Personnel Module
Personnel Module How-To Documents
How To: Add Personnel References and Testimonials
How to Add a Personnel Reference (Watch Video for Step-by-Step Instructions) The following steps ensures the reference is associated to and appears in both the contact (or reference) and personnel records. These associations grant us a more comprehensive view, enabling a deeper understanding of our relationships across various personnel, project, and opportunity data in the system. A reference should never be added using the 'Input Reference As Text' option. The only exception is when the contact doesn’t work in our industry or for a company that we would never work with. If the contact exists in the database, use 'Input Reference from Existing Contact'. If the contact does not exist, create them in the company record first (using Mobile, Outlook, or the Web App). Please ensure the contact has an email address and title - do NOT use “N/A, TBD” or other place holders. Include the primary relationship owner (if it isn’t yourself, you must change it to the correct owner before saving). Then, add the contact as a reference in the personnel record using the 'Input Reference from Existing Contact'. Once you've selected the correct contact to use as a reference, please complete the following fields as necessary. Approval Date - Enter the effective date for when the reference was approved by a Swinerton personnel for use. Include any special notes in the 'Comments' field. Comments - Enter authorization use case or special notes. If a reference file will be uploaded, enter "See the Documents tab for the reference file" or a similar statement. If the Contact wrote a Testimonial letter, please proceed with the following steps: Upload the letter to the Documents tab in the Personnel record. Click the '+Documents' in the Documents section (at the bottom). Select 'Choose File' to upload the file. Enter an appropriate title in the 'Title' field, such as '[Year] Reference [Document Type] [Reference Writer First Name] [Reference Writer Last Name]'. Example: 2023 Reference Email John Smith. To upload project-related references and testimonials, please refer to the following article. <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span> Important Notes Currently, Publisher Resumes will pull in ALL contact references on a personnel resume. Inactive references also get pulled in so if you do NOT want these references showing up on the resume, please reach out to Kim Tang to have those reference(s) deleted. If there are any inactive references (e.g., retired contacts) that should still be listed on a personnel resume, leave a note for reference to the next Marketer. As a best practice and workaround, please limit personnel contact references to around ~3 contacts so that only the primary references are getting pulled in. Utilize the Approval Date hand Comments section to indicate which references should be used if there are more than 3 references listed. Audit the personnel references annually and update as needed. Reach out to Kim Tang if there are any references that need to be removed.
How To: Personnel Registrations and Memberships
How to Correctly Log Registrations, Certifications, and Memberships for Swinerton Personnel REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Personnel who received a professional registration or certification can be logged in this section. Generally, if the discipline is formally registered with a specific State or Province, it can be logged under State/Prov Registrations. If there are other registrations or certifications that are non-State specific, it can be logged under the Certifications section. Ensure that the Discipline, Certification Name, and/or Registering Organizations are filled in so the information is accurately pulled in on Reports and Publisher documents (e.g., Resumes). When adding the Registering Organization, please search for the company to correctly associate the records rather than entering the organization by text. MEMBERSHIPS Personnel who are members of a specific community or professional organization can be recorded in the Membership section. Whether the employee is a Member, Mentor, or Board Advisor, logging this information will be helpful to keep track of their involvement and will aid in Resume generation via the Publisher module.
What I Need to Know: Educational History and Degrees
Educational History and Degrees Enter an employee’s educational history into Unanet as follows: Enter the complete name of the educational institution and location if applicable. Verify if the institution uses a comma or the word “at” to signal the location. Do not abbreviate or shorten institution names. For example: Cornell University (not “Cornell”) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (not “UNC Chapel Hill”) California Baptist University (not “Cal Baptist University”) University of California, San Francisco (not “UCSF” or “UC San Francisco”) If there is potential confusion about which institution is being referred to, include the location (typically the state’s postal abbreviation) in parentheses. For example: Cornell College (IA); Miami University (OH) Enter the year of graduation or degree conferral. Choose the correct degree name from the drop-down list. If you are unsure, verify by consulting the “List of Degrees on Unanet” below. Always be as specific as possible when choosing degree names. Enter the individual’s major, field of study, or area of concentration. Do not abbreviate. List of Degrees in Unanet Note: On resumes, full degree names should be capitalized; in running prose they should be lowercased. Abbreviation Full Degree Name AA Associate of Arts AS Associate of Science BA Bachelor of Arts BArch Bachelor of Architecture BS Bachelor of Science BTech Bachelor of Technology Certificate Certificate in… GED General Educational Development High School Diploma JD Doctor of Law (Juris Doctor) MA Master of Arts MArch Master of Architecture MBA Master of Business Administration Minor MPH Master of Public Health MS Master of Science OTHER DEGREE (SPECIFY) PhD Doctor of Philosophy Educational Degrees Not Listed In Unanet If the individual’s educational degree is not listed in Unanet, do the following. Select “OTHER DEGREE (SPECIFY in Major Field)” In the “Major” field, enter the full degree name, followed by the correct abbreviation in parentheses. If the degree has a particular concentration or area of study, separate it from the degree name with a comma. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Finance Master of Urban Studies (MUS) Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Data Analytics Consult the “Other Common Degree Names” list for degrees not listed in Unanet. If the degree is not listed, consult the individual and their university’s website for correct degree and discipline/major names. When exporting a resume to Adobe InDesign, remove the text “OTHER DEGREE (SPECIFY in Major field).” On the exported resume, use either the full degree name or the abbreviation (but not both) depending on what is consistent with the other resumes in a pursuit. Note: Do not use the shortened terms “master’s” or “bachelor’s” or “associate’s” as part of full degree names. Always use the structure [Degree] of [Type] in [Field]: Bachelor of Science in Construction Management; Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management. For more information on how to correctly list educational degrees, see the Swinerton Writing Style Guide (updates from September 2023 or later) which can be found on SwinNet's Brand Page. Other Common Degree Names (Adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style): Note: On resumes, full degree names should be capitalized; in running prose they should be lowercased. When in doubt, consult the individual and their university’s website for correct degree and discipline/major names. Abbreviation Full Degree Name AAA Associate of Applied Arts AAS Associate of Applied Science AOS Associate of Occupational Studies BBA Bachelor of Business Administration BD Bachelor of Divinity BEng Bachelor of Engineering BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery DO Doctor of Osteopathy or osteopathic physician DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine EdM Master of Education EdD Doctor of Education Mac or MAcc Master of Accountancy MD Doctor of Medicine MDR Master of Dispute Resolution MFA Master of Fine Arts MHA Master of Health Administration MSN Master of Science in Nursing MSW Master of Social Welfare/Master of Social Work MUS Master of Urban Studies PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy
How To: Personnel LEED Certifications
When adding LEED Certifications to a Personnel's employee record in Unanet, please ensure the certifications are listed with the proper trademark as listed in USGBC's policy and branding guidelines. Examples of Correct Certification Names: LEED AP® LEED AP® Building Design + Construction LEED AP® Homes LEED AP® ID+C LEED AP® ND LEED AP® O+M LEED® Fellow™ LEED® Green Associate™