CMiC - Budget
Phase Types and How To Change or Add in CMiC
Phase Types and How To Change or Add in CMiC OVERVIEW Phase Types are available to categorize phase codes. They are visible in the Cost Status Query and Revenue Status Query. Not all phase codes require a phase type. We are currently using the following phase types: Overhead (OH) – This is used to identify those phase codes that should only be used on overhead jobs and should never be used on production jobs. The Overhead phase type facilitates our ability to hide overhead phase codes so that they are not visible in the lists we choose from when we are selecting or adding phase codes to production jobs. General Conditions (GC) – This is used to identify phase codes that track General Conditions. This phase type determines the General Conditions costs that are captured on the Project Status Report. We have assigned the GC phase type in our phase code master table to those phase codes that typically fit this description. General Requirements (GR) – Some contracts differentiate between General Requirements and General Conditions and have different contract terms that apply to each. Those contracts will define which items qualify as General Conditions and which qualify as General Requirements. Those definitions can vary from contract to contract. This phase type is available to make that distinction. This may require a reclassification of a phase code that defaults with a GC phase type to a GR phase type or no phase type at all. We have not assigned the GR phase type as a default to any phase code. It is available for use on those jobs that have the need to use them. Self Perform Phase Types: Type Description CARP SP Carpentry CONC SP Concrete DFH SP Doors, Frames, Hardware DRYW SP Drywall SPGC SP General Conditions SPGR SP General Requirements SPW Self Performed Work - Other Adding or Changing Phase Types: • Phase Types are assigned in the master phase table. When a standard phase code is selected, it will default with the assigned phase type, or without one, if one has not been assigned. • The Bid Items screen has a column to indicate the phase type. Even though you are able to change the phase type on this screen, it will be changed back to match the phase type in the master phase table when the budget is uploaded. So, don’t bother trying to change it in the Bid Items screen. • Phase Types can be added or changed. If you are a PM, use the Assign Phases feature. Otherwise you will need to submit a CMiC support ticket for assistance. • When a new phase code is added to a job via PCI, the phase type can be added or changed on the “Add New” pop-up that allows you to select a standard code, or add a unique code to the job.
CMiC Category Codes and When to Use Them
CMiC Category Codes and When to Use Them
Work Methods (W/M) Inputs and Outputs in CMiC
Work Methods (W/M) Inputs and Outputs in CMiC When creating a budget WITH labor productivity, an INPUT Work Method and an OUTPUT Work Method must be selected. This is a complete list of options. W/M CODE NAME LS Lump Sum $ Dollars % Percent BF Board Feet BX Box CF Cubic Feet CY Cubic Yard DY Day EA Each FT Feet GL Gallon HR Hour LB Pound LD Loads LF Linear Ft MH Man-Hour MT Month NA Not Applic PD Period PR Pair QT Quarts SF Sq Feet SL Single SQ Square ST Set SY Sq Yard TN Ton WK Week YR Year
Formatting Project Budget Import Spreadsheet for CMiC Bid Items
Formatting Project Budget Import Spreadsheet for CMiC Bid Items Note: Project budgets are imported from an Excel template into CMiC via the bid items module. There are several formatted spreadsheets available to use. The spreadsheets are available on SwinNet on the Technology > Products & Services page, scroll to the bottom of the page to Important Documents Note: Managing your Labor Productivity starts with setting up your Budget Import Spreadsheet correctly. Way before it even gets into CMiC STEP 1: Select the Company Code STEP 2: Change the Job Number to the project youare working on STEP 3: Enter the Retainage Percentage (%). This value (normally 10%) applies to all line items except Fee STEP 4: Click the Save My Spreadsheet Button. (This will save the document to your desktop. DO NOT DO FILE/SAVE AS, it will break the macro and your budget will NOT import) STEP 5: Double check that the file name changed to include your job # and today's date. (If the file name looks like this: Budget Import Spreadsheet - - 1-1-2018, STOP 🛑 > go back to SwinNet and open a new template, the macro has been broken.) STEP 6 Search up a Phase Codes needed for this project and type "Y" in column A