CMiC - Commitments and Exception Request
Rental & Purchase Agreement Documents
Rental & Purchase Agreement Documents: Rental Agreement is used for equipment being leased or rented for use on a project and operated by Swinerton personnel. Purchase Order Agreement is used only for purchasing specified materials for a project. For more information view this Explanation of Contract Types Important: If there is ANY on site labor, a Work Order to the MSA must be issued. Separate versions of the Purchase Order Agreement and Rental Agreement have been created for the Hawaii Division as well as a Purchase Order for CA Readymix and Sub-to-Self. Update the Issued Date BEFORE printing Project/Field Administrators, it is important that the Issued Date is entered into the Key Dates section under the Subcontractor Detail tab in CMiC so that it prints on the commitment. NOTE: You cannot edit this on the word document. The printed date suffix is indicated as follows: "st", "nd", "rd", "th", etc. Detailed SOV The layout closely mirrors the SOV in CMiC. NOTE: If taxes are included in the Commitment amount, indicate so by putting N/A on the Sales Tax line. Signature Block: Vendor information for both the Supplier and Swinerton will populate from CMiC. The Name, Title and License Number fields are editable for ease of use. Billing and Insurance Terms: Several of the Billing and Insurance items are different than those in a Work Order in the Terms & Conditions section of the agreement. Purchase Order Agreement Terms: Payment terms (in days) to be entered in Section 6 prior to being issued.
Subcontract/Commitment is not Printing the Correct Address
Subcontract/Commitment is not Printing the Correct Address The following update can be made even if your document has been posted. STEP 1: Open the Subcontract you need to update and click Edit STEP 2: On the Subcontractor Detail tab, go to the Accounting Section and click on the Magnifying Glass next to the Corresp. Address field. The list of available addresses will open, select the one you need and click Go and the pop-up will disappear. NOTE: If the address you need is not listed, please submit a Business Partner Update Request to have one added. STEP 3: Click Save
Distribute a Commitment via Docusign
Distribute a Commitment via Docusign PREVIOUS STEP: Print a Commitment from CMiC OVERVIEW: HOW TO DISTRIBUTE A COMMITMENT VIA DOCUSIGN: DocuSign is a fast, easy and secure way to send, sign and track documents in the cloud. Swinerton will be using DocuSign for approved digital signature document signing, which meets the requirements of Swinerton’s company-wide ECM Strategy. At this time, only documents that are approved for DocuSign signing are Subcontracts and Change Orders. No other means of digital or electronic signing programs are approved or allowed. It is important that as a Company we are consistent in our use of DocuSign. NOTE: Workflow will send the Project Manager and Field Administrator an “FYI” notification that the commitment been approved. *Pay attention to what the workflow notice says as it may also be an FYI that an exception request is required. NOTE: The Subcontract must have the Status of “In Process”. DO NOT continue with this How To if the status is in not “In Process”. STEP 1: Login to CMiC. STEP 2: Select your project. STEP 3: Click the arrow 4 next to Budget & Cost Management. STEP 4: Click Subcontract STEP 5: Click on the specific Subcontract you are working with. STEP 6: See separate “How to” for printing a commitment. STEP 7: In Adobe Acrobat / Bluebeam, combine the Work Order / Vendor Agreement and all attachments as one pdf document. a. Save the combined document to your job files on Z drive STEP 8: In CMiC, upload the combined Work Order / Vendor Agreement to Attachment tab. Click here for standard upload procedures. STEP 19: Log into DocuSign. STEP 10: Click the Start a New Envelope button. STEP 11: Click the Browse from my Computer button. Look to the job files on the Z drive for the pdf version of the combined agreement document that you created earlier. STEP 12: Wait for the document to finish uploading. STEP 13: Once document has uploaded, you will see the Document name and number of pages. STEP 14: Enter the Recipient Email and Recipient Name. The Recipient Name and Email