CORE - Billing
0. Overall Billing Procedure / Timing
1. Run your Pro-forma Billing in CORE prior to completing the monthly billing to verify the phases, categories, and prices are accurate. CORE: Pro-forma Return Billing CORE: Pro-forma Continuation Billing Reporter5: SWIN - Proforma Report (PROD) 2. If you need to make changes, make sure to rerun your Proforma report until everything looks right. 3. Once your Proforma Billing is accurate, complete your billings in this order: a. Return Billing b. Sales Billing c. Workshop Billing (skip if your yard is not utilizing Workshop for repairs) d. Continuation Billing (must be completed last) 4. Go to the Financial Batch Recovery module in CORE, take a screenshot of your batches. 5. Email your Financial Manager and RentalResult Product Manager, attach the screenshot and the FINAL excel Proforma report by the 3rd business day of the month for the previous month.
1. Run Proforma Billing
Running Proforma Billing Note: A couple of days prior to running all billings, you should run the Pro-forma Billings as a way to check/preview your results. Once you check your Proforma report, email it to your Financial Manager for approval before running the actual billings. Pro-forma Billings will generate a Pro-forma invoice in case you would like to send it to the project for approval. There are two types of Pro-forma Billings that you should run, Pro-forma Continuation Billing and Pro-forma Return Billing. In the RentalResult core system, each has their own separate screen that you will have to run. STEP 1: Click Billing/Approvals STEP 2: Click Billing STEP 3: Click either Pro-forma Continuation Billing or Pro-forma Return Billing depending on which one you are currently running STEP 4: Click Create New STEP 5: Enter the last day of the month for the month that you are billing STEP 6: Enter a cutoff time (Remember this is military time) STEP 7: Double check that your branch is populating in the field Note: If the Branch field is accidentally left blank, the Pro-forma Billing will be ran for all Branches and Projects.. STEP 8: Enter the last day of the month for the month that you are billing STEP 9: Click Save and Close STEP 10: Click Yes STEP 11: Click Yes STEP 12: Close Pro-forma Billing Window
Rental Order Contract Billings - Return Billing
CORE - Rental Order Contract Billings - Return Billing Return Billing: If rental order contract is in “returned” status and there are no other open rental orders for same project, billing will not be picked up in Continuation Billing and Return Billing must be run. Monthly Billings: will either run automatically on the scheduler for all yards, on a specified day of the month or run manually at the request of the Financial Manager. Both Continuation and Return Billings should be run monthly to catch either of the above listed scenarios on Rental Order Contracts Return Billing Steps (Monthly): STEP 1: Click Billing / Approvals STEP 2: Click Billing STEP 3: Click Return Billing STEP 4: Click Create New STEP 5: Cut-Off Date: Enter the month end Cut-off date (the month you would like it to be billed through) STEP 6: Bill by: Leave default as All STEP 7: Transaction: Leave blank for All STEP 8: Branch: Leave default of your branch STEP 9: Account: Leave blank for All STEP 10: Bill Date: Use "CMiC Post Date" for period of this Billing STEP 11: Selection criteria: Leave blank for All STEP 12: Contract: Leave default of 0 for All STEP 13: Click Save to start the billing run STEP 14: Click Yes STEP 15: Click Yes STEP 16: Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close NOTE: The Return Billing screen will close and launch return billing. Billing records will be calculated and the system will integrate to CMiC on the scheduler or when manually run. Note: If you need a billing integrated to CMiC right away, contact your system administrator.
Rental Order Contract Billings - Sales Billing
CORE - Rental Order Contract Billings - Sales Billing Sales Billing: These are billing for items that you are selling the project with no expectation having them returned. Sales Billing Steps (Monthly): STEP 1: Click Billing / Approvals STEP 2: Click Billing STEP 3: Click Return Billing STEP 4: Click Create New STEP 5: Cut-Off Date: Enter the month end Cut-off date (the month you would like it to be billed through) STEP 6: Bill by: Leave default as All STEP 7: Transaction: Leave blank for All STEP 8: Branch: Leave default of your branch STEP 9: Account: Leave blank for All STEP 10: Bill Date: Use "CMiC Post Date" for period of this Billing STEP 11: Contract: Leave default of 0 for All STEP 12: Click Save to start the billing run STEP 13: Click Yes STEP 14: Click Yes STEP 15: Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close NOTE: The Sales Billing screen will close and launch sales billing. Billing records will be calculated and the system will integrate to CMiC on the scheduler or when manually run.
