Camunda Modeler Navigation Overview
Navigation Overview The screenshots below are annotated with the names of the major User Interface (UI) elements of Camunda Modeler. Canvas The Canvas is the workspace where you build BPMN diagrams. Context Pad The Context Pad appears when you click on an element on the canvas. It allows you to quickly add new elements to the diagram connect to other elements, change the type of element, and more. (See Working with the Context Pad for more information.) Elements Palette The Elements Palette provides access to BPMN Elements and layout tools. (See Working with the Elements Palette for more information.) Minimap The Minimap displays a tiny image of your entire canvas and all of its content. This offers a quick way to see where you're currently working on your canvas. You can also use it to navigate and zoom around the canvas. Properties Panel The Properties Panel provides space to add Documentation to an element on the canvas. (You can toggle the Properties Panel open and closed with Shortcut Keys Ctrl + P). Token Simulation Toggle Use the Token Simulation feature to see how the process will behave when it is executed. (Note: The modeling features will be disabled while you are in token simulation mode.) Navigation Overview of Camunda Modeler Expanded Views of the Context Pad and Properties Panel in Camunda Modeler
Working With the Context Pad in Camunda Modeler
Working With the Context Pad When you click on an Element on the Canvas, the Context Pad appears as a pop-out display of tools. While some of the tools are also available on the Elements Palette, their location on the Context Pad allows you to add the next connected Element with a single click. The Context Pad also allows you to switch an individual Element's Type, delete an Element, or add color to an Element. Tools in the Context Pad 💡 Which tools are available depend upon what Element you select. Only the tools relevant to the selected Element will display. Add Lane Above Add Lane Below Append End Event Append Gateway Append Task Append Intermediate/Boundary Event Append Text Annotation Change Type (e.g. Activity, Data Element, Event, Gateway, Specify a Loop) Divide Into Two Lanes Divide Into Three Lanes Remove Colorize Connect Using Sequence/Message Flow or Association Examples: Context Pad for Start Event, Intermediate Event, Task, Gateway, and Collapsed Sub-Process Context Pad for Pool
Working With the Elements Palette in Camunda Modeler
Working with the Elements Palette The Elements Palette is the set of tools on the left-hand side of the Canvas that allows you to add to and layout BPMN elements in your diagram. The Upper Palette The Hand Tool (Shortcut Key 'H') is used to pan around the Canvas. The Create/Remove Space Tool (Shortcut Key 'S') is used to create or remove space between elements on the Canvas. The Lasso Tool (Shortcut Key 'L') is used to select multiple elements on the Canvas. The Global Connect Tool is used to connect elements together (e.g. Associations, Message Flow, Sequence Flow). Camunda Modeler will choose the appropriate connector for the shapes you are connecting. The Lower Palette The tools on the Lower Palette allow you to add BPMN Elements to the Canvas. Create Start Event Tool Create Intermediate/Boundary Event Tool Create End Event Tool Create Gateway Tool Create Task Tool Create Expanded Sub-Process Tool Create Data Object Tool Create Data Store Tool Create Pool/Participant Tool Elements Palette in Camunda Modeler
Navigate With the Minimap in Camunda Modeler
Navigate With the Minimap If your diagram is larger than what is visible on the screen, the Minimap tool allows you to navigate your diagram without having to zoom or scroll. To activate the Minimap, click on the Map icon in the upper-right corner of the page. The Minimap will appear in the upper-right hand corner of the page. Click anywhere on the Minimap to navigate to that portion of the diagram. The blue rectangle represents the visible portion of your diagram. Click on the Map icon again to deactivate the Minimap. Navigate With the Minimap in Camunda Modeler
Shortcut Keys for Camunda Modeler
Shortcut Keys Action Shortcut Keys Direct Editing E Hand Tool H Lasso Tool L Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z Space Tool S Search Page & Symbols Ctrl + F Select All Ctrl + A Toggle Properties Panel Ctrl + P Undo Ctrl + Z Zoom In Ctrl + Scroll Up Zoom Out Ctrl + Scroll Down