Job Start Form, Logs & Approvals
Job Project Setup - (JIP Jobs) Manual Adjustments until fixed
All JIP Jobs Job > Enter Job (Christina) STEP 1: Expand Job (ADF) STEP 2: Click enter Job STEP 3: Search for the JIP job you need STEP 4: Click the Action button STEP 5: Double check that the Billing Method is "Job Billing" STEP 6: Copy Default Dept. # STEP 7: Jot down the Estimated Start Date / Estimated End Date / Spread Rule Code (You will need these later) STEP 8: Click on Accounts Tab STEP 9: Paste the Dept # into WIP revenue Adjustment Department field STEP 10: Click on WIP Tab STEP 11: Paste the Dept # into WIP Unposted Costs Department STEP 12: Paste the Dept # into WIP Unposted Revenue Department STEP 13: Click Save STEP 14: Click Exit/span> Note: You can also Click Table Mode if you need to search for another project # Job > Enter Contract (Christina) STEP 1: Expand Job Billing STEP 2: Expand Contract (ADF) STEP 3: Click Enter Contract STEP 4: Search for the JIP job you need STEP 5: Click the Action button STEP 6: Double check the Time Phased Box is checked STEP 7: Choose Spread Rule (from Items you jotted down in the How To Above) STEP 8: Enter Start Date STEP 9: Enter End Date STEP 10: Click Save STEP 11: Click Exit/span> Note: You can also Click Table Mode if you need to search for another project # CMiC Field > Project Maint. > (Support Desk) Note: To find the information to add to the JSP you will need to go to the Boomi Job Log
Job in Progress (JIP) Workflow for PM
Job in Progress (JIP) Workflow for PM All new opportunities are created in Unanet via a Unanet User liaison. This liaison creates the opportunity and will let you know the Bid Job (PJob) # to look up in the Job Start Log in order to complete the Job Start Form (JIP Form) in Boomi. You can follow the steps below to review the Job Start Process and how to complete the JIP Form in Boomi. STEP 1: Click on Swinerton Links>Job Start Log from the Treeview Menu in CMiC Field. NOTE: This will take you to a separate application called the Boomi Flow (Program) to complete the Job Start (JIP) Form. You'll notice that the Boomi JIP Form automatically pulls in select data from the Unanet Opportunity Record. STEP 2: Search for the Bid Job # that you were given by your Unanet User liaison NOTE: The Bid Job# will have a “P” at the end, symbolizing Pursuit. This is also often informally referred to as a "PJob". STEP 3: Click on the eye icon next to your project to complete the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form. NOTE: If you hover over the "i" in the small blue circle (info icon), it will provide some explanation for each field. NOTE: Take notice of the top menu. Click on the dots to navigate to the different pages of the form. Percentages beneath each dot indicate % completion of required fields on each page, which should give you a sense of what still needs to be completed, and where, on the form. NOTE: You don't have to click Save as you move from one page to the next. HOWEVER, it is highly recommended that you Save changes before closing the Boomi JIP Form or stepping away from it for long periods of time. Clicking the Save button will update the % completion that appears below each page. NOTE: It's best practice to not have multiple sessions of the same Boomi JIP Form (for the same job) open at a given time. That way changes and submissions register properly. General Contract Information Page STEP 1: The Controlling Job field is a required field that automatically defaults to ALL. IT SHOULD REMAIN AS ALL, UNLESS you are certain that your project is going to be controlled financially by a controlling job. For example, SMC frequently assigns Controlling Jobs to track budget/cost of it's Controlled Jobs directly from the Controlling Job. It is rare that any divisions aside from SMC change this field from the default ALL. Confirm if a Controlling Job # is applicable BEFORE selecting a Controlling Job # - otherwise, the JIP Workflow might error out or a ticket will need to be put in with BTech to separate the two jobs after the JIP is created. STEP 2: The Project Role field automatically populates with the selection that was made via the Unanet Opportunity Record by the Unanet User liaison. It cannot be edited from the Boomi JIP Form. If this needs to be revised, please notify your Unanet User liaison so that they can make the change in Unanet. The change will be reflected in Boomi once the Boomi JIP Form is refreshed. STEP 3: If the Project Role selected for your project is Sub to Self (Self-Perform), then the GC Job# (Self-Perform Only) field will appear and be required - as indicated by the red asterisk. You must select a GC Job #. If your project is not Sub to Self, then this field will not appear. REMINDER: Do not enter the GC Job # into the Controlling Job Field UNLESS you are certain that the GC Job is also supposed to be financially controlling your project. SMC is typically the only entity that inputs anything other than the default ALL into this field. This is because they have