Contract Management
Freshservice Contract Module – Creating New Contract
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information Creating a New Contract Access Freshservice, Click on the Assets icon located in the Navigation bar on the left side of the screen. Click Contracts Quick Tip: Short cut to create new contract. Click on the plus symbol located up right side of screen. New Contract Properties General Details Enter “Contract Name”. Try to limit this entry to the contract name only. The Contract Number will fill in by default but will not default to the next available contract number. You must check and update the contract number manually. Locating the next available contract number: Return to Contracts list page either by clicking on “Contracts” upper left side of screen or clicking on the “Assets” icon and selecting “Contracts”. In the “Contract Number” column use the up/down arrows to sort. Once the highest contract number has been located proceed to update the new contract. The next available contract number will need to be manually inputted. Using the drop down arrow select the ”Type” of contract being adding. After selecting the type of contract more fields will be added. See “License Maintenance Properties" Using the drop down arrow select the group the new contract will be ”Visible To” Only one selection can be made. Enter email address of the “Approver” for the new contract. The approver is responsible for approving any contract changes made by another user and to ensure contract status is up to date. Enter the “Vendor” for the contract. Using the drop-down arrow will provide a list of vendors, click and select or begin typing the vendor’s name in the search field. Click the applicable vendor. What to do in the event the vendor needed is not listed: Contract Module Documentation – Adding A Vendor, 1000059417 Click on “+” sign top right of “Vendor” box. NOTE: You cannot click the “+” if the list is still up. To collapse this box, click anywhere outside of the list Fill in all fields then click “Create”. “Contact Name”, “Phone”, and “Email” are mandatory fields. New vendor(s) cannot be saved unless these fields are populated “Status” will always default to “Draft” and is grayed out. The drop-down arrow feature is inactive at this time. Enter “Cost ($)” of contract. Do not use the following symbols: “$”, “,” NOTE: All boxes marked with an asterisk “*” are mandatory. The exception is the “Approver” field it is not marked mandatory however, the contract will not save without a valid entry. Tenure of Contract Enter the “Start Date” by clicking inside the box, then using the drop-down arrow for the year, click the year the contract starts. Select the Year: Select the Month and Day DO NOT USE the “Auto Renew” toggle. NOTE: If this featured is used, you will not have the ability to update the expiration date and you will have to create another contract entry for the same vendor. Basically, these features will lock up the contract. At this time Freshservice will not be changing the behavior of these features. Click on the “Notify Expiry” toggle. This feature will send notifications to the email addresses that are specified in the “Notify To” field. Then, specify the number of days the notification should be sent. Notifications are sent via email and ticket. NOTE: More than one email address can be entered. 3.0 License Maintenance Properties This section is like “General Details”. All fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory and require information. Without the information the contract will not save 4.0 Associations Presently there is a size limit for all attachments. Attach current year documents only. Example: Contract, NDA, AP payment confirmation, etc. Submit for Approval Review information and attachment(s) for accuracy then click “Save” NOTE: If an error occurs, review error and make corrections then click “Save” again.
Freshservice Contract Module – Removing A Vendor
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information Click “Admin” icon from the navigation bar located on left side of screen then click on “Vendors” To remove a vendor, complete the following steps: Click Delete NOTE: If a contract is associated with the vendor the vendor cannot be removed. If there are no contracts associated with the vendor, click Delete Vendor removal is complete
Freshservice Contract Module – TERMINATED Option
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information How to use the “Terminated” option NOTE: If the contract is already in “Expired” status the dates will need to be updated to show current date for the "Terminated" button to appear. To update "End Date" and see option for “Terminate” Click Edit In "Tenure of Contract", click End Date and select the date. Click Update Click Ok on pop-up box Click Submit for Approval Click Approve To set contract to “Terminated” Located upper right side of screen Click the Terminated button A pop-up box will appear after clicking on “Terminated”, click OK The next box to pop-up will be notifying you that the contract has been “Terminated” You should see that the contact now is “Terminated”. If, by chance, this is done in error simply click on “Edit”. If “Terminated” status was clicked by mistake do the following: Click Edit Make updates/changes. Once finished click Update, this will put the contract in “Draft” status. Be sure to click on “Submit for Approval” so the approver can approve and move contract from “Draft” status or “Pending Approval” status NOTE: If you are already the approver, complete the following steps to move contract from “Draft” or “Pending Approval” Click Submit for Approval Click Approve Contract is now in “Active” status
Freshservice Contract Module – Adding A Vendor
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information Click on “Admin” icon from the navigation bar located on left side of screen then click Vendors. To add a vendor, complete the following steps: The list of vendors will look like the following: NOTE: Columns cannot be moved or sorted Click New Vendor Pane will appear on right side of screen with empty fields. All fields marked with “*” are mandatory. Click Save to complete adding vendor Adding a new vendor is complete.
Freshservice Contract Module – Editing A Vendor
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information Access Click on “Admin” icon from the navigation bar located on left side of screen then click on “Vendors” To edit a vendor, complete the following steps: Scroll through vendor list or use the “Search” box. If scrolling, select and click on vendor to edit. If using the “Search” box be sure to select the contract. You may need to scroll down to find the contract section. See below: Use scrolling bar on right side If the contract exists it will be in the “Contract” section of the search. Click on contract to open Click Edit Vendor “Edit Vendor”pane will appear. Edit fields Click Save Editing vendor is complete.
Freshservice Contract Module – RENEW
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information When a contract is expired, simply click the “Renew” button! Click Renew in upper right side of screen. Click End Date and select “Year”, “Month”, and “Day”. If renewal date is the same as expiration date skip this step and continue to the next step. The date will automatically update to the same month and day the following year after “Renew” button is clicked again. Update “Cost”, all other mandatory fields marked with red asterisks (*), and add attachments. Click Renew In upper right side you will see the following: An email is sent to the approver. If you are the contract owner and approver, you will see the following: Click on “Approve Renewal”. The following message will pop up: If you are the approver and receive an email to approve you have the option to “Reject Renewal”. When you click on this you’ll be prompted to reply with a comment. Contract is now renewed or rejected.
Freshservice Contract Module – REPORTING
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Category: Management Contract Contract Information Access Click the Assets icon from the navigation bar located on left side of screen. Click Contracts Quick Tip: Short cut to create new contract. Click on the plus symbol located up right side of screen. Set the Filter options located on right side of screen. Choose the options by clicking on the drop down arrows or clicking in the box for each field. Once options have been selected click on “Export” You will then receive the following box: NOTE: Do not click on “Add New” this will open a new contract. If this is clicked by mistake, simply click Cancel. Click on the email “Export of Contracts for”, then click on “here” within the body of email. Spreadsheet will download and open. The report will contain data with the options selected based on what was selected from the filter. The report will also contain every field in the contracts module. At this time these fields cannot be deselected through the reporting tool.