RR - National Agreements
National Agreement - DeWalt
Please click HERE to view detailed agreements/pricing The link is a secure page on Swinnet, if you can not get to the page, please email Kim Kirk Current 2019 DeWalt Contacts by Division Division Office Division Address OM Contact Swinerton Contact w/CORE login Phone Email DeWalt Contact Phone Email Santa Clara 2880 Lakeside Dr. Santa Clara, Ca. 95054 (TBD) 408.454.2016 drsmith@swinerton.com TBD TBD TBD Washington (Bellvue) 14432 SE Eastgate Way Bellvue, WA 98007 Greg Evans (425) 283-5254 GEvans@swinerton.com Derek Jaschke has the CORE login Mark Demontigny / Michael Sheppard need a CORE login 425.283.5173 mdemontign@swinerton.com Patrick Morse TBD patrick.morse@sbdinc.com Denver (Arvada) 6890 west 52nd Ave. Arvada, CO 80002 John Spight (303) 418-5371 jspight@swinerton.com Kerry Swain Mike Dickens Right now no one has a CORE log in 303.418.5309 303.418.5352 kswain@swinerton.com mike.dickens@swinerton.com Michael Kneller 303.250.8875 michael.kneller@sbdinc.com San Francisco 260 Townsend St. San Francisco, Ca. 94107 Brent Christensen (Interiors) Jose Melo (General Labor) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Hawaii 1003 Bishop St. Honolulu, HI 96813 Gary Moura (808) 426-7422 GMoura@swinerton.com Stan Diones Gary Moura 808.927.9154 808.426.7422 sdiones@swinerton.com gmoura@swinerton.com Charles Rania 808.842.9925 charles.rania@@sbdinc.com Portland 342 SW Second Ave. Portland, OR 97204 Chris Evans (971)256-3700 cevans@swinerton.com Sydney Bourque Chris Evans 415.984.1327 sbourque@swinerton.com Ken Gemma 503.462.4418 ken.gemma@dewalt.com Austin 5707 Southwest Parkway Austin, TX 78735 Bret Hall (512)692-6607 bhall@swinerton.com Jesse Mendoza Jerry Garcia (Starts 4/1) Brett Hall - Only Bret has the CORE login 949.933.4613 jmendoza@swinerton.com Kyle Anderson 214.799.8011 kyle.anderson2@dewalt.com Atlanta 5901 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Atlanta, GA 30328 Jeff Robertson (678) 553-4511 jrobertson@swinerton.com Kevin Smith Glenn Anderson - only Glenn has the CORE login 704.251.8434 ksmith@swinerton.com Patrick Stysly 602.448.7625 patrick.stysly@sbdinc.com Charlotte 2550 West Tyvola Rd. Charlotte, NC 82817 Gregory Harris (704) 319-3255 gharris@swinerton.com Kevin Smith Right now no one has the CORE login 704.251.8434 ksmith@swinerton.com Erica Donahue 714.809.9193 erica.donahue@sbdinc.com San Diego 16798 west Bernardo Dr. San Diego, Ca. 91127 Mike Berryhill (858) 815-2403 mberryhill@swinerton.com Richard Lopez 858.815.2404 rlopez@swinerton.com Bill McNamara 858.261.4406 william.mcnamara@sbdinc.c.om Dallas TBD Bret Hall (512)692-6607 bhall@swinerton.com TBD TBD TBD Jeremy Woods 214.799.8011 jeremy.woods@sbdinc.com Orange County (Irvine) 17731 Mitchell North Irvine, Ca. 92614 Bardo Ponce Mike Cornejo Peter Ruiz TBD TBD Guillermo Zuniga 626.644.9245 guillermo.zuniga@sbdinc.com Los Angeles 865 South Figueroa St. Los Angles, Ca. 90017 TBD TBD TBD Guillermo Zuniga 626.644.9245 guillermo.zuniga@sbdinc.com Sacramento 8220 Siena Ave. Sacramento, Ca. 95828 Kevin Kaanahe Curtis Johnson Ben Trantham 916.620.9962 btrantham@swinerton.com Steve Gibson 303.250.2975 steve.gibson@sbdinc.com Renewable Energy Dave Grubb dgrubb@swinerton.com
National Agreement - Hilti
