Companies, Contacts & Activities
How To: Update a Contact
Company Changes Use Move Contact when the Contact has moved to another company. Choosing this option will allow you to search for the new company and will move them automatically and will retain all record associations. After moving you will have to update the contact with their new contact information (ie: phone number, email address, title, etc.) Update Contact Information Use Edit when the Contact is with the correct company but contact information (ie: phone number, email address, title, etc) needs to be updated. Contact Retired, Deceased or Inactive Use Edit to update the Contacts Status in the General Information section. In the "Notes" section, please remember to include information on why the Contact is inactive.
How To: Owner's Rep Contacts & Affiliate Companies
Common Instances to Affiliate Companies or Contacts Contacts who are board or committee members to another Company (separate from the current Company where they are employed full-time) Contacts who are independent consultants working different gigs with various Companies Contacts who work for one Company but are frequently representing another Company as a Client/Owner's representative (and might have an email associated to that company, but are employed by another) How to Affiliate Companies to Contact Records Often times, companies such as Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) act as the Owner Rep for a particular Client's project and appear to work for the Client's company (sometimes with a corresponding email address) such as Seattle Design Center or Bank of America. However, these Contacts may not be employed by the Client's company. The Contact's email domain is a tell-tale sign which usually reveals the actual Company they are employed by. For example, Jeff Thomas is employed by JLL but he was representing an Owner for a company called Seattle Design Center. While he appears to be the Owner, Jeff is merely representing his Client and his email reveals a JLL domain. In this instance, Jeff should be created as a Contact with JLL and Seattle Design Center should be affiliated as a Company in his Contact record. To affiliate these relationships between Jeff Thomas, JLL, and Seattle Design Center, follow the steps outlined below: Create a Contact record for Jeff Thomas under the Company record, JLL (or use an existing contact record if available) Enter all the required Contact record fields, including Jeff's JLL email. Save the Contact record. Scroll down to the Affiliate Companies section in Jeff's Contact record. Click on "+ Affiliate Company". Select the Contact's Affiliate Role. If the Contact is an Owner's Rep, you may select "Consultant". Click "Save". The Contact record is now affiliated to the Company record. If you click on the Affiliated Company, Seattle Design Center, the Company record will also populate the Affiliate Contact's reference as well. In some instances, a Contact may have the Client/Owner's email address but is actually employed by another Company. For example, Chloe Walker appears to work for Capital One since she has a email address. However, if we search her on LinkedIn, she actually works for Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL). Keeping her Contact record under JLL is the correct approach even though she may have a different email domain. WHAT TO DO: WHAT NOT TO DO:
What I Need to Know: Parent/Child Relationships
Please review the attached document to learn how to manage Parent/Child company relationships when there are distinct Divisions/Subsidiaries involved.
What I Need to Know: Business Partners in Unanet vs. CMiC
Client and Business Partner Relationships in Unanet vs. CMiC The business partner and contact database in Unanet is separate from CMiC’s database as the use cases for both software platforms are different and unique. Unanet CRM is the source of truth for the business entities and contacts we are pursuing work with (and the “clean” companies we work with). The CMiC BP Database tracks the legal entities we are contracted with. The reason we keep them separate is twofold: The overall state of the BP Database (duplicate and sometimes quadruple of the same companies) The fact many clients create LLC’s or separate entities for each project to shed risk Being that Unanet is Swinerton's CRM platform and source of truth, we want to be able to track the work we do with the real client, not the LLC. Imagine if there were 10 projects with a client and there was an LLC with every project, it would be difficult to trail back whether these projects were all for the same company/developer. In this instance, unless you need a JIP, there isn’t a need to enter the same companies in CMiC that you do in Unanet. Unanet should be the first point of entry for new companies/clients, then CMIC if you need JIPs. Frequently Asked Q&A's Q: What do I do if the Client is not populating in Boomi-JIP but I see the company record listed in Unanet? A: Unanet and CMiC are separate databases. Head over to CMiC and submit a new Business Partner Request. Once the BP has been approved in CMiC, return to Boomi to select the Client record. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on how to submit a new BP Request in CMiC. Q: In Boomi, I noticed that the Client company is mispelled. How do I fix this? A: Unanet and CMiC are separate databases. Changing the company name in Unanet will not change it in Boomi or CMiC. Head over to CMiC and submit a Business Partner (BP) Request Update. Once your update is corrected in CMiC, the new modifications will be corrected in Boomi as well. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on how to submit a BP Request Update in CMiC.