Rental Order Contract Billings - Continuation Billing
CORE - Rental Order Contract Billings - Continuation Billing Continuation Billing: The system is set up to use consolidated billing meaning if a single Project has multiple dispatched rental order contracts they will be consolidated onto one bill for the period. This includes billings for rental orders that are in returned status during same period if the Project still has remaining open rental orders. Additionally, if a rental order contract has a Required off rent date that has passed, said equipment will continue bill for that equipment regardless and until such time as equipment is in returned status. Billing by Contract: In the case wherein’ the Project cannot have consolidated bills, You would manually have to run each rental order contract billing individually by Contract number PRIOR to the scheduled billing run. Rental Results will not bill twice in same period, therefore if you run it prior to all consolidated billings, when the consolidated billing actually runs, those billings by contract will not be picked up or duplicated. This applies to both consolidated and return billings. Monthly Billings: Will either run automatically on the scheduler for all yards, on a specified day of the month or run manually at the request of the Financial Manager. Both Continuation and Return Billings should be run monthly to catch either of the above listed scenarios on Rental Order Contracts Continuation Billing Steps (Monthly): STEP 1: Click Billing / Approvals STEP 2: Click Billing STEP 3: Click Continuation Billing STEP 4: Click Create New STEP 5: Cut-Off Date: Enter the month end Cut-off date (the month you would like it to be billed through) STEP 6: Cut-Off Time: Enter the time of the day associated with the cutt-off date (Example: 16:00 (4:00pm)) STEP 7: Bill by: Leave default as All STEP 8: Transaction: Leave blank for All STEP 9: Branch: Leave default of your branch STEP 10: Account: Leave blank for All STEP 11: Bill Date: Use "CMiC Post Date" for period of this Billing STEP 12: Selection criteria: Leave blank for All STEP 13: Contract: Leave default of 0 for All STEP 14: Click Save to start the billing run STEP 15: Click Yes STEP 16: Click Yes NOTE: The Continuation Billing screen will close and launch continuation billing. Billing records will be calculated and the system will integrate to CMiC on the scheduler or when manually run. Note: If you need a billing integrated to CMiC right away, contact your system administrator. STEP 17: Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close
Completing the batch for Integration
Completing the batch for Integration Notes: If you need your batch to be completed to push integration, please follow these steps STEP 1: Click Utilities STEP 2: Click Financial Batch Recovery STEP 3: WRITE DOWN THE BATCH #(s). YOU WILL NEED TO EMAIL THIS TO YOUR FINANCIAL MANAGER along with your final Proforma Report Notes: Each Billing will have its own batch #
Additional Credits
CORE - Additional Credits Additional: Additional Credits are used when you need to apply a credit to an existing Billing. A Billing MUST exist in order to apply a credit. There are four (4) Credit Options for entering a credit described in this document. A single credit option is required for each equipment line item receiving a credit. If applying credits to multiple equipment lines, you can use a different credit options for each line if you choose within a single Additional Credit document. Credit Option (a): Modifying Duration* (credits the duration entered and uses existing rate calculation) Credit Option (b): Modifying Rate Calculation (uses modified rate calculation) *however if you also modify duration it will use modified rate calculation by modified duration. Credit Option (c): Entering a Lump sum amount (bypass rate calculation much like a journal entry) Credit Option (d): Applying a Discount % or $ value (bypass rate calculation) Additional Credits Billing: Additional Credits Billing is automatically generated when the Additional Credit document is completed and saved. Additional Credit Billings will either run automatically on the scheduler for all yards or run manually at the request of the Financial Manager in the event the credit needs to be applied to the current billing period if that period has already run. STEP 1: Click Billing / Approvals STEP 2: Click Billing STEP 3: Click Additional Credits STEP 4: Click Create New STEP 5: Contract: Enter the Contract this invoice will apply against. If you don’t know the contract, click the contract search icon to search by Job number to locate/select the contract. The Contract field will populate with the Contract number selected and populate Account details. STEP 6: Bill: Enter the previously Billed Invoice number on this Contract this credit will