Precon PSR
Precon PSR Flow Chart
Getting Started Check List: Before you can create a Precon PSR Month End Report in Power BI confirm ALL the following items have been completed for the Project: Precon Contract / NTP Received from Client Job in CMiC Converted to an Active Job (JIP, no P at the end of the job number) Budget has been uploaded in CMiC Swinerton Project Champion has been added to the Project Directory You have added the Precon PSR App in Power BI You understand how to complete month end financial forecasting in CMiC Monthly Flow Chart:
Access the Precon PSR
Part 1: Installing/Getting the App from Power BI Service STEP 1: Go to and use your Swinerton SSO to sign in STEP 2: Click on Apps. STEP 3: Click on “Get Apps” on the top right screen STEP 4: Find the Precon PSR under Organizational Apps and click on Get it now. If you do not see this option, please file a ticket by emailing at STEP 5: When you click on Apps on the left side of the page. You should be able to see the Precon PSR. Click on the Icon to enter the application. Part 2: Accessing from CMiC STEP 1: Once you have access to the APP in Power BI, in the CMiC Project Module under Dashboard, click the link to the Precon PSR. You should only be doing this in CMiC from a browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Adding Precon PSR Forecast Comments
Adding Precon PSR Forecast Comments STEP 1: Navigate to your Precon job and Click on Budget & Cost Management. STEP 2: Click the Contract Forecasting link. STEP 3: For your Job For the Current Month/Period and Year For both Cost/Revenue Click go to run the forecast STEP 4: Go to the forecast comments at the top of the page STEP 5: Once you see the forecast comments window opened, scroll down to the bottom to see the PSR STEP 6: Enter your monthly metrics. Some items will be multiple choice fields. Item Name Description Valid Values 1 Projected Precon Completion Date of the Projected Precon Completion Date – Any Value 2 Owner’s Budget $ How much the Owner (Customer) can spend on a the Construction job Number (Float) 3 Current Swinerton Estimate $ How much do we at Swinerton expect the Construction job to cost Number (Float) 4 Current Estimate of the Document Stage What design package are we using in this estimate? Conceptual Design 0-50% Schematic Design 51-100% Schematic Design 0-50% Design Documents 51-100% Design Documents 0-50% Construction Documents 51-100% Construction Documents 5 Total Value Engineering Value What is the amount of value engineering included in this estimate? Number (Float) 6 Total Allowance Value $ What is the $ amount of allowances included in our estimate? Number (Float) 7 Similar Projects by Division How many similar projects has a division preformed? Integer 8 Did Operations Create a Logistics Plan? An answer to the stated question Yes/No 9 # of Critical Subs by 100% DD How many critical subcontractor trades have been committed at 100% Design Document? Integer 10 Projected Doc Stage at GMP At what design stage is a final GMP/Lump Sum contract value expected? Greater than 75% Construction Documents 100% Design Documents and up to 75% Construction Documents Less than 100% Design Documents 11 Did Self Perform Scrub Docs? An answer to the stated question Yes/No 12 Similar Self Preform Projects Number of self-perform projects of similar dollar value, product type, and complexity 3 or more Less than 3 None 13 # of SP Trades Involved The number of self-perform trades (if any) Integer 14 Contract Terms Negotiation Level of difficulty negotiating the contract terms Mutually agreeable Moderate Terms were Highly modified Can't modify the terms We have not negotiated contract terms yet 15 Client Alignment How aligned are we with this CM/Client? Strong Alignment Moderate Alignment Not Aligned at all 16 Architect Alignment How aligned are we with the Architect? Strong Alignment Moderate Alignment Not Aligned at all 17 Critical Item 1 Top 3 critical items on project (Item 1) Free Text 18 Critical Item 2 Top 3 critical items on project (Item 2) Free Text 19 Critical Item 3 Top 3 critical items on project (Item 3) Free Text STEP 7: Click Save. You have now finished entering the information and can come back in an hour to see your information in Power BI. All data in the report will refresh each hour, at the hour PDT during standard working hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm).
