CORE - Yard Managers
Updating Project Access for Portal Users
Updating Users Project Access for Portal Account Tab: Updating the project #'s on this tab affects the ability to see billing Project Tab: Updating the project #'s on this tab allows a user to order for that project via the Portal Notes: When looking at the Portal side the user is the employee# (25298) STEP 1: Click Configuration STEP 2: Click System Set Up STEP 3: Click Access Maintenance STEP 4: Click Operators STEP 5: Enter the Operator ID STEP 6: Click on Accounts tab STEP 7: Enter their new project # STEP 8: Add Account STEP 9: Click Proejcts Tab STEP 10: Click Add STEP 11: Enter their new project # STEP 12: Click OK STEP 13: Click Red X to exit STEP 14: Click Yes STEP 15: Click X in right hand corner to exit
BINS - Reporting
Bins - Report to run to show you everything in a specific bin Note: Run the Item Holding by Branch (PROD) Report Note: If you search by Item #, it will show what Bin it is in Note: If you search by Bin #, it will show what Bin it is in
BINS - Updating current items to a Bin
Updating current items to a Bin Note: Once a Branch starts using Bins, then every piece of equipment has to be in a Bin, even if that Bin is just called "Yard" STEP 1: Click Asset Ops STEP 2: Click Item Holding Note: You can get to the same place by clicking Ctrl + M, start typing in Item and double click on Item Holding STEP 3: Choose the Item you want to put into a Bin STEP 4: Double Click on each one to give each one a Bin STEP 5: Enter how many you are going to put in that Bin. (It could be that you are adding 1 to a specific truck, STEP 6: Click the magnifying glass and click Search to look for the Bin you want to put them in STEP 7: Click Ok STEP 7: Click Yes
How to change your password
CORE User - How to change your password Note: Suggested that you keep your Rental Results password the same as your laptop log in, but you will need to manually change it in RR when you update your laptop log in STEP 1: Click System STEP 2: Click Change password STEP 3: Enter old password STEP 4: Enter new password STEP 5: Enter new password again STEP 6: Click Ok
Item Holding - Updating the Info for an Item
Item Holding - Updating the info for an item Notes: As a yard manager or yard admin, you would use this when you would like to make some adjustments to an asset/equipment that has already been added to the RentalResult system. This includes (but not limited to) specific details about assets, including status, bin location (if your branch is utilizing bins), analysis sets fields, serial numbers (if applicable), and etc. STEP 1: Click Asset Ops STEP 2: Click Item Holding STEP 3: Enter/Search for the Item you want to update Notes: Choose Item code if you would like to see all assets with that item code that belongs to the branch that you are currently in Notes: Choose E-code if you would like to see one specific asset that has an E-code that belongs to the branch that you are currently in. Once you add the E-code, the item code should auto-populate. STEP 4: Click on the line you would like to edit STEP 5: Click Amend Details Notes: You cannot change the status or serial/reference number of an asset that is currently “On Rent”, “Lost” or in a Branch Transfer in from this routine On This Tab You Can: Update the status On This Tab You Can: Update the Serial Number Notes: For vehicles this would be the VIN. (This option is not available for all assets, depending on the item definition. For example, bulk items will not have a serial number option). On This Tab You Can: Update the Holding Notes STEP 6: Click Analysis Sets Tab On This Tab You Can: Update Business Unit On This Tab You Can: Update Phase Code On This Tab You Can: Update Capitalized Status Notes: Here is something to consider when adjusting the “Capitalized” field. Will this asset be depreciated? If yes, enter “YES” in the “Capitalized” field and send an email to ALEUNG@SWINERTON.COM letting Alan know that a capitalized asset has been added to Rental Result that needs to be confirmed. Make sure to also include the Item Code, E-code, Ref/Serial Number, and document number for your Goods In document. On This Tab You Can: Update Company/Branch Notes: Changing the business unit or Company and Branch information on this screen will not automatically transfer the asset to another branch/yard. To do an asset transfer to another branch/yard, you would have follow the “Transfers In” / “Transfers Out” process. STEP 7: Click Holding Text Tab On This Tab You Can: Enter your alternate e-code if needed STEP 8: Click OK STEP 9: Click Yes STEP 10: Click X in upper right hand corner to close
Procedure for Machinery and Equipment Purchases over 5,000.00
Overview: When purchasing machinery and equipment it’s important to perform a cost benefit analysis. A cost benefit analysis is one of the best ways we can avoid making poor buying/leasing/rental decisions. Performing a cost benefit analysis allows us to decide whether making a capital investment represents more or less risk to the company. Purchase Thresholds: 1) If the purchase is under $5,000 then the purchase can be directly expensed to the job or yard. 2) If the purchase is greater than $5,000 but less than $50,000 then: a) A Return On Investment (ROI) form and a white paper write-up is completed and sent to the Financial Manager/Controller along with a copy the proposal/purchase order. b) Once the Financial Manager/Controller completes their review they’ll send the packet to the Chief Financial Officer for review. c) Once the Chief Financial Officer has completed his/her review final approval is needed from the Regional Manager. 3) If the purchase is greater than $50,000 then: a) Steps (a) through (c) from above must be completed. b) Final approval from a member of the Executive Committee is required. Return On Investment Form (ROI): (Attached here to How To) The Return On Investment Form (ROI) was created as a tool to aide in the cost benefit analysis. By inputting information into various fields (YELLOW FIELDS) the form will derive: · Net present value of Total Cumulative Discounted Benefit Flow · Return on investment-discounted · Payback in years · Total annual benefit per year · Total benefits realized per year · Total cost per year · Total annual cash benefit/ per year · Cumulative benefit flow per year The form will also calculate the Discounted Benefit Flow (present value) based on the time value of money · Discounted costs · Discounted benefits · Total discounted benefit flow · Total cumulative discounted benefit flow Whitepaper: The standard “whitepaper” has four (3) parts: 1. Project Overview: Explain the current or future need for the machinery or equipment. What projects will it be used on? Duration of work? 2. Analysis: Explain what type of machinery or equipment is needed. What are the makes, models capacities and pricing? If there are more than one manufacturer of the same type of equipment explain why is preferred over another. 3. Recommendation: What the choice should be and why.
