Teams - Meetings
Teams Live Events - Organizer
All Swinerton admin employees have licenses to Microsoft Teams via Office 365 (your Office applications accessible via a web browser). Staff are strongly encouraged to install the computer desktop application from Software Center for the full benefits and functions of Microsoft Teams Live Events. Software Center: Go to your computer's start button, just start typing "software center," choose the Software Center app, and in the Applications tab, install Teams. An organizer of a Microsoft Teams Live Event schedules it and ensures the event is set-up with the right permissions for attendees and the event group (producer and presenters) who will manage the event. The organizer: Creates the live event. Sets attendee permissions. Selects production method. Configures event options (for example, the moderated Q&A). Invites attendees. Selects event group members. Manages reports generated after the event is over. For more information, see the organizer checklist. Microsoft Teams Live Events videos and guides on: (Organizer) Step 1 - Schedule a live event. (Organizer) Step 2 - Invite attendees. (Producer) Step 3 - Produce your live events. (Presenter) Step 3a - Present in your live events. (Organizer) Step 4 - Manage the recording and reports. (Optional) Understand the roles and responsibilities by reviewing this Get Started article. Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Facts: Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Microsoft Teams Live Events and Microsoft Teams Meetings* are separate. Please do not invite people to a Live Event through a Teams Meeting. 10,000 is the maximum amount of attendees that a Microsoft Teams Live Event can hold. Special configurations will enable up to 100,000 attendees. Up to 250 producers and presenters can run a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 2 gigabytes is the maximum PowerPoint file size for presentation. 4 hours is the maximum duration for a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 15 (maximum) concurrent Microsoft Teams Live Events per organization. Microsoft Teams Live Events, Yammer, and Steam operate on the same platform. *Microsoft Teams *Meetings* can hold up to 250 attendees.
Teams Live Events - Presenter
All Swinerton admin employees have licenses to Microsoft Teams via Office 365 (your Office applications accessible via a web browser). Staff are strongly encouraged to install the computer desktop application from Software Center for the full benefits and functions of Microsoft Teams Live Events. Software Center: Go to your computer's start button, just start typing "software center," choose the Software Center app, and in the Applications tab, install Teams. A presenter presents:. Audio Video A screen (desktop or window) Moderates Q&A Microsoft Teams Live Events videos and guides on: (Organizer) Step 1 - Schedule a live event. (Organizer) Step 2 - Invite attendees. (Producer) Step 3a - Produce your live events. (Presenter) Step 3b - Present in your live events. (Organizer) Step 4 - Manage the recording and reports. (Optional) Understand the roles and responsibilities by reviewing this Get Started article. Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Facts: Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Microsoft Teams Live Events and Microsoft Teams Meetings* are separate. Please do not invite people to a Live Event through a Teams Meeting. 10,000 is the maximum amount of attendees that a Microsoft Teams Live Event can hold. Special configurations will enable up to 100,000 attendees. Up to 250 producers and presenters can run a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 2 gigabytes is the maximum PowerPoint file size for presentation. 4 hours is the maximum duration for a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 15 (maximum) concurrent Microsoft Teams Live Events per organization. Microsoft Teams Live Events, Yammer, and Steam operate on the same platform. *Microsoft Teams *Meetings* can hold up to 250 attendees.
Teams Live Events - Producer
All Swinerton admin employees have licenses to Microsoft Teams via Office 365 (your Office applications accessible via a web browser). Staff are strongly encouraged to install the computer desktop application from Software Center for the full benefits and functions of Microsoft Teams Live Events. Software Center: Go to your computer's start button, just start typing "software center," choose the Software Center app, and in the Applications tab, install Teams. A producer of a Microsoft Teams Live Event is a host that ensures attendees have a great viewing experience by controlling the live event stream. The producer: Starts and stops the live event. Shares own video. Shares participant video. Shares active desktop or window. Selects layouts. Microsoft Teams Live Events videos and guides on: (Organizer) Step 1 - Schedule a live event (Organizer) Step 2 - Invite attendees (Producer) Step 3a - Produce your live events. (Presenter) Step 3b - Present in your live events. (Organizer) Step 4 - Manage the recording and reports. (Optional) Understand the roles and responsibilities by reviewing this Get Started article. Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Facts: Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Microsoft Teams Live Events and Microsoft Teams Meetings* are separate. Please do not invite people to a Live Event through a Teams Meeting. 10,000 is the maximum amount of attendees that a Microsoft Teams Live Event can hold. Special configurations will enable up to 100,000 attendees. Up to 250 producers and presenters can run a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 2 gigabytes is the maximum PowerPoint file size for presentation. 4 hours is the maximum duration for a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 15 (maximum) concurrent Microsoft Teams Live Events per organization. Microsoft Teams Live Events, Yammer, and Steam operate on the same platform. *Microsoft Teams *Meetings* can hold up to 250 attendees.
How to Use Microsoft Teams Live Events
Click HERE to watch the video! All Swinerton admin employees have licenses to Microsoft Teams via Office 365 (your Office applications that are accessible via web browser). Staff are strongly encouraged to install the computer desktop application from Software Center for the full benefits and functions of Microsoft Teams Live Events. Software Center: Click your computer's start button, just start typing "software center," choose the Software Center app, and in the Applications tab, install Teams. Right-click the icon in your toolbar to "pin" it for quick launch or to adjust sound, video, and notification settings. Install the Microsoft Teams app on your mobile device here. (Recommended) Read this overview on how to adopt MS Teams Live Events that clarifies: Live event types Event group roles (that list below) Who can create live events System requirements and supported platforms Dive-in by choosing your role and go to specifics, videos, and guides: Teams Live Events - Organizer Teams Live Events - Producer Teams Live Events - Presenter Facts: Support is available through Microsoft Teams Live Events Support Microsoft Teams Live Events and Microsoft Teams Meetings* are separate. Please do not invite people to a Live Event through a Teams Meeting. 10,000 is the maximum amount of attendees that a Microsoft Teams Live Event can hold. Special configurations will enable up to 100,000 attendees. Up to 250 producers and presenters can run a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 2 gigabytes is the maximum PowerPoint file size for presentation. 4 hours is the maximum duration for a Microsoft Teams Live Event. 15 (maximum) concurrent Microsoft Teams Live Events per organization. Microsoft Teams Live Events, Yammer, and Steam operate on the same platform. *Microsoft Teams *Meetings* can hold up to 250 attendees.
Manage meetings
Set up and attend live events
Download Meeting Attendance List
Download Meeting Attendance List - Meeting organizers can download a list of the participants or meeting attendee's, but it must be completed during the meeting. This feature can be helpful for meeting minutes and notes. 1. Click the Participants icon along the top of the meeting window 2. Click the 3 dots "..." next to "Participants" 3. Select Download attendance list option 4. Open File Explorer, select the Downloads folder to find your list meeting participants.
Take Meeting Notes in Teams
Transfer a Teams Call Between Devices
Roles in Teams Meetings