Autodesk Field Management - Web
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Filtering
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Issues in the upper left STEP 4: Select the filter next to the search box STEP 5: Apply the filter for your specific needs. The filter does not carry over when you toggle away from the Issues screen.
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Permissions
Critical: Since we use ROLE-based permissions, ROLE needs to be in the Plans section in Document Management to be able to manage/see issues, therefore follow the sequence laid out below. STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Document Management STEP 3: Click on the Plans three dots STEP 4: Select Permissions STEP 5: Confirm the ROLE has been applied within these permissions. If a ROLE is missing (Ex: Engineer) make sure to ADD here BEFORE you update the issue permissions. STEP 6: After confimring the roles are in the Document Management section, go to the module select and pick Project Admin STEP 7: Select Issues on the left-hand side (in the Services tab) STEP 8: You can add members to the issue permissions by entering the User, Role, or Company. It is best to use ROLE-based permissions for Issues. *If you’re a Project Admin for the project, your permission type is USER (not role) and you are given Full Control STEP 9: Give the permission level you need to *View All, Create, View and Create & Full Control STEP 10:Click Add STEP 11: Once you add the ROLE, you can then update their permissions in the list below. *If you’re a Project Admin for the project, your permission type is USER (not role) and you are given Full Control Role Issue Permissions Architect Create Contractor View and Create Designer Create Engineer Create Inspector Create Owner Create Quality Manager View and Create Subcontractor Create Swinerton Self-Perform View & Create From Autodesk Help Page: A member that does not have full control that is assigned an issue can do the following: Add a response or comment. Upload attachments and photos. Change the status (except Closed or Draft to Open). You must be an issue owner or have full control permissions to: Reassign the issue. Change the due date of the issue. Close the issue. Modify the description of the issue. Modify custom attributes on the issue. Important: Issues can't be deleted or edited once the status has been set to VOID or CLOSED. Members who have Full Control (including project administrators) are the only users that can close or void issues.
Autodesk Field Management - Locations - Setup and Defining
CRITICAL: Make sure your drawings have been uploaded into the plans section before you set your locations. *Checklists and issues linked to documents before locations are defined will not populate the location automatically. *Only define locations on your Architectural enlarged plans, defining locations on every sheet is unnecessary. STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in: STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Project Admin STEP 3: Select Locations on the left-hand side STEP 4: Create your location hierarchy. You can download the template from the locations section within Project admin. Make sure the location hierarchy is on the first tab called “Empty template”. *Reference location scenarios that best fits your project attached. STEP 5: Save your spreadsheet with the job number and name to your desktop or project folder in the z drive and select import. STEP 6: Select the file you want to import STEP 7: Select open STEP 8: Verify the import spreadsheet looks correct and select import. If changes need to be made, select cancel and make the changes within the excel file and reimport. STEP 9: You can adjust the project locations in any order you want. If something doesn’t make sense, adjust it, rename or you can reimport it. To add a location manually, click Add To delete a location, click remove To move a location under another one, select it, click the three dots to the right and move where you need it to go OR you can select the up/down arrow at the top **Note** if you need to reimport, EXPORT the locations within the system, make your changes, and then reimport. This keeps the unique identifier tied and prevents double up. **Reimport** *Defining your locations: To link a drawing to a location you can apply it at the overall level, and it will automatically associate the drawing with all the rooms below. You can then apply room specific locations within the same sheet. *Reference location scenarios that best fits your project STEP 10: Check the box of the location to define on the drawings STEP 11: Click Add in the Linked Documents section to the right STEP 12: Select the *relevant drawings to link to that location/sub-locations. STEP 13: Click Add STEP 14: After you have selected the document(s) you want to define your locations with, click on the document name under Linked Documents. This will populate the sheet for you to define the locations. STEP 15: Zoom into the area you want to define, select the location area on the left and drag your cursor to determine your area. You have the option to use a rectangle or polygon. Rectangle: click in the corner and drag your cursor over the area Polygon: click once (do not hold) and move your cursor to the next spot, continue until you have defined the area. *If you overlap your locations, you will be able to see that in the setup and on the sheet where the locations have been defined. Be cautious about overlapping your locations! Location set up screen: Locations on drawings: STEP 16: Continue with every location on your list! You can see what locations have been defined by the area and the locations column within Document management. Example of locations: STEP 17: You can modify or remove locations! To delete, click on the area and click the delete trash can in the top middle taskbar or right-clicking and selecting remove the shape. To modify, right-click and select Insert Vertex or Remove Vertex When working with locations for issues or checklists, you no longer need to go to the specific room to put your pin/issue. In Field Management, you can select the drawing that has a location tied to it, put your pin on the sheet and it will pull the location of where your pin was placed which is opposite of Field classic. Make sure you find a drawing that has the locations set, create your issue, and place your pin where the issue lives. If your locations are set up, they will pull on your issues!
Autodesk Field Management - Print & Schedule Reports from Insight
Only Project Admins can print reports from Insight STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Insight STEP 3: Select Reports in the bottom left hand corner STEP 4: Click on Create Report in the upper right. Notice, the export reports for issues and checklists will pull to this reports page. STEP 5: Select Document management for Issue report, select Field Management for Checklist, Issue and Daily log reports. *Issues from Document management are the same reports from Field Management STEP 6: Click Select in the upper right after choosing which report you want to print Know the difference: Summary provides more information! We recommend sending out the summary reports! Detail reports provide pin locations, photos, etc. making your report longer. STEP 7: For any report you choose, you can set your parameters for the report and select “Run Now” for an immediate report. You can schedule the report to be sent out by selecting Share and Schedule. You will need to set up individual reports for each subcontractor onsite based on their Company. Update your report title Fill in your filters of how you want your report ran Share and schedule – This is where you can set up weekly reports to be sent to each individual sub on your project STEP 8: Once you have the information filled in and scheduled, you should SAVE the report. To do this select the dropdown arrow next to Run now and select Save This can be done for multiple reports. You can also run the report now or select Save and run. STEP 9: To view your saved reports, go into the reports tab and select save at the top.
Autodesk Field Management - Navigating to New Hub (Account) within Autodesk
This guide will walk you through the steps on how to navigate to the new company hub in Autodesk. Step 1: Open Autodesk/BIM 360 website and sign in Step 2: Click the project dropdown in the upper left corner next to the module selector. Step 3. Select Change Account Step 4: From there, select the new Autodesk Hub to navigate too. Step 5: When you navigate to your new hub, you should see the project(s) you are assigned to in your project drop down. If you do not see any projects in the new hub, you have not been added to the project as a member.
Autodesk Field Management - Page and Documentation Limitations
Autodesk Field Management - Page and Documentation Limitations The page limit for PDF files in BIM 360 Docs, when uploaded under the Project Files directory, is 2000. You can find the page limitations of BIM 360 Docs outlined here: Docs Size Limitations