CORE - Requisitions and Contracts
Rental Transfer (One Line)
Rental Transfers - One Line Note: You would use this method to do a Rental Transfer if you are only looking to transfer one line and not all items STEP 1: Click Logistics STEP 2: Click Control Center Note: You can only transfer if the Status of the current contract is "Del" and highlighted in green STEP 3: Right Click on one of the rows STEP 4: Click Actions STEP 5: Click Rental transfer STEP 6: Enter the new project # Note: This field will default to the current project so just override it with the new project # STEP 7: Double check Off Rent date STEP 8: Double check new On rent Date STEP 9: Double check the address of the NEW project STEP 10: Enter the new project # STEP 11: Choose the Phase code/category STEP 12: Click Yes STEP 13: Click Ok Note: It will take just a moment,but it will open up your new contract STEP 14: Enter the new project in the Reference field STEP 15: Enter your employee # as the "Entered By:" STEP 16: Click Order Tab STEP 17: Click Project Tab STEP 18: Double check the job # and new phase code STEP 19: Double check the information in the Relationship box STEP 20: Click Shipping Tab STEP 21: Double check the shipping address STEP 22: Enter the Contact information STEP 23: Click Product tab STEP 24: Double click the line STEP 25: Verify/Change the Phase/Categroy (as needed) STEP 26: Enter the category STEP 27: Choose the New Required Off Rent date STEP 28: Double check your rates STEP 29: Click Item Text Tab STEP 30: Enter any Addiitional Text STEP 31: Choose what will be printed STEP 32: Click Close Note: If you need to add items to this contract that were not part of the initial transfer, you can click the New Button or the Add button STEP 33: Click Complete the Rental Transfer Process button STEP 34: Click Yes STEP 35: Choose your print option to alert the new project
What do the colors in the Control Center Represent
What do the colors in the Control Center represent? Some fields in the control center may show in a different color to the standard gray line. The below explains what each of these colors indicates, depending on which field is showing in that color. ORDER/CONTRACT: Gray - Standard color Pink - Order in use by another user or by batch update routine ITEM: Gray - Standard color Yellow - Contract has back-to-back purchase order raised against it Green - Contract has back-to-back purchase order raised against it that has been fully receipted PRICE: Red - Billing is suspended QTY: Gray- No collections exist Red - Line is being collected Yellow - Collection for part of this line exists E-CODE: Red - Cross-hired / Re-rented asset Gray - Owned asset ACCOUNT: Green - Active account - normal order processing will be possible Pink - Stopped account - new orders may be raised but dispatches will not be possible Red - Awaiting deletion - no further orders can be raised but existing ones will show in the Control Center STATUS: Blue - Quote Yellow - Requisition / Order Gray- Picking Lists / Pick-checked documents Green - Dispatch Orange - Collection / Pick Up Dark Gray - Return