to select that phase code. Each row will turn Yellow when selected Note: Once all the phases are selected, filter the spreadsheet to only show "Y"s using the down arrow in cell A1 STEP 7: Enter a Category Code for each selected Phase Code Note: If a Phase Code has multiple category codes associated, each must be entered as a separate line. Using Column Q, enter the number of times you want this Phase code duplicated then click the Add Duplicate Rows Button. (Remember to remove this number in Column Q before you click the Add Duplicate Rows button again.) STEP 8: Choose your Phase Type. (We have defaulted where appropriate, but you can choose another from the list if needed.) STEP 9: Choose your Forecast Method (A = Amounts / P = Productivity) Note: THIS ONE IS SO IMPORTANT FOR LABOR PRODUCTIVITY!!! Think about your Forecast Method now. * If cell is left blank, it will default to P (Productivity) because the category code is 71111 * A "P" (productivity) method is what makes the phase code show up on your Labor Productivity Report (Do you really want it there?) * A "P" (productivity) method changes how the Cost Detail pop up works in Contract Forecasting. Cost Detail for Labor Producitivty tries to think for you by calculating what is left to install and how many hours it will take to complete it. Have you ever gotten behind in entering quanatities and noticed your Cost to Complete has doubled/tripled. That is because the system is trying to think for you because it is a P Forecast Method. * If you don't need to do Labor Productivity (Frank is driving the forklift) then put an A (Amounts) in the Forecast Method cell so it will not show up on your LP reports and the Cost Detail in Contract Forecasting will forecast as an A method. * If you don't need to do Labor Productivity (The scope of work is so small it is not worth tracking) then put an A (Amounts) in the Forecast Method cell so it will not show up on your LP reports and the Cost Detail in Contract Forecasting will forecast as an A method. STEP 10: Enter the Weight Measure (WM) This column is for Manhours/Hours (Input) Note: Use this for both category 71111 & 71151 and track the hours on the Quantity/Hours Tracking log. Even though you are not tracking LP on a 71151 employee, you can track hours. *: If you are 50% complete with your project, but your PE has spent 75% of the hours, there might be a question to ask or a PCI to complete STEP 11: Number of hours to complete the scope STEP 12: Average combined rate for crew STEP 13: Enter the Cost Budget Estimated Amount (Total). This is the total COST budget amount for this particular Phase & Category line item. Remember that the Fee Phase & Category line should have zero COST budget STEP 14: Revenue Budget, what you are going to get paid by the owner (REMEMBER, this can be different than your Cost Budget) * You estimated for 2 apprentices and 1 Journeymen, but were given 1 apprentice and 2 Journeymen, that is going to cost you more. If you can't get that difference from the owner then your Cost Budget is going to be higher. Tell the truth!! If you know that now you can set your budget up this way, or immediately create an NCTO PCI * You estimated for 2 apprentices and 1 Journeymen, but were given 3 apprentice, that is going to cost you less. If you can still bill the owner for the full Revenue Budget then your Cost Budget is going to be lower. Tell the truth!! If you know that now you can set your budget up this way, or immediately create an NCTO PCI STEP 15: Weight Measure for Output (How many CY, SF, LF etc. will it take to complete the scope) NOT LS, NOT HR STEP 16: Total output for scope STEP 17: Review Retention (the formula on the spreadsheet will pull from the field in the upper left hand corner, but if you have a phase code that will have a different retention you can change it here. STEP 18: If a Phase Code has multiple category codes associated, each must be entered as a separate line. Using Column Q, enter the number of times you want this Phase code duplicated then click the Add Duplicate Rows Button. (Remember to remove this number in Column Q before you click the Add Duplicate Rows button again.) STEP 19: Be carful, this will remove ALL duplicate rows, not just the one you added last. No need to put a number in any cell on this column. STEP 20: Clear what you have done STEP 21: Click Save My Spreadsheet to save your work STEP 22: Click Finish & Create Bid Items to create the .csv format that will allow it to be imported into CMiC. The Macro will add IMPORT THIS FILE to make it easy to know which one to import.
