Autodesk Field Management - Mobile
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Creating Checklists
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the Checklists tab on the bottom task bar STEP 4: Select the plus sign to create a new checklist STEP 5: Choose the checklist template you need, then hit Select in the upper right STEP 6: Update the title of your checklist, assigned to, location (if applicable) and scheduled date of the inspection Note – make sure to leave the checklist name (_MV, _FWI, etc.) at the beginning of each checklist so it will pull to the Quality Tracker! STEP 7: Hit Create STEP 8: Complete the checklist and any required fields (not listed as optional). Make sure to verify all sections of the checklist by selecting the “Sections” feature in the top left. You can add photos from your device or attach documents that have been uploaded in BIM 360
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Creating Issues from Issues Tab
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the Issues tab on the bottom task bar STEP 4: Select the plus sign (+) to create a new issue STEP 5: Fill out the information about the issue Make sure to Place Issue on Document before you hit create! Follow steps 6-9 for placing your pin. STEP 6: To place your pin, select the three dots in the upper right corner STEP 7: Select Filter By Location STEP 8: Select the level you need to put your issue on, then select the sheet assigned to that location STEP 9: Zoom into the room you need to pin your issue, tap to place your pin/issue STEP 10: Finalize the Issue information and hit Create once you’re complete! After your issue has been created, make sure to drag or pull down the left list view to sync you device.
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Creating Issues from Documents
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the three dots in the upper right corner STEP 4: Select Filter By Location STEP 5: Select the level you need to put your issue on, then select the sheet assigned to that location STEP 6: When the sheet opens, select Issue on the bottom task bar STEP 7: Zoom into the room you need to pin your issue STEP 8: Tap to place your pin/issue STEP 9: Fill out the Issue information and hit Create. After your issue has saved, make sure to drag or pull down on the left task list to sync your issues.
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Daily Logs
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the Daily Log tab on the bottom task bar STEP 4: Select the plus sign on the left task bar STEP 5: Fill out the daily log for the day Update the name of your daily log with the company name. Select Get Weather for the information to populate (make sure you add the location to a daily in the web first before you create your daily on the iPad) Add any other weather notes (snowed 4”, hailed, rain, etc.) STEP 6: Select Add for your labor. Make sure to select your company and add the number of workers and hours for each STEP 7: Add any notes and photos to your daily log and then select Publish once you’re complete!
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Sync Your Device
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: To sync issues, checklists, and daily logs all you need to do is drag your finger down on the left task bar for each tab! Anything that has been updated with sync to the web and vice versa.
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Updating Checklists
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the Checklists tab on the bottom task bar STEP 4: Select on the checklist you need to update/manage on the left task bar. STEP 5: Complete the checklist and any required fields (not listed as optional). Make sure to verify all sections of the checklist by selecting the “Sections” feature in the top left. You can add photos from your device or attach documents that have been uploaded in BIM 360 **Please reference Autodesk Field Management – EU – Uploading Documents if you need up to upload a document to your checklist!
Autodesk Field Management - iPad - Updating Issues
STEP 1: Open the BIM 360 App STEP 2: Select the three lines in the upper left to find the project STEP 3: Once you are on your project, select the Issues tab on the bottom task bar STEP 4: Select on the issue you need to update on the left task bar. STEP 5: Fill out the response with your fix and make sure to take a photo! If you’re reviewing an issue from a sub, make sure they attached a photo of the fix and added a response. STEP 6: After you have reviewed, added a response and a photo of the fix, update the status in the upper right STEP 7: Continue to follow the steps above to update your issues. **External users do not have the permissions to Close Issues that have been assigned to them!