Controlling Jobs that are used to track budget and costs of the Controlled Jobs. STEP 4: Click the filter icon to the right of required Client field to open the Client Filter Criteria. STEP 4a: Input the Owner/Client Name, or their corresponding Business Partner Code, into the Client Filter Criteria field. STEP 4b: Click the Filter icon (or press Enter on your keyboard) to search. STEP 4c: Click the blue Arrow in the Action column to select/insert the correct Client into the Boomi JIP Form. NOTE: Ensure that you are selecting the CORRECT client within the Client field. Confirm with your Unanet User Liaison and/or with your Prime Agreement if you are uncertain. If there seem to be multiple options to select from in this field for a single client and you aren't certain which to choose, it is best to double check with to confirm you are selecting the correct entity/Business Partner BEFORE submitting the Boomi JIP Form. Correction of the Customer on a JIP in CMiC after the JIP has been created/set up/started can become increasingly difficult and require extensive reconciliation as a the job progresses. Furthermore, there could be adverse Legal and Financial implications that can be easily avoided by selecting the correct Customer in Boomi. STEP 5-13: Fill in the balance of the fields as required (required fields are indicated by red asterisks). NOTE: Primary Market (Step 5), Delivery Method (Step 6), Potential Revenue (Step 9), Construction Start Date (Step 12), and Construction End Date (Step 13) fields all auto-populate with selections made by the Unanet User Liaison in the Unanet Opportunity Record. These fields cannot be edited via the Boomi JIP Form. NOTE: You will notice that, for the Contract Liquidated Damages field (Step 10) and the Shared Savings field (Step 11), if you answer Yes, then a new conditional field will appear. STEP 14: Click Save button. STEP 15: Navigate to the Project Team & Address page. Project Team & Address Page STEP 1: Choose the appropriate Project Manager / Field Admin / Operations Manager. Your selections will integrate into CMiC as Key Players on your JIP; theses selections are required for approval workflows. STEP 2: The Project Address section auto-populates from the Unanet Opportunity Record. If it is not correct, you will need to reach out to your Unanet User Liaison to have them update the address from the Unanet Opportunity Record. STEP 3: Click Save. STEP 4: Click AP Invoice Workflow page. AP Invoice Workflow Page STEP 1: Choose the appropriate Project Invoice Coder / Coder Backup / Approver / Approver Backup. If these need to be changed later on in the Job, please reach out to Project Setup Services to make the desired update(s). STEP 2: Click Save. STEP 3: Click Finance page. Finance Page STEP 1: Fill in all required (asterisked) fields with accurate information. Note: If you select "Other" for Client Payment Terms, another mandatory field will appear allowing you to include an typed explanation. Please make sure your entries into these fields are accurate. Note: If you select "Yes" for Textura Project, another required field will appear asking if you want to Enroll Project in Swinerton Payment Accelerator. Note: If you mark "Yes" for Project Specific Charge Rates, the section will expand requiring that you to upload your specific rates. Note: If you mark "Yes" for More than one Contract Deliverable, a conditional field will appear below it requiring input of a description. STEP 2: Click Save. STEP 3: Click Risk page. Risk Page STEP 1: Complete necessary fields with correct information. Note: If you mark "Yes" for any of the following fields (EIFS Exterior project (GC Jobs ONLY) / Wood Frame project / Hazardous Materials Work), and/or the Delivery Method field on the first page is Design-Build, Progressive Design-Build, or Integrated Project Delivery, then the High Risk Project field will update to "Yes" and the conditional/required Describe Risk field will appear. You will need to enter in a description of the anticipated risk. Note: If you mark "Yes" for Bond Required, notice that a link to the corresponding Boomi Bond Form will appear next to the field. Click HERE for the P&P Bond Request How To's. STEP 2: Click Save. STEP 3: Click Insurance page. Insurance Page Click HERE for detailed Information on the Insurance Page STEP 1: Infill fields as necessary with correct information. Note: At least ONE field in the Insurance section must be selected. Multiple selections can be made. If you have any questions regarding which insurance selection(s) to make, reach out to the Risk Management team for guidance. Hovering over the blue info ("i") icons next to each insurance type field provides some description/clarification of insurance types. STEP 2: Click Save. STEP 3: Click Save. SDI Page Click HERE for detailed Information on this page. STEP 1: Fill in the required fields with correct information. Note: If you need to request a Waiver for SDI on your project, select "Yes" in the Project Waiving SDI field. You will then be prompted with