Register Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using Text/SMS Messaging
Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using Text/SMS Messaging What is MFA? MFA is security method that ensures that only you can log into your account. It does this by requiring at least 2 methods of authentication – your password and another piece of information Microsoft Authenticator App, text message code or a phone call. Navigate to Type in your Username (, click Next Type in your network password at the following screen, click Sign in Click Next when you see this screen Enter a phone number that can receive text messages Method: select “Send me a code by text message” Click Next Enter the PIN number you receive, click Verify At this point, you have completed registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Click Done Optional: You can set up additional security verification options using the Microsoft Authenticator App (recommended) or add another phone number.\ Log back into, select and configure the settings Click Cancel at any time to stop setting up an authentication option ….go to the Multi-Factor Authentication - MFA site on SwinNet
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using a Phone Number
Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using a Phone Number What is MFA? MFA is security method that ensures that only you can log into your account. It does this by requiring at least 2 methods of authentication – your password and another piece of information Microsoft Authenticator App, text message code or a phone call. Navigate to Type in your Username (, click Next Type in your network password, click Sign in Click Next when you see this screen Enter your phone number Method: select “Call me” (be prepared to write down the verification code when system calls you) Click Next Enter the PIN number you receive and click Verify At this point, you have completed registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Click Done Optional: You can set up additional security verification options using the Microsoft Authenticator App (recommended) or add another phone number. Log back into, select and configure the settings Click Cancel at any time to stop setting up an authentication option For more information ….go to the Multi-Factor Authentication - MFA site on SwinNet
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using a Mobile App
Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using a Mobile App What is MFA? MFA is security method that ensures that only you can log into your account. It does this by requiring at least 2 methods of authentication – your password and another piece of information Microsoft Authenticator App, text message code or a phone call. Note: Make sure to download the Microsoft Authenticator App from the Apple or Google Play store to your mobile phone. You will use this app to scan the QR code. Navigate to Type in your Username (, click Next Type in your network password at the following screen, click Sign in Click Next when you see this screen Click on the drop-down menu and choose Mobile app. Download the Microsoft Authenticator App from the Google or Apple store before proceeding further Click Set up Launch the Authenticator App you may have to give permission for the app to use your phone’s camera. SCAN the QR code with your phone OR manually type in the QR code Click Next After the Mobile app has been configured, click Next Let’s test the Mobile app to be sure it is setup correctly, click Next Add your mobile phone number in space provided in case you lose access to the mobile app Click Done ….go to the Multi-Factor Authentication - MFA site on SwinNet
Registro completo de autenticación multifactor
Registro completo de autenticación multifactor (MFA Instrucciones en Espanol) ✔ MFA es su llave para acessar applicaciones estando fuera de las redes de Swinerton.. ✔ MFA significa Autenticacion multifactorial y es una forma adicional y segura para verificar que quien busque accesso a sus datos personales en Workday y otras applicaciones importantes con Swinerton. 1. Vea el video (opcional). Abrir en YouTube. NOTA: El video usa como ejemplo el App Autenticador de Microsoft (se puede descargar de cualquier tienda de apps) pero se puede elegir otros métodos como mensaje de texto o llamadas al número móvil. (vea las instrucciones en PDF abajo) 2. Escoja un método de autenticación (El App Autenticador es recomendado) y abra los documentos PDF abajo. Como registrarse pasa Autenticación Multi-Factor (App Movil).pdf Como registrarse pasa Autenticacion Multi-Factor (Mensaje de Texto).pdf 3. Verifique su método de autenticación aquí: Métodos de protección: 3 tipos de autenticación 1. Algo que usted sabe (Contraseñas, información personal, NIP o PIN o una secuencia) 2. Algo que tiene (App Móvil, mensaje de texto, llave física o tarjeta de acceso) 3. Algo que es usted (Huella digital, cara o voz) Solución: MFA = Prueba que eres quién eres. El objetivo de la MFA es crear una defensa por capas y hacer que sea más difícil para una persona no autorizada acceder a un objetivo, como una ubicación física, un dispositivo de cómputo, una red o una base de datos. Preguntas Frequentes ¿Qué es el MFA? La autenticación multifactorial (MFA) es un sistema de seguridad que requiere más de una forma de autenticación para verificar la legitimidad de una transacción ¿Como Funciona? Ud. recibirá una notificación o mensaje por el medio que usted elige arriba (app móvil, Mensaje de Texto o llamada telefónica) para verificar que es usted quien quiere acceso. ¿Qué tan frecuente va a ser esta autenticación? Cada vez que accede a los recursos de Swinerton desde fuera de la red privada (sin utilizar VPN). ¿Qué forma de autenticación es la más recomendada? Swinerton recomienda utilizar la App Autenticadora de Microsoft. ¿Dónde puedo adquirir la App Autenticadora de Microsoft? La App esta disponible para descargar de las tiendas de Apple y Google para apps. ¿Puedo usar otra app? No por ahora desde el 02/18/20. ¿Qué pasa si la notificación de la App, el mensaje de texto o la llamada no es recibida? • Espere unos 60 segundos e intente denuevo (Los codigos solo duran 60 segundos) • Cuando está tratando de ingresar, hay una liga que dice “Use a different verification option” que significa “Usar otro método de autenticación. Dependiendo de cómo haya establecido sus métodos de autenticación, puede escoger de estas opciones: ◦ Aprobar el acceso, o usar el código dentro de la App ◦ Recibir un mensaje de texto con un código ◦ Recibir una llamada al número móvil. (solo disponible si hay un numero adicional registrado) ¿Y si tengo otras preguntas? Póngase en contacto con el Servicio Técnico de Swinerton - Service Desk por medio de un ticket o llámenos al 866-647-5200.
