Autodesk Field Management - Web
Autodesk Field Management - Checklists - Permissions
STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Project Admin STEP 3: Select Field Management on the left-hand side STEP 4: You can add members to the checklist permissions by entering the User, Role or Company. It is best to use ROLE based permissions for Checklists. *If you’re a Project Admin for the project, your permission type is USER (not role) and you are given Full Control STEP 5: Click Add STEP 6: Once you add the ROLE type, you can then update their permissions for Templates and Checklists. *If you’re a Project Admin for the project, your permission type is USER (not role) and you are given Full Control *Permissions for members are set for the company, do not change them. Please submit a ticket if you feel your project needs to deviate from the set permissions. Role Template Permissions Checklist Permissions Architect View & Create Create Contractor View & Create View & Create Designer View & Create Create Engineer View & Create Create Inspector View & Create Create Owner View & Create Create Quality Manager Full Control Full Control Subcontractor View & Create Create Swinerton Self-Perform View & Create View & Create Select learn more in Checklist permissions to see what each permission level does:
Autodesk Field Management - Daily Logs - Creating a Daily Log
STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Field Management STEP 3: Select Daily Logs on the top tab STEP 4: Select the date of when you need to create your daily log and select “Create new daily log” in the upper right corner STEP 5: Edit the Daily log header to read Swinerton Daily Log. Enter the location of your project, select Get Weather and it will populate the weather for you. Add any additional notes if needed (snowing, raining, etc.). *Note: you can edit any fields populated by the weather, adjust if needed. Enter the labor for the project, you can Copy from Previous and pull the labor from another daily log. Enter any notes and photos for the project. To create separate notes, hold CTL+Enter and it will jump to the next line without closing the note. STEP 6: Once you are complete, hit Publish *All activities are tracked with the activity log within the specific daily journal on the right taskbar. STEP 7: Select Publish again.
Autodesk Field Management - Daily Logs - Excel Export
STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Field Management STEP 3: Select Daily Logs on the top tab STEP 4: Select the date of the daily log you need to export and click on that daily log. STEP 5: Select the share or export icon in the upper right of the activity log STEP 6: Name your Report STEP 7: Select Create Report
Autodesk Field Management - Daily Logs - Permissions
Daily log permissions needs to be set up by the Project Admin ahead of time. Please be aware of the permissions you are giving someone for Daily logs. Any user, role, or company with the permission of Manager can edit ANYONE’s daily, including any Swinerton daily logs. Note: If you do not want someone to see daily logs, do not add them to the permissions tab. If they are not listed in the daily log’s permissions, they will not be able to view/create any daily logs. STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Project Admin STEP 3: Select Field Management on the left-hand side STEP 4: Click on the Daily Logs Tab STEP 5: Select/Assign USER or COMPANY into the field. USER example – You only want that individual member to view/create daily logs COMPANY example – you want everyone listed with “ABC Painting” to see/access their company’s daily logs. *If you assign by ROLE, anyone listed with the ROLE (ex: subcontractor) can view ANY subcontractor’s daily log. STEP 6: Select Creator click Add. *If you’re a Project Admin, your permission is automatically set to Manager. Viewer: Can view all daily logs in the project. Creator: Can edit and publish logs they created on the project Manager: Can view, edit, and publish all daily logs in the project. Recommendations on Permission for Daily Logs: Anyone listed as a Project Admin in the member's tab will pull to the Daily Log tab as a Manager. Remember, you do not need to add all the ROLES in this tab, only those who will be creating Daily Logs for the project User or Company Daily Log Permissions Swinerton Builders Creator Ex: ABC Painting Creator Ex: Baker Concrete Creator Jose Smith Creator
Autodesk Field Management - Email Notifications
**NOTE: Email notifications are NOT reports! The notifications are a digest of what took place on your project for the previous day. Reports are different, see Reports How-To guide for further instructions. STEP 1: Open BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Click on the module selector in the upper left and select Project Admin STEP 3: Select Notifications on the left-hand side STEP 4: You can manage the frequency of email notifications for project members. You can check the box to allow for project members to change these settings for their own profiles as well. Swinerton Builders recommends setting the notifications to Daily for all services. If an individual member is assigned to an issue or checklist, they will receive an immediate email. Try to assign issues and checklists to COMPANY or ROLE Example of an hourly email If a member wants to update their email notifications, they can select their profile in the upper right and choose email notifications. If the “Allow project members to change these settings” is UNCHECKED, members are unable to change their email notification frequency and will see the warning below.
