BIM 360 Field (Classic) "How To's"
BIM 360 Field and BIM 360 Glue are cloud or mobile (iPad) applications. BIM 360 provides real-time model coordination, clash detection, and tracking of field related issues.
BIM 360 Informational Overview
BIM 360 Informational Overview BIM 360 is a BIM collaboration and field issue management software solution that is both cloud-based and mobile. The BIM 360 Glue and Field applications that make up the BIM 360 platform will enable real-time model coordination, clash detection, and tracking of field-related issues while physically in the field, from Swinerton supported devices. Additionally, this project has developed standard business processes, as well as methods for cost recovery for projects that are using the platform. For an Informational Overview of the BIM 360 Platform, watch this webinar. To view the PowerPoint Presentation presented in the above webinar, open the attachment below:
Buyout, Scoping, and Cost Recovery Recommendations for BIM360
Buyout, Scoping, and Cost Recovery Recommendations for BIM360 Below are some recommendations and considerations for buyout, scoping and cost recovery: 1. Try to obtain buy-in from the Client/Architect, or better yet, get the client to incorporate the requirement for the Architect/Consultants to use BIM 360 for field observation reports, Architectural Punchlist, etc. 2. Consider incorporating BIM 360 Glue language (replacing Navisworks) into your project-specific scoping documents, such as Attachment M, etc. 3. Consider incorporating the following language in Section 10 of Attachment: Subcontractor is responsible for maintaining any assigned issues and tasks, and publishing BIM data to support coordination within Swinerton Builders’ Autodesk BIM 360 platform (or similar). Subcontractor will be responsible for all web or mobile device-based input required to bring issues and tasks to closure. 4. Consider incorporating the following language in Standard Scope C: Autodesk BIM 360 Glue and Field are web and mobile-based applications used to manage BIM Coordination, Clash Avoidance, Quality Control, Safety, Commissioning, and Punchlist. Swinerton Builders’ use of these collaboration tools aims to simplify and streamline these processes by eliminating duplication of data entry and file management while further empowering all field personnel with the information they need while in the field. Please refer to Attachment M and Attachment G for additional requirements related to the use of the BIM 360 platform. Subcontractors shall include $X,XXX (adjust this rate for what makes sense on your project) for usage of the Autodesk BIM 360 platform (or similar). 5. Contact your local operating group’s purchaser of mobile phones in order to purchase iPads.
Sign In Error on Chrome
Sign In Error on Chrome When you try to access BIM 360's Login Screen:, an error message appears that reads: 400 Bad Request - Your browser sent an invalid request. To fix this in Chrome do the following: STEP 1: Click on the Chrome menu button STEP 2: Click Settings STEP 3: Click on the History tab STEP 4: Click on Clear browsing data STEP 5: Make sure you have the correct boxes checked that you'd like to delete STEP 6: Click on Clear browsing data After deleting your browsing history and cookies, close all Chrome windows and restart Chrome. Try again and it should work.
