APPROVER - Approving (or Rejecting) a Change Request
Modified on: Wed, Feb 28 2024 11:51 AMAPPROVER - Approving (or Rejecting) a Change Request -
NOTE: How to Video available HERE
When a Change Request (CR) is initiated, an automated process will do the following:
- The required default information will automatically be assigned to the CR.
- The CR will be assigned to the Change Request Intake Group.
- The CR will be assigned to the listed manager of the Product Group.
- An email will be sent to the manager alerting them of the CR.
The manager will look at the CR description details and decide if enough information was given to move forward with the CR. If more information is needed, the manager will reach out to the requestor and get the details needed to make a decision.
Approving a Change Request -
Once the decision has been made that the CR is moving to a Change, the manager needs to approve it in the system.
STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click ... and Execute Scenario.
STEP 2: Click CR1 - Approved - Execute.
NOTE: An email will be sent to the requester indicating their CR was approved and the CR-Approved tag is added to the CR.
From here, there are two options:
1. If you are the Product Owner, create the change.
2. If you are the Product Line Manager of the Product Group:
- Update the Group that the Change is assigned to.
- Remove themselves as the Agent - Leave Agent blank if unknown.
- Click Update.
This will drop the CR into the Group that needs to complete the Change. From here, any agent in the group can take the CR and create a Change as needed.
Rejecting a Change Request -
Once the decision has been made that the CR is not moving to a Change, the manager needs to reject it in the system.
STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click ... and Execute Scenario.
STEP 2: Click CR2 - Rejected - Execute.
NOTE: An email will be sent to the requester indicating their CR was rejected.
When a Change Request (CR) is rejected, an automated process will do the following:
- The required default information will automatically be assigned to the CR.
- An email will be sent to the requestor telling them the request has been rejected.
- A note will be added to the CR indicating it is rejected.
- A CR-Rejected tag is added to the CR.
- The CR will be closed.