Service Desk Operations
APPS – SERVICE DESK ~ NEW EMPLOYEE Access Active Directory Admin Account Autodesk (BIM) BTech SwinNet Site and Files CMiC Fresh Service LDAP OpenSpace Power BI Reports RentalResult SCCM SharePoint sites: BIM and OpenSpace SnagIt (optional, Request via Service Request ticket) Teams Textura Workday WorkMax Application Links: BIM BIM SharePoint CMiC R12 PROD: Fresh Service LDAP PROD: LDAP TEST/DEV (access via Remote Desktop) OpenSpace OpenSpace SharePoint Power BI Service Catalog Software Center SwinNet Workday: WorkMax: Add Signature to Outlook and Fresh Service WD Learning, enroll in CMiC training (trainings are under construction for R12 updates) Remote Desktop SDESKMGMT01 CMICR12ADMIN01 (SQL Developer) CMICR12ADMIN02-08 CMICR12TSADMIN1 (LDAP TEST) Resources SwinNet Sites for apps we support Z drive folders Teams: add to Service Desk Team and Channels AD Security Groups External User Processing: add to CMiC_EUR_FileDrop; allows them to save the .xlsm attachments to script folder add to CMiC_EUR_Import_Results; allows them to receive the email notification with attachment add to Email account so they receive the new account notification
Envoy - How to Invite External Guests to the Workplace
Inviting Guests Inviting guests with Envoy is a simple process. Here are the steps: Go this URL and sign-in to your Envoy employee account - Click New Invite in the upper-righthand corner of the screen (red button) Enter the guest's information, including their name, email address, and the reason for their visit. Choose the date and time of the visit. Select the host for the guest. This is the person who will be responsible for the guest during their visit. Add any additional notes or instructions for the guest or host. Click "Send Invitation." Once you have sent the invitation, the guest will receive an email with all the details of their visit. The host will also receive an email with the guest's information and any notes or instructions. Guest Check-In On the day of the visit, the guest will arrive at the workplace and check in using Envoy. Here are the steps for guest check-in: The guest will approach the Envoy kiosk and select "Check In." They will enter their name and email address. Envoy will verify their information and print a visitor badge. The host will receive a notification that their guest has arrived and can come to greet them.
Service Desk After Hours Procedure
Overview: The on-call technician is to provide urgent, and emergency, technical support from 6PM-5AM, Friday to the following Thursday. This document provides the on-call technician the steps to complete prior to starting after hours support. Process: Forward the phone to after-hours support. Navigate to, and sign in using Password has been shared with Jason, Peter, Jamie, Josue, Joe, and Nick. Select Teams from the left pane. Select TechSupport Forwarding if asked which account should be used to sign in. Select 'Use Web app', if asked. Select the three horizontal elipses from the upper-right corner, and then Settings. Select Calls from the left Select ‘Forward my calls’ and then +18663099699. Log out of the account. Call the BTech support line (866) 647-5200, and verify calls are being forwarded to our 3rd part vendor, AnswerConnect. Tell the AnswerConnect representative you are with Swinerton BTech and ask them to create an emergency test ticket. AnswerConnect should then call the on-call BTech technician's phone. Close the Freshservice ticket created from the test call, and categorize as Internal > Internal Usage. Periodically check the Help Desk queue for any calls not reaching the on-call technician, which will be listed as AnswerConnect [External]. *Should the TechSupport Forwarding account be signed out, and the on-call technician is unable to sign in, please contact Peter Dederko, or Jason for assistance. Contact Information Jason Fearing - (916) 765-7038 Scott Stephenson - (949) 648-8261 Joe Mejia - (916) 747-0169 Peter Dederko - (916) 752-4205 Service Desk Schedule Added Information When AnswerConnect calls you, it typically comes from a Seattle, WA based VOIP number. The number is typically 206 area code and has recently been 206-331-4444 or 206-453-2329. They will never leave a voicemail. The phone tree is configured to cycle through the following order: On call Brian Deuschel Jason Fearing Scott Stephenson Jack Dettis They will call each person and then immediately try the other person. If after failing to reach Jack they will wait 5 minutes and repeat the process a second time. If no one picks up the 2nd time they will create a ticket.
Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Overview The following will guide you through updating the Intermediate Certificate Renewal. This process may also be referred to as the Certificate Renewal List (CRL). This certificate cannot be viewed on or any other portal since it is generated on the Swinerton network. This process is tied to the notification that is sent by the License Renewal Reminders from Freshservice. These steps can be performed during business hours without any service interruptions. Important Notes This process needs to be performed every 6 months. Failure to update the certificate will result in authentication issues with any system that utilizes private, SI.ADS, PKI/Certificates. All workstation client certificates will fail to authenticate if the CRL hasn’t been updated before the certificate expiration date. Impacted systems include LDAP, Domain Controllers, and some internal websites. To view the expiration date, check the properties on the ‘Swinerton Root CA’ certificate and look for the ‘Next update’ date. The expiration time on the certificate is Universal Time, not Pacific Time. If the certificate isn’t updated before the expiration time listed in Step 7, there will be authentication failures that will appear early when compared to the current Pacific time. Services and Server Names Required Azure Portal - Virtual Machines CyberArk - Server Password Freshservice - Contracts ITWEB01 server SIROOTCA01 server SISUBCA01 server Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process Use the Azure Portal to power up the server SIROOTCA01 ( A Change Control entry is required for this certificate update: The server is powered off for security reasons and will be powered off after updating the Intermediate Certificate. The SIROOTCA01 server isn’t in the domain for security reasons, so a local admin account will need to be used to log onto the server. The password is stored in CyberArk and can be found using the server's name. Log into SIROOTCA01 using the IP address ( and the local administrator account from CyberArk. To check the current CRL expiry, launch certsrv Click Start Search for "Run" Click Run Input certsrv.msc /e Click OK Open the Certificate Revocation List and view the most recent entries. The next expiration will show under the “CRL Next Update” column. The next step will generate a new certificate. Open a command prompt and run the following command: certutil -CRL Since the SIROOTCA01 server isn’t on the domain, it’s easier to browse to the two other servers to perform the upcoming steps. The next two steps will prompt you to enter your SI Admin account. Open File Explorer and browse to: \\\crldata$ Set a Map a network Drive. Open another File Explorer and browse to: \\\c$ Set a Map a network Drive. The image below shows Steps 13 through 15. Backup the existing certs on ITWEB01 by copying them into the Backup Certs folder. copy "\\\crldata$\Swinerton Root CA*.crl" "\\\crldata$\Backup Certs" /Y Copy the new certificate files that were generated to the ITWEB01 server using the following command: copy %windir%\system32\certsrv\certenroll\*.crl \\\crldata$ /Y Backup the existing certs on SISUBCA01 by copying them into the Backup Certs folder. copy "\\\c$\Swinerton Root CA*.crl" "\\\c$\Backup Certs" /Y Copy the new certificate files that were generated to the SISUBCA01 server using the following command: copy %windir%\system32\certsrv\certenroll\*.crl \\\c$ /Y Log into SISUBCA01 using your admin account to publish the Root CRL to LDAP. Open a command prompt and run the following commands: certutil -dspublish -f “c:\Swinerton Root CA.crl” certutil -dspublish -f “c:\Swinerton Root CA(1).crl” Verify that the certificate has been updated by viewing the new expiration date by using Step 5 above. Update the Contract Renewal in Freshservice using the next certificate expiration date: Subtract two days from the actual expiration date to allow more time for the next certificate expiration. Example May 5th should change to May 3rd on the Contract Expiration. Important Note: Remember to ‘Submit for Approval’ for the changes to take effect. Add a calendar reminder in Outlook for ‘Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process’ for at least two people for the next certificate update. The second person is just in case the first person is out of the office. Switch back to the SIROOTCA01 server and shut down the server using the Windows - Shut Down option. The server is kept powered off for security reasons. After the server OS has been shut down, use the Azure Portal to select the SIROOTCA01 server and select ‘Stop’ to deallocate the server, which will reduce the monthly cost in Azure. The status of the server should be shown as ‘Stopped (deallocated)’. Log out of the two servers: ITWEB01 SISUBCA01 The CRL update process is now complete.
