely want to join using the web app (use Chrome or Edge for the best results). If they have Teams installed, then that will be the preferred option. After doing so it will add them to the meeting as an attendee. If they do not have the Teams client, it will install and open the meeting via the Teams web app, which they should install automatically. It should then ask them to join as a guest and to enter their name. After entering their name, they will enter a waiting lobby and see a screen letting them know the presenter will let them into the meeting soon. The presenter will receive a notification that they are waiting in the lobby and will have an option to let them into the meeting or view the lobby. Once in the meeting, the attendees will see the standard meeting controls, but if using unsupported browsers then they will see a prompt letting them know they can dial in using their phone.
Best Practice for Running Meetings with Microsoft Teams
Best Practice for Running Meetings with Microsoft Teams - Swinerton has a new tool that helps with collaboration. Microsoft Teams has replaced Skype and with this new tool comes a better way to run meetings. As with any change, the knowledge on how to use a new tool is important. So, we put together 10 Tips on how to run a smooth meeting with Teams. Before the Meeting Tip 1 Share your meeting agenda. In Teams you can schedule a meeting by going to the calendar app. This calendar is linked to your Outlook calendar if you create it here you will see it in Outlook and vice versa. There is a place to type the details of your meeting. This is a great place to describe what the meeting is for and put an agenda, so people know why they are meeting. Tip 2 At Swinerton, the Teams experience can be shared to someone outside your organization with no problems. There is no plug in required. Just add the person to the attendees and a link will be sent to them to join. They do not need to Download Teams to join the meeting. It all happens in the Web. Tip 3 You can access previous meeting notes and recordings for more context. If the meeting is reoccurring, you will have a history of recordings, if you record, and a single OneNote notebook that meeting minutes can be taken, shared, and reviewed by anyone who attends the meeting. This all can be accessed in Teams. During the Meeting Tip 4 Always start your meeting on time. You can start your meeting on time with one touch. Usually participants get a message when the room opens. At Swinerton, if you are in a conference room you can link your computer to video so you can show your screen to everyone in the room. Tip 5 There is the ability to record your meeting if you need to. All recordings will be store in Microsoft Stream. The video is available to anyone who has the link. Please remember to ask for permission to record. When recording Teams captures the Audio, video, and screen-sharing activity. You can create an automatic transcription. Tip 6 Make sure your settings are adjusted before joining. You can enable your camera, set a background, and make sure the mic works. Try not to have a meeting with lots of noise in the back ground as that can be distracting for meeting participants. When you are not actively speaking, Mute your Mic. Also if you need to step away for a min, Switch your camera off. Tip 7 Share Your Content. With integration with Office 365, Swinerton has the ability to work with colleagues in real time. You can screen share, co-author a document, and chat directly alongside the document. Also, you can take notes together. One person taking meeting notes is great, but if everyone was able to use the same notebook to take notes, that is even better. Utilize OneNote with your meetings. Tip 8 Use integrated audio conferencing for Attendees without Internet. Not everyone can be on the internet during a meeting. At Swinerton, we automatically add a dial in conference line that can be used. Not only can you dial in to a conference, the attendees can dial out to a number as well. After the Meeting Tip 9 After a meeting is done, the meeting organizer should share the notes via OneNote, Share the recording if needed via Stream, and remind participants of the next steps, call outs, takeaways, deadlines, or decisions. You can use the recap to ask for more collaboration and input from anyone who did not attend. All this can be captured in Teams. Tip 10 Schedule follow up meetings if needed. A meetings effectiveness is measured by the follow-up and the outcomes. Before the meeting ends, make sure to schedule the next meeting if needed or clarify the next steps. OneNote The OneNote application is our digital notebook. It allows you to stay organized with a meeting or daily work. OneNote lives in the cloud and is part of your Office 365 apps that you can use. Each Team, Meeting, and Person has a OneNote book that can be used, shared, and co-author on. Download free eBooks for Microsoft OneNote - OneNote Teams Teams is the Collaboration Tool for Swinerton. Meet, Call, and Collaborate all from one application. Instantly go from group chat to video call with the touch of a button. Securely connect, access, share, and coauthor files in real time. Stay organized by keeping notes, documents, and your calendar together. Microsoft Teams Blog - Microsoft Tech Community