WorkMax Mobile App
WorkMax Mobile Time Review
Time Review This process feature is used to make adjustments to mobile time records. Once these mobile records are adjusted on WorkMax Web, adjustments made on the mobile device will fail to sync. 1. Open WorkMax Mobile app that was used during clock-in 2. Login using your employee ID 3. Select Time Review 4. Select the mobile record requiring adjustment 5. Make the required adjustment(s) -- (correct the time, assign or correct the phase) 6. Click the back (ll briefly see a gray loading circle to the left of the mobile record. Once the record is synced, the loading icon will be replaced with an up arrow within a cloud. The attached video demonstrates the steps above.
WorkMax Mobile Re-authenticate Device
Re-authenticate Device This process is required when you need to steal back a re-used device invite code. If an additional device invite code is required, please submit a ticket. 1. Open WorkMax Mobile 2. Click on the Menu button 3. Select Settings 4. Scroll down and select Advanced Settings 5. Click Re-authenticate Device Note: The attached video demonstrates the steps above. There will not be a confirmation message. You should see the screen flash gray briefly.
WorkMax Install and Setup Mobile
WorkMax Mobile - Install and Setup WHAT This guide will demonstrate how to install and setup WorkMax Mobile. WHY WorkMax is Swinerton's Craft time management solution. HOW See below for step-by-step instructions. Note: If you have a Foreman iPad, WorkMax Mobile is pre-installed and can be downloaded from the Comp Portal (to complete setup, SKIP to Step 3) Note: If you have a standard issued Swinerton mobile device, you will download the app from the App Store. Please follow these steps to download and setup the app. STEP 1: Go to the App Store. STEP 2: Search for WorkMax2. Click Get. Note: Once installed, click the open icon to launch the app. STEP 3: Launch the app. Upon the first launch the following screen will appear: STEP 4: Enter the Invite Code. Note: If you do not have an invite code request one by submitting a ticket here: Helpdesk : Swinerton Support Or contact a member of Craft Services STEP 5: After entering the Invite Code, click the Register Device button. The device will now sync, as indicated by the progress bar. STEP 6: Once synchronization is complete, the PIN screen will open. Enter a valid Employee ID number. STEP 7: Next you will be prompted to select an initial default Location for the device. Select a location. Device setup is now finalized and ready to be used.
WorkMax Install App on MDM Device
WorkMax Install App on MDM Device Please see video....
WorkMax Mobile Device Setup (for non-MDM users)
WorkMax Mobile Device Setup (for non-MDM users) If you are a superintendent, Project Engineer, or Project Manager and you do not have a MDM device (Otherwise known as a foreman iPad). Follow these steps to manually uninstall ExakTime and install WorkMax on your iPad. STEP 1 – Navigate to the Apple or Android App store and Search for the application called: WorkMax2. STEP 2 – Once you have the application installed, Search your e-mail for your invite code (if you can’t find your invite code, place a ticket with BTech) STEP 3 – Enter your invite code on the Mobile device application STEP 4 – Enter your Employee ID STEP 5 – Set your default location STEP 6 – Remove the ExakTime App from your iPad by navigating to the ExakTime icon. Press and hold the icon until the menu comes up. Click on “remove app” STEP 7 – Click on Delete App STEP 8 – Click on Delete ExakTime has been deleted and WorkMax has been installed. Questions, feel free to submit a ticket to BTech by clicking this link.
WorkMax How To Clock IN
WorkMax How To Clock IN 1. Enter your PIN to login 2. Search for or just select the job number you are clocking-in to If you are a Foreman or Admin, you will need to enter the Phase Code Click Confirm 3. Click Clock In
WorkMax How To Clock OUT
WorkMax How To Clock OUT 1. Click Clock OUT 2. If you took your meals and breaks in accordance with your shift, click Yes 3. Click in the Signature field, a box will open that allows you to add your signature (with your finger) 4. Click Save IF YOU DID NOT TAKE YOUR MEALS AND BREAKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR SHIFT, PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW Click No Complete the form Click Save 5. Click Confirm
WorkMax Default Location
WorkMax Mobile - Default Location WHAT This guide will demonstrate the process of setting up a default location on WorkMax Mobile. WHY This setting is extremely helpful for time savings and accuracy. HOW See below for step-by-step instructions. 1. Open the app menu. 2. Select Project. 3. Use the Search bar to find the job by project name or number. 4. Once the project appears, select it to make it the default project. 5. Now the default project will be set on the main screen whenever you need to clock in or clock out.
WorkMax Allocation of Time Records
WorkMax Mobile Device Menu