CMiC Troubleshooting
AP Workflow: The AP Workflow was just changed on my job. Will invoices automatically re-route to the new Coder / Approver / Accountant?
The AP Workflow was just changed on my job. Will invoices automatically re-route to the new Coder / Approver / Accountant? Problem: The Coder, Approver, or Accountant was just changed on my job. How long does it take for invoices to automatically re-route to the new Coder/Approver/Accountant? Solution: It takes 24-48 hours for invoices to automatically route over to the new Coder/Approver/Accountant. If an invoice is extremely urgent and needs to get to the newly assigned Coder/Approver/Accountant that same day, contact your regional CMiC Job Setup Specialist. They can re-route the invoice within the day for you.
AP Workflow: I submitted an invoice to, but am not seeing it in workflow
AP Workflow: I submitted an invoice to, but am not seeing it in workflow Problem: I submitted an invoice to (with the job number written on the invoice) over a week ago, but I have not seen it come through to my workflow for approval. Solution: Follow the steps below to resolve. STEP 1: If you are the PM, check with your PA (Coder) first to see if the invoice has come through to their workflow yet. You may not have seen it yet in your workflow, because the Coder has not yet coded it. STEP 2: If it has been over a week, the invoice is not in the Coder's workflow for review, and the invoice is urgent, email Attach the invoice PDF that was sent to e-invoice, along with the date it was sent to e-invoice. AP can provide you with a status update..
AP Workflow: An RFP Workflow Notification keeps coming back to me (as an Accountant). How can I clear this out of my workflow?
AP Workflow: An RFP Workflow Notification keeps coming back to me (as an Accountant). How can I clear this out of my workflow? Problem: As an Accountant, you have approved an RFP, but the RFP keeps coming back to your workflow notifications. Under the Audit History of the invoice, it shows that you Approve the notification, but then it keeps notifying you over and over. How can you clear the notification out of the workflow, so it moves on? Solution: Follow the steps below to resolve the issue. STEP 1: Take a closer look at the text in the workflow notification in your workflow. Most likely, a certain SOV line has been over or under-allocated. Here the message is saying the SOV line for task 000.004 has been over-allocated. STEP 2: Correct the SOV line referenced in the workflow notification. STEP 3: Approve the RFP again.The notification should clear out of your workflow. If the notification still does not clear out of your workflow, and you have taken action to correct the SOV line, please turn in a Swinerton Support ticket.
AP Workflow: Can I Edit the Job Number Field on the Left Hand Side of the Invoice Header?
AP Workflow: Can I Edit the Job Number Field on the Left Hand Side of the Invoice Header? Problem: The Job Number on the left hand side of the invoice flysheet header (screenshot below) is preventing me from coding the invoice to multiple jobs. Is there a way I can delete this? Solution: If you are a workflow Accountant, then yes - you can delete the Job Number and code the invoice to multiple areas (more than one job). If you are a workflow Coder or Invoice Approver, you do not have the security rights to do this. You will need to reject the invoice to the AP Processors with a note "Please delete the Job Number field so invoice can be coded to multiple jobs"
Image Manager: AP Indexer Seeing Error Message "No data was found for lookup Invoice Approver (lvl2)"
Image Manager: AP Indexer Seeing Error Message "No data was found for lookup Invoice Approver (lvl2)" Problem: An AP Indexer receives the error message: "No data was found for lookup Invoice Approver (lvl2)" on an invoice they are trying to submit to workflow in Image Manager. This error message prevents them from submitting the invoice to AP Workflow and will automatically put the invoice into a "Rejected" state. Solution: This means that Coders, Approvers, and Accountants on the job need to be set up by the Job Setup Specialist. STEP 1: The AP Indexer should contact the regional Job Setup Specialist. The Job Setup Specialist will do the following: a. Check to see if the job is still open. NOTE: in the example above, the job is CLOSED. If the job is closed, the invoice cannot be submitted against that job, so the Indexer will need to submit the invoice to a different job. b. If the job is still OPEN, the Job Setup Specialist sets up AP Workflow Coders, Approvers, and Accountants on the job. Once the Job Setup Specialist confirms these roles are set up, the AP Indexer can resubmit the invoice to workflow - and it should go through.
