Leads & Opportunities
What I Need to Know: Opportunity Stage Use & Lifecycle
Stage Opportunity Status Description 01-Qualified Lead Open Lead that has been converted to a viable Opportunity. 02-Go/Bid Job # Open Allocating Resources to the Project/Pursuit 03-RFQ Received/In-House Open Request for Qualifications received 04-SOQ Submitted Open Statement of Qualifications Submitted, and awaiting next step. 05-Short Listed/Awaiting RFP Open Notified that we were shortlisted but haven't received the RFP yet and awaiting next step. 06-RFP Received/In-House Open Received the RFP and working on the proposal. 07-Proposal Submitted Open The proposal has been submitted and waiting notification of interview or additional client feedback. 08-Interview Stage Open Received notification of participation in the interview and are prepping for the Interview. 09-Awaiting Decision Open Waiting for Client to Make Award Decision 10a-Sale Pending Open Where we are notified we are selected for award however, we have a low level of confidence the project will move forward. These projects and revenue are not included in Division sales but are included in the marketing portion of business plans. 10b-Sale Closed (Preliminary Award) Closed/Won Notified we are selected for award and we have a high level of confidence the project will move forward. These projects and revenues are included in Division sales reports and as Preliminary Awards in your Business Plan. 10c-Sale Closed (Converted to JIP) Closed/Won Indicates the opportunity is now a JIP in CMiC. Never manually select this stage (aside from change order opportunities) as the system auto converts to this stage when moving the opportunity to a Job In Progress. The system will revert opportunity stages to 10b when attempting to manually select this stage and/or there is no corresponding JIP in CMiC. 11-Lost Closed/Lost Opportunity has been won by another firm. 12-On Owner Hold Open Owner put Project or evaluation of Proposals on Hold. Can be at any point in Opportunity Process Pre or Post Award 13-Owner Cancelled Closed Owner cancelled the project or never invited us to bid on the project. 14-No-Go Closed Swinerton decided not to pursue the project 15-On Call Closed Closed This is the default stage when an On-Call Opportunity expiration date has passed. The system will close the Master On-Call Opportunity and change the stage to this stage. 16-General Prequal Closed Closed This stage should be used only for tracking general or annual prequalifications that are NOT tied to a specific pursuit. When this stage is selected, the opportunity will be closed. For more information about the process, review the process here. FOR HIGHER DEFINITION OF THE WORKFLOW BELOW, OPEN THE PDF ATTACHMENT.
How To: Customize Your Lead and Opportunity Grid
The Lead and Opportunity Grid is sortable and filterable. Please see the attached excel document to review the following information: What the fields on each grid shows (and what you can do with them) Which fields are editable on the grid Which fields we recommend turning off What order we recommend having the columns in Tips to speed up the loading times for your opportunity grids: Step 1: Choose only your Division's Opportunities. Step 2: Change the Status to "Open" opportunities. Step 3: Change to "My opportunities" unless searching for others. If you prefer to view all opportunities tied to your Division/Office, select "All Staff" instead. Step 4: Select a lower number of Records to Display. Please keep in mind that you may have opportunities on multiple pages. Step 5: Set all of your selections as your default filter view so you are not viewing all of the opportunities in the system every time you go to your grid. Hit "Save Filters" then "Apply Filters" to refresh your list of opportunities. Step 6: Under any column header, hover over the column and select the dropdown arrow. Navigate to the Columns category to turn off any unused Columns in your grid view. Step 7: Sort your grid further by using the ascending/descending features and arrange your grid through grouping by specific column headers. Hover over the column header desired, select the dropdown arrow, and click "Group By This Field". Step 7: After setting up the grid, you may now begin to make changes directly on the grid view by clicking on text fields that need updating. Click anywhere outside of the text box to save your edits.
How To: Create Time-Stamped Notes
Time-Stamped Notes are a great way to keep track of important updates and provide a layer of visibility for teammates regarding an Opportunity's status. Unanet will save who wrote the note as well as the date/time when the note was written. You can view previous notes at any time and also search for key words. Step 1: In your Opportunity Grid, turn on the Time-Stamped Notes field so it shows up on your Grid. Step 2: To add a note, click on the arrow (on the first column) and select New Note. Type in any notes and the system will save your updates. Step 3: To access Time-Stamped Notes, you can double click on the field within your Opportunity Grid to review previously written notes. You can also use the search box to look for key words within the note or search by the person who wrote it. Step 4: To view the Time-Stamped Notes within the Opportunity Record, open up the Opportunity and scroll down to the Time-Stamped Notes section. You can also add notes within each individual Opportunity record as well.