apply against. If you don’t know the Invoice, click the Bill search icon to locate/select an existing invoice number. The Bill field will populate with the Bill number selected. STEP 7: Click Ok STEP 8: Click the Header tab if not already defaulted in STEP 9: Credit date: Using the calendar Icon select the date this credit is to be applied. STEP 10: Rented From and To dates will be populated with the existing billed contract On/Off rent dates. Validate the Rented from and to dates are consistent with the billing period the credit is to be applied against. STEP 11: Text: The system will default a Credit Note for Bill Number. Add any additional notes as desired. STEP 12: Project/Task: Validate the Project and Task (Phase/Category) fields are correct for this transaction. The system is pulling the Project and Task code from the original Order header STEP 13: Validate Payment terms due date reflect credit date STEP 14: Click the Lines tab STEP 15: Click Add STEP 16: Click and highlight the row for the item being credited (if you are crediting multiple rows you will have to repeat this process for each row) STEP 17: Click Ok STEP 18: On Rent/Off Rent: Time MUST be populated and cannot be 00.00 in order for calculation changes to take effect. STEP 19: Duration: If you want to credit partial days of rental you can modify duration or on/off rent dates, the system will recalculate the credit based on the duration you enter (e.g., if you change your duration to 2 days, it will create a credit amount for 2 days it will NOT change the rental period to 2 days); If you want to credit the entire item charge do not modify rental dates section. STEP 20: Quantity: Enter the quantity you want the system to use to calculate the rate. If Lump sum, enter 1. Once you enter the Quantity, the system will calculate the credit amount in the Total field. STEP 21: Charging Calculation will default to the rate table applied to the item in the contract. There are four (4) Options in creating an additional credit. Determine which credit option (a,b,c or d) you will be using and jump to those Credit Option steps: Credit Option (a) Changed Duration the total credit amount will calculate based on the default charge rates/qty/duration and display in the Total field. (a) Charging Calculation: Accept default charge rates. System will auto calculate credit based on Charging Calculation/Duration/Rental Rates. (a) Click OK and the Rent calculation dialog window will close and you will be returned to the Line Dialog Screen (jump to Step xx) Credit Option (b) Change rates uses default charging calculation/qty /duration/updated rates: (b) Charging Calculation: Accept default charge rates. System will auto calculate credit based on Charging Calculation/Duration/Rental Rates. (b) Rental Rates: Modify the rate(s) by entering them in the applicable rate field, quantity must be populated for the total credit amount to calculate and display in the Total field. (b) Click OK the Rent calculation dialog window will close and you will be returned to the Line Dialog Screen (jump to Step xx) Credit Option (c) Charging Calculation Lump sum uses a lump sum value similar to a journal entry: (c) Charging Calculation: Modify the Charging calculation by typing Lumpsum (one word) in the Charging Calculation field, Rental Rates W/D/M will be replaced with a single editable field labeled Each: for Lumpsum amount. (c) Rental rates Each: Enter the total lump sum value of the credit, the total credit amount will display in the Total field (c) Click OK the Rent calculation dialog window will close and you will be returned to the Line Dialog Screen (jump to Step xx) Credit Option (d) Discount will calculate based on Discount % or value (d) Charging Calculation: Accept default charge rates. System will auto calculate credit based on Charging Calculation/Duration/Rental Rates. (d) Discount: select % or Value from the pull down selection (d) Discount: If using %: Enter % value for % discount; If using Value: Enter dollar value for $ discount, the total credit amount will display in the Total field (d) Click OK the Rent calculation dialog window will close and you will be returned to the Line Dialog Screen (jump to Step xx) STEP 22: Regardless of which Credit Option you selected the Line Dialog window will reflect the a Details field reflects the credit option calculation b Quantity field reflects the quantity you entered to calculate against c Value field reflects the calculated credit amount. d Original value field reflects the Original invoiced amount e Available field reflects the difference between Original and Value (remaining invoice balance after credit) STEP 23: Category: Using the search icon select the Category code off the list that this credit is to be applied against. The system will use the Phase (Task) you selected in the