BIM 360 Field iPad Users Guide Overview
BIM 360 Field iPad Users Guide Overview Steps: STEP 1: Get familiar with the home view screen menus and shortcuts by using the "Home View Screen Cheat Sheets” above. STEP 2: Open the Sync Menu and notice the troubleshooting option on the top of this menu. This can be used to re-synchronize your entire project on your iPad if the program stops working properly STEP 3: Select the "uploading" or "downloading" portion of the Sync Menu and notice that it allows you to adjust the settings and information that will and can be downloaded or uploaded. This is also a quick way to jump to a recently used issue, checklist, or piece of equipment STEP 4: Choosing the profile menu allows you to switch between projects and sign on and off STEP 5: Select the tools menu. It allows you to open a built in level, a bar code or QR code scanner or a note pad STEP 6: Selecting the bar code scanner allows you to place bar codes throughout your project in locations or on pieces of equipment. The bar codes will automatically transfer you to the correct location hierarchy in 360 Field or to the corresponding piece of equipment STEP 7: Open the main menu in the bottom left hand corner and notice the different choices: Issues, Checklists, Equipment, Tasks, Library, Models (if applicable) & Photos Why this is important: Understanding all the functions of the applications and where and how to use each is important for being efficient when using this tool Understanding the best ways to complete different record able issues will allow you to notify your subcontractors and internal team in a timely manner and keep all issues within a centralized collaborative program Do's: Learn all of the different ways to add issues, modify issues, add information and markup documents and photos Synchronize prior to starting work in the morning and at the end of everyday to ensure you have the most current information and to ensure others have the most current information Be consistent and detailed in the information you enter into issues, checklists and other modules. Incorrect or inaccurate information could result in issues not being distributed as desired Follow up with subcontractors and show them the correct way to respond to issues using an iPad, or the Web interface. Don'ts: Don't be afraid of using the tools and adding too much information Do not allow subs to print and markup which items are complete because this defeats the purpose of the application. Subs will then be relying on Swinerton to change the status of their issues All subcontractors should have access to the internet either at the jobsite or at their local offices and thus should have no excuse for responding to the status of their issues Don't be afraid to submit a ticket to autodesk with the help of your 360 Field project champion. Review the issue with your project champion and have them submit the ticket and copy you. This way, they are a part of the solution should others have a similar issue.
BIM 360 Field iPad: Setting Up Locations
BIM 360 Field iPad: Setting Up Locations Steps: STEP 1: Navigate to the corresponding location on the iPad using the drop down arrows in the top middle of the screen. Make sure you drill down as far as possible in your location hierarchy STEP 2: Click the “Pins” option and then the “add from Library” option in the drop down on the top left side of the page. STEP 3: Zoom into the correct room location on the drawing that is being linked STEP 4: Click the blue “appears on report” button in the top right of the screen or zoom out and use the adjustment tools to surround the area you would like to link to this specific location and appear on the reports - Repeat until all locations in your hierarchy are accounted for. - Sync on a regular basis to ensure past work has been uploaded so your work is not lost should an error occur. Why this is important: This allows all team members to have access to the locations on the project the day they start using it Having a logical breakdown of the drawings and locations will make it easy for team members to document issues and collect relevant information Breaking the drawings down into different areas and rooms make the reports very simple to understand and follow Do's: The 360 Field Project Champion should setup all locations prior to any of the other internal or external team members getting access to the project Make sure to set the blue boundary just outside of the area that it represents so that pins show up on the reports and don't accidentally get placed outside the boundary line Don'ts: Don't break up the drawings by grid lines because this will cause confusion with the users onsite unless everyone is comfortable with referring to gridlines in lieu of rooms names and numbers or areas Don't use the same project for more than one project. Even if there's a new phase that gets added to the project, if it's under a separate contract a new project should be setup. Mixing different contractual projects could result in difficulty with discovery and legal issues. Don't setup a location on several different sheets. This will be confusing for the users who need to create the issues and will result in inconsistent reports
BIM 360 Field iPad: Using a Checklist