another conditional/required field to select an applicable reason. If "Other" is the reason chosen from the drop-down, then another required free-form field will appear for you to input your explanation. Note: If "Yes" is selected, then a separate SDI Waiver workflow will launch for necessary review/approvals by DM/OM/Regional Manager/GM(if applicable)/SDI Waiver Approver, if Potential Revenue is >$3MM. If the Potential Revenue is less than or equal to $3MM, then the SDI Waiver request just gets reviewed/approved by the SDI Waiver Approver. The corporate SDI Waiver Approver is currently Robert Ruszkowski. Note: If "No" is selected in the Project Waiving SDI field, then you will be prompted to enter in the applicable rate (%). STEP 2: Click Save. STEP 3: Click Legal page. Note: Click HERE for more information on the SDI Waiver Workflow. Legal Page STEP 1: Fill in the Fields with correct information. Note: If "Yes" is chosen for Private Project in California, several more conditional fields will appear for entry of information on Property Owner / Lender. Enter in appropriate info, as necessary. Note: Uploading to the Attach Executed Contract field is REQUIRED for all non-SMC and non-Self-Perform projects. A contract (ideally executed) must be uploaded. If executed contracts are not applicable/available to your project (e.g., contract repair jobs, misc jobs, warranty repair jobs), then you can just upload any relevant documentation or form of external/internal authorization that might assist with JIP workflow review/approval and Project Setup. For example, if you don't have an executed contract, then possibly an NTP or Notice of Award. Note: A supplemental Additional Comments field is also provided for project teams to input any further explanation/clarification regarding their prime agreement (or lack thereof). STEP 2: Click Save. STEP 3: Review your form once more to ensure everything is accurate and saved. Then, reach out to your Unanet User Liaison and inform them that the Boomi JIP Form is complete and ready for the final review/submission. NEXT STEPS: Complete and submit your Bond Request (if applicable) Review the Job Start Approval Workflow Determine Project's Approval Status in Boomi
Boomi Job Start Form - Insurance and SDI – Detailed Information
Boomi Job Start Form - Insurance and SDI – Detailed Information The following is a detailed explanation of each field in the Insurance and SDI pages of the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form. Insurance Page: When filling out the insurance Section of the Job Start form, have your executed Owner Contract, or Prime Agreement, handy. Builders Risk Provided by Owner: Available Responses: Yes / No. If unknown, select Owner and enter in a date no more than 1 month away into the Builder Risk Expiration Date. Ensure this date is also prior to your scheduled mobilization. Builders Risk is REQUIRED by Swinerton, but can be provided by either the Owner or Swinerton. If Swinerton is providing the Builder's Risk, for projects Over $15 million, Request a Quote on SwinNet. Projects under $15M can enroll in a policy that includes Builders Risk. Project Specific Policy Rate: Typically this will be left blank to pull in the default rates per the Insurance type selected in the lower section Request a Unique Project Policy Quote on SwinNet and enter it once you have received it from the Risk team Examples where this would apply: Projects over $50M, wood frame projects, special requirements per Owner contract. Subs bid with insurance: Default answer is "Yes". If there is an OCIP, check the bid invitation and RFP. Subs may not have included insurance. Select the insurance policy for your Project Go to SwinNet for more information about Swinerton's Wrap up Insurance Programs Use S2S Sub to Swinerton options for Sub-to-self projects (this is for self-perform group) 99-Traditional Insurance will typically be used for for self-perform projects where Swinerton is not the Prime GC. 99-Tranditional Insurance will also typically be used for Precon ONLY projects. If you will have a change order for the construction phase, select the insurance type for the construction phase. Hover of blue info icons next to each insurance type to learn more. Reach out to the Risk Management team if you have any questions before submitting the Boomi JIP Form. Incorrect selections will be rejected (with reason) by the Risk Management team. Select at least one insurance option and leave the others blank. However, if job has OCIP, be sure to indicate whether the Owner Provides OCIP Liability in the corresponding field. SDI Page: Go to SwinNet for more information about Subcontractor Default Insurance There are 2 options for SDI Waiver: "No" or "Yes" If "NO" is selected: Typical response will then be to enter the current SDI Rate, per the rate sheet IF you have selected the insurance type PLP Net is selected, then the SDI Waiver Workflow will launch for necessary approvals. Visit the Risk Training & Resources page on SwinNet for more information.