Navigating the PreCon PSR: PreCon PSR Dashboard
The Precon PSR Dashboard page is available in two modes Dashboard mode (default): a graphical view of the PreCon PSR metrics Tabular: data presented in a simple table view without any graphics Dashboard View This page shows detailed metrics for a given selected: Job and Period (Year Month). You filter the page by using the “Job Code – Name” drop down menu. Please be advised that a distinct Job, Year, and Month need to be selected for this dashboard to function. Below this image is a reference table for each visual on the page, lettered A - DD. Visual ID (A-DD) Description Source/Notes A Original Contract: The Original Precon Contract Value This will tie to the PSR Box 2: Original Contract B Current Contract: The Original Contract Value + All Posted OCO’s before the year and month selected This will tie to the PSR Box 2: Current Contract C Revenue Forecast: The forecasted revenue for this Precon job This will tie to the PSR Box 1: Revenue Forecast D Cost Forecast: The projected final cost This will tie to the PSR Box 1: Cost Forecast E Spent to Date: How much has been spent to date on the Precon job This will tie to the PSR Box 1: Spent To Date F PM Forecasted Fee: How much does the PM forecast us to earn/lose on this Precon job This will tie to the PSR Box 1: Projected Gain Loss G Billed to Date: The total amount we have billed this client for this job irrespective of period selected This will tie to PSR Box 5: Gross Billings H Received To Date: How much has this job’s owner paid us Sum of all payments up to and including the selected Year and Month I Over 30: Receivables more than 30 days old and less than 60 days old Invoice – Adjustments – Payments where the invoice age is between 31 – 60 days old J Over 60: Receivables more than 60 days old and less than 90 days old Invoice – Adjustments – Payments where the invoice age is between 61 – 90 days old K Over 90: Receivables more than 90 days old Invoice – Adjustments – Payments where the invoice age is more than 90 days old L Construction Budget Variance %: Client’s current budget vs Swinerton’s projected budget CBV < 5% = Target, Green CBV < 10% Orange, OK CBV >= 10% Bad Red Visual will show absolute variance in red if over 5%, green if under % M PreCon Duration: The total difference from the Precon start to the projected Precon completion. The target is = 6 * number of jobs we are examining for a specified period. Red: if the PreCon Duration is more than 6 months Green: if the PreCon Duration is less than 6 months N Construction Value Engineering %: What percent of the overall Swinerton Budget is Value Engineering? < 3% = Target < 5% = Good >= 5% = Bad O Critical Subs Committed by 100% DD: How many critical subcontractor trades have been committed at 100% Design Document? 5 = Good/Green Otherwise = Bad/Red P Construction Allowance %: What percent of the overall Swinerton Budget is an Allowance? < 1% of budget = Target > 3% of budget = Bad Q Project Team: The count of filled roles and each staff person at Swinerton in these roles: Project Champion, Estimator, and Project Champion t modify the terms Red Y Architect Alignment: How aligned are we with the Architect. Strong Alignment Green Moderate Alignment Orange Not Aligned at all Red Z Contract Negotiations: How aligned are we with this Client/CM? Strong Alignment Green Moderate Alignment Orange Not Aligned at all Red AA # of SP Trades: The number of self-perform trades (if any) Intended uncolored BB Critical Item 1: An item of high priority to consider on this project. Intended uncolored CC Critical Item 2: An item of high priority to consider on this project. Intended uncolored DD Critical Item 3: An item of high priority to consider on this project. Intended uncolored Tabular View This is a tabular on the PreCon PSR Dashboard. It is intended to contain all the PSR metrics in a summarized format for those with visualizing data as a table rather than the dashboard.
