Autodesk Field Management - External User
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Adding Documents to Checklists
Guide to walk through how to add documents to an issue that you created or have been assigned to. STEP 1. Open the Autodesk website STEP 2. Select Field Management STEP 3. Select the Checklists tab STEP 4. Select the checklist you need to add an attachment/document to *You can upload a document to a specific item within the checklist or you can add a document to the overall checklist. STEP 5. To add a document to a specific item, find the item and select Document STEP 6. Select the document you uploaded into BIM 360 STEP 7. Hit Select You will notice the attachment within the specific item STEP 8. To upload to the overall checklist, select Add Documents under the Checklist Instance Details on the right (select the blue I icon if you don’t see Checklist Instance Details) STEP 9. Find the document in the folder you uploaded it to. Note – you DO NOT have the option to upload from your desktop here, all files need to be in BIM 360 if adding to the overall checklist STEP 10. Hit Select You will notice the attachment on the right. Continue to follow the steps above to add more documents to your checklist
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Adding Documents to Issues
Guide to walk through how to add documents to an issue that you created or have been assigned to. STEP 1. Open the Autodesk website STEP 2. Select Document Management or Field Management STEP 3. Select the Issues tab STEP 4. Select the issue you need to upload the document to and select the Attachments tab STEP 5. Drag and drop files from your desktop OR if you uploaded your files into BIM 360, select Browse STEP 6. Select the document from the folder you saved it in. Notice – you have the option to upload from your computer on this screen as well STEP 7. Hit Select once you have selected the document Follow those same steps to upload more documents. The drag and drop feature will allow you to upload multiple documents at one time.
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Checklists Creating From Template
External users have access to use any checklist template within their project. STEP 1. Open Autodesk sign in: STEP 2. Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3. Select Checklists in the upper left STEP 4. Select Create checklist in the right hand corner STEP 5. Select a checklist template and hit create STEP 6. Edit Checklist title Leave the Title of the checklist in the beginning and add your company name after it! STEP 7. Fill out the Checklist Instance Details on the right-hand side with the appropriate information. STEP 8. Fill out the checklist STEP 9. When you are complete with a section, you can select Done OR you can select next section. By selecting Done, that Closes the section. You can reopen the section by clicking on an item in that section. All Required fields (not labeled “optional”) need to be completed for you to select Done. STEP 10. If you selected Done, you will notice the section is marked Done in the upper right and you can move onto the next section. *You can reopen the section by click on an item in that section. *If you selected the next section without hitting done, the section will show as “in progress”. STEP 11. As you complete your checklist, if an item is nonconforming and marked as No, Fail, False or -, the item will auto-create an issue for you! *You can click and edit the information from this screen, or you can edit the issue from the Issues tab! STEP 12. When all sections are marked as Done and the checklist requires signatures, you can select Jump to Signatures STEP 13. Make sure to fill in the name and company for the person signing the checklist. 14. After all signatures are filled in, you can complete the checklist. Note: If you are missing a required field, you are unable to mark a checklist as complete.
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Daily Logs
Daily Logs can be used by our external members on the project. Provide your daily log information to Swinerton through BIM 360 and get rid of paper! STEP 1. Open the Autodesk BIM 360 Docs website STEP 2. Select Field Management STEP 3. Select Daily Logs Tab STEP 4. Select the day you need to add your daily log information from the calendar on the left. STEP 5. Select Create new daily log in the upper right STEP 6. Change the Daily Log Title to Your Company Name – Daily Log Example: Swinerton – Daily Log Example: ABC Painting – Daily Log STEP 7. Fill in your daily log with your information for the day Enter in the project address then select Get Weather Enter in the number of works and hours for your company. As you go through the project, select copy from previous! Enter your notes and any photos for the day. STEP 8. Select Publish STEP 9. Select Publish again to confirm you are complete with your daily log. You have up to 24 hours to adjust your daily log.
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Issues Creating from Document
You must PIN your location to the drawing when you create the issue. You are unable to PIN an issue to the drawing after the issue has been saved/created! STEP 1. Open the Autodesk website STEP 2. Select the module selector and click Document Management STEP 3. Select the drawing you want to create your issue on. Make sure to pin your issues on drawings where the locations have been set, you can see this by the location column. If locations have been applied to a sheet, the location will be black, if locations have not been set on a drawing, the location will be gray. STEP 4. When you’re in the drawing, select the issues button in the upper left corner. STEP 5. Select Create Issue on the bottom left STEP 6. Zoom into the location you need to pin, click to place your pin on the sheet. *Notice the location fills when you place your pin, if locations are not set up, this will not populate. STEP 7. Fill in the rest of the issue information and hit create. Once it’s created, it will show on the left task bar. You can edit additional information, add attachments, and update status. STEP 8. When you toggle away from the drawing, the column named Issue will show you how many issues are on a specific sheet. To Hide or Show Issues when working in a sheet, you can select the Hide/Show All Issues on the bottom task bar. You can filter for specific issues within a drawing, the filter does not hold or carry to the next sheet. You will need to reapply the filter each time.
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Issues Creating From Issues Tab
You must PIN your location to the drawing when you create the issue. You are unable to PIN an issue to the drawing after the issue has been saved/created! STEP 1. Open the Autodesk website STEP 2. Select the module selector and click Field Management OR Document Management STEP 3. Select Issues from the top tab STEP 4. Select Create Issue STEP 5. Fill in the new issue with the specific information for your project. You can also select “Start from a template” dropdown for the full list of templates. STEP 6. When selecting your location and drawings, you want to make sure you pin your issue BEFORE you hit create. Once the issue has been created, you can link a drawing, but you are no longer allowed to pin to a drawing. STEP 7. After you select Add Document, it will pull up the drawing you selected for you to place your pin. STEP 8. Zoom into the location of where you need to place the pin , Select Done after the pin has been set on the page. STEP 9. Complete the rest of the issue with the pertinent information, then hit Create. *You can keep creating issues by selecting Create another issue, this will populate another issue after you hit create. After you hit create and are done creating issues, your issue(s) will populate onto the issue tab in either Document Management or Field Management.
Autodesk Field Management - External User - Uploading Documents
Guide to walk through the upload process into BIM 360 Document & Field Management. Make sure to ask Swinerton to set up a project folder for your company, you can then upload documents that you need for the project into that folder STEP 1. Open the Autodesk website: STEP 2. Select Document Management STEP 3. Select the folder below Project Files to upload your documents. If you do not see your project folder, contact Swinerton to create one for you! STEP 4. Select Upload Files or Drag and Drop files into the folder STEP 5. You can upload any file type you need to (PDF, excel, Word, etc.) Once you have uploaded your file, let Swinerton know!