How to Download the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Overview There are several ways to generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and DigiCert has a utility that can be used. The utility doesn’t require an installation and can be used on a server or a workstation with Admin privileges. Steps to Perform Download the DigiCert Certificate Utility from the DigiCert CSR creation instructions for Microsoft servers website. If you choose to generate the CSR using a different method, more information can be found on the DigiCert General CSR Creation Guidelines website.
How to Launch the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Overview The DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows is on the OpsMgmt01 server or you can copy/download to your workstation. See How to Download the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows, 1000060620. Steps to Perform The EXE file is copied into a folder on the server or workstation. Launch the DigiCert Certificate Utility. Accept the License Agreement, click I Accept.
How to Create the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the DigiCert Certificate Utility
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Overview The following will guide you through generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which is required when placing an order to renew the Cert using the DigiCert website. Prerequisites Before starting the certificate renewal process, log into the DigiCert portal and click on Domains to verify the registration is still valid. Starting the renewal without first having the domain validated will cause a delay in the renewal process. The image below shows the domain validation expiring soon. Steps to Perform Launch DigiCert the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows, 1000060622.Click to Show/Hide How to Launch the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows Click SSL (lock icon) on the left-side of the menu. Click Create CSR on the right-side of the menu. Use the following information to fill out the CSR details. Common Name: * (note the * for the wildcard) Subject Alternative Names: (leave blank) Organization: Swinerton Inc. Department: BTech City: Concord State: California Country: USA Key Size: 4096 ( Important step ) (default is 2048) Click Generate to create the CSR. The new CSR will appear in a window, then click Save to File. The file name will be suggested and can be used as the new file name. The file will be used during the ordering process, so note the file location and name. Click OK Click Close to close the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows.
How to Access and Log in to DigiCert CertCentral
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Steps to Perform Launch a web browser. Navigate to CertCentral sign-in,
How to Submit a Certificate Renewal on DigiCert CertCentral
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Steps to Perform Access and log in to the DigiCert CertCentral, 1000060625. Click to Show/Hide How to Access and Log in to DigiCert CertCentral Click Certificates Click Expiring Certificates Select the order number for the Wildcard Cert renewal. Verify the following: Verify that Auto-renew is checked. is listed in the Additional emails. Under Certificate Actions, click Renew Certificate. Click Click to upload a CSR Select the applicable CSR file. Verify that the Common Name and SANs are correct. Select the appropriate expiration plan details. The new certificate will need to be renewed in 397 days, but a discount is given for paying multiple years in advance. This example of 3 years was chosen based upon the purchase price. Verify that DCV verification method is set to email and that Swin Cert is listed as a contact for the renewal. Additional emails can be added, although it may cause multiple emails to be sent to the same person. This is more of a failsafe, just in case the email going to the distribution list is not received. Select the correct billing information, accept the agreement, and then submit the order. The order status will change to pending until the new certificate is approved, which only takes a few minutes. A validation email will be sent to the contacts on the order. Use the link in the email to approve the order. After the approval is submitted, the new certificate will be emailed as an attachment to the contacts that are listed on the order. The new certificate can also be downloaded from by using the Download Certificate As menu. Log out of DigiCert CertCentral.
How to Import a New Certificate in the DigiCert Certificate Utility
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. TLS/SSL Certificates Overview, 1000060634. Intermediate Certificate Renewal Process. DigiCert Certificate Process. Certificate Information Overview The following steps are required before the new Wildcard Cert can be used. Steps to Perform Download the Certificate from the DigiCert CertCenter, 1000060638. Click to Show/Hide How to Download the Certificate from the DigiCert CertCenter The file that is needed for the next step is the certificate with a ".CRT" extension. Copy the file to a temporary location, such as the desktop. Launch the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows, 1000060622.Click to Show/Hide How to Launch the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows Click Import Click Browse Select the applicable certificate file. Click Next Leave the Friendly Name as blank to accept the default, click Finish. The imported certificate will now appear in the certificate list.