Unanet CRM
Requesting a Bid Job #
Leads and Opportunities – General Notes Before moving through this training and getting a Bid Job # for your pursuit, you need to ensure your opportunity is in Unanet There are a myriad of ways to enter leads and opportunities into Unanet. For these additional resources and the basics on logging in, navigating, and entering leads and opportunities please visit the Unanet Swinnet Page and Support Center For this training, we focus on using the web app as this is the only platform you can use to create Bid Job #’s **NOTE: You will not be able to create/submit a JIP unless you create a Bid Job # first Creating your Bid Job # If you created the project as a Lead in Unanet Creating a Bid Job # is not available with Leads Manage, update, and convert the Lead to an Opportunity when ready If you created the project as an Opportunity or already converted it from a Lead and you need a Bid Job # Go to the Opportunity Record using your Opportunity Grid, or using the quick search function Step 1 - Once in the Opportunity Record, ensure opportunity stage is not 01-Qualified Lead It is best practice to move the opportunity stage out of Qualified Lead when you need a Pjob If the stage is 01-Qualified Lead, change via the “Edit” button in the Opportunity Record Step 2 - Click the Generate link in the Opportunity Record A pop-up window asking for confirmation comes up The confirmation window contains a place holder # (THIS IS NOT A SWINERTON #) Press “Submit” The Bid Job # field is populated with the place holder Step 3 - Within a couple of minutes, you will receive an Email Confirmation that CMiC has created the Bid Job# Step 4 - Bid Job # Field in Unanet Opportunity Record is auto-populated w/ CMiC Bid Job # (This IS a Swinerton #) What if your Bid Job # doesn’t populate in a few minutes or you received an email notification of a Bid Job # Error The Bid Job # field place holder value gets automatically deleted so it is blank again You should correct fields noted or submit a support ticket to Btech for resolution After correcting noted information or Btech resolution of error, restart the process outlined previously Make sure to check that the Bid Job # field is blank If it is blank, then press “Get #” as outlined in the previous steps to retry Within a couple of minutes, you will receive an Email Confirmation that CMiC has created the Bid Job# Bid Job # Field in Unanet Opportunity Record gets auto-populated w/ CMiC Bid Job #.
Launching and submitting the JIP request process
Initiating the JIP from Unanet Manage your opportunities normally in Unanet until you are ready to convert the opportunity to a Job In Progress (JIP) Does the Opportunity have a Bid Job # already? Yes, Proceed with the next steps No, Follow the Bid Job # Creation steps Step 1 - The stage of the Opportunity must be changed to or already be “10a-Sale Pending, or 10b-Sale Closed (Preliminary Award)” Navigate to the Opportunity Record through your Opportunity Gird, or Unanet’s quick search Click “Edit Opportunity” Change the Stage field to “10b-Sale Closed (Preliminary Award)” Additional Mandatory fields are highlighted in blue and MUST be completed to proceed with creating a JIP Additional Required Fields (if they haven't already been completed) Opportunity Name Client Company (also re-entered in JIP form) Stage Publicly Funded? Prevailing Wage? Business Enterprise/Outreach Requirements? Project Address (Address, City, State, Zip Code) NOTE: Zip code must be valid Bid Bond/Guarantee Required Potential Swinerton Revenue Client Probability Win Probability Fee % Priority to Division Anticipated Date of Award Project Duration (in Days) Construction Start Date Construction Completion Date (auto-populates) Primary Market Job Department Secondary Market Product Type Construction Types Delivery Methods Contract Type (entered into JIP form) Job Folder Set Up Type (entered into JIP form) Submittal Type/Effort Level Project Role Description NOTE - If you do not ensure all mandatory fields are completed, you will not be able to submit your JIP for approval/creation Complete all required fields and press “Save” Step 2 - Initiating the JIP From Unanet Click on “External Links” from the Opportunity Record in Unanet Then click “Create JIP” You are taken to Boomi Flow (Program) to create the JIP record Step 2a - Handing off JIP Data entry to a PM or other staff If you are handing off the entry of information to someone else for the JIP, Press "Save" and notify appropriate personnel/Project Team that Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form is ready for inputting information. The JIP can then be accessed via the JIP Log which is accessible via - CMiC Field Tree View under Swinerton Links Unanet External Links Once you come to the JIP Log, you can search for the Bid Job # to access the Boomi JIP Form for that job Enter the Bid Job # Click the Magnify Glass or press “Enter” Click the eye icon under Actions Column You are taken to the Boomi JIP Form to complete the information To Complete the JIP Boomi form, follow the instructions to complete the JIP Boomi Form linked here Step 3 - Converting the Opportunity to a Project Record in Unanet WARNING – BEFORE FOLLOWING THE NEXT STEPS ENSURE THAT ALL INFORMATION IN THE UNANET OPPORTUNITY RECORD IS ACCURATE. ONCE YOU PROCEED, THE INFORMATION IN THE OPPORTUNITY RECORD WILL NO LONGER TRANSFER INTO THE UNANET PROJECT RECORD From the Unanet Opportunity Record Press the Convert Opportunity To button Check Unanet Project Press Convert, and click “Yes” in the confirmation window This Creates a Project Record (Marketing) in Unanet and brings over all the relevant Opportunity Data AUTOMATICALLY Changes the Opportunity Stage in Unanet to 10c-Sale Closed (Converted to JIP) Step 4 - Submitting the JIP For Approval Click the “Create JIP” link in the Opportunity Record in Unanet one last time to This ensures the information is updated and accurate (and allows Boomi to confirm you have converted the Opportunity to a Project) NOTE - You will not be able to submit your JIP for approval unless you have converted the Unanet Opportunity to a “Project” as noted in the previous steps You are taken to the Boomi JIP Form one last time Press “Save & Submit when you are ready The form will conduct a final validation before submitting and prompt you if you’ve missed anything with a pop up in red in the upper right of the screen If you don’t have any errors, you will receive notification that your JIP was successfully submitted for approval by the Risk Manager and Finance Manager You can see the approval status via the Workflow History page of the Boomi JIP Form Save and Submit Button clicked with Missing Information After clicking Save and Submit successful submission Workflow History and Status of Approvals and Checks
Bid Job # Notifications and Bid Job Dashboard
Email Notifications for Bid Job #'s In addition to the immediate email notification to the person creating the Bid Job # from Unanet (first screenshot below), a daily digest email of Bid Job #'s created are sent the following morning to your Division Manager, Preconstruction Manager, Chief Estimator, and Project Setup Services. Accessing Bid Job #'s created and details To access the Bid Job # outside of Unanet via the Bid Job Dashboard in Boomi, go to: External links drop-down Unanet Opportunity Record. Treeview Menu Job Start Links in CMiC Field. Once in Boomi, click on the menu icon in the top right corner of Boomi to navigate to the Bid Job Dashboard. Using the Bid Job # Log Search for Bid Job # Search by Unanet Opportunity # Sort by any Column Click the eye icon under Actions column to see information about the Bid Job # Bid Job # Details Bid Job # information is minimal and only the required information for CMiC to create a Bid Job # appears. Status field will also indicate if the Bid Job creation is COMPLETE or in ERROR. Job Status will indicate if the PJOB Workflow Complete successfully. If there is an ERROR, take a screenshot of the Bid Job Information pop-up and copy the Error Description provided and Submit a Ticket to BTech for diagnosis.