Construct PM - Checklists
CMiC Construct Project Management - Checklists - CMiC Mobile App
CPM - Navigating Checklists
__________ Introduction Overview of user interface elements on Checklists. Note: The Construct Project Management how-to documents include basic instructions for the setup and use of the mobile app. For more detailed information on business processes, please see the guides HERE __________ Notes General Tab - The action button begins a new Checklist - The top pane shows the status of the Checklist, who created it, and when it was created - The Checklist Progress bar shows the overall progress of the Checklist, based on how the individual line items have been answered - The Comments section shows any notes, photos, or attachments to the Checklist itself (not the individual Checklist items), also included are controls to add the same Checklist Tab - The key outlines the intention behind an answer of Yes, No, or N/A on a Checklist item - The Checklist item lists the item to be reviewed and the given answer for it - The Expand option will open the Checklist item fullscreen to show any attachments, notes, or related Issues - The indicators show the overall count of attachments, notes, and related Issues for that individual Checklist item
CPM - Create a Checklist
__________ Introduction Overview of how to create a new Checklist on a project. Note: The Construct Project Management how-to documents include basic instructions for the setup and use of the mobile app. For more detailed information on business processes, please see the guides HERE __________ Steps 1. Navigate to the Checklists module in the springboard. 2. Tap the action button to start a new Checklist. 3. Choose the Checklist type. 4. On the General tab choose whether or not to Automatically create an issue or add Comments. 5. Tap the Checklist tab and answer any items that need to be answered at this time. 6. If you would like to save the Checklist as a draft to continue entering information later, tap on the menu in the top, right-hand corner, then tap Save As Draft. 7. If all needed information has been entered and you are ready to submit the Checklist, tap Submit instead.
CPM - View a Checklist
__________ Introduction Overview of how to view Checklists on a project. Note: The Construct Project Management how-to documents include basic instructions for the setup and use of the mobile app. For more detailed information on business processes, please see the guides HERE __________ Steps 1. Navigate to the Checklists module in the springboard. 2. Select the Checklist you would like to view from the log. 3. Alternatively, you can search for a specific Checklist by tapping on the search icon in the top right. 4. Then enter your search term in the query field.
CPM - Modify a Checklist
__________ Introduction Overview of how to modify Checklists on a project. Note: The Construct Project Management how-to documents include basic instructions for the setup and use of the mobile app. For more detailed information on business processes, please see the guides HERE __________ Steps 1. Navigate to the Checklists module in the springboard. 2. Find the Checklist you are wanting to modify and select it. 3. Make any necessary updates within the Checklist. 4. You can also add notes, photos, or attachments via the tools at the bottom. 5. If you would like to save the updated Checklist as a draft, to continue entering information later, tap on the menu in the top, right-hand corner, then tap Save As Draft. 6. If all needed information has been entered and you are ready to submit the Checklist, tap Submit instead.
CPM - Attach an Issue to a Checklist
__________ Introduction Overview of how to attach a an existing Issue to a Checklist. Note: The Construct Project Management how-to documents include basic instructions for the setup and use of the mobile app. For more detailed information on business processes, please see the guides HERE __________ Steps 1. Navigate to the Checklists module in the springboard. 2. Choose the Checklist you are wanting to work on from the log or use the search function. 3. Find the specific Checklist item you would like to attach an existing Issue to, tap on Expand. 4. Tap on the attachment icon. 5. Tap Related Objects. 6. Select the relevant Issue from the log, then tap the check mark icon to choose/attach it. 7. Confirm the Issue successfully attached to the Checklist item, then tap Save. 8. The Checklist item will now show the count of attached Issues at the bottom.