AGENT - Updating a Change from Backlog
AGENT - Updating a Change from Backlog - If a Product Line Manager assigns a change directly to an Agent, the agent will need to update the details of the change. At the time the Change is assigned, it is likely that the status will be set to Backlog. The status is to stay on Backlog until it is time to actively work on the Change. When it's time for the status to be updated, open the Change, change the Status to Open and click Update.
APPROVER - Approving (or Rejecting) a Change Request
APPROVER - Approving (or Rejecting) a Change Request - NOTE: How to Video available HERE When a Change Request (CR) is initiated, an automated process will do the following: The required default information will automatically be assigned to the CR. The CR will be assigned to the Change Request Intake Group. The CR will be assigned to the listed manager of the Product Group. An email will be sent to the manager alerting them of the CR. The manager will look at the CR description details and decide if enough information was given to move forward with the CR. If more information is needed, the manager will reach out to the requestor and get the details needed to make a decision. Approving a Change Request - Once the decision has been made that the CR is moving to a Change, the manager needs to approve it in the system. STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click ... and Execute Scenario. STEP 2: Click CR1 - Approved - Execute. NOTE: An email will be sent to the requester indicating their CR was approved and the CR-Approved tag is added to the CR. From here, there are two options: 1. If you are the Product Owner, create the change. 2. If you are the Product Line Manager of the Product Group: Update the Group that the Change is assigned to. Remove themselves as the Agent - Leave Agent blank if unknown. Click Update. This will drop the CR into the Group that needs to complete the Change. From here, any agent in the group can take the CR and create a Change as needed. Rejecting a Change Request - Once the decision has been made that the CR is not moving to a Change, the manager needs to reject it in the system. STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click ... and Execute Scenario. STEP 2: Click CR2 - Rejected - Execute. NOTE: An email will be sent to the requester indicating their CR was rejected. When a Change Request (CR) is rejected, an automated process will do the following: The required default information will automatically be assigned to the CR. An email will be sent to the requestor telling them the request has been rejected. A note will be added to the CR indicating it is rejected. A CR-Rejected tag is added to the CR. The CR will be closed.
Change Definitions and Lifecycle
Change Type and Status Overview: With our strategic decision to move Changes back to Fresh Service, to leverage less tools, more process workflow, and better reporting, we have introduced Change Types, and the Status Sequences. This document provides a high-level overview of the process and definitions. We currently do not have the Change Lifecycle turned on that will naturally sequence our 3 different change types through the proper sequence. We do plan to turn that on after we gain more clarity around definitions and process. Change Types: Standard - low risk, repeatable, preapproved - you can do this (with your team) without approval Normal - intermediary risk, not urgent or pre-approved - you need others to complete (approval required) Emergency - urgent, present high risk if not addressed promptly - reach out to directors immediately (approval required) Change Status: Awaiting Approval – Waiting for approval from below hierarchy to proceed with change. You must assign the approver at the bottom of the change record (Select Standard CAB). That will auto notify that person and update the Approval Status. No start/end dates required. NOTE: Approval Hierarchy: Level 1: Directors - Requires a charter, cross product/team, budget impacted. Level 2: Steering Council - Directors will escalate as appropriate. Level 3: Executive Committee - Directors will escalate as appropriate. IMPORTANT TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING FIELDS COMPLETED BEFORE REQUESTING APPROVAL Ensure your description is consisly filed out and is easy to understand the scope of the change being requested. Business Value and ROI Business Impact (Service or End-Users) Effort The CAB may request you join the weekly Directors CAB meeting on Thursday at 7:30 am PST to better explain your change. Backlog – Awaiting scheduling of work. All backlog items will be addressed within the next 18 month. No start/end dates required. Planning – Work scheduled. Has been added into the next sprint. All planning items will be addressed within one quarter. Start Date should be added. In Progress – The change is currently being worked on. Start date required. End Date is required and also will be the date you plan to deploy - -Get your communications and Service Desk FYI in place on this end date. Pending Review – The solution has been built, Testing, Review by stakeholder, Get comm's and training material set up. Awaiting deployment. Cancelled – The change has been cancelled, and will not be worked on. No start/end dates required. Closed – The change has been completed and deployed to production. End date required. Operational Management: Each team member has access to this real time change report that focuses on all changes by status Report Managers meet bi-monthly to review changes as a management team. Weekly changes are shared with all BTech for changes planned for the week. Daily changes planned for the day are emailed to the change owner to ensure we are on track with the change This same report is emailed to Directors and the Service Desk to be prepared Planning to incorporate communication management with all changes impacting customers in 2025 and beyond.
Converting a Ticket to a Change
Converting a Ticket to a Change - NOTE: How to Video available HERE STEP 1: From the ticket, click Associate. STEP 1a: Click Change initiated by this ticket. STEP 2: Complete the form. NOTE: Fields with the red * are required to be completed in order to create the Change. a: The requester's name should auto populate. This can be modified if necessary. b: Update the Subject field if needed. c: Chose from the list of Products or Services. d: Leave the status on Backlog until the Change is being actively worked on. e: Update the Priority field if needed. f: Update the Impact field if needed. g: If this change results in a noticeable impact to end users, change to Yes. h: If this change requires the Service Desk to be aware, change to Yes. i: If this change necessitates an announcement to users on SwinNet, change to Yes. j: Update the Description field if necessary. Add as much detail as possible (it is possible that another agent will complete this change). k: Click Associate.
