CMiC - Change Management
Owner Change Orders
Owner Change Orders OVERVIEW Owner Change Orders are required to Post all "External" types of PCIs (CTO, ALLO, CONT & TR). The OCO module is also used to extend contract end dates. PCIs do not legally change the Prime Contract Value or Completion Date. An OCO MUST be issued and fully executed to change the Contract Value or Completion Date. Best practice is to issue an OCO at least monthly for all approved PCIs. STEP 1: In the tree view, click Budget & Cost Management STEP 2: Click Owner Change Orders STEP 3: Click Add Change Order button STEP 4: The OCO No. field will automatically populate with the next number. DO NOT CHANGE THIS NUMBER. IF you do overwrite, you MUST maintain a 4 digit code to ensure proper sequencing. Otherwise OCO 2 will be seen as a higher OCO # than OCO 16 because CMiC reads these as OCO 2000 & OCO 1600 respectively. If incorrect, the Current Contract Value and Completion Date calculations on ALL of your OCOs will be wrong. STEP 5: Enter the desired information into the Title field. Keep it simple. The PCIs are meant to be the backup for the SOW. STEP 6: Enter the Owner's CO # if you need to use custom numbering. STEP 7: The Notes field is optional but can be used to expand on the description of the OCO. This will print on the OCO coversheet. STEP 8: The Days Impact field is what increases or decreases the contract end date (aka Critical Path). This is a manual entry field. Enter the amount of days the contract should be increased or decreased by. Once the OCO is posted, this field cannot be updated. NOTES: - The # of days is based on your contract. Review if it is Calendar or Working days. This will also be noted in the Project Defaults tab. - Work with your superintendent / scheduler to include a Delay Analysis as needed. Enter 0 if there is no schedule impact from this OCO. - Each PCI will have it's own days impact for those specific tasks and these DO NOT auto populate into the OCO. STEP 9: The Date Issued defaults to Current Date, but should reflect the Actual Issue date of the OCO. If you are trying to post into the prior period, make sure to back date this date field. STEP 10: Enter the Date Executed once the OCO is fully executed. This date can be filled in at any time. STEP 11: Date Received is the date Swinerton received the OCO from the owner. This date can be filled in at any time. STEP 12: If you are creating the Final OCO, the you need to enter YES into the Final OCO (Closeout Workflow) field. Once the OCO is posted, your FM is notified. STEP 13: Click the Add PCI's button STEP 14: Use the check boxes to select the desired PCIs. All Unposted External & Transfer Type PCI's will show in this list, Approved or not. Use the Find box to narrow your search. STEP 15: Once all of the PCIs are selected, click Accept STEP 16: In order to POST any OCO, all records must have a status of "Approved". Click the Approve All button at the top of the OCO page to quickly complete this task. STEP 17: Click Save STEP 18: Review the Summary section. STEP 19: Click the Print button to print the OCO Cover page. STEP 20: Once you receive the executed OCO, go to the OCO in CMiC, click Edit and enter the Date Executed and Date Received. STEP 21: Open each related PCI by clicking on it in the PCI No. column, then edit the PCI to enter the Change Signed Date. Once the OCO is posted you CANNOT go back and enter this information. STEP 22: Click Save STEP 23: Post the OCO to make it official. Make sure all is correct, as there is no going back! STEP 22: If you need to post into a prior period, make sure to change the Post Date field here. STEP 23: Click Keep Original Markups STEP 24: Add the Executed OCO Package to the Attachments tab. Follow these instruction for Attaching a Document in CMiC. NEXT STEPS: Once you have posted the OCO, go and issue all associated SCOs.
Subcontract Change Orders
Subcontract Change Orders OVERVIEW In order to make a PCI available to issue to a subcontract, the vendor and subcontract must be referenced in a PCI. Click HERE to review the PCI Details section STEP 1: Click into the desired Subcontract STEP 2: Click on the Change Orders tab STEP 3: Click the Create SC Change button (in the upper right corner) and the Subcontract Change Orders screen will open. NOTE: In order to have the "Create SC Change" button, the contract Must be "In Process" (aka posted and signed) If the Create SC Change button is still missing, make sure you have added yourself to the project and assigned a PM Role STEP 4: Complete Required Fields at the top of the SCO Change No. = The next SCO number in line. This field should not be changed. Description = Change this field as desired, auto-populates from the Subcontract description. If issuing a "Final" SCO, add the words "FINAL" in this field. This description will become the description for the added SOV line in Textura. Date = This is the date this record was created. Scope of Work = This field can be used to expend on scope of work. If the SCO necessitates a revised SOW attachment, add it to the attachments tab. Final SCO field = Change to YES, if this is the final SCO. If not, leave blank or select No. STEP 5: Complete the Schedule of Values section Click the Add PCIs button to show the complete list of ALL PCIs where the subcontractor is tagged Check the box(es) for the Desired PCI(s) to include in this change order. The amount shown is from the Sub Quoted Amount column in the PCI. Click the Close Button Review the SOV section and make any adjustments as needed STEP 6: Update the Key Dates section (at the bottom of the screen) Issued Date = This is the date that prints at the top of the SCO and should reflect the date issued to the subcontractor. Received Date = The date the SCO was received back from the Sub in Docusign (to be filled in by Field Admin) Executed Date = The date the SCO was fully executed in Docusign (to be filled in by Field Admin). Add the Executed SCO to the Attachments tab. Follow these instruction for Attaching a Document in CMiC. STEP 7: Review the Prequalification section Single Remaining & Aggregate Remaining: These show how much is remaining before an Exception Request is required. If either value is negative, a Change Order ER Reason and mitigation plan will need to be entered on the main Subcontractor page under the Exception Request Tab. Click HERE for information on how to update this tab. STEP 8: Click Save STEP 9: Click Print to view a "Draft" of the SCO STEP 10: If the Draft looks ok, then click Workflow to process to the Field Admin. Let them know if you have included any attachments since this is uncommon and can be missed.
