Fresh Service Solutions
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BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Fresh Service Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information With in the Article Edit Mode, click the Code View button. Add the Applicable HTML where needed: How to Add a Show/Hide with Content Click to Show/Hide [descriptor here] [Content here] How to Add a Show/Hide with an Article Click to Show/Hide [descriptor here] Note: The Height and Width of the Show/Hide can be adjusted to meet the need of the article requirements.
Freshservice Documentation Guides
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Documentation Information “If everyone is following the same template, the documentation should maintain the same look and standards across the board, regardless of who worked on each document.” “It’s about what gonna make it valuable to their readers.” Swinerton Guides New Swinerton Writing Style Guide The Swinerton Writing Style Guide.pdf Brand Assets Swinerton Brand Guide.pdf The Swinerton Foundation Brand Guidelines Quick References.pdf Word Guides Business Technology (SharePoint) - Templates, Forms & Logos Documentation Templates SwinertonLogos Documentation Process & Procedures Documentation Templates Image (Logos, icons) Repository Documentation Image Repository, 1000061200 Freshservice Guides How to Add a Solution (Article) in Freshservice, 1000059425. How to Convert an Existing Solution Article with the New Template Style, 1000061198. Template Guides for Freshservice Freshservice Template Overview, 1000060396. Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software Product Overview, 1000060401. Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures, 1000060402. Freshservice Template: Reference (How-to) Guide, 1000060400. Freshservice Template: Customer Facing Troubleshooting Guide, 1000060397. Freshservice Template: Helpdesk Facing Troubleshooting Guide, 1000060399. Freshservice Template: Procedure Guide, 1000060403. Freshservice Template: Policy Guide, 1000060409. Freshservice Template: Policy Review and Revision Guide, 1000060410. Freshservice Template: Policy Policy Exception Guide, 1000060412. Freshservice Template: Policy Definitions Guide, 1000060414. Freshservice Template: Policy Roles and Responsibilities Guide, 1000060415. Freshservice Template: Policy Compliance Guide, 1000060416. Formatting Guides for Freshservice Formatting Solution Articles, 1000059423. Freshservice Features How to Add a Show/Hide in an Article, 1000059896. How to Add an Acronyms and/or Abbreviations HTML to an Article, 1000059879. How to Add Alternate Text for an Image, 1000060398.
Freshservice Template Overview
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Product (Hardware\Software) Overview Templates Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software Product Overview,1000060401.Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software Product Overview Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures, 1000060402.Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures Reference (How-to) Guide Templates Freshservice Template: Reference (How-to) Guide,1000060400.Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Reference (How-to) Guide Troubleshooting Guide Templates Freshservice Template: Customer Facing Troubleshooting Guide,1000060397.Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Customer Facing Troubleshooting Guide Freshservice Template: Helpdesk Facing Troubleshooting Guide,1000060399.Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Helpdesk Facing Troubleshooting Guide Procedure Guide Templates Freshservice Template: Process Guide,1000060403.Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Process Guide Policy Guide Templates Freshservice Template: Policy Guide, 1000060409. Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Policy Guide Freshservice Template: Policy Review and Revision Guide, 1000060410. Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Policy Review and Revision Guide Freshservice Template: Policy Exception Guide, 1000060412. Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Policy Exception Guide Freshservice Template: Policy Definitions Guide, 1000060414. Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Policy Definitions Guide Freshservice Template: Policy Roles and Responsibilities Guide, 1000060415. Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Policy Roles and Responsibilities Guide Freshservice Template: Policy Compliance Guide, 1000060416. Click to Show/Hide the Freshservice Template: Policy Compliance Guide
Freshservice Template: Customer Facing Troubleshooting Guide
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Example: Email Domain Name Trademark Infringement Support, 1000059891. Template Preview Article Title Title Describing Hardware/Software and the Issue/Error Message Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Problem Description of the issue. Error message. Steps leading to the error message. Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Cause Description of what is causing the error\issue. Estimated Troubleshooting Time Estimated gauge to identify how long this troubleshooting article, typically, takes to complete. Solution Troubleshooting steps to validate/identify the error/issue. Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error/issue. Information what to do if the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue. Escalation steps Open Ticket steps Ticket Logging Guide Subject: Provide the Customer with an example Subject to use or reference Description: Highlight important details to include for faster resolution. Provide examples of information to include. Attach a file: include if a picture or screenshot is needed or will aid with the resolution. Provide the customer with a reference reminder of what to include in the attachment (picture, screenshot, file, etc). Priority: (Suggest a Priority) Issue:(Provide info to guide the customer) Category:(Provide info to guide the customer) Specifics: (Provide info to guide the customer) Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Problem Description of the issue. Error message. Steps leading to the error message. Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Cause Description of what is causing the error\issue. Estimated Troubleshooting Time Estimated gauge to identify how long this troubleshooting article, typically, takes to complete. Solution Troubleshooting steps to validate/identify the error/issue. Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error/issue. Information what to do if the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue. Escalation steps Open Ticket steps Ticket Logging Guide Subject: Provide the Customer with an example Subject to use or reference Description: Highlight important details to include for faster resolution. Provide examples of information to include. Attach a file:include if a picture or screenshot is needed or will aid with the resolution. Provide the customer with a reference reminder of what to include in the attachment (picture, screenshot, file, etc). Priority:(Suggest a Priority) Issue:(Provide info to guide the customer) Category:(Provide info to guide the customer) Specifics: (Provide info to guide the customer)
Freshservice Template: Helpdesk Facing Troubleshooting Guide
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Example: Email Domain Name Trademark Infringement, 1000059892. Template Preview Article Title Title Describing Hardware/Software and the Issue/Error Message Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Symptom Reported Description of the issue. Potential ways the issue/error is reported to the helpdesk. Error message. Steps leading to the error message. Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Cause Description of what is causing the error\issue. Estimated Troubleshooting Time Estimated gauge to identify how long this troubleshooting article, typically, takes to complete. Troubleshooting (If applicable) Customer Facing Documentation is available! (Link to the Customer Facing Documentation, include article title and article number) Troubleshooting steps to validate/identify the error/issue. Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error/issue. Information what to do if the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue. Escalation steps Open Ticket steps Ticket Logging Guide Subject: Provide an example Subject to use or reference Description: Highlight important details to include for faster resolution. Provide examples of information to include. Attach a file: include if a picture or screenshot is needed or will aid with the resolution. Provide the customer with a reference reminder of what to include in the attachment (picture, screenshot, file, etc). Priority: (Suggest a Priority) Issue: (Provide info to guide the agent) Category: (Provide info to guide the agent) Specifics: (Provide info to guide the agent) Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Symptom Reported Description of the issue. Potential ways the issue/error is reported to the helpdesk. Error message. Steps leading to the error message. Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Cause Description of what is causing the error\issue. Estimated Troubleshooting Time Estimated gauge to identify how long this troubleshooting article, typically, takes to complete. Troubleshooting (If applicable) Customer Facing Documentation is available! (Link to the Customer Facing Documentation, include article title and article number) Troubleshooting steps to validate/identify the error/issue. Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error/issue. Information what to do if the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue. Escalation steps Open Ticket steps Ticket Logging Guide Subject: Provide an example Subject to use or reference Description: Highlight important details to include for faster resolution. Provide examples of information to include. Attach a file:include if a picture or screenshot is needed or will aid with the resolution. Provide the customer with a reference reminder of what to include in the attachment (picture, screenshot, file, etc). Priority:(Suggest a Priority) Issue:(Provide info to guide the agent) Category:(Provide info to guide the agent) Specifics: (Provide info to guide the agent)
Freshservice Template: Reference (How-to) Guide
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Examples: How to Access the Boomi Flow Exception Dashboard, 1000059718. How to Search for an Integration Interface within the Boomi Flow Exception Dashboard, 1000059719. Template Preview Article Title Title Describing How to perform steps on Hardware/Software Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Overview An overview of what these steps will accomplish. Information when to perform these steps. Steps to Perform Document each step of the process. Provide as much detail as possible. Include screenshots as needed Highlight the important aspect of the screenshot as applicable. Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Create additional Reference (How-to) guides to cover each steps needed to complete the overall process. Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Overview An overview of what these steps will accomplish. Information when to perform these steps. Steps to Perform Document each step of the process. Provide as much detail as possible. Include screenshots as needed Highlight the important aspect of the screenshot as applicable. Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Create additional Reference (How-to) guides to cover each steps needed to complete the overall process.
Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software Product Overview
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Template Preview Article Title Name of the Hardware\Software Overview Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Overview Overview of the Hardware\Software. Functions of the Hardware\Software. Description of the Hardware\Software. Support Information Support Documentation List the Knowledge Base Category(ies) for the Hardware\Software. Category Sub-category Related Support List the Knowledge Base Category(ies) related Hardware\Software. Category Sub-category Service Level Agreement (SLA) Indicate the Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements for the specific Hardware\Software. Escalation Support\Open Ticket Indicate the Escalation Process, Requirements, and Path for the specific Hardware\Software. Escalation Support Team Indicate the Escalation Process, Requirements, and Path for the specific Hardware\Software. Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures Image Information Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Overview Overview of the Hardware\Software. Functions of the Hardware\Software. Description of the Hardware\Software. Support Information Support Documentation List the Knowledge Base Category(ies) for the Hardware\Software. Category Sub-category Related Support List the Knowledge Base Category(ies) related Hardware\Software. Category Sub-category Service Level Agreement (SLA) Indicate the Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements for the specific Hardware\Software. Escalation Support\Open Ticket Indicate the Escalation Process, Requirements, and Path for the specific Hardware\Software. Escalation Support Team Indicate the Escalation Process, Requirements, and Path for the specific Hardware\Software. Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures Image Information
Freshservice Template: Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Template Preview Article Title Name of the Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures Image Information Image Information Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Hardware\Software\Equipment Pictures Image Information Image Information
Freshservice Template: Procedure Guide
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Example: Email Domain Name Trademark Infringement Procedure, 1000059890. Template Preview Article Title Title Describing Hardware/Software and the Issue/Error Message Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Overview An overview of what these steps will accomplish. Information on when to perform these steps. Used to document various processes the helpdesk uses. Escalation Process(es) Ticket Status Process(es) Notification Process(es). Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Shift-Left Support Documentation Customer Facing Support Documentation: (Add if applicable, Article Title and Article Number) Helpdesk Support Documentation: (Add if applicable, Article Title and Article Number) Steps to Perform (If applicable) Customer Facing Documentation is available! (Link to the Customer Facing Documentation, include article title and article number) Troubleshooting steps to validate/identify the error/issue. Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error/issue. Include screenshots as needed. Highlight the important aspect of the screenshot as applicable. Information what to do if the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue. Next step action(s) Escalation Contact(s) Individual Contributor(s) Support Team(s) Escalation steps Open Ticket steps Ticket Logging Guide Subject: Provide an example Subject to use or reference Description: Highlight important details to include for faster resolution. Provide examples of information to include. Attach a file: include if a picture or screenshot is needed or will aid with the resolution. Provide the customer with a reference reminder of what to include in the attachment (picture, screenshot, file, etc). Priority: (Suggest a Priority) Issue: (Provide info to guide the agent) Category: (Provide info to guide the agent) Specifics: (Provide info to guide the agent) Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Information Overview An overview of what these steps will accomplish. Information on when to perform these steps. Used to document various processes the helpdesk uses. Escalation Process(es) Ticket Status Process(es) Notification Process(es). Screenshot of the error message with optional text. Shift-Left Support Documentation Customer Facing Support Documentation: (Add if applicable, Article Title and Article Number) Helpdesk Support Documentation: (Add if applicable, Article Title and Article Number) Steps to Perform (If applicable) Customer Facing Documentation is available! (Link to the Customer Facing Documentation, include article title and article number) Troubleshooting steps to validate/identify the error/issue. Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error/issue. Include screenshots as needed. Highlight the important aspect of the screenshot as applicable. Information what to do if the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue. Next step action(s) Escalation Contact(s) Individual Contributor(s) Support Team(s) Escalation steps Open Ticket steps Ticket Logging Guide Subject: Provide an example Subject to use or reference Description: Highlight important details to include for faster resolution. Provide examples of information to include. Attach a file:include if a picture or screenshot is needed or will aid with the resolution. Provide the customer with a reference reminder of what to include in the attachment (picture, screenshot, file, etc). Priority:(Suggest a Priority) Issue:(Provide info to guide the agent) Category:(Provide info to guide the agent) Specifics: (Provide info to guide the agent)
Freshservice Template: Policy Guide
BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Freshservice Documentation Guides, 1000060395. Documentation Information Template Preview Article Title Title Describing the Policy Article Body BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Policy Information Purpose Purpose of the policy. Highlight the important part or importance of the policy. Scope Who, where, and how the policy applies. Definitions Specific definitions for the policy, if applicable. Fresh Service Template: Policy Definitions Guide, 1000060414. Policy Statement Policy information. Roles and Responsibilities Specific Roles and Responsibilities as needed. Fresh Service Template: Policy Roles and Responsibilities Guide, 1000060415. Compliance Fresh Service Template: Policy Compliance Guide, 1000060416. Review and Revision Review and Revision for Policies Process, 1000060410. Policy Exception Policy Exception for Policies, 1000060412. Resources Policy Source, Reference, URL Link to the Policy Source. Template HTML BTech BTech Alerts & Notifications - Check this page for the latest information on emergencies and system outages. All times are Pacific. Policy Information Purpose Purpose of the policy. Highlight the important part or importance of the policy. Scope Who, where, and how the policy applies. Definitions Specific definitions for the policy, if applicable. Fresh Service Template: Policy Definitions Guide, 1000060414. Policy Statement Policy information. Roles and Responsibilities Specific Roles and Responsibilities as needed. Fresh Service Template: Policy Roles and Responsibilities Guide, 1000060415. Compliance Fresh Service Template: Policy Compliance Guide, 1000060416. Review and Revision Review and Revision for Policies Process, 1000060410. Policy Exception Policy Exception for Policies, 1000060412. Resources Policy Source, Reference, URL Link to the Policy Source.