BTech Support


Reports - General Navigation

Modified on: Wed, Dec 30 2020 8:41 AM

Reports - General Navigation

Note: Some Reports look for the Branch Code and some look for Branch Number.  Here is the list we currently have

Yard Name Branch Code Branch Number
Sacramento SACC 102
Renewable Energy EPC 120
OCLA (Riverside) OCLA 101
Hawaii HIY 103
Colorado COY 122
Seattle SEAY 123
 San Francisco  SFY  124

To get to Reports

STEP 1: Click Inquiries

STEP 2: Click Run Reports

STEP 3: Log in with the same user name/password you use for Rental Result

When you first log in, you will see all reports available to eveyone


You can use the Search Reports box and look for a word that would be part of the report you are looking for and it will find reports with that word. If you run it and it is not exactly what you want, but close, just email Kim Kirk ( and she can adjust

Creating Favorites
When you find a report that you like, click the Star and turn it yellow

Then click My Favorites filter and you will see it there. 
Just makes it a little easier to find what you want fast. 
You might want to take a look at the list in these How To's and make them your favorites since most of them have been build just for us.

To Run a Report, just click Launch

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