Determining Workflow Approval Status of JIP in Boomi - PM
Determining Workflow Approval Status of JIP in Boomi - PM (AKA, Why is my JIP not set up or is the SDI Waiver workflow complete?) After the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form is submitted by the Unanet User Liaison, the Boomi JIP Workflow is launched and routed through several people for review/approval. Reviewers are set up and assigned on a department-basis in CMiC. Follow these steps to view the status of approval/JIP creation on a given project. STEP 1: Click on Swinerton Links>Job Start Log on the Treeview Menu in CMiC Field. This link will take you to the Jobs in Progress (JIP) Log in Boomi. STEP 2: Enter the applicable Bid Job (aka PJob) number into the search box, and click the magnifying glass on the right to search for your project or press Enter. See screenshot below. NOTE: Status column on right side of JIP Log table will indicate if the JIP Workflow is complete or not. NOTE: If the Job # field has a number populated for the project, then that means a JIP has been created in CMiC. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's ready for Project Team still needs to be set-up by Project Setup Services and approved. STEP 3: Click on the eye icon under the Actions column next to the project to see more detail. This will redirect you to the Boomi Job Start (JIP) Form for the project. See screenshot below. STEP 4: Once you are in the Boomi JIP Form, go to the Workflow History page to view history/activity on all applicable Boomi workflows for this particular project. See screenshot below. STEP 5: The Workflow History screen will show progress of the JIP Workflow, including approval and FYI notifications that have been sent to reviewers (including date/timestamps), as well as if/when approvers approved or rejected their notifications. Any rejections of approval notifications will show a mandatory note from the approver explaining why they rejected. OPTIONAL: At this point, you can contact those people whose approvals are outstanding. If you reach out to someone and they aren't seeing an approval notification in their Approvals Dashboard, Submit a Ticket with the screenshot of the Workflow History. NOTE: Workflow History also shows the SDI Workflow (if SDI is being waived) and Job Folder Workflow (if job folder set-up is selected on the General Contract Information page of the Boomi JIP Form). If applicable, these approval workflows will launch as soon as the JIP is successfully created in CMiC. NOTE: Creation of JIP in CMiC occurs once the Financial Manager and Risk Manager both approve their JIP Workflow approval notifications. Once the JIP is successfully created, the Project Setup Services team receives a JIP Workflow approval notification from Boomi (indicated by Job Setup Specialist on the Workflow History). Once the Job Setup Specialist reviews and complete the job set-up process of the JIP in CMiC, Workday, etc., they'll approve their notification in Boomi and the Project Team (amongst others who will get FYIs in Boomi) will receive an immediate email notification that job set-up is complete. Then the JIP is officially set-up/ready for use by the Project Team.
