Teams - Team Hub App
Swinerton Search App
The Swinerton Search application can be found as an application in Microsoft Teams. Within the application, there are 3 tabs that allow a user to search for documents across different types of 365 groups. The first tab allows a user to search for files across all Project teams the user has access to view. The second tab allows a user to search for files across all Department teams the user has access to view. The last tab allows a user to search for files across all Community teams the user has access to view. The Swinerton Search application can be found as an application in Microsoft Teams. 1. On the left-hand side of Teams, click on the ellipses and search for the Swinerton Search as an app. 2. Once the app is added, click the icon on the left tool bar to open the application. Within the application, there are 3 tabs that allow a user to search for documents across different types of 365 groups. The first tab allows a user to search for files across all Project teams the user has access to view. The second tab allows a user to search for files across all Department teams the user has access to view. The last tab allows a user to search for files across all Community teams the user has access to view. To find the Team, click on the appropriate category and type the name in the Search field.
Teams Hub - How to Create a Community/Department/Division/Workgroup
This article outlines the creation of a new Teams site from an End User's perspective. How to create a Community/Department/Division/Workgroup: It is important to make sure that the Team Hub app has been added to Teams environment (click HERE for directions on adding app). 1. Click on Team Hub on the left tool bar in Teams. 2. Click on Team Request on the upper tool bar. On the Team Request page you will see the buttons to create a Community, Department, Division and Workgroup. All of these teams require the same data to be created. 3. Click on the button for the category of team you want to create (see category descriptions above). NOTE: At this time, Project team sites must be created via a Service Desk Request. Click HERE for more information. 1. Complete the form that appears on the righthand side of the screen: a. Title: This field is REQUIRED. Remember this is a unique name for the Team; the title is not easily changed once the team is created. b. Description: This field is REQUIRED. A short description of the team is needed when the team is being created. c. Create Notebook: Do you want a OneNote Notebook created for the team at the time the team is created? If so, leave as Yes. d. Create Plan: Do you want a Planner created for the team at the time the team is created? If so, leave as Yes. e. Owners: This field is REQUIRED. At least two Owners are required for each team. f. Members: Include any additional members on the team here. g. Terms of Use: You must agree to the Terms of Use when creating a team. For more information on the terms, click HERE. h. Submit: Submit the form for the team to be created.
Adding Team Hub to Teams
Team Hub 1. On the left-hand side of Teams, click on the ellipses (add more apps) and search for the Team Hub as an app. 2. Once the app is added, click the icon on the left tool bar to open the application.
Team Hub App Training Video
Team Hub Overview
This article outlines the Team Hub application’s functionalities from an End User’s perspective. It will provide high-level details on how the application will work. Team Hub My Teams The My Teams tab shows all the teams a user is a member of and can sort through the teams using Search (by team name or by team classification). The teams can be viewed in either grid view or a table view. Team details are listed, such as the team name, classification, description, privacy, team owners, and a link routing the user to the team in Microsoft Teams. To access the team, simply click Open Team. All Teams The All Teams tab shows a list of all the available teams within Swinerton. If the user is not a member of a team, the Open Team button is replaced by a Join Team button. When the Join Team button is clicked, a request is triggered to the team owners, which allows the team owners to approve the user joining the team. If the request is approved, the user is added to the team and notified. If the request is rejected, the user is also notified but not added to the team. Team Request The Team Request tab allows a user to request various types of teams to be created. The user must click the button of the team they would like to create and fill out the form on the right side of the page. Once all required fields in the form are completed, the Create Group button on the bottom of the form can be clicked. More on how to Create a team can be found HERE or HERE (for a project team site). What is a Community? A community is a social group within Swinerton that anyone can join. An example of a community would be "The Recipe Sharing Club". What is a Department? These teams follow the Swinerton specific departments and approval will be required to join. What is a Division? These teams follow the Swinerton specific divisions and approval will be required to join. What is a Workgroup? A workgroup is a business group within Swinerton that anyone can join. An example of a community would be "NorCal Healthcare Lean Construction". About This tab provides informative content about the application creators, application versions, and links to privacy policy and terms of use for the application. NOTE - When creating a new Teams Team, you must agree to the Teams Terms of Use.
Team Hub - Project Teams Sites
Team Hub - Project Teams Sites - With the release of the Team Hub app, the process in creating a new Project Teams site has changed. In order to have a Teams site created for a project team, a Service Desk request is required (click HERE). But there is still some important information you will need to know when you request a project site. The following information is required when requesting a project Teams site: Project Code: This field is REQUIRED. Eight digit project number. Title: This field is REQUIRED. Remember this is a unique name for the Team; the title is not easily changed once the team is created. Description: This field is REQUIRED. A short description of the team is needed when the team is being created. Create Notebook: Do you want a OneNote Notebook created for the team at the time the team is created? If so, leave as Yes. Create Plan: Do you want a Planner created for the team at the time the team is created? If so, leave as Yes. Owners: This field is REQUIRED. At least two Owners are required for each team. Members: Include any additional members on the team here. Terms of Service: You must agree to the Terms of Service when creating a team. For more information on the terms, click HERE. NOTE: Teams is currently not an approved file project file management solution and all project documents must be saved to the z:/drive. Once the new project Teams site is created, you will notice that the z:/drive file structure is mirrored in the new team. Teams needs to use discretion when saving project files here as any external user that is invited to join a project team will have access to all files saved.
What Category of Teams Site Do I Need?
This article outlines the different categories of Teams sites available. It will help you to understand what type of Teams site should be created based on your current needs. What is a Community? A community is a social group within Swinerton that anyone can join. Some examples of a community would be: The Recipe Sharing Club Division Campout Planning Cookbook Planning Event Planning Committee What is a Department? These teams follow the Swinerton specific departments and approval will be required to join. Some examples of a department would be: Marketing Estimating Quality Safety What is a Division? These teams follow the Swinerton specific divisions and approval will be required to join. Some examples of a division would be: Sacramento Dallas Colorado What is a Workgroup? A workgroup is a business group within Swinerton that anyone can join. Some examples of a Workgroup would be: Business Resource Groups Marketing Pursuits PJobs (no Project Files) NorCal Healthcare Lean Construction What is a Project? A project Teams site can only be created by the Service Desk (click HERE). When a new project is starting, the project team can request a new Teams site be created. It is important to note that many project files may live in other Teams sites prior to the Project Teams site being created. The management and possible movement of those files should be discussed between the team members. NOTE: Teams is currently not an approved file project file management solution and all project documents must be saved to the z:/drive.