Self Perform/Labor Productivity - Format Budget Import Spreadsheet
Self Perform/Labor Productivity - Format Budget Import Spreadsheet Budget Templates can be found on SwinNet - CMiC Site STEP 1: Input a Y to designate which phase codes you want to use on the project. NOTE: Use the master phase codes. If you need to create Custom Phase Codes, you can add these at the bottom of the spreadsheet. NOTE: Please use codes 703001 thru 704999 if you are going to create Custom Phase Codes. NOTE: Custom Phase Codes will need to be put into CMiC via a PCI prior to importing. STEP 2: Tab to the Category Code and for your labor use 71111 STEP 3: WM should be hr STEP 4: Input your Cost Budget, which in turn updates your Revenue Amount. STEP 5: Once completed and your budget amount matches your contract, make sure to filter your spreadsheet by "Y" STEP 6: Click on the Labor Productivity Tab. STEP 7: Click the Create Labor Productivity button in the upper left hand corner. STEP 8: The spreadsheet double checks you filtered by the "Y" NOTE: The information from the Phase Code tab populates the Labor Productivity tab STEP 9: Cost Quantity is your "Input" information. (For HR WM, Cost Quantity is the number of hours it is going to take you to complete the task) STEP 10: Cost Budget Estimated Rate/Price "Input". (For HR WM, this would be your Crew Rate for that task) STEP 11: Output Productivity Phase WM Code. (Example: Concrete would be CY) STEP 12: Output Productivity Phase Quantity. (Example: Concrete. How many CY do you need to complete your task) STEP 13: Click the Finish & Create Bid Items Button STEP 14: Click Don't Save STEP 15: A .csv file will be saved to your desktop. Next go to the Import Budget Instructions, Import Budget Spreadsheet
Import Formatted Budget Spreadsheet into CMiC Bid Item
Import Formatted Budget Spreadsheet into CMiC Bid Item Once your Budget Import Excel Spreadsheet has been finalized and saved as a .CSV, follow these steps to import the spreadsheet into the bid items module. Link to Budget Import Templates on SwinNet STEP 1: Click the 4 button next to Bid Management STEP 2: Click Bid Items STEP 3: Click the Import button. STEP 4: Click the Choose File button NOTE: The defaults shown here do not need to be changed. You want to "Allow Nulls" values STEP 5: From your computer locate the budget file on your Desktop (make sure to choose the .CSV). File name will be named "Budget Import Spreadsheet – Job Number – Current Date – IMPORT THIS FILE" STEP 6: Click Open STEP 7: Verify the .csv file was selected and click the Upload button. STEP 8: If the Accept button is available, then all of the information in your spreadsheet was correct! Click the Accept button (CLICK THE ACCEPT BUTTON ONLY ONCE!!!! Multiple Clicks will result in multiplication of your budget. STEP 9: Double check that your Cost Budget and Revenue Budget line items and totals are correct. In the Forecast Method column, make sure that any 71111 Category Codes have a Forecast Method of "P" if you are tracking Labor Productivity. Your budget has only been imported into bid items at this time. See the Complete the Update Budget Process How-To Guide when you are ready to finalize your budget.
Complete the Update Budget Process after Importing Budget Template into Bid Items
Complete the Update Budget Process after Importing Budget Template into Bid Items Confirm everything imported correctly into Bid items. The Cost and Revenue values for each Phase Code must be the same. The only difference between the totals is the Fee, it is added to the Revenue only. NOTE: If changes need to be made, STOP 🛑 DO NOT PROCEED with the Update Budget process! Submit a ticket to the service desk for assistance. STEP 1: Click the Select All Check Box option in the upper left corner. STEP 2: "Do you want to select all items from all pages," click OK STEP 3: You will see all rows selected, then click Update Budget STEP 4: Double check the top 4 fields match what is shown below (these should default in) STEP 5: Click Proceed STEP 6: From the Tree view, go to Cost Status Query and Revenue Status Queryto confirm all values populated correctly. STEP 7: Return to Bid Items and repeat STEPS 1-3 above (select all > OK > Update Budget) STEP 8: In the pop-up window click Update Contract STEP 9: Click Proceed Once you are done, EMAIL your Financial Manager so they can Lock your budget. Don’t assume that if you don’t email them, your project won’t get locked!!!!! They all get locked eventually so make sure you are in control of it! The Update Budget process is complete and your budget has now been added to the Cost and Revenue Status Queries and the Contract Forecast. All changes must now be done with a PCI (Potential Change Item), not from Bid Items. If you need to rename any cost codes (such as allowances) or assign a Phase Type utilize the Assign Phase Codes function.