Please click HERE to view detailed agreements/pricing The link is a secure page on Swinnet, if you can not get to the page, please email Kim Kirk Current 2019 Hilti Contact by Division Swinerton Vendor # Hilti Account # Division Office Division Address Swinerton Contact Phone Email Hilti Contact Phone Email 44996 10733568 Santa Clara 2880 Lakeside Dr. Santa Clara, Ca. 95054 Drew Smith (TBD) 408.454.2016 drsmith@swinerton.com David Swirsding Rooh Desta 408.504.7287 408.613.3633 david.swirsding@hilti.com rooh.desta@hilti.com 44996 10805234 Washington (Bellvue) 14432 SE Eastgate Way Bellvue, WA 98007 Marc Demontigny 425.283.5173 mdemontign@swinerton.com Craig Lee Mark Macieliewski 206.963.7482 206.898.1650 craig.lee@hilti.com mark.macieliewski@hilti.com 44996 10842665 Denver (Arvada) 6890 West 52nd. Ave. Arvaca, CO 80002 Kerry Swain Mike Dickens 303.418.5309 kswain@swinerton.com Jeremy Sides Michaela Schreiner 303.619.8927 303.513.3407 jeremy.sides@hilti.com michaela.schreiner@hilti.com 44996 10861299 San Francisco 260 Townsend St. San Francisco, Ca. 94107 TBD TBD TBD Lara Cornelius Liam Clark 1.800.879.6000 669.224.0421 lara.cornelius@hilti.com liam.clark@hilti.com 44996 22126832 San Francisco 260 Townsend St. San Francisco, Ca. 94107 TBD TBD TBD Lara Cornelius Liam Clark 1.800.879.6000 669.224.0421 lara.cornelius@hilti.com liam.clark@hilti.com 44996 24345356 Swinerton Webcor JV TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBE 44996 12608346 Hawaii 1003 Bishop St. Honolulu, HI 96813 Gary Moura 808.426.7422 gmoura@swinerton.com Sara Reddng Ryan Kadiyama 1.800.879.6000 1.800.879.6000 sara.redding@hilti.com ryan.kadiyama@hilti.com 44996 21766913 Portland 342 SW Second Ave. Portland, OR 97204 Sydney Bourque 415.984.1327 sbourque@swinerton.com Adrian Castillo Maureen Grassmeyer 1.800.679.6000 503.805.8557 adrian.castillo@hilti.com maureen.grassmeyer@hilti.com 44996 23064162 Austin 5707 Southwest Parkway Austin, TX 78735 Jesse Mendoza (TBD) 949.933.4613 jmendoza@swinerton.com Brian Comeau 512.507.8596 brian.comeau@hilti.com 44996 Atlanta 5901 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Atlanta, GA 30328 Kevin Smith 704.251.8434 ksmith@swinerton.com Chris Bell Jackson Depping 678.447.5189 678.427.7068 chris.bell@hilti.com jackson.depping@hilti.com 44996 Charlotte 2550 West Tyvola Rd. Charlotte, NC 82817 Kevin Smith 704.251.8434 ksmith@swinerton.com Robert Nyland Bailey Mountcastle 800.879.6000 803.517.6413 robert.nyland@hilti.com bailey.mountcastle@hilti.com 44996 2202255 San Diego 16798 West Bernardo Dr. San Diego, Ca. 91127 Richard Lopez 858.815.2404 Rlopez@swinerton.com Christian Forcade 619.203.8477 christian.forcade@hilti.com 44996 Dallas TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 44996 10785758 Orange County (Irvine) 17731 Mitchell North Irvine, CA 92614 TBD TBD TBD Todd Norton Chris Hayden 800.879.6000 714.308.2521 todd.norton@hilti.com chris.hayden@hilti.com 44996 24711996 ? ? ? 44996 10758815 Los Angeles 865 South Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90017 TBD TBD TBD Simon Sanchez Tim Oberon 562.755.3883 714.309.4555 simon.sanchez@hilti.com tim.oberon@hilti.com 44996 10750726 Sacramento 8220 Siena Ave. Sacramento, CA 95828 Ben Trantham 916.620.9962 btrantham@swinerton.com Mike Burdick Grady Crow 916.801.9834 906.600.1124 mike.burdick@hilti.com grady.crow@hilti.com 44996 10785630 Concrete Services (Sac) 15 Business Park Way Sacramento, CA 95828 Ben Trantham 916.620.9962 btrantham@swinerton.com Mike Burdick Grady Crow 916.801.9834 906.600.1124 mike.burdick@hilti.com grady.crow@hilti.com 44996 10744101 ? ? ? ?