How To: Add a New Company
How to Add a New Company Record in Unanet (Web Platform) Before adding a new company record, please search the company name in the Quick Search to ensure there are no duplicates in the system. On the upper right hand corner, click on the "+" symbol and create a new "Company" record. Complete all the required fields in blue. All other fields are optional but should be entered if information is known. Company Name - enter the firm's legal name as indicate on their website. Parent Name - if the firm has a parent company or is owned by another entity, search and select the company name. Company Acronym - if the firm frequently goes by a company acronym (e.g., JLL / Jones Lang LaSalle), enter acronym letters in this field. Other/Former Company Name(s) - if the firm goes by another name or has been acquired by other companies in the past, enter the names in this field. Address - enter the firm's business address. There is the option of adding multiple addresses once the company record is saved. Website - enter the firm's official website. The website helps distinguish firms with similar or same company names. Division/Office - select the Division that will be doing work with the specific firm. Hold the CTRL key and press on the selections if there is more than one Division associated to the firm. Company Types - select the type of firm that most closely matches the list of selections. Hold the CTRL key and press on the selections if there is the firm is tied to more than one Company Type. After all fields have been completed, click "Save". You can now add any contacts and create various associations against the company record.
How To: Enter a Company General Prequalification
Entering the Prequalification in the Client's Company Record The Company Prequalification section will allow you to track prequals (e.g., K-12 and Higher Education Districts, Public Clients) that you have submitted, and you will receive email notifications when the prequalification is expiring in 60 days and is due for renewal. This process is strictly reserved for General or Annual Prequalifications, not pursuit-specific SOQs/RFQs. Step 1: Within the Company record, add yourself as an "Prequalification Champion" in the Relationship with Company section. This will ensure prequal expiration emails are sent to you for review and updating. If there is no personnel is listed in this section, there will be errors in the workflow notifications and the Prequalification Champion will not receive any emails. Step 2: Upload the Prequalification submission to the Documents section of the Company record. Step 3: Within the Company Record, click to add a new Prequalification. Step 4: If the prequalification has a Certification Number, enter it. Step 5: In most cases the Certifying Agency is the same as the Company/Client. Step 6: Enter the date the Prequalification was submitted. Step 7: Enter the date the Prequalification will expire. Step 8: Select the type of Prequalification you are tracking (ie: Annual, Bi-Annual, Subcontractor, etc). Step 9: Notes: This is where you can include information on the platform that you are using for the prequalification (ie: Quality Bidders) as well as your login information. Entering the Prequalfication in the Opportunity Record Please review the following support article to learn how to create a General Prequalification Opportunity record - What I Need to Know: Prequalification Tracking
How To: Add Contacts to a Mailing List
Web - Contact Record When editing existing Contacts, click on the “Mailing Lists” category under Other Information and check off all applicable mailing lists. When adding new Contacts, scroll down to the Other Information section hold the CTRL key + click on the mailing list(s) desired. Web - Contact Grid For quick updates within the Contacts Grid, hover over any column header dropdown and turn on the “Mailing Lists” column. Once you’ve located your Contact, navigate to the Mailing Lists column text field and double click on the text to select all lists desired. Click anywhere off to the side of the dropdown list to save your edits Outlook Add-In When using the Single Click Contact Creation feature, you may not be prompted to manually select Mailing Lists when adding new Contacts. If you are adding new Contacts and would like to ensure those individuals are added to a specific Mailing List, please follow the manual steps outlined below. Mobile App In Mobile app, locate your Contact using the Quick Search feature. Within the Contact record, click on “Edit” Scroll down to the Categorization section, select “Show more” Click on the “Mailing Lists” dropdown A new screen will appear for you to multi-select all mailing lists that apply to your Contact. Hit “Save”
How To: Creating Event Logs
What is an Event? An Event allows you to schedule and log interactions with clients, prospects, and colleagues. An Event supports multiple organizers and attendees, tracks different Event types and dispositions, and notifies you when to follow up on these Events at a future date. How do I create an Event? There are various methods to create an Event in the Web platform, Outlook Add-In, and/or Mobile App. The most common ways to create an Event are via the following methods: From the Outlook Add-In From the Activities module From a Contact, Lead, or Opportunity record. If you create an Event from a Contact or Opportunity, it will automatically be associated with that record and the Company record to which they belong. From the Opportunity Grid What do the different fields in an Event record represent? Subject - Add a subject title that clearly represents the nature of the Event. Location - Add the physical addresses or meeting invite link of the Event. Start and End Date/Time - Enter the Start and End Date/Time from the date modal. The End Date defaults to the same date as the Start Date. Status - Not Started or Completed. If you create an Event for a future Start Date, the status will automatically update to "Not Started." Please update the Status at a future time when the Event has been completed. Event Type - Select the value that most closely applies to your Event. Comments - Add specific comments, notes, and/or conversations you want to remember about your Event. Organizer - If you are creating the Event, you will be automatically tagged as the Event Organizer. You may also associate other colleagues as an Organizer. Attendees - You can associate any Contacts or Personnel attending the Event. Associations - You can associate one Event record with multiple records (Company, Contact, Personnel, Opportunities, Leads, and Projects). Notify - You can add Personnel or Personnel groups to the “Notify” field, and a system workflow will automatically send an email with the details. Follow Up Toggle - Turn on this toggle to create an exact clone of the current Event for the day you select. Follow Up Date and Time - Set a future date and time for your Follow Up Event and you will receive an email reminder 24 hours before your future due date/time. Include Comments - Check the box and include comments in the new Event. Save and Close - Saves and closes the Event and returns you to the Activities grid.