Assign Phase Codes - Making Changes to Existing Phase Codes
Assign Phase Codes - Making Changes to Existing Phase Codes DO NOT USE THESE STEPS UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE UPDATE BUDGET PROCESS Only Project Managers and Project Engineers can modify certain Phase Code fields in this menu. This will eliminate the need for Service Desk tickets to update any of the following: Phase Code Description Phase Type Budget Method (from A to P or P to A) Weight Measurement NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THE DESCRIPTION IF THE WORD "SUMMARY" IS IN IT. THAT MEANS IT IS A CONTROLLING CODE!!!!! Think about what you are changing the description to. Don't take a Concrete CSI code (033000) and call it Drywall or Forklift. Keep it within its grouping. STEP 1: From the Tree view, go to Budget & Cost Management then click Assign Phase Codes. STEP 2: A new browser tab will open up. Enter the Project Number and press [TAB] on your keyboard. You can also click on the magnifying glass next to Job to search for the project number. STEP 3: The majority of the Cost Code Detail screen is locked down and the ability to update is limited to the following: a. Phase Description - Phase Name can now be modified by the PM b. Phase Type - Chose from an Active Phase Type List of Values c. Budget Method - Click on [Category Detail] and chose from an active Budget Method and click [Save]. (Do NOT pick Units) d. Weight Measurement - Chose from the Active Weight/Measure List of Values STEP 4: Once you have made all required modifications, click Save and Exit in the upper right corner. To view your changes you can check the Cost or Revenue Status Query.
Manually Add a Phase / Category in Bid Items
Manually Add a Phase / Category in Bid Items This procedure can only be completed before your budget has been locked by your Financial Manager. Once your budget is locked, new phase/category codes and budgets can only be added via PCI. Click here to view the solution to Add a Phase/Category via PCI. STEP 1: From the Bid Items Screen, click the (+) link at the bottom of the screen. STEP 2: Enter on your Project Number that auto populated and click the Tab key to move to the next column STEP 3: Leave the Material/Task field blank, click the Tab key STEP 4: Click the magnifying glass in the box for Phase code STEP 5: In the popup window enter the desired information into the Find: field. Example (Enter "32%" for division 32). Click Go or Enter STEP 6: Click the desired Phase Name (example: Exterior Improvements, Landscape Maintenance, etc). The popup will close automatically. STEP 7: Copy and Paste the populated 6 digit Phase code into the Material/Task Column STEP 8: Click the magnifying glass in the box for Category code STEP 9: In the popup window enter the desired information into the Find: field. (Example: 71140 for a subcontractor). Click Go or Enter STEP 10: Click the desired Category Code (example: Craft Labor, Materials, Subcontractors, Admin Labor-Onsite, etc). The popup will close automatically. STEP 11: Enter the Item Name. This should be your Phase Code Description. Click Tab STEP 12: Click the WM (Weight Measure). Typically lines are going to be Lump Sum (LS). Use the magnifying glass to select your type. Click Tab STEP 13: Enter the Phase Type (Typically GC, GR or blank) STEP 14: Enter the Retainage % (best practice is to match the rest of your contract retainage rate) STEP 15: Click the Cost Budget Amount. The Quantity and Price will autofill. (If this is a Labor Productivity project then the quantity would be the hours it was going to take to complete and the price would be the budgeted amount per hour.) STEP 16: Enter the Revenue Budget Amount STEP 17: Enter the Forecast Method. "A" for all projects except Labor Productivity (skip to step 20) "P" for all labor productivity projects (go to step 18) STEP 18: The Phase WM (Output) is for labor productivity projects only. This would be for LF, SF, CY etc. You can click the magnifying glass for all options. STEP 19: The Phase Quantity (Output) is for labor productivity projects only. It is the total amount to be completed by the end of the project. (Ex.: 2400 CY of concrete) STEP 20: Click the Save button at the top of the screen and confirm your new line item was added successfully (It will be the bottom line) STEP 21: Click the checkbox on the left-hand side (ONLY FOR THE NEWLY ADDED LINE) STEP 22: Click the Update Budget STEP 23: Confirm the 4 highlighted items match the screenshot below (these should be the default) STEP 24: Click Proceed STEP 25: Return to Bid Items STEP 26: Click the Select all check box. STEP 27: It will ask you if you want to select all items from all pages for this update. Click the OK button. STEP 28: Click the Update Budget button at the top of the screen STEP 29: In the Popup Window, click Update Contract STEP 30: Click Proceed
Difference Between the Cost Budget and Revenue Budget in CMiC and How PCIs Impact Each