How To: Add Staff to an Opportunity Using the Pipeline Widget
Following the steps outlined below, you will be able to quickly add or change staff by using the Pipeline widget and Opportunity Grid. Step 1: Ensure you are viewing the correct Dashboard. Step 2: Click on the "Pipeline Size" link. Clicking here will give you all the opportunities in your Division/Office. Step 3: Group by Division/Office Step 4: Click on the field to add or change the staff member. You will need to ensure that the role of the staff member you want to add it turned on in your column settings.
What I Need to Know: Master/Sub Opportunities
By creating individual Sub Opportunities, you can easily see the number and value of all Sub Opportunities associated with the main opportunity. The Sub Opportunity’s stage, status and other values are independent of the Master Opportunity. Sub opportunities are available on all opportunities other than On-Call Opportunities. Please review the attached document to learn why and when to use Master/Sub Opportunities and how to set up your Opportunity Grid to filter by your Master Opportunity with all of its associated Sub Opportunities.
How To: Self-Perform Guide for Opportunities
Please review the attached document to learn how to manage your Self-Perform opportunities.
What I Need to Know: On-Call Opportunities
Please review the attached document to learn when and why to use On-Call Opportunities, how to enter On-Call Master Opportunities and Work Order (Task Order) Opportunities, and our best practices.
How To: Create a Work Order (Task Order) Opportunity
By creating individual work order opportunities attached to the Master On-Call contract, you can easily see the number and value of all work orders associated with the overall contract. This allows you to track each work order as a separate but linked opportunity, each work order’s stage, status and other values that are independent of the overall contract. Step 1: Click “Add Work Order” on the Master On-Call Opportunity record. Step 2: All of the information from the Master On-Call Opportunity will copy over to the Task Order. You will need to modify fields as appropriate for the Work Order. Step 3: As soon as the Master On-Call Contract has expired, your On-Call Opportunity will close and will automatically move to stage 15-On-Call Closed. In this stage, it will not be counted towards your divisions win/loss rates. If you get an extension you will need to update the end date of the opportunity.
What I Need to Know: Client and Owner Relationships
Please review the attached guide to learn the difference between Client, Owner, and Owner's Rep. The guide also shares specific uses cases to better understand those relationships and how to track Joint Venture (JV) partnerships.
What I Need to Know: Confidential Clients with NDAs
Unanet CRM Company Records for Corporate Service and Other Clients we have Non-Disclosure Agreements with Company Records Within company records in Unanet CRM, there is a mandatory field titled “Confidential Company?” This is required when entering a new company and/or editing company records The corporate services group will be the primary manager of this group of companies as they usually have NDA’s as part of the Master Service Agreements, however there are others in various markets as well (e.g. Kaiser is a client with and NDA for instance) and this process applies to them depending on the Confidential/NDA requirements. When the "Confidential Company?" field is marked as "Yes", the project address AND project costs will also be marked as confidential when the Company record is associated to a Project record as a Client or Owner. Reports On your home page you will see a report titled “00-Clients with NDA’s” This report is based on the mandatory field “NDA/Confidential Client” in the company record Provides a dynamic list of all clients we have NDA’s with Project Data You should run the “00-Clients with NDA’s” report periodically to ensure you are aware of what clients have NDA’s and that your Division’s Project Data is in conformance with Client Confidential/NDA requirements as outlined below. Using the companies listed in this report, you should then run a project report listing the following fields for all the projects in your division. Firm Org Division (Remember to filter by Division for all Divisions you are responsible for) Project Name Project Number Client Name Owner Name Owner’s Rep Name You can use the Boolean to focus in on specific client, owner, and Owner’s reps that match the Client’s with NDA’s report Example results of the above screen shots - For the projects that have either a client, owner, or owner’s rep matching ANY company on the “00-Clients with NDA’s” report, the following process applies: In the Project Summary Tab under Project Details Change the “Published Project Name” to avoid naming the client or specific location. Things you can denote include (w/ some examples): General Location (ie: Downtown San Francisco/Los Angeles, San Francisco Business District, Silicon Valley) Type of Work (ie: Creative Office Space, Data Center, High End Retail Space) Confidential Client Type (ie: Confidential Tech Client, Confidential Financial Services Client, Confidential Retail Client) Modify the “Publishable Reason” under Project Details to denote “Non-Disclosure Agreement” (you can multi-select by holding down “Ctrl” and clicking if you need to) If you want the project to show up on resumes and project sheets you MUST have “Publishable Project” as “Yes” Under the Owner/Client tab Go to “Edit” for the line under Owner/Client Companies for each company that matches on the report Under Owner/Client Confidential click “Yes” and then “Save" Under the Construction Costs Tab, click in the box for "Cost Confidential?" so it turns to "Yes" and highlights in Yellow. In Descriptions: Make sure the client name and address of the project, along with any specific identifying information, is excluded and only generically referenced similar to Published Project Name