Purchase Order for Owned Inventory
Purchase Order for Owned Inventory Notes: Purchase Orders for owned inventory are available but optional for use in Rental Results because we already have an approval process in CMiC that handles Purchase Orders. Purchase Orders do not integrate to CMiC however Goods In from PO will integrate if the purchased equipment is set up as a Capitalized item STEP 1: Click Purchasing STEP 2: Click Purchase Order STEP 3: Click Create New STEP 4: Enter the Vendor number you are purchasing the equipment from. If you do not know the vendor number, use the search icon next to the Project/Acct field and search/select from the list, the Vendor name and address will default into the Project/Acct fields. STEP 5: Select Purchase Order (All) STEP 6: Accept default of Order for type STEP 7: Add a brief description of the purchase STEP 8: Click OK STEP 9: Add any additional description STEP 10: If vendor gave you a PO, you can enter that here or leave blank STEP 11: Enter discount if vendor has provided you one, if not leave this field at 0 STEP 12: Leave as default of 0 - we are not currently using this STEP 13: Click Vendor tab STEP 14: Step 14. Validate the Vendor address is correct and add any contact information needed STEP 15: Click the Billing tab STEP 16: Validate you are billing the correct OH Yard and the contact for the yard is correct STEP 17: Click the Shipping tab STEP 18: Validate the shipping address is correct for delivery to as well as the on site contact STEP 19: Click the Product tab STEP 20: Click Add STEP 21: Enter Item code for what you are purchasing, if you don't know the item code, click the search icon to search and select. STEP 22: Enter the quantity you are purchasing STEP 23: Enter total sale price of the item you are purchasing NOT including any tax or discounts STEP 24: Enter % or $ discount amount if applies STEP 25: Enter the sales tax, Use tab or Freight for this item separately STEP 26: The Required date will default today’s date into every line Item you are purchasing, if you are purchasing multiple pieces of equipment, you can change the required date on for each line item STEP 27: Enter the date the vendor scheduled to deliver STEP 28: Click Item Text STEP 29: Add any additional notes about this purchase STEP 30: Enter the OH Project Number to code this line item purchase invoice to STEP 31: Enter the Phase (task) to code this line item purchase invoice to STEP 32: Click Close Notes: Repeat steps 21-31 if you are purchasing additional items on the purchase order STEP 33: Validate Project Code/Phase STEP 34: Click Save and Close STEP 35: Click Yes STEP 36: Print, Preview or email Purchase Order document as necessary and/or close window Notes: Once equipment has been received, to add to inventory refer to the Goods In from PO document.
Reports - Asset Register (PROD)
Asset Register (PROD) Note: This report is good for understanding what your branch shows as total inventory, when it was purchased, the cost of the item, etc. In this report it is looking for the Branch Code Sacramento = SACC Renewable Energy = EPC Riverside Yard - OCLA Hawaii = HIY Colorado = COY Seattle = SEAY San Francisco = SFY
Reports - General Navigation
Reports - General Navigation Note: Some Reports look for the Branch Code and some look for Branch Number. Here is the list we currently have Yard Name Branch Code Branch Number Sacramento SACC 102 Renewable Energy EPC 120 OCLA (Riverside) OCLA 101 Hawaii HIY 103 Colorado COY 122 Seattle SEAY 123 San Francisco SFY 124 To get to Reports STEP 1: Click Inquiries STEP 2: Click Run Reports STEP 3: Log in with the same user name/password you use for Rental Result When you first log in, you will see all reports available to eveyone Searching You can use the Search Reports box and look for a word that would be part of the report you are looking for and it will find reports with that word. If you run it and it is not exactly what you want, but close, just email Kim Kirk ( and she can adjust Creating Favorites When you find a report that you like, click the Star and turn it yellow Then click My Favorites filter and you will see it there. Just makes it a little easier to find what you want fast. You might want to take a look at the list in these How To's and make them your favorites since most of them have been build just for us. To Run a Report, just click Launch
Report - Portal Users By Branch
Portal Users by Branch Note: This report would be good to run periodically to make sure the people on there still need a license. Note: When an employee is terminated, the license should automatically be removed Once you log into Reporter STEP 1: Type "Portal" into the search field STEP 2: Click Launch Note: If the star to the right has not been clicked, click it so that it is now in My favorites. It will be easier to search in the future STEP 3: type in your Branch Code Note: See current Branch Codes below Sacramento = SACC Renewable Energy = EPC Riverside Yard - OCLA Hawaii = HIY Portland = PTLDY Colorado = COY Seattle = SEAY San Francisco = SFY STEP 4: Click Launch Report Note: You can just view the users if you click the + next to the branch List, but probably easier to send to spreadsheet STEP 5: Click Export Results STEP 6: Click Excel Comma-Separated Values (.csv) Note: Once you have it saved to .csv it would be suggested to do a Save As and change it to excel otherwise any changes you might make will not be saved