must belong to the Recipient. You cannot use an Administrative Assistant’s email address and have the Recipient’s Name be the Project Manager. STEP 15: Click Add Signer button. STEP 16: Click drop down arrow next to “Email” under the Identify column. Change to Email AC. STEP 17: Click drop down arrow next to “Email” under the Identify column. STEP 18: Click over to Recipient Email box. STEP 19: Enter the email for Swinerton Signer. STEP 20: Enter Recipient Name for the Swinerton Signer. STEP 21: Click Add Signer button. STEP 22: Change the Swinerton Signer to be second in Order column . STEP 23: Add Project Accountant as “CC” if applicable. This allows the Project Accountant to know when the Agreement has been signed. a. Enter Recipient Email and Recipient Name. b. Click Add CC button. STEP 24: Change the Accountant to be third in the Order column and Receive a copy in the Action column. STEP 25: Scroll towards bottom of page under Email Message section. STEP 26: Modify Email Subject to All Recipients. a. Remove “pdf”. b. Add “Job No. ########” to the Email Subject. This makes it easier to search for it later. STEP 27: Click in box for Email Message to All Recipients. Add message for Subcontractor. STEP 28: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE. STEP 29: Scroll to the bottom of screen and click NEXT. STEP 30: Scroll through the document to the signature area on the Agreement. STEP 31: Drag and drop the Subcontractor’s tags: a. Signature tag to the “By:” line. b. Full Name tag and Title tag to the “Name, Title” line. c. Data Field tag to the “Subcontractor License No.” line. This requires the Subcontractor to fill in their license number. STEP 32: Drag and drop the Swinerton Signer tags: a. Signature tag to the “By:” line. b. Full Name tag and Title tag to the “Name, Title” line. STEP 33: Continue to tag signature locations as needed throughout the document. For example, if there is an Attachment K, it must be signed also. STEP 34: Click the Preview button, if desired. STEP 35: Click the Send button. STEP 36: If you do not preview, you will receive a popup window. You can click Preview Now if desired. STEP 37: Click Send Anyway button.
Upload an executed Commitment to CMiC from Docusign
Upload an Executed Commitment to CMiC from DocuSign OVERVIEW Commitments are sent out through DocuSign for signature by both parties: the Subcontractor and Swinerton Builders. These instructions are for downloading the full executed commitment from DocuSign and uploading it into CMiC. STEP 1: You will receive an email in your Swinerton Outlook with the following message. STEP 2: Click on View Completed Documents button. This will open up DocuSign. STEP 3: Click Download button STEP 4: Click Combined PDF STEP 5: Select Combined Document option STEP 6: The Commitment will open, click File - Save As. STEP 7: Save to the job files on the Z drive. When saving, include “Fully Executed” in the file name. STEP 8: Login to CMiC, navigate to the commitment you are working on and follow these steps for Attaching a Document in CMiC NOTE: The process is now complete.
How to Get Rid of a Commitment
How To Get Rid of / Clear a Commitment Problem: I issued and posted a subcontract to the incorrect vendor. Can you delete the subcontract for me? Solution: Unfortunately, Subcontracts CANNOT be deleted once it has been posted. However, you can get rid of the dollar amount associated with it. Follow the steps below to do this. NOTE: If you create a commitment and then choose to go with a different subcontractor or the subcontractor doesn't sign the contract after it is posted in CMiC, you will need get rid of the dollars associated with the old vendor or else all of your financials will be off for the project. STEP 1: Create an NCTO PCI (because you only want to effect the Commitment and not your Cost or Revenue Budget amounts) STEP 2: Change the status to Approved STEP 3: Enter a Description (Example: Voiding out Commitment #13041078-009) STEP 4: In the Scope field you can enter a Longer Description as to why you decided to switch subcontractors or needed to Void the commitment STEP 5: In the PCI Details section, Uncheck the Auto Calculate Markups box STEP 6: Click the + sign in the PCI Details section STEP 7: Enter the Vendor STEP 8: Enter the Subcontract (in the event you have two) STEP 9: Enter the Phase Code/Category associated the the vendor if they don't auto populate STEP 10: In the Sub Quoted Amount enter the Negative amount ONLY (the amount that will bring the commitment down to 0.00) STEP 11: Enter 0.00 into the Cost Budget Field (DO NOT LEAVE BLANK) STEP 12: Click Save STEP 13: Click Post STEP 14: You can leave the date as is or back date if necessary to show in the right forecasting period. (Review the Accounting calendar before backdating) STEP 15: Click Proceed STEP 16: Click Close (You don't need to run the report) Now you need to post this PCI as part of a SCO to the agreement. STEP 17: Go to the Commitment in the Subcontract log STEP 18: Click on the commitment and go to the Change Orders Tab STEP 19: Click Create SC Change (Upper right hand corner) to open the Subcontract Change Orders window STEP 20: In the SCO Window, Change the Description to "Internal SCO to get rid of commitment - DO NOT ISSUE" and also coy to the Scope of Work field STEP 21: Click on Add PCIs in the Schedule of Values field STEP 22: In the pop-up, check the box to select the PCI. Make sure there are no other PCIs tied to this contract. If there are you will need to remove the vendor from each listed PCIs. Then click Close STEP 23: Scroll down to enter the Issued Date STEP 24: Click Save. Now you can double check the amounts one last time to verify the Revised contract amount is $0.00. STEP 25: Click Workflow (Make sure your Field Admin knows NOT to docusign the SCO) STEP 26: Click on Project Partner Directory on your Treeview STEP 27: Click the pencil icon for the subcontractor STEP 28: Change the abbrev* to: DONOTUSE so there is no confusion and it is not accidentally added to a future PCI. STEP 29: Click Save
Find the MSA Effective Date
Find the Master Subcontract Agreement (MSA) Effective Date Step 1: From the tree view, click on Subcontractor Prequalification Step 2: Click on Approved Subcontractors Step 3: Enter part of the vendor's name in the search field and click Enter on your keyboard Step 4: For Company 010 Swinerton Builders only, if a Master Subcontract Agreement is executed, there will be a "Y" in this column. Step 5: Click on the Vendor's Name. NOTE: If you can't find the vendor, then search for them under Subcontractors. Their Prequal will need to be renewed before a contract can be issued. Step 6: Make sure you are viewing the correct vendor prequalification info and click on the User-Defined Fields tab Step 7: Confirm the Swinerton Company that issued the MSA. Step 8: The MSA Issued Date is the same as the MSA Effective Date. STEP 9: This is the date that should be entered on the Work Order.
Find Out if a Business Partner has an MPSA
Find Out if a Business Partner has an MPSA There are two types of MPSA's (Master Professional Service Agreements): MPSA and Master Peer Review Professional Service Agreement. If a Business Partner does not have an associated MPSA in the system, contact the Legal department to discuss possibilities. STEP 1: From the tree view, click on Subcontractor Prequalification STEP 2: Click on Approved Subcontractors STEP 3: Enter part of the vendor's name in the search field and click Enter on your keyboard STEP 4: Click on the Vendor's Name. NOTE: If you can't find the vendor, then search for them under Subcontractors. Their Prequal will need to be renewed before a contract can be issued. STEP 5: In the User Defined Fields tab and scroll to the bottom STEP 6: Review the MPSA section to see if the Business Partner has an active MPSA. NOTE: The MPSA logged here is for informational purposes only. This document should not be linked to the commitment in any way. NOTE: A Specific Project Pursuant (SPP) agreement must be sent out in this instance. This commitment is not printed out of CMiC. Contact the Legal department to issue this type of commitment. When the SPP is issued, the Contract Type "Professional Services Agreement" must be selected in the system. Click HERE for a complete Explanation of ALL Available Contract Types
CDI Rules / Exceptions
Commitment CDI Update 2/10/2025 (CHN-4178) Starting 2/10/2025, main jobs will no longer need to complete a SDI/CDI Waiver. The commitment WF will automatically uncheck the box if one of the listed Business Partners Below