Complete Multi-Factor Authentication Registration
✔ MFA is your key when you access apps from OUTSIDE Swinerton's network. ✔ MFA is an additional form of authentication that deters unwanted access to your Workday & other important applications. 1. Watch the video (optional). Launch in YouTube. NOTE: The video references the Microsoft Authenticator app (downloadable from the Apple or Google Store) but you can just as easily choose either a text message or a phone call instead (see PDFs below for step-by-step instructions). 2. Choose an authentication method (Mobile App strongly advised) and open them for reference on step three (below). Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (Mobile App).pdf Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (Text Messaging).pdf 3. Go verify your second form of authentication: Means of Protection: Three presentations of authentication 1. What you KNOW (passwords, personal info, PIN or a pattern) 2. What you HAVE (phone app, phone text, a use key or a security card) 3. What you ARE (your fingerprint, face or voice) Solution: MFA = Prove you are who you say you are MFA enforces a requirement to provide a 2nd form of authentication (what you HAVE) in addition to your password (what you KNOW). FAQs What is MFA? MFA is a security method that ensures only you can log into your account. It does this by requiring at least 2 methods of authentication – your password and another piece of information (Microsoft Authenticator App, text message) code or a phone call. How does it work? You will get a notification via the method you selected during the set up (a mobile app verification, text or phone call) to verify it is you logging- in to your account. How often and when will I be prompted? You will be prompted for MFA anytime you log into Workday from outside Swinerton's network (and not on VPN). Which method of authentication is recommended? Swinerton recommends using the Microsoft Authenticator App method. Where can staff get the mobile app? The Microsoft Authenticator App is available for download from the Apple store and from the Google Play store. Can a different authenticator app be used? Not as of 02/18/20. What if the app notification, text message, or phone call is not received? • Wait for a few minutes and then retrying (since the code is only good for 60 seconds) • When prompted to log in, there is a link to "Use a different verification option." Depending on how you have set-up MFA you can choose the alternative method you established: ◦ Approve request or use a verification code from Microsoft Authenticator App ◦ Receive a text message with a code ◦ Phone call to your mobile phone (only available if you have added another number in MFA) ◦ Phone call to an alternate phone (only available if you have added another number in MFA) What if I have other questions? You can contact Swinerton Support - Service Desk through a help ticket or by calling 866-647-5200.
Pre-New Hire Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Pre-New Hire Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) before your official start date. Navigate to Type in your Username ( Type in your randomly generated password from the Welcome Letter at the following screen, click Sign in You will see the following screen, it should redirect automatically, but you may need to click here at the bottom You will be prompt to enter your credentials again, Type in your Username ( Type in your randomly generated password from the Welcome Letter at the following screen, click Sign in Upon success, the next screen should populate to setup MFA, click Next Enter a phone number that can receive text messages/calls Select your desired method of contact to receive your verification code and click Next Enter the PIN you receive, click Verify At this point, you have completed registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and click Done Optional: You can set up additional security verification options using the Microsoft Authenticator App (recommended) or add another phone number. If you choose not to set another for of verification, click cancel at the bottom
CMiC External Users - Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using Text/SMS Messaging
CMiC External Users - Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using Text/SMS Messaging What is MFA? MFA is security method that ensures that only you can log into your account. It does this by requiring at least 2 methods of authentication – your password and a validation (or verification) code There are a few ways you can choose to receive this code; email message, text message or a phone call. The following instructions shows you how to set up your MFA using the most popular way to receive the verification code, by text message. Type in your Username (, click Next Type in your network password at the following screen, click Sign in Click Next when you see this screen Enter a phone number that can receive text messages Method: select “Send me a code by text message” Click Next Enter the PIN number you receive, click Verify At this point, you have completed registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Click Done Optional: You can set up additional security verification options using the Microsoft Authenticator App (recommended) or add another phone number.\ Log back into, select and configure the settings Click Cancel at any time to stop setting up an authentication option