BIM 360 Field iPad: Using a Checklist Steps: STEP 1: Open the checklist module from the main menu in the bottom left hand corner of your iPad STEP 2: Open a pre-loaded checklist or search for a checklist using the different options in the upper left hand corner of the screen STEP 3: Fill out the checklist by selecting the proper response to the checklist item STEP 4: Open the "Header" in the top right hand corner of the screen and fill in the proper information including the signature if needed, location checklist was completed for and any additional information that might be relevant Why this is important: Checklists can help document many processes on the project and will compile all of these automatically for all users to access This will improve the ability of all of our team members to provide QC, Safety and other tracking information simultaneously which is a people based QC and Safety mentality improving coverage and ownership of such processes Do's: Being diligent in the information that is recorded in each checklist including location, signatures and the status of the checklist will ensure it is recorded properly Contact your 360 Field Project Champion if there is a checklist that does not exist or that requires modification for your site specific conditions or needs Adjust your SSQMP to incorporate the use of the 360 Field tool Don'ts: Don't use many different methods for tracking QC and Safety
BIM 360 Field iPad: Adding Issues
BIM 360 Field iPad: Adding Issues Steps: STEP 1: There are several different ways to add issues from several different modules. This guide will cover the most common and recommended way. STEP 2: Select the correct location of the issue by using the drop down menu in the top middle portion of the screen STEP 3: Click on the "pins" setting to open the plan view of the selected location STEP 4: Click the thumbtack "pin" in the lower left hand corner of the screen and touch the screen where the issue is located STEP 5: Add relevant information to the issue including adding pictures, specifications, due date and assigning to the correct subcontractor STEP 6: Ensure you include and double check the location, description, company and issue type at a minimum STEP 7: If there is a common issue, check the issue templates or create your own STEP 8: Synchronize to upload the issue to the data base for automatic notification to the subcontractors Why this is important: This is the most basic function of the tool which should be mastered to utilize the tool efficiently The ability to document and notify an internal or subcontractor virtually instantly and automatically with the detailed information provided is something that would typically take 3 to 4 times longer compared to traditional methods Do's: Issues can also be added from the list view as well as photo view among several others Don'ts: Don't forget to make sure the location, description, company and issue types are entered correctly. Without this information correct, the issue may get lost
BIM 360 Field iPad: Filtering/Sorting Issues
BIM 360 Field iPad: Filtering/Sorting Issues Steps: STEP 1: Open the issues module STEP 2: Filters are available within the "locations," "all," or "pins" view by touching "Filters." "Sort" or filter icon depending on which view you are in STEP 3: Touch the filter icon and select the items to include or exclude from your search STEP 4: Select off the filter or sort screen to apply the changes STEP 5: Clear filters after use to ensure you are viewing all issues Why this is important: Finding an issue in the database quickly is a good skill to have so that it’s information can be adjusted quickly and kept as up to date as possible If you are walking with a subcontractor or in a certain room, you don’t want to be seeing issues that are in other areas, you only want to see the relevant ones. Using the filter and sort function will help you open the most important ones and sort them accordingly. Dos: Do get familiar with the filter and sorting capabilities Show your subcontractors how they can filter and sort their own issues Don’t: Don’t forget to clear your filters and sorting when you move out of an area so that your screen shows all the open items available and not just the filtered or sorted ones
BIM 360 Field iPad: Photo Documentation
BIM 360 Field iPad: Photo Documentation Steps: STEP 1: Open the camera function on the home screen within 360 Field STEP 2: Take photos of the issue or photo documentation STEP 3: Click on "photos" when finished taking photos STEP 4: Click "add issue" in the top left hand corner and touch all the photos you'd like to add to an issue and then click "done" STEP 5: If using 360 Field for progress photos, be sure to close the issue so it does not appear on any reports unless that's the desired result Why this is important: This is a quick way to document an area or process that will be retained for the duration of the project. Instead of starting with the location of an issue, you can snap a photo and then provide the rest of the information as required Do’s: Take as many pictures as needed to demonstrate your issue clearly Make sure you tap on the screen if it’s not in focus to focus on the item you’d like to take a picture of Don’ts: Don’t forget to close the issue if it’s for documentation purposes Don’t upload unused photos, just delete them before synching
BIM 360 Field Web Portal Users Guide Overview
BIM 360 Field Web Portal Users Guide Overview Get familiar with the Home screen. Below is the home page with some interesting data charts regarding our project. On the left of the screen are the menu options. The Home button will bring you back to this page if you ever get lost. Issues button follows, and Reports is on the bottom of the column. In regard to Issues, there are a few main functions that we need to know about on the Autodesk website: 1. The Home Overview tab displays some key performance indicators for the specific project 2. Viewing and sorting of the uploaded issues 3. The documents library is where, if you have the rights, you can view, modify and add documents to the project library for all to see and use 4. The photos tab allows for the viewer to see the most upto date photos taken on the project. The user must be given rights to use this tab by the project’s 360 field admin 5. Creating and scheduling the distribution of Reports