Known Issues
How to reset your password for the Estimator Hosted Environment
If you forget your password or your account becomes locked for the Estimator Hosted Environment, you can reset the password yourself here. Enter the provided email used for access to the hosted environment and follow the prompts. Please email support if there are any issues with the reset.
Why am I asked to log in multiple times
Why do I have to sign into the license multiple times? When you log into the remote desktop, you are asked to enter your password for the Estimator login - email ending ‘@clients.' and your password. If you do not click REMEMBER ME then you will be asked to enter your password every time. Launching Estimator Launch Estimator by double-clicking on the appropriate icon. The first time you launch Estimator, you may be prompted with a Window Security sign in window. Sign in here with your GUID email and the password you created in and click "Remember Me". Once Estimator has launched, you will see the Web License window pop up. DO NOT sign in with the GUID email ending ‘@clients.’ here. Doing so will cause an error. Do not click on ‘Active Directory’, instead sign in with your regular Swinerton email and your Destini password. License Note: This is a remote desktop with multiple servers when you launch Estimator you can be placed on a different server than your last login session, which will require that you login again using Active Directory. This also happens when we update our environment, you will have to log in to multiple servers until the license file is saved to that server, then you will not have to enter your Active Directory credentials.
Destini Shortcuts Missing in Remote Desktop App
Destini uses a remote desktop app that allows creating shortcuts to launch it. Sometimes the shortcuts disappear and need to be manually re-created. Below are the steps for re-creating the shortcut: Hit the 3 dots in the top right corner and click on the “Subscribe" option You will have to get the email address that was assigned to you by Beck Tech when you first set up Destini Just search for “Beck Tech” or “” in Outlook Use the email address you found and the password you created when setting up Destini for the first time to sign in Please see this article if you forgot your password Destini requires MFA so proceed through the verification prompts Once you sign in you will be able to see the shortcuts again on the top left
Fixing the "The items below are assigned to WBS values having the trailing spaces indicated." Error
Destini does not like when a WBS Structure name ends in a space. Because of this the Swinerton custom report may kick an error stating that "The items below are assigned to WBS values having the trailing spaces indicated." The Report export will include a single tab excel file noting the line items that need to be fixed in Destini and the WBS category that has the training space: For example in the screen shot above we have 6 line items that have a WBS value with a trailing space. The WBS value that needs to be fixed is "2 BG Parking ". To fix this issue remove the trailing space from the WBS value in Destini, save your estimate, and run the report again. In my example above I will change "2 BG Parking " to "2 BG Parking", removing that training space after "Parking". Once I save and run my report again the WBS no longer has a trailing space so the report no longer has an issue.