Jobs in Progress (JIP) Log
Jobs in Progress (JIP) Log - The Job in Progress (JIP) Log is located in Boomi. This log provides project teams with important information regarding the status of the JIP Workflow/creation process. It can be accessed as a record of the data entered during the job start process at any point in time. It can be accessed to review progress of Job Start approval workflows - including PJob, JIP, SDI Waiver, and Job Folder creation workflows. It can be accessed to launch the Boomi Payment and Performance Bond form. NOTE: Boomi is best run in Chrome, rather than Internet Explorer. STEP 1: Navigate to the JIP Log by clicking Swinerton Links>Job Start Log on the CMiC Treeview Menu. This will take you to Boomi. There you will be able to search for your project. STEP 2: When the Boomi JIP Log loads, type the Bid Job or JIP number into the Search field and click Enter (or press the magnifying glass) to do a general search across all of the columns in the Bid Jobs table below. NOTE: Alternatively, you may also click the + icon next to "Filter" and utilize the available Opportunity #, Bid Job #, Depart #, and Start/End Date filter fields to do a more refined search based on columns in the field. Once you've found your desired project, you'll notice the job Status column near the right side of the table indicating PJOB Workflow Completed, JIP Workflow Completed, or ERROR (if the PJob workflow has been unsuccessful). Click on the corresponding eye icon (in the Actions column) to navigate to the Boom JIP Form (aka Boomi Job Start Form). STEP 3: If the Save button on the Boomi JIP (Job Start) Form is greyed out, then that means the Boomi JIP Form has been submitted by the Unanet User and the JIP Workflow approval process has launched. If the Boomi JIP Form is submitted, then the Save button is greyed out and no more edits can be made. Click on the Workflow History page to review step-by-step progress of the JIP Workflow approval process. NOTE: The Workflow History tab also shows progress of the SDI Waiver approval workflow and the Job Folder creation workflow, if applicable. If the Save button is not greyed out, then that means the form can still be edited/saved. The top menu indicates a percentage of completion for required fields on each page. The percentages will help you identify which pages are incomplete. You can then look at any of the pages to validate the information that was entered and input information as necessary. Once you've completed all of the required fields on the Boomi JIP Form (each pages shows 100%), click the Save button and then notify your Unanet User Liaison. They will review the form once more and officially submit. Once the form is submitted, the JIP Workflow approval process launches and no more edits can be made to the form. The Save button will become greyed out (unavailable).
Bid Jobs (Pjobs) Dashboard
Bid Jobs (PJobs) Dashboard - The Bid Jobs (PJobs) Dashboard/Log is located in Boomi. This log will give project teams important information on the status of a Bid Job's creation. Bid Jobs are used to track costs associated with Opportunities we are pursuing. They are created from Opportunities in Unanet by Unanet users in your Division. If you do not see the Bid Job you were expecting in this log, or in CMiC Field, you need to contact your Division's Unanet User who set up the opportunity. NOTE: Boomi is best run in Chrome, rather than IE. STEP 1: Navigate to the Bid Jobs Dashboard by the clicking Swinerton Links>Job Start Log on the CMiC Treeview Menu. This will take you to Boomi. There you will be able to search for your Bid Job and view its status. STEP 2: In the upper right hand corner, click the hamburger icon and click select Bid Job Log from the drop-down. STEP 3: When the Bid Jobs Dashboard loads, type the Bid Job number into the Search field and click Enter (or press the magnifying glass) to do a general search across all of the columns in the Bid Jobs table below. NOTE: Alternatively, you may also click the + icon next to "Filter" and utilize the available Opportunity #, Bid Job #, Depart #, and Start/End Date filter fields to do a more refined search based on columns in the field. Once you've found your desired bid job, you'll notice the Job Status column near the right side of the table indicating PJOB Workflow Completed, or ERROR if the PJob workflow has been unsuccessful. Click on the corresponding eye icon (in the Actions column) to view more detailed information about your PJob. STEP 4: Clicking the eye icon will open a Bid Job Information pop-up. The Status field will show as either COMPLETE or ERROR (with a description of the received error populated in the Error Description field). If COMPLETE, then a PJob number was successfully created and your bid job is in CMiC. If in ERROR, take a screenshot of the error and submit with a ticket to BTech. NOTE: This pop-up is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified by users. Click Back button to exit the pop-up and return to the Bid Jobs Dashboard.