Difference Between the Cost Budget and Revenue Budget in CMiC and How PCIs Impact Each CMiC has Two budgets to manage and forecast: 1. Revenue Budget – Amount we expect to receive from the Owner (Owner Contract Amount). The Current Revenue Budget is equal to the Original Revenue Budget plus posted PCIs (approved Owner Change Orders). Revenue Forecast – Estimated final contract amount after all change orders are issued and the job is closed. Revenue Forecast equals the Current Revenue Budget plus unposted PCIs. 2. Cost Budget – Amount we expect to spend. The Current Cost Budget is equal to the Original Cost Budget plus posted PCIs. Cost Forecast – Estimated final cost on the job after the job is closed. Cost Forecast equals the Current Cost Budget plus unposted PCIs. Notes: Current Budgets include posted PCIs. Forecasts includes Current Budgets plus unposted PCIs. The Projected Gain/Loss is the difference between the Revenue Forecast and the Cost Forecast. The final Fee (profit) on the job is the difference between the final Current Revenue Budget (final contract amount) and final Current Cost Budget (final cost). Potential Change Items (PCIs) fall into three groups: 1. External PCIs – Affects both the Revenue Budget and Cost Budget. External PCI types include: Change to Owner (CTO) – Any cost or schedule impacts that may be included in an Owner Change Order (OCO). Allowance (ALLO) – Buyout of Owner Contract Allowances that will be included in an OCO. Allowance PCIs are not forced to balance since some Allowance reconciliations may result in a change in the Owner Contract Amount. Contingency (CONT) – Re-allocation and final reconciliation of Owner Contract Contingency that will be included in an OCO. Contingency PCIs are not forced to balance since the final Contingency reconciliation may result in a change in the Owner Contract Amount. 2. Transfer PCIs – Affects both the Revenue Budget and Cost Budget. Budget amounts must balance to $0 net. There is just one Transfer PCI type: Transfer (TR) - Transfer of Revenue and/or Cost Budget amounts that do not require an OCO. If a transfer does require Owner approval, a net $0 CTO should be used and then incorporated into an OCO. Since Transfers affect the Revenue Budget, they are visible to the Owner, if a detailed Owner Billing is generated from the system. Examples of Transfers include: Work originally intended to be subcontracted is now being self-performed. Work originally to be performed by one subcontractor is now being performed by another. Internal contingencies are allocated as needed. Losses are offset by gains to facilitate Owner Billing approval in certain GMP contract situations. Back Charges are re-allocated to facilitate Owner Billing approval. 3. Internal PCIs – Affect only the Cost Budget. Internal PCI types include: No Change to Owner (NCTO) – Any cost or schedule impacts that are not addressed in an External PCI. Examples of NCTOs include: Adjustments for commitments that are greater than, or less than, the Cost Budget. (FYI - Commitments/contracts do not affect the Cost Budget.) Commitments that are greater than the Cost Budget should be accompanied by an NCTO that increases the Cost Budget accordingly. Commitments that are less than the Cost Budget should be accompanied by two (or more) NCTOs: One to reduce the Current Cost Budget to match the Commitment that has been made. One (or more) to track the remaining buyout against this budget line item, if needed. For example, if you issue a $15,000 commitment for a line item that has a Cost Budget of $20,000, you should then post a negative NCTO to reduce the cost budget to $15,000. If you have additional buyout you still need to complete for this line item, set up separate NCTOs for the anticipated remaining amounts. Claims for additional costs from subcontractors that we do not intend to “pass through” to the Owner. Potential unforeseen expenditures that are not subject to recovery under an OCO. Back Charge (BC) – Back Charges that only affect the Cost Budget. Examples of BCs include: Trade damages that we allocate among responsible parties. Insurance deductible for an insurance claim / incident. Work performed by others for subcontractor who failed to perform. PCI Dates PCIs should be entered on a daily basis, so there is no need to backdate them. If necessary, PCIs can be backdated up to 60 days. This may be necessary during the monthly forecasting process. (For example, if you are preparing your February forecast during the first week in March, you may need to add PCIs with a February date, so that they are included in your February forecast.) Posted and Unposted PCIs All Posted PCIs are included in their respective Revenue and Cost Budgets. For forecasting purposes, the post date will determine the month in which the posted information will appear. (For example, if you are preparing your February forecast during the first week in March, and you have an Owner Change Order that was executed in February but has not yet been posted, be sure to backdate the posting date to February, so that the posted value is included in your February forecast). All Unposted PCIs are included in their respective Revenue and Cost Forecasts. External PCIs can only be posted as part of an OCO and only after they are set to “Approved” status. Transfer and Internal PCIs must be set to “Approved” status before they can be posted.