Image Manager: Coder/Approver/Accountant Seeing Error Message "ORA-20099: Job does not take costs"
Image Manager: Coder/Approver/Accountant Seeing Error Message "ORA-20099: Job does not take costs" Problem: A Coder, Approver, or Accountant sees the red error message below when trying to Code/Approve an invoice in Image Manager, "ORA-20099: Job (X) does not take costs." The screen under Cost Coding Detail turns pink. This prevents them from Coding/Approving. Solution: This error message means the job is closed and is no longer accepting costs. You will not be able to charge an invoice to this job number. The Coder, Approver, or Accountant will need to reject the invoice and request that it be resubmitted to a different (open) job number.
Image Manager: Error Message "ORA-20099: Category 71110, 71111, 71151, or 71152 is not valid for company 010"
Image Manager: Error Message "Category 71110, 71111, 71151, or 71152 is not valid for company 010" Problem: I (as the coder) am receiving the red error message below in Image Manager, "ORA-20099: Category 71110, 71111, 71151, or 71152 is not valid for company 010." The Cost Coding Detail turns pink. This is preventing me from coding the invoice to this category code. Solution: Coders are not ever able to code invoices to category code 71110, 71111, 71151, or 71152. These codes can only be used for labor hours. You will need to pick a different category code to code the invoice to. See the solution below for further explanation of Category Codes: CMiC Category Codes and When To Use Them
Error Accessing CMiC Enterprise Report: "Default Logon Company is not set for User"
Error Accessing CMiC Enterprise Report: "Default Logon Company is not set for User" Problem: I am unable to access a report in CMiC Enterprise, that I should be able to access. I am seeing the error message below, "Default Logon Company is not set for User____ under application___." The error message you received is telling you that you had not yet Set User Defaults for that specific module/report in Enterprise. Solution: STEP 1: Log in to CMiC Enterprise. STEP 2: Go to Job Costing > Setup > Set User Defaults under the specific module you are receiving the error message in STEP 3: Manually enter the following information in the box that pops up: User: Enter your Username Default Company: Enter 010 Default Department: Enter 00 STEP 4: Refresh CMiC as follows. Go up to File > select New Session > log back into CMiC using the new browser window ("x" out of all other browser windows running CMiC)
Seeing Error Message: Cannot start another call form
Seeing Error Message: Cannot start another call form Problem: You are working in any screen in Enterprise, and see the message below, "Cannot start another call form." This error prevents you from doing any further work in the screen. Solution: Follow the steps below to resolve: STEP 1: Close out of all other screens you currently have open in Enterprise. STEP 2: Reopen the screen where you originally saw the error. The problem should be fixed. NOTE: This error message typically pops up when you have too many screens open within Enterprise, at the same time. It is a best practice in Enterprise to close out of each screen you are working on, before moving on to the next (unless you absolutely have to keep several screens open at once for what you are doing).
Job Billing Error: Unable to Enter Billing Accurately (Amount Entered Changes)
Job Billing Error: Unable to Enter Billing Accurately (Amount Entered Changes) Follow the workaround resolution below if you are unable to enter a billing accurately (example: if you enter a certain override amount, but the amount changes/reverts to a different amount). Below is an example of the error message in G/C Prepare Bill: STEP 1: Go to Job Billing/Contract/Enter Contract STEP 2: Hit F11 on keyboard, fields will turn blue. Enter job number in Job field. Hit F12 to pull up the job. STEP 3: Click the Defaults Tab STEP 4: Uncheck the "Do Not Recalculate Current Complete" button (it should be unchecked) and then hit Close. STEP 5: Hit Save then Exit. STEP 6: Delete the current draw and try re-entering the billing. It should work now.