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Adding Documents to an Issue
WHAT IS IT: Guide to walk through how to add documents to an issue that you created or have been assigned to. HOW TO for ISSUES: STEP 1:Open any Autodesk website STEP 2: Select Document Management or Field Management STEP 3: Select the Issues tab STEP 4: Select the issue you need to upload the document to and select the Attachments tab STEP 5: Drag and drop files from your desktop OR if you uploaded your files into BIM 360, select Browse STEP 6: Select the document from the folder you saved it in. Notice – you have the option to upload from your computer on this screen as well STEP 7: Hit Select once you have selected the document Follow those same steps to upload more documents. The drag and drop feature will allow you to upload multiple documents at one time.
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Creating From Document
STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Document Management STEP 3: Select the drawing you want to create your issue on. Make sure to pin your issues on drawings where the locations have been set, you can see this by the location column. If locations have been applied to a sheet, the location will be black, if locations have not been set on a drawing, the location will be gray. Make sure to set your locations BEFORE you create issues. STEP 4: When you’re in the drawing, select the issues button in the upper left corner. STEP 5: Select Create Issue on the bottom left STEP 6: Zoom into the location you need to pin, click to place your pin on the sheet. *Notice the location fills when you place your pin, if locations are not set up, this will not populate. STEP 7: Fill in the rest of the issue information and hit create. Once it’s created, it will show on the left task bar. You can edit additional information, add attachments, and update status. STEP 8: When you toggle away from the drawing, the column named Issue will show you how many issues are on a specific sheet. To Hide or Show Issues when working in a sheet, you can select the Hide/Show All Issues on the bottom task bar. You can filter for specific issues within a drawing, the filter does not hold or carry to the next sheet. You will need to reapply the filter each time.
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Creating from Issues Tab
*You must PIN your location to the drawing when you create the issue. You are unable to PIN an issue to the drawing after the issue has been saved/created! STEP 1:Open Autodesk BIM 360 website STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management OR Document Management STEP 3: Select Issues from the top tab STEP 4: Select Create Issue STEP 5: Fill in the new issue with the specific information for your project. You can also select “Start from a template” dropdown for the full list of templates. *See how-to on creating issue templates. STEP 6: When selecting your location and drawings, you want to make sure you pin your issue BEFORE you hit create. Once the issue has been created, you can link a drawing, but you are no longer allowed to pin to a drawing. STEP 7: After you select Add Document, it will pull up the drawing you selected for you to place your pin. STEP 8: Zoom into the location of where you need to place the pin, Select Done after the pin has been set on the page. STEP 9: Complete the rest of the issue with the pertinent information, then hit Create. *You can keep creating issues by selecting Create another issue, this will populate another issue after you hit create. After you hit create and are done creating issues, your issue(s) will populate onto the issue tab in either Document Management OR Field Management.
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Creating Templates
*Swinerton has applied our standard Issue templates to every project. If you need to add additional issue templates, follow this how-to guide. STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management STEP 3: Select Issues from the top tab STEP 4: Select Templates STEP 5: Select Create Template STEP 6: If you want to create a new issue template category, select “Create new category”. *This would be for anything that is not already in the standard issue templates on your project STEP 7: If you want to add a new issue title to a template already created, select the Template Category, find the template you want to add an issue type to and create a new title. *NOTE: Issue Templates is the only location where you set a default due date. If you use a template and the default due date is set, it will calculate your due date based on when you created the issue. STEP 8: Once you are complete with adding the information you want, you can select create. If you want to keep creating issue templates, you can check the box “Create another template”. You can make issues templates Active or Inactive for the project by toggling on or off the Active button. You can also delete Issue templates if you accidently created one that you don’t need.
Autodesk Field Management - Issues - Export Report
*Exporting reports is different than scheduling or running a report – go to Insight for Reports! STEP 1: Open Autodesk BIM 360 website and sign in STEP 2: Select the module selector and click Field Management OR Document Management STEP 3: Select Issues in the upper left STEP 4: Select Export on the far right and select how you want the issues list to be exported (XLSX, PDF, CSV) STEP 5: Name you Report Title, input a message if you’d like and hit create report. STEP 6: Once your report is complete, you can click on download report from the email and it will create your file.