Navigating the PSR: Job Metrics Trending
About: This page shows trends for jobs over the monthly periods. You get to the page by drilling through from "Regional Summary". For this page, it is not necessary to select a specific Job, Year and Month because we are showing aggregate trends. Below this image is a reference table for each visual on the page, lettered A - D. Visual ID Description How to interpret A Extended Preconstruction Duration This is the total of all the Extended Precon Duration metric for the Jobs selected and how they compare to the target of 6 months * the number of jobs selected. The target increases/decreases based on how many jobs you have selected with the various filters. B Construction Budget This chart shows how we are progressing in meeting the Owner’s budget expectations. The column charts show the Swinerton Construction Budget vs the Owners Budget. The line graph shows the Budget Variance % C Construction Allowance This chart shows how the total construction allowance is decreasing or increasing relative to Swinerton’s budget D Construction Value Engineering This chart shows the trending % of Construction Value Engineering vs Swinerton’s Budget during Preconstruction
Navigating the PreCon PSR: Regional Summary
About: This is the main page where you will start by default. From here you can drill through to other pages and visualize metrics on a regional, division and department level for a selected year and month. For all visuals on this to make sense, please remember you need to select a Month, and Year to specify the point in time for reference. All visuals can be interpreted at a Regional, Divisional, Department, and Job level. Below this image is a reference table for each visual on the page, lettered A - D. Visual ID Description How to interpret A Construction Budget Variance %: Is Swinerton's budget in alignment with the Owner? < 5% = Target, Green < 10% Orange, OK >= 10% = Bad Red Visual will show absolute variance in red if over 5%, green if under % B Construction Value Engineering %: What percent of the overall Swinerton Budget is Value Engineering? < 3% = Target < 5% = Good >= 5% = Bad C Construction Allowance %: What percent of the overall Swinerton Budget is an Allowance? < 1% of budget = Target > 3% of budget = Bad D PreCon Duration: The cumulative total difference from the Precon start to the projected Precon completion date for all Jobs selected. The target is = 6 * number of jobs we are examining for a specified period. Red: if the cumulative PreCon Duration is more than 6 months * target Green: if the cumulative PreCon Duration is less than 6 months * target
Use Drill-throughs/filters on the PreCon PSR
Part 1: Using the drill-through and filters from the "Regional Summary" page STEP 1: Go to the PreCon PSR App STEP 2: On the first page, the regional summary, you will see all jobs for the ALL periods (years / months). This is because the filter to the right of the screen “Current Period” is set to All as the default. STEP 3: Set "Current Period" = TRUe to only view Precon jobs for the current calendar month and year. (Click the "Eraser" icon to clear the filter again) STEP 4: Click on the blue "filter" icon at the top of the page to clear all filters and to see all jobs. This will functionally disable the visuals and clear all filters. STEP 5: Select a Year and Month to see aggregate metrics for any selected Regions, Divisions, Departments, or Jobs. STEP 6: Right click on a distinct row in the "Job List" table. Be sure to click in a row with the “Per End Date” right there that corresponds to a period you want to analyze. Click on the drill-through menu option to go the corresponding page Precon PSR Dashboard or Job Metrics Trending Part 2: Using the drill-throughs and filters on the "PreCon PSR Dashboard" page STEP 1: After you drill-through to the PreCon PSR Dashboard, you should be able to see the monthly metrics visual for the Job, Month, and Year you selected: STEP 2: You may find it odd that All is selected in the filters, ignore this for now. The filters you care about in this case are those in the collapsible "Filters" panel on the right. STEP 3: Use the clear filter button on the top right to clear all of the filters on the page: STEP 4: Use the filters on the top right to select a job, year, and month to select values for different periods: STEP 5: Click on the back arrow to return to the "Regional Summary" page: Part 3: Using the drill-through and filters on the "Job Metrics Trending" page STEP 1 Drill through to the Job Metrics Trending page as shown in Part 1. For this page, it does not matter which date you drill in for, only which job you select. STEP 2: Remember, drill-through filters appear on the right. Click on the clear filter button to effectively use the Forecast Period Range and Job Filter. STEP 3: Use Market Sector and Division Name filters to see the metrics filtered by these categories. STEP 4: Use the Forecast Period Range filter to select your date range. The Default is set to the current year. Use the Job Code - Name drop-down filter to filter for specific job(s). STEP 5: Use the back button to head back to the Region Summary page.
Precon PSR Philosophy & Best Practices
Precon PSR Philosophy & Best Practices Please view the attached