External PCI Type Flowchart - (CTO, ALLOW, CONT)
Internal PCI Flowchart - (NCTO, BC, TRANS)
Subcontract Change Order Flowchart
Using a NCTO to Issue a SCO without affecting Cost Budget
Using a NCTO to Issue a SCO without affecting Cost Budget OVERVIEW Instructions and example of issuing a SCO to a subcontractor via an NCTO where the cost budget already exists: Current Cost budget = 20,000.00 Current Amount Committed to Sub = 10,000.00 NCTO PCI to Sub = 5,000.00 The 5,000.00 you are giving the sub is already in your cost budget. Example: You have $10k remaining in your budget for touchup paint. The sub only spends $5k so that is all you are going to issue to them. STEP 1: Create the NCTO PCI, uncheck the "Auto Calculate Markups" box, and add the vendor that will be receiving the SCO. STEP 2: Enter the "Sub Quoted Amount" as the amount you want to give to your sub. STEP 3: Enter the "Cost Budget Amount" as 0.00. You must type in zero and NOT leave it blank. If left blank it will pull the value from the cell to the left (Sub Quoted Amount) which will increase your cost budget. STEP 4: Change the status of the PCI to "Approved" and click Save. If you are done with the PCI, best practice is to then Post it. STEP 5: Navigate to the subcontract and create a new SCO. Click HERE for the detailed guide on creating a SCO. STEP 6: Click on Add PCIs and select the NCTO PCI and click Close NOTE: The Amount shown is from the Sub Quoted Amount column in the PCI so no additional changes are needed. STEP 7: Proceed to update and workflow the SCO the same as any other SCO.
Print Report with Embed Attachments - PCIs
Print Report with Embed Attachments - PCIs Create one document with the system generated Daily Journal form and all attachments: NOTE: This feature can only be used on the CMiC System Generated Forms. Swinerton's custom reports/forms can not be used. NOTE: Only PDF attachments will print with this feature. STEP 1: When in the PCI, click Print PCI in the upper right corner. STEP 2: Select the appropriate Template. If you need more help, click HERE to view Create a COR Letter. STEP 3: Embed Attachments: choose Select (pick a particular attachment), Select All or None. STEP 4: Click Print STEP 5: Select which attachments you want added and click Select STEP 6: In Destination, chose Preview with Attachments. STEP 7: Click Run Report and the PCI will print to a PDF
Batch Editing - Potential Change Items (PCIs)
Potential Change Item (PCI) - Batch Editing As per Patch 18 - A New "Select" column has been added to the PCI Log. This allows selecting multiple Unposted PCIs to batch edit. STEP 1: Click Potential Change Order Log STEP 2: Choose the Unposted PCIs that you want to Batch Update Note: You can even batch update just one Unposted PCI as it would cut out having to click on the PCI, Click Edit, Make Changes, Click Save Note: There is also an All PCI's radio button. If for example, you wanted to change ALL your Pending - Proceeding together you could use the search field and then click the top radio box and all the PCI's within that search could be Batch Edited Clear Form Button: Clears all data from fields. Export Audit Button: The user can export the changes in PCI in an Excel file. Start New Session Button: The user needs to click on the “Start New Session” button if he needs the Update PCI a second time. Update PCIs Button: commits the values to the fields. What you are allowed to change Type: Drop-down list displays PCI Types Status: Drop-down list shows PCI Status Types Date: Displays calendar pop-up Estimated Days Impact: Manual input from the user. Only accepts numbers Scope: Manual input from the user Description: Manual input from the user User Defined Fields: All user-defined fields listed in the User-Defined block/section Start Date: Displays calendar pop-up End Date: Displays calendar pop-up Due to the Owner: Displaying a calendar pop-up Proposal Issued: Displaying a calendar pop-up Proposal Signed: Displaying a calendar pop-up Change Issued: Displaying a calendar pop-up Change Signed: Displaying a calendar pop-up
Subcontractor Change Order Exception Request Case list
The change to the SCO ER WF changed on 5/13/2024 TRTBB - Total Remaining to be billed SRTBB - Single Commitment Remaining to be billed APL - Aggregate Project Limit SPL - Single Project Limit Please see attached for details for all cases