Invoice Header screen. This is a required field and the system will not allow save if Category is left blank. STEP 24: Click Close and the Line dialog saves and closes and the Additional Credits, Lines tab grid displays STEP 25: Validate the lines with and the credit amounts you just added. NOTE: If you need to enter additional credits against same Bill, repeat this process beginning with Step 13. When all lines are complete continue to Step xx. STEP 26: To see a summary of all lines combined, Click the [Finance] tab, the Finance screen will display. Review the summary of your Additional Credit to ensure it is complete prior to saving as saving auto creates the Credit Invoice and integrates it to CMiC a Value fields reflect the Total credit amount applied to the selected Bill b Invoice total reflects the previously Billed Total Invoice Amount c Net remaining reflects the Total Net remaining after credits applied STEP 27: Click the save and close the current credit icon to save your new additional invoice, the Reason (for the credit) window will display STEP 28: Reason: From the pull down menu select the Reason for the credit from the list displayed STEP 29: Comment: Enter comment that further clarifies the Credit Reason STEP 30: Click Enter on your keyboard to enable the OK button field STEP 31: Click OK and the Reason window saves and closes and the Output options window will display on top of a blank Additional Credits screen, view, email, print as you desire STEP 32: Output Options Click [close], you will be returned to a blank Additional Credits window STEP 33: Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close
Amend Returned Amount
Amend Returned Amount Note: This process will allow you to make corrections PRIOR to billing (Example: you charged 100.00 for a delivery fee but want to change it to 35.00 but you have completed the return) STEP 1: Click Logistics STEP 2: Hover over Pick-ups STEP 3: Click Amend Return Values STEP 4: Click Magnifying glass STEP 5: Enter your contract/order # (tab key) STEP 6: Click Search STEP 7: Double click document to open STEP 8: Change the dollar amount STEP 9: Click Ok STEP 10: Click Yes STEP 11: Choose your reason for amendment STEP 12: Validate the change STEP 13: Click Save STEP 14: Click Yes
Amend Return Date
Amend Returned Date Note:This process will allow you to make corrections PRIOR to billing (Example: you accidentally chose the wrong Off Rent Date and need to update it before billing) STEP 1: Click Logistics STEP 2: Hover over Pick-ups STEP 3: Click Amend Return Values STEP 4: Click Magnifying glass STEP 5: Enter your contract/order # (tab key) STEP 6: Click Search STEP 7: Double click document to open STEP 8: Click Dates Tab STEP 9: Change Off rent date STEP 10: Click Save STEP 11: Click Yes
Additional Invoices
Additional Invoices Additional Invoices: Used when you need to add an additional item to an existing Billing. A Contract MUST exist in order to apply an Additional Invoice. Notes: Understand how the system thinks before going further Scenario 1: I create a contract for item #1234 Widget A from 4/1/18 – 12/31/18 and they get billed for April, May and June (as far as I know they still have the widget and I have not billed for July yet) The project team realized that HEY!!! we brought back the widget on 5/15/18 No problem, I say and I complete the return and show the “Off Rent” date as 5/15/18 Rental result IS going to see that as a mistake and auto-generate a credit for the amount of days they were overcharged. AWESOME!!! No additional credit process needed Scenario 2: I create a contract for item #1234 Widget A from 4/1/18 – 12/31/18 and they get billed for April, May and June (They DO still have the widget and I have not billed for July yet) The project team realized that HEY!!!! the rates are wrong and you have overcharged me for April, May, June and I want a credit for those 3 months and to make sure that going forward the rate is correct. No problem, I say and fix the rates for that item on the contract (then I should go fix it for the item under Rental Rate Maint so it does not happen again on a different contract) Rental Result is NOT!!!! NOT!!! going to see that as a mistake and WILL NOT!! auto-generate a credit for the difference in money. It just assumes that there was a reason for changing the rate, so you will need to do an additional credit. STEP 1: Click Billing/Approvals STEP 2: Click Billing STEP 3: Click Additional Invoices STEP 4: Click Create New STEP 5: Enter the contract this invoice will apply against. Notes: If you don’t know the contract click the magnifying glass to search by Job number to locate/select the contract STEP 6: Enter the Dispatch this invoice will apply against Notes: If you don’t know the dispatch, click the magnifying glass to locate/select an dispatch STEP 7: Click OK