Converting a Ticket to a Problem
Converting a Ticket to a Problem - NOTE: How to Video available HERE STEP 1: From the ticket, click Associate. STEP 1a: Click Problem. STEP 2: Complete the form. NOTE: Fields with the red * are required to be completed in order to create the Change. a: The requester's name should auto populate. This can be modified if necessary. b: Update the Subject field if needed. c: Update the Description field if necessary. Add as much detail as possible (it is possible that another agent will complete this change). d: Chose the Category from the list of Products or Services. e: Leave the status on Backlog until the Problem is being actively worked on. f: Update the Priority field if needed. g: Update the Impact field if needed. h: Update the Projected Completion Date. i: If there is a Vendor Reference number, add it here. j: Chose the Group to which the Problem is to be assigned. k: Chose the Group to which the Problem is to be assigned. l: Click Associate.
Creating a Change after Change Request Approval
Creating a Change after Change Request Approval - NOTE: How to Video available HERE A Change Request (CR) will be entered into Fresh service by the Requester and either approved or rejected by the Product Line Manager. After a CR has been approved, the Product Line Manager will move the CR ticket into the appropriate Group for processing. Once the CR has been moved to the appropriate Group, it will need to be converted from a Change Request into a Change. STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click Associate and then Change initiated by this ticket. STEP 2: Complete the form. NOTE: Fields with the red * are required to be completed in order to create the Change. a: The requester's name should auto populate. This can be modified if necessary. b: Update the Subject field if needed. c. Update the status from Backlog to In Progress when the Change is being actively worked on. c: Chose from the list of Products or Services. d: Update the Priority field if needed. e: Update the Impact field if needed. f: Update the Risk of the Change if needed. g: Update the Change Type as needed. h: If this change results in a noticeable impact to end users, change to Yes. i: If this change requires the Service Desk to be aware, change to Yes. j: If this change necessitates an announcement to users on SwinNet, change to Yes. k: Update the Group that the Change is associated with. l: Update the Agent the Change is being assigned to. m: Update the Description field if necessary. Add as much detail as possible (it is possible that another agent will complete this change). n: Fill in the Vendors Reference number if applicable. o: Enter expected start date of when the Change will be worked on. p: Enter the expected end date of when the Change will be completed. q: Enter the Company that the Change is being made for. r: The Maintenance Window field is not being used at this time; but, cannot be removed. Just ignore s: Drag and drop or click to add any associated attachments. t: Click Associate. After the Change has been created, the Agent will need to go back to the Change Request and execute the closing scenario. STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click ... and Execute Scenario. STEP 2: Click CR3 - Change Created - Execute When the Change Request (CR) scenario is executed, an automated process will do the following: An email will be sent to the requestor telling them their request is moving forward in the Change process. They will also get a separate email letting them know that their Change Request ticket has been closed. Updates the CR ticket indicating a Change has been created. Updates the status of the ticket to Resolved.
Creating a Change Request Using the Service Catalog
Creating a Change Request Using the Service Catalog - NOTE: How to Video available HERE STEP 1: From the Service Catalog, Click BTech Change Request (or click HERE). STEP 2: Complete the BTech Change Request Form: Requestors Name You can enter a request for someone else as well Subject line should include Product or Service name along with notable detail Select Product or Service from predetermined list Give a short description of the change request Describe the business justification of the change request Select reason for the change Select the percentage of the company that is affected by the change Add any attachments that might be helpful Select Place Request
Creating a Problem or Change in Fresh
Creating a Problem or Change in Fresh - NOTE: How to Video available HERE STEP 1: In the upper right hand corner, click + and then click Change. STEP 2: Complete the form. NOTE: Fields with the red * are required to be completed in order to create the Change. a: The requester's name should auto populate. This can be modified if necessary. b: Update the Subject field if needed. c: Chose from the list of Products or Services. d: Update the status from Backlog to In Progress when the Change is being actively worked on. e: Update the Priority field if needed. f: Update the Impact field if needed. g: Update the Risk of the Change if needed. h: Update the Change Type as needed. i: If this change results in a noticeable impact to end users, change to Yes. j: If this change requires the Service Desk to be aware, change to Yes. k: If this change necessitates an announcement to users on SwinNet, change to Yes. l: Update the Group that the Change is associated with. m: Update the Agent the Change is being assigned to. n: Update the Description field if necessary. Add as much detail as possible (it is possible that another agent will complete this change). o: Fill in the Vendors Reference number if applicable. p: Enter expected start date of when the Change will be worked on. q: Enter the expected end date of when the Change will be completed. r: Enter the Company that the Change is being made for. s: Drag and drop or click to add any associated attachments. t: The Maintenance Window field is not being used at this time; but, can not be removed. Just ignore it. u: Fill in the Business Value and ROI if applicable. v: Fill in the Business Impact if applicable at this time. w: Complete the Rollout Plan if applicable at this time. x: Complete the Backout Plan if applicable at this time. y: Fill in the Effort if applicable. z: Click Save.