Approval Dashboard and Notifications
Approval Dashboard and Notifications - The Approval Dashboard (also known as the Workflow Notification Log) is located in Boomi. This log is similar to the CMiC Workflow Notifications module. All jobs will go through the Approval process in Boomi prior to becoming a Job In Progress (JIP). Roles that need to approve or receive an FYI notification through the JIP workflow process will receive those notifications and Approvals in the Boomi Approval Dashboard. For Approvals requiring immediate action, an email will be sent. For FYIs, generally those appear in your Approval Dashboard on a daily basis similar to CMiC. If you have approvals or FYIs you will receive a notification in your email daily with a list of your open items. NOTE: This process should be completed in Chrome, rather than IE. STEP 1: From the CMiC Field Treeview Menu, click Swinerton Links>Job Start Workflow Notifications. This will take you to your Approval Dashboard (aka Workflow Notification Log) in Boomi. There, you will see a summary of all pending FYI and Approval notifications for the PJob Workflow, JIP Workflow, Job Folder Workflow, and/or SDI Waiver Workflow that are currently assigned to you and still in your court. STEP 2: Utilize the Actions buttons (left column of table) to Review, view the project's approval Workflow History, and then either Approve or Reject. Approve: Approve and Close Reject: Reject Project (Explanation is required) JIP Review: Review a summary of all of the information that was entered into fields on the Boomi Job Start Form (Boomi JIP Form) and submitted. Just click on the (+) to expand section. You will also be able to access any attachments that were uploaded to the form via this review summary screen (NOTE: click on View Files button). Click the Back button to return to the Approval Dashboard. Workflow History: View progress of the PJob, JIP, Job Folder Creation, and SDI Waiver approval workflows on a project by clicking on the Workflow History action icon next to your Approval or FYI notification. Workflow History shows date/timestamps of sent Approval/FYI notifications, as well as responses to Approval notifications (approvals and rejections). While in the project's Workflow History, toggle between pages of history by clicking on the forward and backward arrows in the lower right corner of the screen. To return to the Approval Dashboard, click the Back button. Workflow Notification Types - There are three different types of Workflow Notifications: Immediate Email Notifications - Approvers will receive an email for immediate action to be taken. For certain Approval notifications (e.g., Financial Manager and Risk Manager), users will see an Approval on their Boomi Approval Dashboard in addition to receiving this supplemental immediate email. Workflow Dashboard Notifications in Boomi - Up-to-date notifications on Boomi Approval Dashboard, including pending Approvals and FYI. Approval or Rejection required for all Approval notifications. FYIs are for information purposes. It is highly recommended that Boomi users visit their Boomi Approvals Dashboard on a regular basis to review and address both Approval and FYIs. This will help minimize clutter and promote swift completion of workflows that are a critical part of Job Setup. Daily Notification Emails - Digest that summarizes all pending notifications. NOTE: All emails are sent from If you are uncertain whether or not your are receiving approval/FYI/digest email notifications from Boomi, do a quick search of your email's Inbox, Deleted, Trash/Junk folders for any emails coming From: Also, verify that you don't have a Forwarding Rule set up in your email that might be inadvertently sending such emails to other folders in your Inbox or Trash. Verify that your email inbox is receiving these emails because it is CRITICAL that Boomi Approval notifications get addressed in a timely fashion so that JIPs get created and set up swiftly and accurately, including SDI Waiver Workflow notifications. NOTE: Refer to example of email notification below: For more information on the Approval Workflow process, click HERE.
Upload and View Attachments in Boomi
Upload and View Attachments in Boomi - NOTE: For SMC projects and non-self-perform jobs, the Boomi Job Start/JIP Form cannot be submitted without uploading an executed contract (or any applicable draft contract / written authorization to proceed, if an executed contract is not available). NOTE: If "Yes" is selected for Project Specific Charge Rates on the Finance tab of the Boomi Job Start/JIP Form, then an attachment will be required in order to the Submit the form. Uploading to Boomi JIP Start/JIP Form See steps below on how to use the Upload feature on the Boomi Job Start/JIP Form. Acceptable file formats include: .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, .JPG, .PNG, .TXT, .XLS, .XLXS, and .XLSM. File size limit is 130 MB. NOTE: You can view/download/delete uploaded files for a given field on the Boomi Job Start form by clicking on the same Upload button. Boomi Reviewers and Approvers - View Uploaded Attachments via Approvals Dashboard See steps below on how to view uploaded files as a Boomi Approvers/Reviewer via the Boomi Approvals Dashboard.